A Bad Day to Fish

by FlashKenshin77

41 - The Gauntlet Thrown

        The sun had started its descent, the cloudless sky turning from orangish pink to a muted blue. The moon was brightly visible, and shone just above the horizon. It was quiet at Sweet Apple Acres, AJ and Martin on their way back to the house, his fur covered in coal. “And Big Mac is out with Cheerilee?”
        She laughed. “Eeyup, they’re gettin’ ready for Hearts and Hooves day.”
        He grinned. “Aye,” he glanced around, noticing the lack of a certain filly. “I haven’t seen Applebloom all day, where is she?”
        She smiled and glanced at him. “Michael got stuck watching them. Apparently they’re out helping him get his cutie mark. Poor stallion…”
        Martin chuckled. “That poor guy…” They got to the house and he opened the door for her. “I thought I’d never get to relax… Forge ain’t going easy on me.”
        “Really? What’s he makin’ ya do?”
        “Shovel piles of coal.”
        “How’s that goin’?”
        He looked at his fur. “Depends on what you consider ‘good’.”
        She patted his fur and some soot fell off. He nuzzled her, the tip of her snout covered in soot. She moved it, trying to get it off. She failed and inhaled it instead, her following sneeze loud.
        He chuckled. “Gesundheit.”
        She looked at him blankly. “Um… thanks?”
        They walked inside and Granny Smith was fast asleep in her rocking chair, slowly rocking. He went into the kitchen, grabbing a quick drink before plopping on the couch. She turned around, looking at him. “What do ya think yer doing?”
        “Now Ah ain’t Rarity but yer filthy. Go hop in the shower and when yer done, we’ll make some dinner.”
        He looked at the couch, partially covered in soot. “Oh, sorry…” He quickly got up. “I’ll make it up to ya later.”
        She giggled. “Ah’m sure ya will, now git goin’.”
        He walked towards the stairs as she turned away, bout to go into the kitchen. He snuck behind her and grabbed her shoulders. “How about I make it up to you now?” He began to massage her.
        Her legs wobbled and she conformed to his hooves. “N-not here…” She managed to say and stopped him by grabbing his hoof with her tail.
        He chuckled. “Are you sure?” He shook his hoof free and continued.
        She tried to glare at him. “Let’s go to so-somewhere more relaxing…” She murmured, trying to avoid him.
        He paused surprised. “Oh… ok.”
        She wrapped her tail loosely around his neck and led him to her room and jumped on the bed. “Ahh… much better.” She looked up and flung her hat so it hung on its hook. “So what are ya waitin’ fer? An invitation?”
        He jumped onto the bed, the shower long forgotten as he continued to massage her. “That good?”
        She moaned and buried her face into the pillow as her body relaxed. “That feels amazing…”
        He chuckled and continued for a few more minutes. He stopped suddenly and hopped off the bed, taking a look at his fur. “I hope you enjoyed that but now it’s really time for a shower…” He looked at her back. “You might need a shower as well,” he said on the way out.
        She seemed to be asleep, lying motionless on the bed.
        He chuckled and went into the bathroom, turning on the water. Once it was warm enough, he hopped in sighed in relief as it hit his dirty fur. He whistled a tune as the water continued to fall on his head.
        The bathroom door creaked open and shut, the handle locking as AJ came into the shower. “AJ?” His eyes widened and his face turned pink.
“Well ya said Ah could use one too.” She chuckled and nuzzled his cheek as the warm water poured over both of them. “Ah may need some help ta was mah back…” She murmured seductively, her lips meeting his.


AJ started to dry off, the shower off. “It’s been a long time…” She smiled.
He leaned forward and kissed her cheek. “I can only tell you it was just as great for me…” She blushed and finished drying off as he shook himself dry like a dog. “Aye, we should do that again sometime, if ya want to of course.”
“Oh you bet, get ready for round two later.” She winked and opened the door, and walked out.
He smirked and glanced at her flank before he followed her out. “Aye…” He followed her downstairs and together, they made dinner.

        It was just past one in the morning, AJ and Martin dead asleep, the cowpony using the former human as her own personal pillow. He was dreaming a particular dream with AJ when it suddenly changed into a large room. It was submerged in complete darkness, and he squinted to see. He could just make out a pair of stone chairs on top of a small pedestal,stairs leading to them. He hesitantly walked up the steps. “Err… What is this? Hello? Anyone there?” He yelled, his voice echoing in the darkness.
        “Ah Martin, its a pleasure to see you again.” A voice rang through the room.
        An eyebrow rose. “Again? You don’t sound familiar.”
        The voice laughed. “Ah yes, I forgot you humans need light to see…” He smacked his hoof against the ground and torches sprung to life around the room. A pony sat on the throne, wearing a white robe.
        Martin paused. “Still not ringing any bells… Um, maybe you could tell me where we met or something?”
        He chuckled. “Oh dear, let me see if I can help your memory.” He said as the battle at the desert flashed through Martin’s mind.
        Martin opened his mouth to say something but wasn’t sure what to say. He raised a hoof, only to lower it again. “Wait…” he tapped his chin. “Weren’t you that guy…” A little bulb briefly appeared over his head. “Of course! You’re that Diable’s bloke’s father! Aye?”
        He paused for a moment before laughing. “You’re even slower as a pony. Yes, I’m Diable’s and Metaonia’s father.”
        Martin chuckled. “Sorry mate, I’ve had other things on my mind…” He paused. “Wait, aren’t you the leader of the UEA?” He asked and narrowed his eyes.
        “What did I warn you about before…” He smiled. “I guess you could say that though...”
        Martin stared at him blankly. “Oh… ohhhh…. OH!” Thanatos raised an eyebrow. “Oh, oh shit… Am I like.. lucid dreaming or something?”
        Martin tilted his head. “You mean that weird mind thingy? Sheesh, well alright... A bit unexpected. Where are we anyways?”
        “We’re at the old princesses’ fortress in the Everfree. Well I am at least, you're just an astral projection at the moment. A ghost, if you will.”
        Martin looked at his hoof. “Wow… So… what do you want?”
        “I was just wondering if you wanted to end this pointless war. It pains me to see so many ponies die for nothing.”
        The former human looked at him, surprised. “Oh… well, of course I want to end the war you started. What do you propose?”
        “You and Michael come here alone the day after tomorrow and the three of us will end this war one way or another. Pretty simple I think.”
        His eyebrow shot up. “Err… what do you mean?”
        “Well you’re more of a fighter… and I know Celestia wants to end the war, so I say we fight. Winner take all.”
        “And what if we don’t come here? Cause that seems like a load of crap to be honest.”
        “Then you won’t be able to save Luna.”
        “Save Luna? Why would she need saving?”
        “You’ve seen the medallion she made your friend wear?”
        He nodded. “Aye.”
        “Do you know why?”
        He shook his head. “I only know a bit about it…”
        “It seems as if he tried to back out of their deal... and she forced him to wear it. If he removes it, he dies.” He shrugged. “I’m sure he didn’t like spying on you or the girls.”
        Martin stood there for a moment, trying to process. “Uh… so he dies if he takes it off? That’s really shitty but why would Luna make him wear it?”
        “I’m assuming she doesn’t trust him if it came down to having to eliminate one of you.” He said, waving a hoof dismissively. “Have you heard of Nightmare Moon?”
        “Read a bit about her when I tried to find out about Discord.”
        “Then you know she was bonded with Luna.”
        Martin tapped his chen. “Yeah…”
        “I believe she’s back and I know how to get rid of her. But that’s what I’m putting on the table.”
        Martin held his head. “Slow down a little, I’m really having problems understanding all of this… just, keep it simple.”
        He face-hooved. “Reminds me of dealing with that cross-eyed mailmare…” He sighed. “Nightmare Moon’s return means the end of Equestria.”
        Martin nodded. “Continue…”
        “And she’ll possess Michael if she believes that you or any of the Elements are a threat to her plans.”
        “Which means he’ll die.”
        Martin caught up quickly. “Oh god, that’s terrible… And why do you want to fight?”
        “Because I know I won’t be able to persuade Celestia or Luna to surrender their power. So we’ll make it a high-way duel; if I win, I get Equestria, if you two win, I’ll tell you how to rid Luna of Nightmare Moon forever and get the medallion off your friend.”
        Martin thought for a moment. “Any… restrictions of some sort except it just being Michael and me?”
        “You can’t tell anypony of our deal or where we’re meeting, but I assumed that was self explanatory. It has to be just you two, no Elements.”
        “I can bring any weapon of some sort if I so desire?”
        “I don’t see why not, want to give you any chance you can… just no Vaahala.”
        He hoofed the ground. “Aww… Haven’t seen him in awhile…”
        “I like my room undestroyed and that dragon likes collateral damage…”
        Martin nodded. “I guess, he’d absolutely wreck this place.”
        “You have no idea how much it’d cost to fix.”
        He chuckled. “And this is all just in me mind or something? Wait, can you read my mind?”
        Thanatos grimaced. “I can if I focus hard enough, but I’ve seen where your mind is and I’m not a fan of cow ponies.”
        Martin’s jaw dropped. “Wait… don’t tell me you know what I did before we talked?”
        “As soon as you appeared here, I did.”
        “Well… this is awkward.”
        “You have no idea.”
        Martin’s face turned a deep shade of red. “I-I hope you know how to respect privacy.”
        “I try but its hard to ignore since you’re practically shouting it in your mind. I’m sure Celestia heard it in Canterlot.”
        His face went redder. “I-I...  mate, not cool.”
        “Not my fault you don’t know how to be quiet.” He sighed. “I swear, you and Michael need to learn how to keep your mind quiet.”
        Martin shuffled his hooves nervously. “Come on pal, you’re making this worse by the second.”
        He laughed. “You think that’s worse, the thoughts in your mind when she pulled out the rope was horrible.” He shuddered.
        Martin’s face was bright pink. “Ok, I-I know that was pretty bad and stuff, but would you please leave me mind alone now? There is some other stuff I’d rather not have you see…” The dream from a few days ago resurfaced. “Oh no…”
        His face paled. “What you and that mare do, I don’t want to know. Just tell Michael about my offer and if you accept, I’ll see you two in two days.” His horn glowed before Martin was back in the room with AJ, her gentle snores echoing in the room.
        Martin stared at the ceiling. “Oh my god… I never wanted anyone to know about that dream…” He turned over and smiled. “I’ll have to talk to Michael as soon as possible…” He closed his eyes and tried to go back to sleep.
        Over in Fluttershy’s cottage, Michael sneezed, his eyes slowly opened. He rubbed his nose and went back to sleep, cuddling up with Fluttershy.


        The sun was starting its ascent, the sky turning back to orange for a moment. Martin was lying next to AJ, a goofy grin on his face. He kept muttering things best left unsaid about them. Applebloom opened the door, the hinges creaking as she peeked into the room, zipping to the bed.
        “You like it right there, don’t ya…” He muttered with the same grin.
        Applebloom titled her head before she took a deep breath. “Good mornin’ you two!” She yelled.
        Both of them shot up as Martin’s eyes widened. “I SAID NOTHING!”
        AJ looked at him weirdly as Applebloom smiled before turning to look at Martin. “Who like what were Martin?”
        His face turned bright red. “Umm…”
        “Martin, what she talkin’ bout?” AJ asked.
        He looked at AJ, the dream coming back into his mind. “Oh… uh… nothing…” He leaned close to her. “I’ll explain later,” he whispered rapidly.
        “Ok…” She said and gave him an odd look as Applebloom zoomed out of the room. AJ yawned and stretched as she made her ways towards the door. “Ah could use another shower…”
        He got up after her. “May I join?” He asked with a smirk.
        She chuckled. “No funny business, everypony’s here this time.” She said and flicked his nose with her tail.
        The two of them headed towards the bathroom and Big Mac walked out, holding a newspaper. “Mornin’.”
“Morning mate…”
“How’d you two sleep?” he asked, raising an eyebrow when AJ slipped passed and into the bathroom.
Martin smiled at him. “Pretty good,” he said before following AJ into the bathroom. She was already in the shower and he stepped inside and kissed her cheek. “How’d you sleep?”        
“Great, you?”
He paused and thought about telling her about the dream. “Me too,” he lied and grabbed the soap and rubbed some onto her back. “I’ll be visiting Michael later today so don’t expect me at the farm to soon after work.”
“Alright, what fir?”
He washed his mane. “Just gonna talk, maybe go to the pub.”
She turned around and helped him. “Alright, just be careful ok?”
“Careful? You know me AJ.” He kissed her. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back this evening at the latest.”
        “Alright…” she said and kissed back. “If ya so so…” They finished up cleaning and she turned off the water, stepping out of the tub and threw him a towel as she dried off.
        The both dried off and headed downstairs, the two going to the kitchen. Martin sat down as AJ placed a plate of hash browns and pancakes in front of him. “Aye, thanks a bunch!”
        She placed another plate next to him and Applebloom materialized, gobbling it up. Martin matched her in speed and got up, rinsing the plate off in the sink.
        He kissed AJ goodbye. “I have to go to work, see ya’ll later,” he said, and left the farm.


        The day went by fast, the sun just starting its descent into high noon. Martin walked over to Fluttershy’s cottage and knocked on the door a few times. “Hello? Fluttershy? You there?”
        Something fell behind the door as a pair of quiet hoofsteps headed towards the door and it opened slowly, revealing two sapphire eyes. “H-hello?”
        He smiled at her. “Aye, how are you?”
        She smiled when she realized who it was. “Oh Martin, I-I’m ok… how are you?”
        “Quite good. Is Michael here? I need to talk to him.” He noticed the locket around her neck. “What a lovely locket.” The light reflected off the well-polished metal.
        She blushed. “O-oh… um… thanks… Michael gave it to me… and um… no, he’s at the library with Twilight.”
        “Splendid, well it was nice seeing you again Fluttershy.” He waved goodbye and headed back into town.
        “Goodbye Martin…” She said quietly and shut the door behind her.
        He got to the library and opened the door before looking around. “Michael? You here?”
        Michael stood in the middle of the room, his mane poofy and smoking. His fur was matted and charred, the remains of his tail smoked. He turned and coughed. “Hey Martin.”
        Martin busted up laughing and fell to the floor for a few minutes. When he could, he finally staggered to his hooves. “You look like you been stuck in a toaster or something! What happened?”
        “Twilight needed a test dummy…”
        “Hahaha, my god mate. You shouldn’t sign up for everything!” He smacked his friend in the back and chuckled. “Listen mate, I need to talk to you…”
        Mike coughed up smoke. “Yeah? And I really didn’t have a choice, Celestia ‘asked’ me to.”
        Martin shook his head. “Maybe you can relax later, aye? I’m sure Fluttershy can help you with that. Anyways, when may you leave cause it’s quite important?”
        He blushed. “Yeah, I’m sure she’s gonna be mad…” He looked around. “Twi, anything else you need?” he yelled.
        “No you can leave, be careful!” she yelled down.
        “See you tomorrow!” Mike turned to Martin. “Well, I’m ready whenever.”
        Martin patted him on the back again. “You look like you need a good pint of beer.”
        Mike shook his head. “You know I don’t drink… well, I didn’t.”
        “Didn’t aye? Well now you do! Let’s get going Michael.”
        “Oh goody…” He muttered as they headed to the pub. The two walked inside the modest pub, ponies huddled around tables as a brown coated unicorn in a white shirt served from behind the bar. Several waitress waited on the ponies inside, pausing when they walked in and smiled. “What is this place?” he whispered as they walked towards the barpony.
        “This is where I’ve gone with AJ. But let’s not think about that now.” He sat at the bar, Michael taking a seat next to him. “Two pints of beer please.”
        “Could I have some water too?” Mike asked, his voice quiet.
        The barpony gave him an honest look before he grabbed a glass of water and the beer. Martin grabbed the beer and took a big sip, foam covered the tip of his snout. “Now, I need to talk to you about something rather important.”
        Mike pushed the beer away and grabbed the water, taking a sip. “Oh?”
        “Well… this guy; Thantos, Thinto, Tictacs? I forgot his name…” He leaned closer. “He’s the leader of the UEA. We talked and we’ll have to meet him in two days at the old castle in the Everfree.”
Mike raised an eyebrow. “I think you’ve been drinking a bit too much Martin…”
He shook his head. “Nope mate, he did some weird mind stuff and talked to me after AJ and I had s-” He stopped, his face going blank.
Mike paused, taking another sip. “...I don’t wanna know…” He sighed. “So why do we have to meet him?”
Martin coughed nervously and blushed. “Uh… o-okay… Anyways, he wants to end the war. So we’ll have to face him in a fight. If he wins, he’ll get Equestria but if we win, he’ll help us with Luna and that medallion of yours. And before you ask anything,  if you don’t get rid of that thing, you’ll die.”
“I kinda figured that…” He went silent, drinking his water. “Any restrictions?”
“Well… only the two of us are supposed to go there. Nothing else, we may take any weapon we desire.”
“Just us? Why?”
Martin shrugged. “Well, I don’t think I asked him that…”
Mike sighed. “So any weapons? I don’t think I have any...”
“Don’t worry, we can just borrow some from Forge. And some armor...”
“I don’t know, I think I’d be a liability in a fight.”
“Well, I guess you could be a cheerleader.”
Mike glared at his friend. “Didn’t work out so well last time.”
Martin chuckled. “I’m sure we’ll figure out something, anyways, we mustn’t tell anyone else, aye?”
“...No one?”
“No one. That clear?” Mike was silent, staring into his water. “Michael?”
“I got it, I got it.”
Martin smiled and downed the rest of the liquor in one gulp. He slammed the glass on the counter and dropped a few bits on the wood. “Come on mate, finish up.”
Mike gulped the water and put a few bits on the counter as well. “Alright…”
Martin looked at the untouched pint. “Ya ain’t drinking that?” he asked before grabbing it and chugging it down. “Nothing beats a good pint, aye?”
“I guess…”
They got up from the bar, Martin’s face a tad red. “I hope I’m not tipsy, we both know how I get when I’m drunk…”
“Yeah, and this time I’m not cleaning up your mess.” Michael chuckled and wrapped a hoof around his shoulders. “Come on, let’s get you home.”
Martin nodded. “Aye…”
They stumbled through town and made their way back to the farm. They walked up to the porch and Martin smacked his head against the door. “Oops…” He muttered with a chuckle. “Thanks mate, we should meet at the library before we go into the forest.”
“Alright sounds like a plan… just take it easy ok? We’ll meet at sundown.” Mike said, making his way back home.
“Sundown? Ok mate, see ya in two days…” Martin went inside the house. “Hey everyone, I’m back again.”
Mike chuckled and walked back to the cottage. Fluttershy sat on the couch, drinking tea when he got there. She got up and smiled as she headed over and gave him a kiss. “Hello Michael.”
He smiled and kissed back. “Hey Flutters, how’s your day been?”
        She turned around and sat down on the couch. “Just the usual, yours…” She trailed off, just getting a look at his coat. “Oh my… w-what happened to you?”
        He scratched the back of his neck. “Twilight decided to test how effective electrical surges were on the nerves.. . and she needed a test subject.” He sighed and walked over to the couch and sat down, curling up to her and rested his head on her stomach.
        She gently ran a hoof through his mane. “Would you like some tea?”
        “That’d be great…”
        She kissed his cheek as Mike leaned up and went into the kitchen. She came back moments later with a cup filled with steaming tea, a few green leafs dibbled in the red liquid. “I hope you’ll enjoy it. I mixed some herbs with the tea, it always helps me relax.”
        “Thanks,” he said and took the cup. He blew off the steam before taking a sip. His eyelids grew heavier as the world slowly twisted and turned.
        She smiled. “You already look much better.”
The stress seemed to melt away. “W-what is in this?” he asked, voice slurring.
        “Just some dried Green Dragon blossom. It’s also used as medicine.” She walked into the kitchen and came back with some wrinkly green blossoms.
        “Huh…” He slurred. “Then I wonder why…”
        “I-Is everything alright?”
        “Everything looks funny…”
        She giggled. “Well… that’s a side effect. Don’t worry, it’s harmless.”
        “Oh…” He chuckled and opened his hooves. “Then that makes me feel better…” She hugged him tightly and he sighed. “Can’t we just stay like this…”
        She giggled and pulled his head closer to hers, looking into his eyes. “Don’t worry Michael, the side effects will go away soon.”
        He smiled and kissed her. “Ok…” She nuzzled him before taking a sip out of his cup. He took another drink after her. “That’s really good Flutters…”
        She smiled. “I made it myself…”
        He leaned over and kissed her neck. “Well I really like it…” He yawned and relaxed against the couch, closing his eyes. She rested her head on his shoulder. “So what are you doing tomorrow?”
        She tapped her chin. “I have to go to the market and get some things. I have to treat Mrs. Blackfeather, her wing got worse again. Apart from that and the usual, I have nothing else planned.”
        “Oh, sounds like a fun day.” He chuckled.
        She smiled and nodded. “And you?”
        He shuddered. “Twilight wants to test some anti-gravitational pull thingie spell on me.”
        She hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek. “I’m sure she’ll go easy on you.”
        He twitched. “I hope so…”
        She let go and drank the rest of his tea before glancing at the clock and got up. “It’s getting late…” She said, taking the cup and headed into the kitchen.
        He followed and walked up behind her, nuzzling the back of her neck. “I’ll do the dishes before I leave with Martin.”
        “Oh? Where are you two going?”
        He froze. “W-well, before work. He wanted to laugh at my misery…” He lied nervously.
        She looked at him, noticing how he was acting. “Oh… okay… Tell him he shouldn’t laugh…”
        He faintly smiled. “Come on, let’s go to bed…”
        She nodded and after saying goodnight and checking on the animals one final time, led the way upstairs. She laid down in bed and pulled the covers over herself. He quietly sighed and joined her, snuggling up to her and rested his head on her shoulder. “Goodnight Flutters…” He kissed her cheek.
        She kissed back. “Goodnight Michael...” She closed her eyes and hugged him close.
        He kissed her once more before snuggling behind her, closing his eyes and wrapped his hooves around her stomach.


        The sun was starting its rise as Michael groggily opened his eyes, seeing nothing but pink. He blinked, untangling himself from Fluttershy as she slept peacefully, a small smile on her face. He quickly hopped in the shower and went downstairs, cleaning the dishes and started to get breakfast ready.
        A while later, Fluttershy walked down the stairs and yawned. “Michael?” she asked, her voice sleepy.
        “Yeah?” he answered, the toaster popping. He grabbed it, juggling it as it burned his hoof and put the bread on a plate.
        He passed her the plate, she smiled and put the plate down before leaning forward. “How nice of you…”
        He leaned forward and the two were about to kiss when an slightly hungry rabbit hopped on his back and pointed at his mouth. Michael sighed. “I know Angel, I was just getting there…” He muttered before grabbing carrots out of the fridge
        Angel hopped on the table as Fluttershy tied a napkin around his neck and Michael put the bowl in front of him. He grinned at the two and began shoving carrots into his mouth.
        Fluttershy sat down and grabbed a slice of toast. Michael walked back to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of orange juice, along with two glasses. He poured some for each and hoofed her a glass before grabbing some toast and sat across from her.
        She smiled and drank some. “When do you have to go to work?”
He took a bite and looked at the clock. “Not for another hour or so…”
She nodded and ate some more. “Want some help feeding the animals?”
“Well, o-only if you want to of course…”
He smiled. “Don’t worry, I’d love to help.”
She smiled and they continued with their breakfast.


        “See you soon,” Twilight said as Michael left the library. His mane was messed up, pieces of shredded paper buried within.
        “Hey Michael,” Martin said and walked up to him with a big smile. “How are you? You look.. rather messed up.”
He glared at his friend. “Never… never ask Twi for help.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Uh… why?”
        “Cause she’ll destroy the library and use you as a rubbish bin.” He said, his eye slightly twitching and the two walked away.
        “Oh sheesh… How about a pint? Or something to drink in general?”
“I’ll take some water, I’d rather avoid alcohol.”
Martin shrugged. “Well okay. Wanna go to the pub and get something?
“Sure why not…”
Martin cheered and led the way. “So, how was work aye? Assuming it was the way you look, I guess rather unpleasant?”
“Well not to bad to begin with. She wanted to test some artificial anti-gravitational pull theories that some unicorn named Star Swirl was working on or something.”
“Ok, doesn’t sound that bad.”
“Yeah it was fun being free of gravity without using my wings.” He chuckled. “Then I asked if she had any books on ancient structures and that’s when she had a panic attack when the book wasn’t in the right place and tore the library apart with me and Spike in the crossfire.”
Martin laughed. “Sounds great mate.”
“Oh yeah, real swell.”
Martin chuckled and the two walked inside the pub. They walked up and sat at the counter. “One pint and a glass of water for me friend.” Martin said to the barpony before he looked back at Michael. “So? What did ya find out about the castle?”
He sighed and looked at the counter. “Not much was known about it. Said somepony named Clover the Clever built it for the Princesses.”
Martin nods, the barpony sliding the glass of water for Michael and putting the pint in front of Martin, who drank it. “Aye.”
Michael thanked the barpony and sipped his water. “Also seemed that no pony truly explored the entire thing, save Clover and the Princesses. Said that it went for miles underground.” He closed his eyes, trying to remember. “Then there was those missing guards.”
Martin turned and looked at the pegasus, eyebrow rose. “Spooky ghosts?”
“Aye, apparently a squad got lost in the catacombs and weren’t heard from again.”
Martin chuckled. “Geeze mate, ya trying to make me chicken outta it now or what?”
Michael laughed. “After everything thats happened, didn’t think you’d be afraid of some old ghost story.”
“Aye…” They were silent, enjoying their respective drinks. “So how are things going with Fluttershy?”
Michael blushed and took a big sip of water. “Pretty good, nothing too exciting happened since I took her for a date the other day.” He looked away. “May have accidentally mentioned it though..”
        Martin’s head dropped onto the counter and he grunted. “Oh come on mate…” He looked up and glared. “Does she know?”
        “No and it was on accident. Mentioned I was leaving earlier than usual… thought she’d assume I meant for work.”
        Martin sighed in relief. “Well alright then. And that date? Where’d you go?”
        “Some cafe that Rarity said was really good.” He chuckled. “Was too…”
        Martin smiled. “Sounds great…” He leaned closer. “And afterwards? Must’ve been romantic, aye? Did she… repay you in anyway?”
        Michael blushed heavily. “Well… er…” He coughed and took another drink.
        Martin grinned. “Aye?”
        Martin chuckled and patted him on the back.
        “How bout you and AJ? How’s that going?”
        “Darn well mate, ya wanna know how often?”
        Michael stared at him before shaking his head. “No! No, I’m good.”
        Martin laughed and took another sip from his beer. “Wouldn’t have expected anything else from ya.”
        “But if I had said yes…”
        He shrugged. “I would have told ya.” Michael facehooved. Martin laughed again. “You’re me best mate here, I trust ya with me life.”
        “Same here, but do you really want to discuss our sex life?”
        “If ya wanna…”
        Michael sighed. “I’m good.”
        Martin downed the rest of his beer and paid for their drinks. “So we’ll meet tomorrow morning at sunrise or what?”
        “Sounds like a plan, in front of the library?” Martin nodded. “Then I’ll see you in a few hours.” Michael said, waving goodbye before heading towards the cottage.
        Martin waved goodbye as well and snuck back into the pub.


        The sun had barely reached above the horizon, the sky slowly turned from black to orange. Martin opened his eyes and yawned, AJ was still asleep, her head resting on his chest. He smiled and carefully picked up her head and rested on the pillow. He left the room and quickly washed his face in the bathroom. He went downstairs and into the barn. He put his armor on and strapped his sword on his back. He walked through town, trying not to creep out by the deserted streets.
        Michael was waiting at the library, his mane a mess and a pair of saddlebags around his waist. He yawned and looked up, noticing his friend approaching.
        “Hey mate, you ready? he asked.
        “As ready as I’ll ever be…”
        Martin nodded. “Aye, guess I’ll lead the way?”
        Mike sadly nodded. “That’d be a good idea.” He said, looking towards the cottage.
        Martin rolled his eyes. “Michael! We should focus on getting there first. Afterwards, we can have fun aye?”
        “Sure…” He whispered.
        Martin led the way through town until they reached the outskirts of the forest. “Here, take this just in case.” He grabbed a small leather belt and gave it to Michael, a dagger in its sheath.
        Michael looked at the dagger wearily and attached it to the saddlebag. They stared at the forest, its silence eerily unnerving.
        “Okay mate,” Martin said and walked into the forest.
        Michael paused and looked back at Ponyville. He shrugged and followed Martin, not noticing a pink tail following them.
        They wandered through the forest, the sun slowly rising but no light could pierce the thick layer of leaves between them. After awhile, they paused at a small river. “Do we know where to look?” Martin asked, drinking some water.
        Michael looked at the trees, trying to get his bearings. “I think its not much farther, maybe another click or two.”
        Martin nodded and moved his helmet a little. “Alright then, you ready or do you still need a moment?”
        Michael finished drinking. “Ready whenever you are.”
        Martin smiled and continued to lead the way. They walked for a few hours before he paused and looked around. “Did you hear that?”
        Michael’s ears flicked. “Just faintly, it’s probably just an animal.”
        Martin walked towards a bush and moved the leaves aside. “Something was here…” He looked at a pair of hoofprints in the mud. “Hmm…” He looked around the bush and saw nothing. “Let’s keep going mate, don’t let your guard down.”
        Michael nodded, walking in sync with his friend as the pair looked around. Time passed as they slipped and fell into mud several times. Martin looked up a few times, hoping to see the sky.
        “I wonder how long we’ve been here for…”
        “Hold on, I have an idea…” Michael said slipped his saddlebags off before he flew through the canopy, basking in the sun. He looked around and saw the castle. At the rate we’re going, it’ll be another hour… He landed and shook his head. “We got about another hour or so… And it’s a little past ten.”
        Martin sighed. “Past ten already? Well we better get going. Lead the way mate, don’t worry, I’m right behind ya.”
        Michael nodded and slipped his saddlebags back on and started walking. They were silent, trying not to disturb the forest any more than necessary. After a while Michael leaned towards Martin. “You get the feeling we’re being followed?” he whispered.
        Martin glanced around, his ears straining to pick up any noise. “Hmm… aye…”
        “What do you want to do?”
        “Not sure, there ain’t much we can do.”
        Michael nodded and continued on. They finally stopped at the remains of a rope bridge.
        Martin looked at his friend. “I hate rope bridges…” He looked at it, his face paling.
        “Y-yeah… I don’t like heights... “ Michael peered over the side. “You wanna go first?”
        “You can fly.”
        “I was afraid you’d say that…” Michael gulped and took off his saddlebags, hoofing them to Martin. “I’ll be back…” He said and flew across the bridge, fog rolling in.
        “Michael?” Martin asked, the fog hiding everything.
        “Yeah?” he squinted through the fog, his hoof dragging on the rope.
        “Was just making sure you’re still there. That fog looks like ya could easily get lost.”
        “Very… Hey, I think I passed the-” He stopped, staring at the castle.
        He ignored Martin, getting closer. The fog parted around the castle as it jutted out of the trees, the area surrounded by the gorge. It was dark and eerie, cobwebs covering the place. A once tall tower lay on the ground, snapped in half. Windows were shattered and curtains billowed in the dank breeze. Debris and the remains of broken glass littered the front, a door hanging on one hinge.
        Martin could just faintly see it. “Jesus Christ… that place is a fucking mess!”
        Martin hesitantly stepped on the bridge, grabbing the saddlebags and gulped. “Alright, let’s do this…” He slowly made his way across, the wood creaking and bridge moving with the wind. Michael watched and waited, just in case he need to catch him. Martin finally got to the other side. “Sheesh… don’t wanna do that again.”
        “Well if we live, you’ll have fun doing it again…” He licked his lips. “Ready?”
Martin nodded and took out his sword, checking it one final time before putting it. “Aye, you want me to lead the way?”
“Sure…” He pulled out the dagger and held it close.
        “Don’t worry mate, I’m sure we’ll do fine…” He walked inside first. It was dark and cold, a chilly breeze going through the ruins. A lit torch hung in the middle of the room, waiting. “Looks like he’s already waiting for us.” Martin grabbed it and led the way.
        Their hooves clopped loudly against the stone floor, the air suddenly going still. A moment later they heard a very similar clop, just quiet. They instinctively turned, weapons at the ready, when something fell, a very loud ‘eep’ accompanying it. A blur of yellow and pink flew by them, launching itself into Michael’s hooves.
        They stared dumbly at her. “Fluttershy?!” They exclaimed together.
        Martin glared angrily at them. “Mate! I thought she didn’t know!?”
        He looked at her before up at him. “I didn’t tell her! I swear!”
        “H-he didn’t…” She whispered, shaking in his hooves.
        Martin moved closer and glared at her. “What were you thinking?” he asked angrily.
        Michael glared at him. “Shh… it’s ok Flutters, but why’d you follow us?”
        She looked at him, terrified. “W-well… I saw you sneak off th-this morning… So I f-followed you…”
        He rubbed her back reassuringly. “It’s ok… You should go home though, the animals are probably worried about you.”
        She held onto him tightly. “I-I’m scared… w-what are you doing he-here anyways?”
        Michael avoided looking at her. “Just meeting… a friend.”
        “A-a friend?” she asked, confused.
        “Listen Fluttershy, we really can’t nor don’t need ya here. It’s nothing personal but you’ll mostly be in the bloody way.”
        Tears threatened to fall from her eyes as he rocked her back and forth, glaring daggers at Martin. “Flutters, we’ll be fine. I don’t want you to get hurt so you should head home…”
        “H-hurt? W-why would I g-get hurt? What are you planning on doing?”
        Michael sighed and looked up at Martin questionably. He shook his head. “Fluttershy, what’s going to happen is none of your concern. I’m sorry but I must ask you to leave.”
        She squeezed tighter. “Look Martin, maybe we can-”
        “Don’t make me use drastic measures.” He looked at Fluttershy. “Please, I don’t want to do anything else but ask ya nicely.”
        It was silent for a moment before Michael sighed and got up. “She’s coming Martin, let’s go.”
        “Mate, he said no one but us!”
        “Since when have we ever listened, especially to diabolical villains?”
        Martin rolled his eyes and hit his head against the wall, taking a deep breath. Okay, alright… Get going then aye?”
        Martin stalked off, Michael making sure Fluttershy was alright and wrapped a wing over her. “Come on Flutters, I’ll explain on the way.” He said, following right behind.


        Another twenty minutes passed before the trio reached the throne room. It was well lit and Thanatos sat on the throne, watching them. Martin threw the torch to the side and glared at him, placing a hoof on the hilt of his sword. “We’re here!”
        “Ah splendid!” he said and got up. “I see you also brought the Element of Kindness, how quaint.”
        Martin rolled his eyes. “Not my fault, she followed her coltfriend.”
        He laughed. “At least his mind wasn’t full of rope.”
        Martin blushed and grit his teeth. “WE don’t wanna talk about that now! That dream was rather ominous and weird, I agree!”
        The pegsai looked at him. “Do I want to know?” Mike asked, raising an eyebrow.
        Martin shook his head fiercely. No! You don’t…” Martin pulled out his sword.
        “Sheesh, somepony’s upset.” Thanatos said, laughing as he made his way towards them. He stood in the middle of the room and his gaze landed on Fluttershy. “Just a warning, I won’t harm her as long as she doesn’t try to attack me.”
        Martin chuckled. “Her? I highly doubt that would ever happen…”
        Michael gulped and kissed Fluttershy before standing next to Martin, dagger held at the ready.
        “You two honestly think you have a chance against me?”
        “Won’t know unless we tried, eh?”
        Michael cleared his throat. “Listen, we don’t have to fight you know, we can talk this out like reasonable peo-ponies.”
        Thanatos looked at him. “So you can honestly say Celestia and Luna would have a civilized chat and step down from power?”
        “Uh… I doubt that'll happen… Yeah, fighting sounds so much better.”
        “You never know, we could at least ask them?”
        “I think they get that often enough…”
        “Ok then, why just us? Why not the Elements as well?”
        “Because you haven’t been corrupted by them.”
        Martin coughed. “Depends what you mean by corrupted.”
        “This coming from the guy that let Discord make him his personal toy.” Thanatos dead panned.
        Martin hoofed at the ground. “Shit happens mate…”
        “But you haven’t lived under their, well mostly Celestia's, rule.” He continued. “All the other ponies only know is what its like with her in charge and they’re afraid of change. So I figured I could convince one of you to get them to open their eyes.”
        “Well our world differs too much from this one. We don’t have rulers like her for a reason… or at least not anymore.”
        “Exactly, you know what democracy feels like, ponies don’t.”
        “Aye, but if they don’t want  to change, why should we force them?”
        “It’s not forcing if they’ll never admit that the monarchy is flawed.”
        Martin stared at him. “Well if they’d want to change they would’ve done it. Every political system has its flaws, but the majority seems to be happy.”
        “Says who? You don’t know that if no pony speaks out. Look how many I gathered.” He cracked his neck and took off his robe. He was easily double the size of Big Mac, covered in strange tattoos. “Since we can’t seem to work it out diplomatically, I think its time we get this charade on the road.”
Both of their jaws dropped. “I thought you weren’t… as… you know…”
He chuckled. “Weren’t what? In shape?”
        Martin took a deep breath. “Whatever…” He gripped his sword tightly. “As long as you don’t use some weird ass magic to shield yourself from blades, this should be possible.”
        “Well sorry to disappoint, but I’m full of that, how’d you phrase it, ‘weird ass magic’.” He said, his horn faintly glowing.
        “Oh well fucking good!”
        Michael gulped and got ready.
“Well by all means, let’s proceed-” Michael flew as fast as he could, sneak attacking him with the dagger.