Shipping and Handling

by Sea Salt

Shipping and Handling

According to Octavia’s pocket watch, Lyra was ten minutes late, but according to the clock on the wall, she was seven minutes late. While she was concerned about the accuracy of clocks, Octavia knew Lyra would be here with either a funny or a legitimate excuse. She decided not to outwardly panic, though her mind worried anyway. What if she was lost, or hurt, or...

Octavia held the small red velvet box in her hoof and looked around at the customers. Around her, ponies were eating their fancy meals, most of which (if Octavia’s calculations of the menu were correct) cost as much as eating at a fast food place for a year. However, as she took a deep breath, she saw Lyra abruptly slowing down and straightening her dress.

Lyra calmly walked through the restaurant and Octavia could‘ve sworn she was glowing, though that may have been the lights glimmering on her glazed yellow and white dress. The gems twinkled in the light of the candles.

‘How?’ Octavia thought. ‘How am I the only pony watching her?’ They could all see her. They weren't all blind. However, as she and Lyra hugged, Octavia realized this beautiful mare was only for her to see and the rest of Equestria would have to only hope one day to be as lucky as her.
Sitting down, they looked at their menus. Smiling, Octavia slipped the small box back in her pocket.

“So, why were you late?” Octavia asked. Lyra took a sip of the cider on the table.
“Tavi, you’ll never guess what I found!” Lyra exclaimed. Octavia smiled and tapped her chin.
“I’m going to guess that it’s solid evidence of ‘hupons’ again.”
Lyra snickered. “They’re called humans, and yes, this time I have solid proof!”
Octavia leaned back in her chair, intrigued. “Please, do tell.”
Lyra took a deep breath and began. “Well, you know Old Bones?”
“Yes,” Octavia replied, sipping more cider.

“Well, he’s got some old signs delivered from Horstralia, and they aren’t pony puns!”
“So? They’re ancient. Maybe they didn’t use this cute naming system back then.” Octavia needed to keep this fanciful mare grounded, otherwise, who knows what might happen?
“No, according to records, ponies used to name things based on nature.” Lyra smiled, convinced that this stubborn mare would believe her after this. “It’s humans! I know it! The sign is over 5000 years old, and we are trying to translate it. It’s humans. I know it is.”
“Don’t you think that’s a bit of a stretch?” Octavia sounded concerned.
“No,” Lyra replied.

Before Octavia responded, their dinner had arrived. There was garlic bread and salad for Lyra who didn’t want to dip her hoof too deep in the dangerous world of gourmet food. Octavia was presented with a plate of Baked Camembert.

“How is the concert going, Tavi?” Vinyl inquired. Octavia shrugged.
“As well as is to be expected for a small hall. The crowd seems to like my music, and that’s always a plus.”
Lyra giggled and sipped her cider. “You’re cute when you're funny.” Octavia smiled at her as she went on. “How did you get a booking here? This place is so fancy that Celestia, herself would have to book ahead.”
Octavia shrugged. “My manager bribed them with a concert here.”
Lyra shook her head in disbelief and admiration. “You clever girl. Why would you go to this much effort?”
Octavia smiled, thinking about the ring safe in that velvet box. “Because-and it’s just between us, so don’t tell anypony-I love you.” Octavia leaned forward and kissed Lyra. When they sat down, Octavia took a deep breath and stood up. “I have to go and freshen up a bit.”
Lyra was a bit taken aback. “Oh, of course, go ahead.” Octavia walked quickly to the mare’s room, passing through the restaurant and drawing the attention of several customers. A mare with a red mane and a rose cutie mark spotted her and shouted.

“Hey! Time Turner, look. Hey! Octavia!” A brown stallion put a hoof on his friend’s shoulder.
“Don’t bother her, Rose, she’s here to enjoy herself.” Octavia took a deep breath. She was not in the mood to deal with fans right now.
“But Time Turner...” Octavia and Time Turner sighed at the same time.
“Rose, tell you what, how would you like to see Octavia in Prance tomorrow?” Roseluck stepped back.

Thankful for not having to talk to the mare, she walked into the washroom and took a deep breath. “Okay, you can do this.” Her thoughts were distracted by the sound of her hoofsteps echoing back in her ears. She looked at herself in the mirror and pointed a hoof at her reflection.

“I can do this. I am ready. I am strong.” The ring reflected in the mirror. “Plus, we talked about this. We need this.” Octavia found the wood paneling relaxing, maybe it was the golden oak color.

She reached into the sink and tried splashing her face, but it was too low. She looked around, took a deep breath, and plunged her head in the sink. As the water filled her ears, the outside world was distant in her mind, and even though she had to return soon, this will affect the rest of their lives.

She shot her head out, splashing water everywhere. Taking deep breaths, she dried herself off with one of the restaurants towels. When she looked up, she spotted the photographer, and even though she was probably not interested in Octavia tonight, Octavia brushed herself off and tried to make herself presentable.

“Hello Ms. Finish, what are you doing in this place?” Photo Finish walked to a sink beside Octavia and soaked her hooves.
“I am enjoying the company of a stallion I met. Why were you doing that to your face?”
Octavia sighed. “Just nervous, I guess. I am going to propose to Lyra tonight.”
Photo Finish beamed “That is wonderful,” she said. Octavia smiled and nodded, but Photo Finish noticed her nervousness. “Are you nervous or excited?”

Octavia shrugged. “Both, I guess. I mean, we talked about it, and we both want it.”
Photo Finish dried her hooves in the other sink. “Then what has caused your ambivalence?”
“I guess it’s just a big step, and there is more to marriage than love. There is the financial side, and living together, and shared values and space. It’s a huge step.”
“I think you should just do it! Be brash! And if she says yes...” Photo Finish gave her a card. “Call me when you buy your dresses.”
Octavia took the card. “Thank you. I think she prefers suits”
“Fantastic! It will be beautiful darling. The hug isn’t entirely necessary.”
Octavia let go and chuckled. “Sorry, just excited. I will see you around.” Octavia slipped the ring in her pocket and walked out.
Photo Finish shook her head as the door closed behind the excited mare. When she was alone once more Photo dried her hooves. “I hope that DJ and hers are happier together.”

Octavia smiled. As she walked through the restaurant, everything seemed calmer. She sat down, ready for the rest of her life, looked at the pony in front of her, and said the only thing that she could.
“Vinyl? What are you doing here?” she asked. Octavia noticed that Vinyl Scratch looked a lot different than when Octavia had seen her perform. For once, her mane wasn’t gelled, and she wasn’t wearing her glasses. It was odd seeing her in a place like this.
“Waiting for you, obviously.” Octavia sat down, confused.
“Why?” Vinyl Scratch leaned forward and rested her chin on her hooves.
“This is a game, isn’t it? Okay. Because I thought you wanted me to.” Vinyl smiled, ready to play this weird game.

“Where is Lyra?” Vinyl leaned back amused at Octavia’s question.
“This game is weird. I don’t know, with Bon Bon probably.” Vinyl replied playing along the best she could. Octavia sat down as Vinyl leaned in.
“Why is she with her?” Vinyl Scratch didn’t like this line of questions. “Why would she just leave? Where is she?” Octavia stood up and shouted, to the casual concern of the ponies around them. “LYRA!” Octavia looked around and then back at Vinyl. Vinyl for her part, was in the middle of jealousy and concern.
“Why are you shouting? Lyra isn’t here.” Vinyl Scratch leaned forward
Octavia sat down. “Where is she?”
“Are you okay Octi? You seem confused.”
Octavia closed her eyes. “Tell me why you are here, Vinyl.”
“Well, this cute musician with a sexy bow tie was like ‘want to come to the fanciest romantic restaurant this side of Equestria?’ I am being both flattered and in love said. ‘Okay’ and here we are.”
Octavia stood up again and backed away. “No, this is wrong. You shouldn’t be here, Lyra is.” Vinyl was taken aback. “Is there something going on between you two I should know about?”
“Obviously yes! I’m dating Lyra, not you! What in the name of Celestia is going on?”
Ignoring the calls from the DJ, Octavia ran through the restaurant and out the front door.
As she ran out of the restaurant, Octavia found herself in what looked like the front desk to an office building. The room was cream paint with wood flooring. An earth pony with glasses was typing on a typewriter. She looked up and gestured.
“Don’t just stand there, girl, come in and close the door behind you.” Octavia, still in shock, closed the door and walked forward.
“Where am I?” Octavia stood in front of the desk as the old mare went back to typing.
“You are at Ship Fic. Welcome. Is there a problem with your ship?”
Octavia thought and replied. “I don’t have a ship.”
The old mare looked annoyed. “Your relationship. Is there anything wrong with your relationship?”
“Yes!” Octavia exclaimed. “Lyra is missing and Vinyl thinks I’m dating her.”
The mare went to an owl resting on a perch. “There was probably a mix up. Hey! Wake up, you lazy bird.” The owl shook awake and the mare gave him a letter. “Take this straight to management and pester them until they respond.

With that, the owl took off, flying down the hall with the letter in her claws. After that, the mare turned back to Octavia. “We will get this sorted out in no time. You should take a seat until then.” Octavia, feeling uncertain, but glad something was being done (even if she didn’t understand it), took a seat.

She looked around the office. She was the only one there, except for the old mare who helped her. Octavia didn’t remember ever walking past this building, but it must be close if she came here by accident. After 15 minutes of utter boredom and casual nervousness the owl flew back in.
“Come here, girl.” Octavia walked over to the desk.
“What does it say?”

The mare handed the note to Octavia.

Dear Ms. Melody,
We apologize for the mix up and will of course make everything to your satisfaction. However, there are some issues we have to talk with you about first. So please come to office 251 for assistance.
Best Wishes,
C. R. Hagen

“To get into office 251, you will have to get to the 5th floor and turn left. You can take that machine.” The mare pointed to an elevator. “It uses levitation magic, the latest thing from Manehattan. Just press the button. It’s wicked.”

Octavia thanked the mare and walked to the elevator. As she waited for it, she re-read the letter. She wondered what this meant. Where was Lyra and why were Vinyl and her were apparently dating? She stepped onto the elevator and pressed the number 5. As it floated up, the thought occurred to her that this was a dream. It was either that or reality itself was just breaking the rules.

As she stepped out of the elevator, Octavia walked down the hall. She wondered how many ponies have had a similar experience with their loved ones. Perhaps this was why Rainbow Dash adopted Scootaloo, or even how all relationships happed. Even if they were the reason Lyra and her started dating, they can’t just change that on a whim.

Facing the door, Octavia knocked and it opened. An alicorn sat at the desk with a huge smile on her face. She was the same size as Celestia, with cream fur and a strawberry red mane and tail. She had a typewriter and photos of all the ponies in Ponyville and Canterlot. Each photo had a string attached to them, which was connected to another pony. There were also labelled, like siblings, parents, children, cousins, lovers.

“Hello Octavia, is there a problem I can help you with?” she asked. Octavia continued to look at the wall behind her with all the ponies.
“Yes, I hear that you are the pine- You’re an alicorn? I thought Celestia and Luna were the only ones,” Octavia asked.
The alicorn smiled. “I created them, along with most ponies. This is not why you have come, though, so please”
“You are responsible for what happened to Lyra.” The alicorn faced the wall with the ponies and touched Lyra’s photo.
“I see she is dating Bon Bon. They are so cute together, don’t you think?”
Octavia was starting to feel the anger building in her, but remained composed. “She was dating me.”
“I am afraid that is impossible. Lyra and Bon Bon are OTP. Can’t change that.”
“I don’t care what you say or what letters you throw around. This is my life, and you can’t just change it!”
The alicorn walked to her desk. “How do you still remember, anyway?” Octavia held up a ring. “Oh, you were going to get married. That’s cute. Can’t change it now, though, so give me the ring.”
Octavia backed away. “No. You are going to put me back in my life, and forget all the rules.”
“I can’t, I’m sorry. Once an OTP is established it can’t be changed. The only way you can be happy is if you accept it.”
“No.” Octavia backed to the door.
“You can leave, but you won’t be happy unless you get rid of the ring or give it to Vinyl.”
The alicorn's eyes were sad. Octavia could tell she wanted to help, but she didn't care and left with the ring.
The street was busy and Octavia was alone, sad, and hopeless. She sat on the corner and
Vinyl Scratch sat beside her. Wrapping her in a foreleg, Vinyl sat there, as Octavia’s eye filled with tears.

“There’s no way back. I can’t go back,” Octavia whispered between sobs.
“You’re with me. I love you.” Vinyl Scratch wiped away the tears. “Do you just want to go home?” Octavia didn’t reply. “Come on, let’s get out of here.” Octavia put the ring back in her pocket and went with her.

5 Years Later

In a large office in Ponyville, Octavia lay on a pink couch while a white wolf sat on a chair beside the couch, wearing a tie and holding a clipboard. She was distracted by some books and the ticking clock.

“So, Ms. Melody, how is your family?” The wolf smiled patiently.
“They’re fine, Dr Wolf. The kids are a hoofful but can’t complain.” Octavia tapped her hooves together.
“I hear you are getting married. That’s a big step. How do you feel about that?” Octavia laughed a little. “What? What is it?” Dr Wolf asked, amused.
“‘How do you feel about that?’ is so cliche,” Octavia replied. Dr Wolf replied with his own laugh.
“Perhaps, but it is important. Are you still having dreams about Lyra?” Octavia grew more quiet.
“The memories are becoming more vague now.” Octavia glanced at the box on Doctor Wolf’s shelf. “They said if I give up the ring I will forget her all together.”
“Do you still think you need these ‘memories’ of Lyra now?”

Octavia thought back to her memories. The ones with Lyra were being confused with the ones with Vinyl, and vise versa.
“I can’t tell what’s real anymore,” Octavia replied after a long pause.
“Do you believe you could let go of your imagined life?”
Octavia bit her lip and stopped tapping. “Yes. I need to move on, and if this doesn't work I will keep coming here.”
“Then,” Dr Wolf continued. “I believe we are ready for the final stage.” He gave her the ring. “Get rid of this however you want. Throw it away, sell it, do anything you want, just make sure you never see it again. If you can do that, you are ready to move on.”
Octavia took the ring. “Thank you, Dr Wolf.”

Octavia arrived home before Vinyl had returned with their children Sweet Melody and Record Rotator. She was looking at the ring, and decided that today was the day. She opened the window, and at 2:45pm threw the ring out into the world. At 2:46pm, Octavia closed the window, and wondered who had left it open while it was snowing. She chuckled and went into the kitchen to make hot chocolate.

After about 30 minutes, there is a knock on the door. Taking a deep breath, Octavia stood up to see who it was.

She opened the door and their children ran in to play. Vinyl walked in with the saddlebags.
“Sorry honey, didn’t have my key,” Vinyl said plopped the bags on the floor. “You okay? You seem tired.”
Octavia nuzzled her. “I couldn’t be better, Viny” There was a crash in the kitchen and Vinyl chased after it.
“What the hay happened in here?” Vinyl levitated the broken plate.
“Sweet Melody did it. She was running, and then…” Vinyl looked at Record Rotator who stopped immediately.
“Now she broke the plate? Are you sure?” Octavia watched Vinyl speaking respectfully to the foal. Record nodded slowly. “Was it an accident? Did she mean to?” Sweet Melody walked to Octavia and whispered “I didn’t do it.” Octavia nodded and held a hoof in front of her mouth.
“No, she didn’t mean to, but mum.” Vinyl shook her head.
“She didn’t mean to, and she seems sorry, and it’s not like she lied about it, did she hon?” Vinyl asked Octavia.
“She wouldn’t lie. She’s a good filly. Only awful, naughty fillies and colts would lie,” Octavia replied. According to Record’s teacher, he was laying a lot in school, so they had practiced this to see if that will slow it down.
“They are?” Record looked really nervous as Vinyl nodded.
“Oh yes, horrible things happen to liars,.” Vinyl announced.
“L-like what?” The four year old foal was very nervous.
“They have toys taken away, and chocolate milk is replaced with strawberry milk.” Record gagged. He hated strawberry milk.
“But what about for breaking a plate? What happens if I did that?” Vinyl pretended to think about that.
“Octavia, what do you think happened then?”
“Well? Hmm, I suppose if it was an accident, and he told us it was, we could forgive him.”
“It was an accident. I’m sorry.” Vinyl nuzzled him.
“There. Problem solved. Now who wants to go flying?” The 2 Pegasi bounced around excitedly, as they flew around, the adults watched the sunset.