//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: I Can Make You Smile // by PinkiePieFan12 //------------------------------// I was a young filly, around the age of twelve. I was scared, nowhere to go, I had no memory of my past. I only knew that I had to find shelter from the storm that was pouring over my head. I had a map with me and it said the nearest town was Ponyville. So that's where I was headed, even though it wasn't close enough to me. There was lightning and thunder as well as the water that soaked my violet colored mane. I somewhat remembered that my mane was usually wavy and a little curly but the rain made it stringy, and lay on my shoulders loosely. I trotted in the rain cold and freezing from the water. When I suddenly saw a small house. I looked at the ground below me, and on the map Ponyville had grassy fields and dirt paths. When I looked down I realized that the land below was rock, and the house was the only one around the area. I walked closer and saw that there were tons of rocks in piles around the field, like they were meant to be there. Suddenly I heard a noise. "Pinkamena! Get in here now! It's pouring rain out there!" A tall stallion yelled at what I could guess was his daughter. I then walked closer and saw a pink filly with a straight mane and light blue eyes. She hurried into the house in response to the stallion's call. I walked closer finally in full view of all of the surroundings. It looked dull and gray, but so did the rest of the surroundings since I began walking. Soon I heard the voice again. "Hey! Little filly! Are you okay?! Come here?!" The stallion said looking in my direction. I fumbled for words, so I just complied. I ran towards the small home, the pink filly which I guessed was Pinkamena stood next to the stallion. She looked sad and scared, but that may just have been from the storm. "Are you okay? A small filly like you shouldn't be out here in this storm! Why don't you come inside?" The stallion asked. "Umm,... okay," I replied. I didn't know what else to say, plus I really needed to get out of the rain. That's all that mattered. He showed me inside and I followed behind him and the pink filly. He took me to some room which I guessed was the living room. "I'm Igneous Rock," He said motioning for me to sit on the couch. So the rocks weren't a coincidence. They had rock names I guess. I don't know how I knew that. I just did. "What's your name?" He continued. "Umm,... I'm... uh not really sure. I have no memory of who I am really, or how I got here," I answered shyly. That was the truth. Best to not lie, right? Igneous gave me a weird look not expecting that answer. It went back to it's normal emotionless expression soon after. He started talking again. "Well we need to call you something while you're here, right?" He said not as much asking me but himself. "Well you have a lavender coat and a violet mane...how about Amethyst?" He asked. I didn't know how to answer that I thought it was a nice name, I didn't really have any other preferences, but it sounded a little formal. But who was I to judge they obviously liked rocks and Amethyst is a type of gem stone. So I nodded. He gave an assuring glance like he excepted that answer. "This is my daughter Pinkamena," He broke the silence. Pinkamena looked scared at the mention of her name. I gave her an assuring smile and she calmed a bit. I knew how she felt. I didn't know if I was always that shy but one thing I knew was, I was then. "Nice to meet you," I choked out the words just as shy as she was. I felt the thought of rejection hit my mind, and I didn't continue talking. I was too scared to talk. Talking to ponies I didn't know felt strange. Suddenly Igneous broke the trail of silence that followed my response. This startled me and Pinkamena. "My wife and other children are in the kitchen making dinner. You're welcome to stay as long as you'd like. I'm sure they'd love to meet you Amethyst," He said making sure he made a point to get me used to being known as Amethyst. I was bored. Not that I knew what fun was. Just that it was not what I was experiencing. Pinkamena clearly had the same expression on her face, one of boredom. ---------------------------------------- The room was silent still, except for the patter of the rain. Pinkamena had relaxed and was now laying on the couch upside down silently. Although she was relaxed I could tell she still was shy and was scared to talk to me. I felt the same way though, so there wasn't anything I could do to calm her nerves about meeting me. I could easily tell she was bored. I was too, and when you're bored you can tell when some other pony is. I looked around, the room the walls and furniture were both colored in gray or brown hues. I, although being shy, couldn't take the quiet anymore. I began to talk, and as I did, I realized that I wasn't the only pony talking. "Um,...Hi! I was just wondering if you,... uh...wanted to be friends?!" Me and Pinkamena said in unison. We turned towards each other. "How...Did you? Huh?!" We continued to talk at the same time. I tilted my head as a sign she could go first. "Um,...Hi I'm Pinkamena Diane Pie, and I was wondering if,... well you wanted to be friends. Cause I don't want you to feel uncomfortable here. Cause storms last an awful long time, so you might be here a while," She concluded. Her voice was pretty high pitched yet, soft and quiet at the same time it kinda sounded weird yet, comforting. Her voice also had a slight raspy tone, as though she hardly talked. That got me thinking, 'What if she didn't talk much'. That wasn't that bad I guess but, shouldn't a filly be comfortable with talking to her family? "Hi," I began to talk. "Just for introductions sake I'm going to pretend I haven't lost my memory and you don't know my name," I added making sure I didn't make a foal of myself. Although I'm pretty sure that's what happened by saying it. " I'm Amethyst...," I thought about how Pinkamena had a three part name so I decided to try and come up with one. "Nicole...," That seemed right like, I don't know, it was my real middle name maybe? I tried to continue but I ended up zoning out. Soon Pinkamena began to talk again. "Pie," She said. I didn't know what she meant. "For a last name? You can use it if you want," Pinkamena said. I didn't know what to say, Pie sounded better than my other ideas. So I nodded and began again. "Hi, I'm Amethyst Nicole Pie. And I was wondering if we could be friends. A filly shouldn't feel alone or uncomfortable with her own family. And you seem lonely and that makes me sad, so? Want to?" I finished. Pinkamena stared at the floor. She looked like she was both embarrassed and surprised that somepony would care about her feelings. "Um,.. thank you kindly for caring so much about me. And I,... uh yes. We can be friends, if you want to," She said turning back to me. I looked back at her. I had this weird feeling inside me, it felt good but also bad. The good feeling overwhelmed the bad. That must be how having a friend when you're shy feels like. I wasn't sure. I stood up, and walked over to Pinkamena. Then I did the first thing I could think of. I gave her an assuring hug feeling happy to have a friend. She looked at me with a dull but, unsad expression. It was like she wanted to smile but didn't know how. That must've felt horrible. I didn't know how to smile either before I got out of the rain, the fact I had no memories to compare my situation to also made it easy for me to feel happy. When I was out of the rain I felt the sadness I had, lift away with what brought it. My mane was completely dry now. Luckily cause I wouldn't have hugged Pinkamena cause I'd get her wet. Duh. "Pinkamena, Amethyst nice to see you getting along better. Amethyst this is my wife Cloudy Quartz and my daughters, Maud, Marble, and Limestone," Igneous came back into the room. He had left a little while ago to check on dinner. I quickly released Pinkamena from our hug, and sat next to her. The rest of the members of her family were all as dull colored as the rocks they were named after. Making it clear to me that the pink filly felt out of place in her own home. "Honey this is Amethyst I found her wandering around in the storm and she seems to have lost her memory," Igneous continued. I felt just as nervous as Pinkamena did when her father introduced her to me. He pointed me out to four ponies, and pointed out my flaw. "Hi...," I said quietly. I looked over to Pinkamena who looked the same as before. We sat there for a while silent as Pinkamena's mom Cloudy Quartz, inspected me. I felt scared, and all of a sudden the purple elastic in my mane broke as my fear started dampening my mood. Making my, what was poofy mane, fall down over my shoulders. It was still wavy but a lot less so. I looked up to see a face of concern and kindness, although expressionless. It was in her eyes.