The Prince of darkness.

by Winter Rosario

Ch6. Humanity.

Its mine, reasons.

Waking up to the warm sun's rays, was welcoming. It was not a day that went by that I was woken up in this manner. It was way better than an alarm clock. Moving in my new cloud made bed. Getting up to clean my new ship. I stretched like kitten giving a yawn. Sitting on my haunches flexing my little wings and clearing out my eye buggers. Looking around at the Captains den, which I didn't look over yet. It was a large room, a simple desk off in the right corner with a bookshelf filled with scrolls beside it. A night stand to the left side of my bed with a diary on top. At the base of the bed was an old style wooden chest filled with gems, and a closet that was empty till I put my stuff in it. "This room needs decorating," I said slightly bored at the sore eye.

I walked to the closet opening it to grab my weapons. My dagger, my throwing knives now missing a couple. "Ill find them later." My bobby pins. Strapping my stuff up; dagger over my left shoulder hilt pointed forward, throwing knives on my left hind leg, five missing, and my bobby pins in one of my satchels over my right shoulder. I left my bloodstained backpack with my bandana, and other satchel. Closing the door with a slap from my tail, turning around with a smile. I trotted off out the iron door that led to my room to start cleaning.

My new ship was awesome. It was like a regular Us air carrier with some major alterations. It was more symmetrical. The control tower was lowered and flatten out with a circular bulkhead protecting its structure at the centre back. The zeppelin balloon's was hidden where the ballast tanks would be located. 'I found them going through the ship'.They're six fin like metal wings four in the back angled in a 'X' two in front horizontal.Each had six steam powered propellers for speed, two on the front wings in the centre, four in back same as the front. The deck was where all the action was, that's where all the anti dragon canons where stationed. I new my ship guns, from a school project I did. I knew what size they were just by looking at them.The main six canons looked like the Mk. 8. The shell from what I remembered, weighed 2,700 lb (1225 kg) and was designed to penetrate the hardened steel armor ment for ship to ship combat. Based on my research at 20,000 yards the Mk. 8 could penetrate 20 inches of steel armor plate. At the same range, the Mk. 8 could penetrate 21 feet of reinforced concrete. 'I'm such a gun nut. I want guns now.' The ship also came with eight Mk. 13 HC for unarmored targets and shore bombardment. The Mk. 13 shell would create a crater 50 feet wide and 20 feet deep upon impact and detonation, and could defoliate trees 400 yards from the point of impact. Knowing this the shells must be hand made, this ship was the only one of its kind, which I found out after I stole it.

They looked like they're adorned with a golden wolf head design, barrel sticking out its maw. They looked like they were fired from the inside of the metal wolf head that encased them. Along side the hull was the anti infantry canons all twelve of them on each side. They Looked like modified Mk 28 Mod 2 Mount carried two Mark 12, 5in/38cal gun assemblies, probably powered by magicical-hydraulic drives for bearing and elevation, optical sights, automatic fuze setter, automatic sight setter, and an upper handling room with the wolf head design. Each armored twin mount weighed from what I remembered was 170,635 lb. The mount's will need a crew to use them, or they were auto aimed by magic.They jutted out the hull rather smoothly with it looking weird. The the bow was in the shape of a golden wolf muzzle. The rudder was in the shape of a big golden crescent moon and the overall colour was black. This ship was beautiful.

Walking down the halls cleaning up the dead body's from my rampage was tiresome. I was cleaning this ship for ten days now. I'm glad that I had only one room left. The control room. I did take a thorough look at all the rooms and facility's this ship has to offer. This ship has; A full living section with four star rooms, 'which I cleaned out of all personal stuff' each room had a private bathroom. They're is room for five hundred personnel at max. The engine room was of the state of the arch steam powered ingenuity. I can't wait to make it electrical. A rec area with nothing for some reason. A very big kitchen area, with a walk in freezer ten stove tops five grills and a pantree that would make your head spin. A bar. The ammo room, a smithy, and the cargo bay. The halls were well designed, as It looked like I was walking through a five star bunker.

Getting to the control room has a hassle. I had to walk about fifteen flights of metal stairs. I could have flown, but I needed the exercise. Though it made my paw pads a bit raw from the metal. Walking into the control room was what you'd expect; a wheel of steering looking over the various panels ment for the functions of the ship. Each panel had a dead body and covered in blood. Grabbing a charged gem I used a cleaning spell that made the other day. Over each site of death I said.

"Sanguinem submittere corpus remotionem, Merry Weather." (submit Blood body removal, Merry Weather) With a flash of green fire the mess was spotless. I hope the receiver was ok with burping out body's, guts and gore. If not, I am sorry.

The control room was clean in an instant and my gem was useless for a little while. I opened up a hatch to go for a flight out side. It was warm and the smell of the sea near by cleared the smell of blood from my nose. I flew this ship to an island in the zebracan sea's. A slight detour from my original destination, but I didn't want to lose my ship to the Equis navy, anytime soon. I landed the ship within a clearing at the centre of the island. The ship hovered aimlessly tethered to the ground with an anchor the size of a small car. It latched onto a big tree. This case was fun, and my ship renamed to "Winters aria" was undamaged from the escape.

Ten days earlier

I was led through the port to a crane connected to a crew box. The Captain was smug. Any pony that was stupid enough to look hiss way, was yelled at to 'fuck off'. The crew box pulled us up into the ships cargo bay. We entered the box together, He reached over an pushed a button with his hoof. How did he do that without any finger's? Pony logic. The ride itself was rather fast. Once inside, the ship master began to talk again while continuing to lead out of the huge cargo hold.

"So, welcome to the Midnight wolf, So why are ya for hire little one?" he asked while veering into a long corridor was several ponies going about their work. Passing two earth ponies, they gave a salute of respect while batted a laugh at me. I can't wait for him to find out that, I want his ship. Turning down another hall was passed the kitchen, I could tell by the smell of cooking meat. He looked at me waiting for an answer, I caught his glance and gave him a swift lie.

"Because I have no home to go to, and I need money" I replied trying to put a sullen tone in it. He was grew a smirk of indifference.

"Well, ya just a kid. But I can respect a hard worker. I guess we can use you in the canons while we head into the Volcano wastes, We have bin paid to pick up some caught dragons, so I don't know how useful you'd be out front if things get ugly, ya know, your so small," he said with amusement. He getting more on my nerves. I'm beginning to hate the term 'small' as I used to be big and scary.

"Well, I did say Id hire ya, so what's your price?" he asked. We had walked for a good five minute's, and passed a bunch of shady characters, crew members doing their jobs taking care of this thing. The hallways were spacious, and well built. It felt like I was in a space ship than air ship.

"My price, is your ship," I said hoping to get him curios. We stopped inside what looked like the main crew quarters. It was a section all to its self. A bunch of ponies, a few god-damn diamond dogs, and a couple of griffins looked at me funny, as did the captain from my radical comment. He burst out laughing same with the crew. I waited for them to stop trying not to kill them in annoyance.

"Oi, that was funny," said the captain while swiping a tear away. The rest of the crew doing the same.

"Why would I, pay you with me ship young lad? this beaut cost me a lifetime of bits, Its not for sale," he said trying not to laugh again. I will lay it down on him hard.

"Well then we have a problem. I want this lovely ship for my own little adventure over in and I don't like you, you'd try to kidnap me for whatever reason, which would have led to the slaughter of your entire crew, so you can hand over the ship peacefully or else," I said adding venom to my last word for some effect. They all looked at me with a strange look of, 'are you crazy.' Then I heard a strange voice. You should kill them, let their blood fill this ship, it would be amazing. What the? 'No that isn't right.'

"Are ya threatening me boy?" asked the captain not amused any more. He saw what I am capable of however the crew did not. They looked at me in disbelief, while some burst back into laughter again falling over holding their stomach's.

"Yes I am," I glared. If I wanted something I need for survival I will get it by any means, plus I don't like this guy, he screams 'bad' I can tell just by looking at him. Every ounce of me want's to find out what's he hiding, but id rather kill him and find out later.

"Well, ya threaten the captain thus ya threaten the crew. So you wanna leave right about now, unless ya wanna get hurt a real bad," he said pointing to the door. His chipper tone was replaced with malicious intent.

I spat in his face, which made his crew gasp. He swiped away the spit from his muzzle and gave me a deathlike glare. The crew moved out of they way, knowing shit is about to go down. I tensed my muscles getting read for a fight. I hope I don't lose control here. I'm gonna need a crew to fly this thing.

The captain lifted his hoof up to strike me, his swing however was stopped in the grip of my claw catching him mid-swing. He bounced a left hook using me as a balance point. This sent me sprawling over in a daze. I shacked my head trying to get up. I could here his mate's were cheering the captain on. They are helping him beat a kid with verbal support. I spat out blood, fuck control this guy is dead. I looked at him with pinpricks for eyes and sadistic grin giving lots of giggle fits. I need a song for the fun I'm about to have.

"Musica ex magica," I said out loud while thinking a song that I shall sing with.

"Psycho, here we go"

He sent another hook which I caught and yanked down, causing him to jolt forward. I gave him a right hook. sending him back stumbling.

He looked at me angered. "You push until I break." He felt his jaw.
"And the anger turns to rage
Why can’t you just leave me alone
Got your finger on the trigger
You think that you’re the winner
You’re gonna get kicked off of your throne" The crew looked at me with a hint of fear for their captain. They should be.

He jumped at me doing a one eighty landing on his front fore hooves and bucked me, sending me flying across the room. I landed on all fours sliding on the metal floor. Once stopped I stretched my neck back and forth continuing me song.

"You think you’re gonna hurt me" I blasted at him using my wings tackling him into the steel wall creating a big dent in the shape of a pony.
"Get ready to get dirty" I jumped away watching him fall out of the wall.
"You created this beast inside" He stumbled back up.
"Pull the noose tighter" "Ya going to pay for that dent ya shit!" he raved.
"And lift a little higher" He grabbed my backpack in his mouth smashing me against the floor several time's. I still sang while he did it.
"Because you’re killing me slow
I ain’t ready to die" He let me go and walked to get his body checked out.

"Killing me slow but I ain’t ready to die" I said getting back up barely harmed. "what a light weight that didn't even hurt," I said still laughing while he was turned around smiling at his crew thinking he's all the shit.
I jumped onto his back punching his head from behind.
"Tonight, get ready for a fight" one hit.
"So now you know it’s time" Third hit.
"To ride my circus for a psycho" I kicked.
"Round and round we go, look out below
Because I want off this
I want off this" I clawed into his neck holding on while he screamed trying to buck me off. blood running down his neck while I ate his ear's.

"Circus for a psycho
(Psycho, go, go, go)
Circus for a psycho
(Psycho, here we go)
Psycho, here we go"

"Everybody down" I was pulled off by a diamond dog during my snack and held down. 'Fucking mutt your dead' I thought. I focused my magic at the dog and thought of a good spell for him."implosio"(implosion) I said while he picked me up and began to choke me. He shrivelled up into the size of a golf ball, and stayed that way for two seconds, then was released in an explosion painting the room in blood, guts, and magical bone dust. The crew froze in paralyzing horror. I wanted more.
"Gonna burn it to the ground
Can’t keep this beast inside
Never again, never again
You’re killing me slow but I ain’t ready to die"

"Killing me slow but I ain’t ready to die" They got back to their senses. after I finished that line.

I charged at the recovering blood painted captain. He looked at me just in time for me to finish him off. I slashed his throat out, and watched him slowly die. His blood sprayed all over the place in a glorious shower. His crew didn't like that, they all charged for revenge of their dead captain, I just smiled and continued to sing my song.

"Tonight, get ready for a fight" I dodged a griffin, grabbing a throwing knife and sent it with expertise into the neck of a pony.
"So now you know it’s time" Grabbing the same knife, I slit the throat of the poor bastard beside him.
"To ride my circus for a psycho" I threw it again into a griffin's eye, causing his to slash out wildly killing two diamond dogs by accident.
"Round and round we go, look out below" The griffin died while I gilded a Pegasus and shoved his own dick down his throat killing him by deep throat.
"Because I want off this" I was grabbed by a mutt, I cut his arm off with my dagger. fallowed by my landing, I rolled under a unicorn spell which landed on the diamond dog setting him a flame.
"I want off this" Killed six more. The last four were thinking a way to get out of this.

"Circus for a psycho
(Psycho, go, go, go)
Circus for a psycho
(Psycho, here we go)"

"You think you’re gonna hurt me." a bed was thrown at me hitting my side with some ugly force, it hurt. Maybe causing a bruise or torn muscle. I threw it back with a spell "iactum," (throw) which made many more to die via decapitation.
"Get ready to get dirty"
"Gonna burn this place to the ground" Killed the rest in this area. Word has spread of my assault, causing the rest of the ship to scramble into battle stations. Oh well Ill get a new crew. I was a bit beaten so I used a spell to heal myself. "sanare," I said. Trying to figure out where I am getting all these's spells from.The spell worked. I was quickly back to laughing and killing the crew.

"Tonight, get ready for a fight." I sang while flying down the hall to the kitchen where I stopped to find the chef's started to throw their over sized knives at me.
"So now you know it’s time" I caught a cleaver in mid air and licked along side the blade. It still had tomato's on it.
"To ride my circus for a psycho" I charged into the room.
"Round and round we go, look out below" I pushed a brown pony down on a cutting board and chopped off slices of face like a trained chef.
"It’s time to ride my circus for a psycho" I sang while flaying the rest of the cooking staff. Boiling a green mare in oil, using the forks as projectiles killing half of the fifteen body staff. And the rest died to my claws.

"Never again, never again"
You’re killing me slow but I ain’t ready to die
Round and round we go, look below
Because I want off this
I want off this" I sang while slaying more through the halls of all dead hollow, after I entered a vent that led straight to the control room. I bashed through the ventilation gate without trouble, to bad they wanted to fight.

"Circus for a psycho
(Psycho, go, go, go)
Circus for a psycho
(Psycho, here we go)" I sang while I painted the room a new shade of red.

"Circus for a psycho
Circus for a psycho
(Psycho, here we go)" the last one's dead.

Once I finished my song, I regained my composure. It was a different. I thought I would have some remorse for them, but I didn't I was cold. I sighed sickened with myself while getting up find the on button for this giant ship. I found it just in time for the Equiestrian navy to show up. Hearing the ship pure alive filled me will glee. I hit a button that said. "close all hatches" which, not surprising closed the ship up tight. I put it into full speed and took the helm.

The ship moved forward. I pulled up with the wheel. Just like an oversized air plane It did so. I just noticed the ship was going into the city. "Opps," I said with joy. Time to play grand theft Battle ship. I found a button that said" auto fire" I hit it. II see all the guns move to the other more wooden ships on the skyscrapers in the way. I heard I click signalling it was ready to fire. The button for that option was the big glowing red one. I hit like It was my bitch. "BANG..."

As I flew my ship through the hoof destroying the fleet and many skyscrapers in my way, falling buildings, rubble, desks, ponies alike rained down onto the streets below. I just laughed away like a psychopath with a new toy. I broke from the devastated Hoofington. Leaving the raped Equis navy to their fates and set a course for a area where I could have time to hid for awhile. I pulled out my map. I looked at the Zebracan islands. That was my temporary destination. I turned a hard left flying this thing into the night.

I flew for about a day and found a island close to home, but not easy to find either. I landed this thing in a clearing dropping anchor. I shut the ship down letting it float in place. I flew to the captains nest down the stairs. needing a good rest.

Celestia POVSION!

"Your highness," proclaimed one of my most prestigious navel commander. Fleet admiral, Aqua Marine.

"Yes, admiral, how may I help you," I spoke taking a sip of my tea. She gave me a salute standing firm.

"The prototype battleship known as "Midnight wolf" was stolen along with all its schematics and weapon designs."

I put down my cup gentle so not to startle my visitor. I thought carefully for a moment trying to asses the situation. Who? would go out of their way to steal a S-class vessel? 'Surely these thieves' couldn't possibly have gotten far with it. If so I had a tracking spell placed on the ship.

"What is the problem? It isn't gone forever, send a team to retrieve Midnight from its thieves."

"That's the problem, The tracking spell has bin removed and the fleet was devastated trying to regain it. The 'thieves' also made it apparent to fire on civilians going through Hoofington. Thankfully no one was killed, but any attempts of retrieving the ship now is lost."

I looked at my worried admiral with the same expression. How was the spell removed? How did they have assess to the weapon systems? And why did they risk the live's of my subjects? I will find them, and I will make them pay for their crimes.

"How long will it take for the fleet to fight again?" I asked.

"Umm, not for at least fourteen months, for one ship." she replied.

My eye twitched sightly, the entire fleet had to be replaced. I could not help but feel a bit of admiration for the thieves 'crazy luck'. Taking a sip of tea, I looked down from the balcony to the hospital. I know very well what was locked in there. If I was going to find a ghost ship Ill need someone insane enough to go for the hunt. I will regret the decision to send 'him' with the admiral, thus Ill warn her now.

"Can you be certain the ship is lost for good?" I asked.

"Well no, it couldn't have gotten far their is a slim chance. Why do you ask princess Celestia?" showing concern.

"I can send you someone that should be of help, though he is a 'wild one' But his sense for the lost is strangely true."

"Well, I could use the help, but why is he a ' wild one'?" the admiral asked, relieved and concerned.

"Ill show you, would you fallow me?"

"Of course," she nodded.


We entered the hospital, the doctors and nurse went about their day like I wasn't here. I and the admiral walked up to the desk. The administrator knew why I was here. She gave a nod telling me and my companion to proceed. Walking down the sterile halls to the room containing 'him' was a quick journey. 'His' room was in the black area where all the criminally insane ponies go for rehabilitation. 'His' doctor Mr. True heart met us halfway.

"Princess I see you are coming to visit 'him' again," said True. Aqua was becoming more shaken of the notions of 'him.'

"Yes, I need him for an assignment."

"Are you sure that's wise, you now how 'he' is like around others," True asked curios,

"Yes, but this task require's a special touch," I said. He raised an eyebrow and led us the rest of the way.

Room one one five. This is where Storm wing is kept. True heart opened the door. Inside was a white cushioned room with no window's no light. At the centre of the room was a full body chained adult pink and white griffin with a heavy duty titanium muzzle. He looked at us with his same overjoyed pink eye's. All three of us sat down around him.

"Hello everypony how may I help you today!" he said with glee.

"Um, Celestia, who is this?" ask the admiral. I can tell she was regretting the choice she made.

"Oh I know! I'm Stormy," he said.

"We are here to ask you something. Can you tell us who stole my ship?" I asked him. Storm furrowed his brows in deep thought before looking at us with even more joy than before.

"Yep, it was my brother!" he cheered.

We all looked at him shock, But I have visited him many times since his failed attempt at my life. His foresight was unbelievable, at times, but all came true from his mouth. The doctor looked at me for guidance.

"How can you tell?" Aqua asked.

"Because silly, he is the only one crazy enough to steal a battleship. I bet he went hiding in the Zebracan islands too!" Storm began to hum a tune.

"Can you find him?" I asked.

" Yep!"

"Will you bring him in?"

"Nope, well not alive."

That pulls me back a bit knowing that Winter will try to kill Storm on sight. Closing my eyes I thought of the best way to deal with this. If I can get him to lead a small platoon force I could keep them separate, long enough for a capture. But If the force cant, It will be a blood bath. I have one chance at this.

"You can go with the admiral here to find your brother," I said cautiously. He tilts his head making the chains around his neck rattle.

"I cant kill the admiral? right," He asked. This made the uneasy Aqua marine nervous.

"Right, will you co-operate?" I asked.

He nodded happily. The doctor led us back out for a discussion on the matter closing the door behind us.

"Are you certain that a five year old griffin cub stole a ship?" True heart asked shaking his head in disbelief.

"Yes I am, 'he' has never bin wrong before." I replied.

"What would drive him to do such a thing?" he asked.

"I do not know of his ulterior motive's, but if I could assume. The ship must be returned before it to late."


Walking through the island jungle made me feel small. The oversized trees, plants, and... tree's made me feel like an ant. I had to pass the time doing something, so id thought 'exploration' would be a good idea. It wasn't. I walked back to the ship hungry. It was a familiar trail that I found. It lead to the beach where Id like to cool off and it was out of sight of the harpies that flew above. I was half way when I felt a bite on my ass. Looking at the spot I found a dart sticking out. I pulled it out. Giving it a glance before I passed out.

I woke up to the smell of a nasty humid smell. It smelt like a yak was on fire running around in the hut I woke up in. Why was I in a hut? Looking over to my left side I see a fully grown zebra mare with an epic mohawk. and for the cutie mark, or whatever the zebra's called it was a tribal style moon swirled outwards. She was giving me a sad smile. Why was she doing that? I got up without a problem, but this made the her come to my side like a flash.

"No little one, stay and rest in your little nest," she said with worry. I could understand her,why?

"Um, I'm fine, I do not wish to be rude like a sour lime," I said back smiling at my efforts. She looked at me amazed with curiosity at that. I tried to sit back up only to be softly pushed back down. She frowned at me.

"Why am I here?" I asked. annoyed wanting to go back to my ship.

"You are sick little one, Like a tick in your mind we both must find." she said. A tick in my mind? What does she mean by that?

"Ok, but why kidnap me?" I asked. She looked away sheepishly, rubbing the back of her head.

"We thought to bring you here from your ship, I hope they wont be very quick," she said.

"I came alone," I said. This made her give a confused expression.

"What do you mean alone, It sounds like solace was in your tone?" she asked.

"I am the only one on that ship," I replied. Her confusion grew some more before the realization, that I was alone set in.

"I see, you have a hive without your queen bee." she rubbed my head saddened. She walked over to grab a bottle filled with a strange pink liquid. I looked at that slightly worried at what she intends to do with that.

"Um what's that?" I asked.

"This will help you heal your heart, body and mind. As we must find the source of your soul cart." she was disheartened and that last rhyme, was a bit off. I was being a little rushed about this.

"Can't Ijust leave I'm fine, really." I said while getting back up. She shook her head in denial.

"No you must not, we must heal your deep thought," she said while putting the drink in front of my mouth. She motioned that I should drink it. I was against all of it, but I don't want to be dragged back here and forced to. Being stupid I drank the strange fluid which tasted like water. I felt the drink take full effect where I passed out. Again.

Darkness. That's all I could see. Darkness. It was the same void as before, but this time I had no control. "Where am I?" I asked the void. It responded by creating a griffin who looks just like me, but he was different. It reminded me of the psycho me. Matted bloodstained fur, the sadistic grin and narrow slits for eyes. It replied in a demented version of my voice.

"You, you are in your soul," It replied giggling.

"Ok why?" I asked.

"To kill me, your power, your strength!" It yelled. "I saved you, and you have the gall to purge me!" It hissed.

"Kill you?" I asked. Is this is why I am here? To get rid of this. How would I do it? I don't think ill be leaving until I do.

"Yes, but I WONT LET YOU!" It arched its back getting ready for a fight. Why would I kill my dark side? Sure when I snap he lets lose the blood bath killing everybody. It has bin useful in getting things done since I got here. I was no fighter, he would take over whenever I was in a pinch. Then again I never really thought about the live's I have taken. I just sick him on who ever I didn't agree with. Why would I waste my time dwelling on the dead. Once you die, you die, that's it. I have never cared about anyone all my life, and no one cared about me. Looking at him, I could see fear in his eyes, fear I have known and felt. The fear of being alone. What did I do to deserved this? I came to Equestria to break out of that shell. With the help of an asshole of a god. And I got nowhere. I think I made public enemy number one, by stealing the ship and attaching Hoofington. Making me, the most wanted I have ever felt. I failed that goal. I'm a five year old griffin that could have had a new caring family and what did I do? Run and killed a diamond dog pack sealing me away from ever having that chance again. I made him the way he is. I wont seal him away in the darkest corners of my soul. I wouldn't feel the remorse of the fallen before me, and I wont let the grief of those next take me. I wont become a coward. The zebra wants me to kill him, fuck no. the only one that shall kill him. Is the first person to treat us for what we are. Monsters.

I knew want to do. I had to merge with him and let my pure self take control of the personality. I reached out with a smile to him.

"I am not going to kill you, lets leave together, we need each other always have always will." I said. He eases up out of his defence and reached out as well confused. When our hands met. I felt the darkness pull me in. This is where i have to fight. I calmed myself, not letting my fear of losing sanity take over. I pulled back giving warmth of all the good memories. Which did the trick. The darkness faded to a purple chaotic feeling, felt him merge peacefully into one. I felt for the first time the pain of killing someone. Both my light and dark. was replaced, and renewed.


I woke up. In the same hut with the same zebra mare. I gave her a sad smile. I was fractured from my humanity, and now that I am hole again. I will do something that will make Celestia's head spin. I am going to take her ship and shove it up her ass!