A Bad Day to Fish

by FlashKenshin77

43 - Recovery and Surprises

        Martin walked out of the hospital, AJ at his side. He was nearly good as new, bandages covering his hoof the only sign of his injury. He took a deep breath of the warm air, smiling as he looked up at the cloudless blue sky. “It’s wonderful to be out that building again.”
        She nodded. “Bout time they let ya out, ya were better hours ago.”
        He hugged her tightly. “Well you made it a lot more bearable.”
        “Ah thanks sugarcube.”
        “Well how about we get back to the farm aye?” he asked and raised a hoof to shield himself from the sun.
        “Aye,” she said and led the way back.
        He followed her, his leg still aching. “So what has everypony been up to lately? Didn’t really see too many ponies in the hospital.”
        “Well whatever you two did sent shockwaves everywhere, or something like that. Twi’s been studying’ the after effects, trying to fix whatever broke. Dash is at some Wonderbolt academy thing. Pinkie… well, Ah don’t know what she’s up ta. And Rarity is busy with the boutique like usual.”
        He nodded. “Aye… and Michael n’ Fluttershy?”
        She scratched her chin. “Not sure; last time Ah saw them, he was helpin’ her carry supplies back to the cottage.”
        He smiled. “Guess I could pay them a visit some time. But at least I got to see you while I was at the hospital.” He kisses her cheek. “And I hope you know I appreciate it a lot.”
        She blushed and adjusted her hat. “Well somepony has gotta try and keep ya in one piece.”
        He chuckled. “Aye.”
        She flicked him with her tail. “Come on, let’s get back to the farm. Ah’m sure we got chores waitin’.”
        He followed once more, walking close to her as they made their way through the crowded town. A dust cloud erupted not far away from them and he turned to look at it, eyebrow raised. “Umm…”
        “What the hay was that?” she asked.
        He shrugged and the pair walked towards it, the cloud dispersing. In the faint remains of the clouds lay Michael and the CMC, coughing. Martin looked at them, surprised. “Michael? Good ta see you, but what are you doing?”
        Michael looked up, coughing. “They’re,” he pointed at the CMC, “trying to get me my cutie mark apparently. Glad to see you finally out of the hospital.”
        Martin nodded and leaned closer. “You know you got yourself in quite the mess, aye?”
“I figured that out... “ He waved at AJ. “So what are you two up to?”
He shrugged. “Not much, just getting back to the farm.”
        “Oh that’s cool-”
        “Come on Michael, let’s go try seeing if yer cutie mark is in mountain climbing!” Applebloom said and grabbed Michael’s hoof, pulling him away.
        “Guess I’ll see you later!”
        “Be careful!” AJ said.
        “I thought you didn’t like heights?” Martin asked through a chuckle.
        “Try and tell them that!”
        Martin laughed and waved goodbye before he turned to AJ. “So, back to the farm.”
        She was trying not to laugh, holding a hoof over her mouth as the two continued walking.
        “So what has Big Mac been up to? He still with Cheerilee?”
        She nodded. “Yup, finally got enough courage ta ask her out for Hearts and Hooves Day.”
        He grinned. “That’s nice, when is that anyways?”
        She tapped her chin. “Ah think it’s next week.”
        He nuzzled her cheek. “I’m sure we’ll figure out something. aye?”
        She chuckled. “Ah hope so, we got a week. If things calm down…”
        “Aye…” The pair grew silent till they arrived at the farm. “So is there something we need to do? Any chores?”
        “Ah don’t know, let me go check with Granny Smith. Sit on the couch and Ah’ll be right back.”
        He watched her walk away and sat down. He closed his eyes and placed his hooves behind his head and leaned back, relaxing.
        Martin? AJ asked. “Can ya come up here fer a second?”
        He sighed and got up. “On me way, he said as he made his way upstairs. Where are ya?”
        “Ah’m in mah room.”
        He arched a brow and walked into her room. “I thought ya wanted to check if we needed to do any chores?”
        “Ah did, and she said she didn’t want ya to hurt yerself so she said we could have the day ta relax.”
        He made his way into her room. “That was mighty nice of her.”
        AJ grabbed his hoof and led him to the bed. “Now just lay down and Ah’ll try and help ya relax…” She said seductively.
        He blushed and laid down on the bed. “O-okay…”
        She turned pink and took off her hat. “Ah’m not so good at massaging… so Ah thought Ah’d try something else…”
        He smiled and looked into her eyes. “I’m sure whatever you have planned is just as wonderful as you look.”
        Her face turned a deeper shade of red as she hopped up on the bed and kissed him passionately.


        The week flew by, everypony trying to recover from the two earthquakes. Princesses Celestia and Luna came by and talked to Martin, Michael, and Fluttershy what had happened. Along with Twilight and a few other unicorns, the group explored the ruins, trying to figure out the cause. They found the lantern, and the princesses were saddened by the loss, but knew it was for the best.
        Now, however, with the loss of Death, the balance had been uplifted and the princesses were at a loss of what to do. Discord came up with a clever idea and disappeared for a long time, coming back with no details as to what he was up to and ‘Death’ had returned.
        Ponies got ready for the big day, along with plenty of shops and restaurants. Michael and Martin both planned their day out, and prepared their wallets. Michael had a crazy idea and began to work on it, getting just what he needed and prepared himself for the big day, the others unaware, save Rarity.


        Finally the big day arrived and Fluttershy and Michael had reservations at Outside Gardens, waiting for the right time. Five o’clock rolled around and Fluttershy and Michael were ready and left, making sure Angel was in charge. They walked together happily, bumping into Twilight and Dr Whooves, who were heading to a particular spot in the park. Martin and AJ also showed up, heading out to the pub.
        Michael wore a tuxedo, a surprise hidden in his suit, that he nervously kept checking. Fluttershy wore a flowing green dress, almost see through, that Rarity just happened to make ‘for such an occasion’.
        The restaurant wasn’t crowded, only a few couples taking up the tables. They sat down at a corner booth and ordered; while waiting for the food, they chatted and exchanged small gifts for the day. A while later, the food arrived and the two fed each other a little of theirs. Finishing their food, they relaxed in the same booth, resting against each other and listening to some ponies play a familiar song that neither could place.         
        Fluttershy sighed happily and smiled at him. “It’s so wonderful here…”
        “Yeah, it’s great being here with the pony you love, eh?” He wrapped a hoof around her waist.
        She blushed more and kissed him. “I couldn’t be happier.”
        He blushed and nuzzled her cheek. He took a big gulp of wine and grabbed her hoof, getting up.
        “She looked at him, confused. “Umm… Michael?”
        His face went redder. “F-fluttershy, before I met you, I was a wandering soul, ready to die and not care about the aftermath.” He smiled faintly. “But then I got stuck here and somehow, me and you sorta got stuck together… and I haven’t looked back. Through everything, and I’d say it’s been quite the ride.” He chuckled. “You’ve always stuck by me, no matter what...”
        She smiled. “I feel the same way, I was alone but we found each other…”
        “Somehow…” He continued his hoof shaking as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box and put it on the table in front of her.
        Her jaw dropped. “W-what’s that?”
        “Remember when Twi accidently transformed me into a colt? Well, I went scuba diving with the CMC to try and get our cutie marks… and I saw it. O-open it please…”
        She hesitated for a moment before she slowly opened it. Her eyes widened once she saw a shiny silver pearl, surrounded by several gleaming rubies. She grabbed it, her hooves shaking badly. “M-Michael…”
        He held one of her hooves. “F-Fluttershy, will you be my w-w-wife?” he asked, stuttering as his face went red. Suddenly the entire room was silent, everypony watching in anticipation.
        She looked at him, her eyes watering and didn’t say anything. She flung herself at him, wrapping her hooves around him. “Yes!” she yelled happily, tears running down her face.
        He smiled, tears falling as the entire restaurant went up in an uproar, ponies applauding. He kissed her, everypony smiling.
        She hugged him tightly, a few tears hitting his coat. “Shh… it’s ok…” He whispered, rocking her back and forth, kissing her cheek.
        She kissed back and smiled, her eyes glittering. “I-I never expected this…”
        “What can I say? I like keeping ponies on their hooves?” he faintly smiled, looking at her.
        She pulled him closer and kissed him passionately. He kissed back, holding her and ignoring everypony else. After they broke the kiss, he stared into her eyes. “Remember when we first met, and I was lying on the ground with a broken rib?”
        She nodded.
        He nuzzled her snout. “Still the most beautiful mare I’ve seen.”
        She blushed and looked at the necklace. “It’s beautiful… This must’ve been so expensive…”
        “Actually not as bad as I would’ve thought, Rarity helped me on this one.” He smiled.
        “I have to thank her later…”
        “So do I, so do I.” He motioned at the necklace. “W-want me to put it on?”
        She blushed more and hoofed him the necklace, turning around. He moved her mane out of the way and undid the clasp. He put it around her neck and clicked it together, making sure it was locked before fixing her mane and kissing her neck.
        She turned around and kissed him gently. He kissed back, smiling. The waitress came by and picked up the plates, leaving the bill as she left, shaking her head.
        Fluttershy ended the kiss and looked at the bill. “Oh my… that’s expensive… Maybe we shouldn’t have chosen that wine…”
        He chuckled and hoofed her the remaining bits. “Here, let me help pay. I was the one that got the most expensive thing on the menu.”
        She smiled and nodded, taking the bits as he got up, helping her up as well. They paid the bill and the pair walked home, Fluttershy beaming as she proudly showed the necklace off. They finally got home and Michael took off his suit jacket and hung it up.
        “Stupid thing…” He muttered.
        She kissed his cheek. “We’re gonna be married….” She squeed happily before she paused. “We still have to tell the others…”
        “Do you think we should try and get them together tonight or wait till tomorrow?”
        “I-I think we should wait… We should let them have Hearts and Hooves day to themselves…”
        “Yeah… I’d feel bad for interrupting their day…” He chuckled. “To think, I’ve always hated weddings because I had to dress up in a suit.”
        She grabbed his hoof. “As long as we stay together, I don’t care what you wear.”
        He laughed and kissed her snout. “Don’t worry, I’m sure Rarity and Martin will make me wear it anyways..”
        She giggled. “You look good in a suit though…”
        He shuddered, his wings rustling. “I hate suits…”
        She smiled and kissed his chin. “I promise you can take it off after the wedding…”
        He sighed and rolled his eyes. “Fine… just for you, I’ll wear the bloody thing…”
        She smiled wider. “Yay…” She said her catchphrase.
        He shook his head with a smile as someone laughed. “Aw… How cute…”
        They turned to the sound of the voice and Discord laid on the couch, drinking something. “Discord?” They both said together.
        “What are you doing here?”
        “Just checking up on the two love birds…” He grimaced and saw the necklace. “Why I do say that’s a beauty...  hehe… Be a shame if something were to happen…”
        “If anything does, I’m going to get the girls to turn you back to stone.”
        “Oh pff…” He looked at Fluttershy. “Your fiance has no sense of humor…”
        She faintly smiled and held Michael’s hoof. “He was only teasing…”
        Discord got up and stretched. “Well as much as I want to bovver a certain pegasus, I should let you two ‘celebrate’, eh?” He chuckled. “Congrats Fluttershy, Michael.” He said, laughing as the two’s faces were bright red and disappeared.        
        Michael coughed and turned away to hide his blush. “Yes, well… ahem… w-what do you wanna do now?”
        She wrapped her hooves around his neck and looked him in the eyes. “Well the day isn’t even close to being over… and we should celebrate…” She paused, her face getting redder as her eyelids seductively lowered.
        “But how should we-oh…” He said, his wings popping out as his face got red. “Well… er…”


        Hearts and Hooves day was finally over and everypony went back to normal. Any pony sadly hit with love potions or any of that kind returned, and a few days went by before the newly engaged decided to tell. They called the others to meet at the library, and Fluttershy and Michael sat in the lobby, whispering to themselves as AJ, Twilight, Rarity, Dash, Pinkie, Spike, and Martin were all having a discussion. Fluttershy stared intently at the ground. “I-I guess it’s time we tell them…” She gripped his hoof tightly.
        He gulped. “I-I guess.” He looked up at the others and cleared his throat. They paused and looked at them. “H-hey guys, we have something to announce…” He said nervously, their faces red.
        Martin tilted his head. “Alright then, we’re listening.”
        “Well… me and Flutters… are en-engaged.” He muttered.
        Everypony’s eyes widened. “W-what?” Martin asked, shocked.
        Michael nodded as Fluttershy showed off the necklace. “I asked her yesterday… and she said yes.”
        Martin got up and walked over to them. “Congrats mate!” He pulled him into a hug, lifting the pegasus off the ground. The others followed suit and hugged both Michael and Fluttershy.
        They blushed more as the girls starting talking amongst themselves, mostly Rarity. Michael gulped, the girls circled around Fluttershy.
“Who’s gonna be your best man… stallion?” Martin asked curiously.
“Well… I was wondering if you would.”
        Martin cheered and hugged him again. “Yes! Course I’ll be.”
        Michael sighed, his face red. “Good, cause I didn’t know who else to ask… maybe Spike?”
        They looked at Spike, who was busy staring at the rubies on Fluttershy’s necklace.
        “I doubt he’ll be looking at anything but those all day.” Martin chuckled.
        Mike grinned. “Hey Spike!” he called, and walked over to the small dragon.
        Spike jumped slightly and looked at the pegasus. “Don’t scare me like that.”
        Mike sat down next to him. “Wasn’t intentional…” He paused. “Hey Spike?”
        “Wanna be my second best man?”
        He blinked, surprised. “M-me?”
        “Of course, who else would I want besides you and Martin?” he asked with a small smile.
        He took a deep breath. “Don’t cry Spike..” He muttered to himself. “Y-yeah!”
        Mike pulled him into a hug. “Thanks buddy.” He let go and held out a hoof, which Spike bumped with his claw.
        Michael smiled and got up, rubbing a hoof across his face as the girls continued to chatter with Fluttershy.
Martin grinned at his friend. “Can’t believe it… you’re getting married mate.”
Mike nodded, looking tired. “Yeah… neither can I.”
        “And I thought you’d never be brave enough to ask anyone..” He chuckled. “Guess time changes us all.”
        “Aye… not even sure how I did… just sorta happened.” He shrugged. “How about you and AJ?”
        Martin laughed. “Oh no. Definitely no. At least not yet. Course I love her, but that’s a huge step you’re making. And more than half her family doesn’t even know about me yet.” He shook his head. “How’s that gonna end?”
        Michael gulped nervously. “Well… we talked about telling her parents…”
        “Aye? Is that a problem?”
        “They don’t know about us…”
        “Oh…” He thought for a moment. “Well what’s the worst that’s gonna happen, aye? Not like her father’s gonna kill you. And I’m sure her mother will be very nice. That kindness had to come from somepony.”
        Michael leaned close and whispered, “that’s what I’m hoping for. But I still feel bad about not meeting her parents first.”
        Martin shrugged. “I dunno… I wish I could meet Jacky’s parents…” He sighed. “Fraid that won’t ever happen.”
“That’s what Flutters said..” Mike paused and looked at him. “Jacky?”
“Yes, what about it?”
        They chuckled. “Anyways, do you already know when the wedding’s gonna be?”
        Michael shook his head. “We haven’t planned that far. I’ll let her decide though…” He sighed. “Well..”
        “Something wrong mate?”
        “Nothing… just stayed up late last night thinking…” He stared at the ceiling. “To think, a few months ago, I was looking for an easy way out and you were recovering from her… then we got transported to magical pony land… and we each found a special person.”
        “Aye… it’s been a weird turn of events.”
        “Can’t say I expected this, now can we?”
        “Nah, no one could have foreseen this. At least not our world, sure John might have known. Maybe someone else too, don’t know how this ‘magic’ stuff works. Maybe even humans that used to live in this world, God only knows.”
        “Well… wouldn’t go that far.” He paused. “I wonder if anyone misses us?”
        Martin sighed. “Let’s not talk about it…”
        Mike sat down and ran a hoof through his mane. “I can’t stop… ever since I proposed, I can’t but think of the people back on Earth…” He shook his head. “Maybe I’m going crazy, eh?”
Martin laughed. “What do you mean going? I thought we were both crazy already.”
He smiled and nodded. “Our lives continue here, the future. The past is long gone. Let’s focus on what lies ahead so we can assure it’s safe for those we love, aye?”
“Aye…” Michael looked up at his friend. “But I can’t help to ask, would you have?”
“Would you have gone back after the month?”
Martin sighed and looked up. “Depends… if some things wouldn’t have happened… maybe…”
        Mike nodded. “That’s what I assumed, but I had to ask.”
        “But I’m happy with the way things are.” He smiled. “And I’ll try and make sure you and the others are safe. Cause that’s the way I prefer it, all of ya out of danger.”
        Michael smiled and chuckled. “Us? Out of trouble on this planet? I highly doubt such a thing exist... “ He sighed. “Sometimes I feel like Krillin here..”
        “What would I do without me meat shield?”
        “Seems you do perfectly fine without me.”
        “Na, I need ya. Yer me best mate, basically me brother. I would die to protect you, almost did but you caught the dagger for me.”
        “Oh fun times, I’m still a bit hazy there…” He scratched his head. “I remember seeing John, then something with his lantern exploding…”
        “It was loud… there was a lot of blood, my blood… ummm yeah. It was bad.”
        “Yea, things that happen to us, I’m sure would make for good television, eh?”
        “Yeah, I’m sure little children would love to see ya fall down the stairs a few times.”
        “Pfff, it’s what I’m good at.” He looked at the girls, still gossiping, well, mostly Rarity. “They’re a real blessing, aren’t they?”
        Martin nodded. “Yeah… well as long as they don’t pull a dagger out of my leg and make me lose a few liters of blood… yeah. They are a true blessing.”
They are a true blessing.”
He rolled his eyes. “At least you got to keep the leg. Without Twilight, we’d still be wandering the forest… or dead.”
“Yeah… guess we owe her our lives.”
        “I’m sure we can repay her somehow. But first we have to worry about that wedding of yours and you surviving the meeting with her parents.”
        They laughed. “I’m sure it’ll go over well… I mean, at least I have semi-good health insurance.”
        “What’s health insurance?” He chuckled.
        “Hmm… good point.” They chuckled to themselves. “I think Redheart will kill the next one of us that gets hurt.”
“I think she might get a little annoyed with us at one point.”
“Well we did practically live in the hospital for the first few weeks, at least I did.”
        Michael sighed. “Well… I guess the next big step in my life is fast approaching.”
        “And I’m sure you’re ready for it.”
        “Me too… I think it’s time I settle down… I’m not built for all this fighting…”
        “That’s for sure…”
        “Hey! I’ve never fought with a dagger before.”
        “That was painfully obvious.”
        “Well excuse me princess…” Michael grinned. “You’ll be there to help right?”
        “Of course mate, can’t get rid of me that easily.”
        “Good… imma need all the help I can get.”
        Martin laughed and patted his back. “I’m sure you’ll be fine. Now come on, we got plans ta make.” Martin pushed Michael towards the group.
        “Oh joy…” Michael muttered, the two of them joining the conversation.
        He walked over and took Fluttershy’s hoof, smiling at her as she leaned over and kissed him. Everything will work out… He looked over his assembled friends and smiled, all of them smiling back. Yeah… everything will be fine.