A Light in the Black

by Ask_Dj_faUn

1 - The Beginning

It was a cold night in Equestria. The night sky was filled with sparkling stars, gently shining with the moon. The clouds moved slowly across the open skies and a gentle breeze whispered across the area. Everypony was sound asleep tonight. Not a sound was made in the air. Only the silent whispers of the soft midnight breeze.

But somepony was indeed awake. In the dark forest, a little pony was laying on the ground. It was just a tiny little unicorn. His coat was black and his body was very fragile and weak. The little colt began to lift open his eyes. He just stared for a few minutes, registering his state of mind. His head lifted from the ground and he slowly sat up. It was so cold out here. He quickly began to shiver as the cold air surrounded him. The trees stood high above him and many sounds echoed across the dark atmosphere. He was quickly getting scared. The little pony tried to hide, but his legs were barely able to lift him up. He began to tear up in his eyes as he continued to hear new and frightening noises. He attempted to drag himself towards a tree to hide underneath. He pulled his body over to the tree and dug his way under a root, hiding from the cold and hoping he would be safe.

The little pony stayed awake for several hours, too afraid to even blink. His beady yellow eyes looked around slowly and kept an eye out for anything that might be dangerous. Nothing so far... Maybe it was safe? He cautiously crawled into the open and was eventually able to lift his body from the ground. He looked down to his hooves and watched his legs shake a bit until they could hold him up properly. He took a step forward but suddenly tumbled to the ground again. A small and tiny thud was barely visible to the ear. He lifted himself up again and tried to take another step. A little shaky, but he did it. He took another, but because of his legs still growing, he wasn't able to hold himself up with just a hind leg and two front legs. He fell to a sitting position and then quickly stood back to his hooves. He watched as he took one step after another until he was fully capable of walking.

He trotted for a few minutes, going in circles to get used to his legs. His eyes also changed colors. Instead of being yellow for cowardice, they were a light red, symbolizing activeness and will. He was a bit excited to be walking. He looked back and looked at his hoof-prints. He stomped the ground, losing some balance and wobbled in the progress. He lifted his hoof and discovered the same print was there. Today was just a school day for the little colt. He was learning so much. He learned how to walk in just a few minutes, he learned what his tracks looked like. He was actually having fun.

As much fun he was having, he felt like something was wrong, maybe even missing. He looked around himself and began to think. He never really explored beyond this little area he found himself in. He curiously looked in the distance. He cautiously traveled out of his little home and began to explore this strange place. His eyes, now a light indigo, which was helping him from being scared and to keep exploring, looked all over himself, viewing everything he could spot. Up ahead, he saw something new. It was on the ground and looked like it was in the air as well. He cautiously approached the thing and circled around it. The floor was very different now, compared to the rest of the area. He moved up, just an inch away from touching this new and strange thing. He looked it up and down, examining it with great curiosity. He could see through it as well. This only made him more and more curious.

"What is this? It looks so strange..." He thought to himself. He sat down and raised his hoof up. A bit hesitant, he slowly moved his hoof forward, placing it in the thing. His hoof felt... Different. It felt a bit strange. A good strange. He placed his other hoof forward, bringing both hooves into the thing. His balance shifted as he used both of his front hooves into the thing. He fell forward, his balance been off as he only sat on his hind legs, and fell forward and letting his front half rest inside the strange something. Nothing happened. He sat up in the center and looked around. Everything just seemed so strange. This one little spot on the ground felt so much different to what he's been hiding in. His eyes looked down towards his body. It changed too. It was... Warm. He felt warm. He looked to the treetops and up where the thing was coming from. It made his eyes squint. He looked away from it and then walked out of the strange thing. He loved this thing... whatever it was.

He soon heard something, turning his head towards it as it rang softly into his small perked up ears. With an ever growing curiosity, the colt went off to discover what made that strange new sound. Upon his presence, he found something new. He examined the area and saw that the thing he found earlier was here as well. It was now moving around on the floor... The floor was moving as well. This was strange. He cautiously moved closer, but his hoof fell into something. He looked down, startled by the sudden happenings, and looked down at his hoof. It wasn't on the ground... It was in it. This part of the ground was different too. His hoof next to him was sitting on soft and fertile ground as his other hoof was in a cold and strange acting ground. It remained the same even with his hoof in it. It moved more than it did before, but it mostly stayed the same. He lifted up his hoof , taking it out of the chilling embrace of the alien-like thing and watched it act strange again. His hoof still had some of the thing on him. It was very cold, colder than it was before he moved it from the something. It was... Wet? Yes, wet! His hoof was wet. He could see something as well. It was in the... Water? That's right. Water. Something was in the water. He leaned in closely, hoping to get a better look at what was down there. He saw himself. His ears, his glowing eyes, his coat and nose. He saw himself for the very first time. It was kinda cool.

The colt started to feel as if he knew these things from somewhere. He felt like he had learned these things before. That thing he found before. It began to nag at him, making the little pony want to remember if it was possible. It was… something called. Light... It made him warm... Warm light... Cold water... He remembered those things. What else did he know? He traveled around the area some more, curiouser and curiouser about everything he saw. He was just fascinated. He wasn't so scared anymore. In fact, one could most likely say he was fearless now. He always hid under that one tree, frightened to see what might be out there, scared to go far beyond the safety from under its roots. But now he was brave and venturing further and further from the comfort of his home. He was also pretty happy. He walked on and explored some newer areas, discovering even newer thing with each step. He never thought he would be in such a big place. It was so huge. But he was so tiny. He didn't even mind that. He just wanted to explore this wonderland he woke up in.

After a long and exciting voyage the colt grew tired, slowly starting to yawn as his body gradually drained itself out over the past few hours he explored and discovered. He gave another silent yawn and turned back to try and return to his tree. He then had a chilling thought... Which way did he come from? Where was he? He didn't remember where he came from... He started to worry... He didn't know where he was. He was lost. How could he sleep? Where could he sleep? Who would be there to keep him safe? Where was his tree? The fact he couldn’t find the way back to his tree scared him. He was… lost. Hopelessly lost. He tried to go back, but he wasn't sure if that was the right way. Which way can he go? He was so scared now. He tried to follow his tracks, but it was so dark and he could barely see where his hoof-prints were. Maybe the light could help him. But where was it? He wasn’t able to go back. He can’t go back. He felt so lonely. His eyes changed to a light blue. The blue of isolation. He was afraid now. There wasn't anything to keep him warm. Nothing to protect him. He shivered and looked around... Wait, what's that? Is that light? It looked different. It wasn't shiny like last time, but it was some sort of light either way. He walked over and looked at it, seeing that the ground was not a bright as it should have been made. He looked up and could see more. He was able to look into the sky, spotting a huge white thing up there... He moved into the light and looked around himself. This light... It didn't make him warm. He stayed the same. Cold. He looked at the white thing some more. It was lovely. It shined nicely around him, lighting up some of the ground he stood on, similar to the other brighter light from a while ago. Maybe it could look after him as well? He slowly laid himself down and relaxed, laying in the gentle light. His eyes slowly closed and he went to sleep.

The night went by smoothly for the tiny colt. He easily woke in warm light with a tired sigh. He slowly sat himself up and shook off his tiredness with a good yawn and shake. He noticed the warm light was back and smiled. He loved that warm feeling it gave him when he moved into it.

"Where did the cold light go?" He thought to himself. Maybe he could find it. He decided to go out and look for it. He traveled all around, traveling far and wide for almost an entire hour in hopes of finding it. Sadly, it was not to be seen. He couldn't find it. Just the warm light. He didn't mind the warm light, but he was curious as to where the other light went.

Just then, the colt felt a pain... His body didn't feel good. He was hungry... He had to eat. What was he able to eat? The little black colt looked around for a bit... He remembered that he could drink water... But there wasn't any nearby. His stomach howled again and he whimpered a little. He searched a little more and soon spotted some small flowers and pondered. Was he allowed to eat flowers? It seemed right... He went over to the flowers, examining their beautiful colors and sniffing the magnificent smells. He slowly took a pedal and nibbled on it, testing its flavor. He found it, to a surprise, very pleasing. He finished the petal before going to the other flowers and eating them as well. He finished in a few minutes and felt that he was still pretty hungry. What else was there to eat? He looked around and searched for something, even a few more flowers.. There wasn't a single piece of food around.

"There must be something I can have... But where can I find something to eat?" He wondered as he continued to travel. But wait... Up ahead... There was light... A lot of light. He moved out towards the light and found himself awestruck at what he was looking at. It's someplace new. What is this place? The light was almost everywhere. Some places didn't have light. But still, look at all of the light! He cautiously left the darkness of the forest and came out into the open. The little colt instantly felt the warmth of the light. It felt good... But that thought was quickly replaced with hunger. He had to eat something... Maybe there was something here he could find? He began to move further out and look for food. Just close by he spotted a tree. It was very big. It had these red things hanging from high above. There were some yellow and red and green ones as well. They looked like food... Maybe it was food. He approached the tree and tried to reach up. He was too small, his tiny hooves barely lifting him to his hind legs. He couldn't reach the food. He kept trying either way. He found a stick nearby and started to throw it at the tree.. No, that didn't do anything. He was only able to find a stick with some leaves on it... Sadly, he decided that was going to have to work. He took back his stick and started to try and bite into it... No, that wasn't working either. He looked at the leaf on the stick and went to eating that instead. He laid beside the tree and worked on the single leaf he was able to find. It wasn't the best tasting thing, nor was it the most filling, but at least he ate something... And because he was small, he was able to keep going for a little longer.

The wind gave a small gust and caused an apple to fall from the tree. The apple fell close by the young pony. He flinched and quickly stood up, ready to flee... Wait… a red thing fell down. He calmed down as he saw what it was. It was the food from the tree. Seeing nothing else around, he took the apple by the stem with his teeth and slowly dragged the huge apple into the shade the tree gave and relaxed ash started to eat.

He finished the huge red apple and went on to explore some more. "That feels much better." He sighed happily. The black colt looked all around himself as well as over his head. This place had a bigger sky... It was much higher and brighter. It looked really pretty too. He watched as white things moved high above him. Those were... clouds. Puffy fluffy clouds. He remembered those too. He sat down and watched the sky, finding it to be very relaxing. He let his eyes drift and eventually close.