Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Past mistakes

Beginning of Part 2

I was going to start a new story, but, decided against it. Doing this is so much easier. I'll split this story up after part 6

Chapter 1 (Chapter 126)

September 20th, 2014
Unknown Location
Lance's POV

Always me, huh?

I'm always the one who has to suffer hardship, just so the others can go on...

My heart is full of pain... and suffering...

I try to do the right thing... but... it always turns out to be the wrong thing.

Now.... he's dead... because of my mistake...

[I didn't know... I should have known...]
<I'm so sorry Lance...>

... Please, be quiet...


Shut up, it's my fault! My friend is dead, BECAUSE OF ME! And now this!

Why.... I've done everything to prevent this...

I fought him... I defeated him... but...

Why? Just why?

He was my friend! I told him to believe in me! And look what happened to him! He's gone!

... Because he trusted me...



Why did this happen?

Twilight... why have you done this? I... I though you loved me with all your heart?

I'm sorry... I had to do it... I just had to do it!

But... did you have to do this?

I love you, and you... do this...

[Lance... please, this wasn't your...]

FUCKING SHUT UP! It's all my fault! None of this would have happened if I hadn't agreed to that!

[Fuck it Lance! Think back to the beginning of all of this! If you do, you'll see it wasn't your fault!]

It was! I don't have to think back!

[Fucking do it Lance!]


[You've forced my hoof, I'm going to force us all to relive the past couple of months!]

Break, if you do that...

[To fucking late!]

Memories began to pour into my head, forcing me to relive everything!

Lance's house, Canterlot
May 2, 2014
Lance's POV

"Wakey wakey Lance!" Twilight yelled in my face as she forced me to sit up.

"Wha? Why are you waking me up on a weekend?" I questioned as I rubbed my face sleepily.

Twilight giggled and tapped my forehead, "Remember? You promised to take Spark to the Wonderbolt's air show today."

I chuckled and rolled out of bed, "Yeah, I remember. Where is the awesome little guy?"

"Where do you think? He's been in the living room for the past thirty minutes waiting for you to wake up."

I smiled, "Aww, that's adorable." I chuckled, "And, I'm off!"

"Not before taking a shower first." Twilight said with a laugh as she watched me walk towards the door.

"Do I have too?" I questioned, a pathetic smile on my face.

She smirked, "Yes, you do."

I struck a pose, "Then I'm off to the shower!"

And with that, I ran down the hall and burst into the bathroom.

"Dad!" Fawn yelled as she fell onto her flank at the sudden intrusion.

I smiled sheepishly, "Oops, sorry Fawn... I didn't know you were in here..." I then smirked, "Learn to lock the door."

She groaned and stood up, "Learn to knock!"

"I will when you learn to flush."

She rolled her eyes and trotted past me, "Oh, put a sock in it dad."

Once she closed the door, I, smartly, locked the door.

I walked over to the mirror and looked at myself.

A sigh escaped my lips as I stretched out my prosthetic wings.

[Hey, at least they look a little cooler... right?]
<I miss our real ones....>

I shrugged it off and pulled them back to my side.

I'm already use to them, well... kinda.

After I turned the water on, I just sat down on my haunches outside of it, watching the water splash against the shower's floor.

<You okay, Lance?>
{... Yeah, I'm fine... just... remembering that night...}
[Lance, that was seven months ago, just let it go.]
{How can I? I saw so many innocent ponies die! Remember all the pain and suffering we saw when we returned to the destroyed remains of Ponyville?}
<Yes, we remember, it was horrible. But, we have to move on, for Twilight and the kids sake.>
{... I know, I'll move on... one day.}

I sighed heavily and stood up.

I guess I should get this shower over with and hurry up and get Spark to that show.

A/N: You have to understand this: all of Part 2 will be the flashback. Yes, a hundred chapters of a flashback, all leading back up to the point in which this chapter started on.

All events will lead to what you just read, the first part that is. So, the story will continue as usual, but, you all know it leads up to something.

Any questions? If so, just PM me or post below (I mean questions about this whole plot)