Equestria Girls 3: The Friendship Games

by EmeraldSkies

Prologue: Something Strange

Twilight Sparkle picked up the seismic reading that she had just calculated from her machine, and placed it up with all the other data she had collected from researching and observing the strange school.

This was the second time in a few months that she had gotten such strange readings, and she had now put her priorities into figuring out the mystery behind it all. The shooting rainbows, a part of the school being destroyed, and the interesting seismic readings were just to name a few of the disturbances.

"No doubt about it Spike, there's definitely something strange going on at that school," Twilight said as she looked up at all of her hard work.

Spike replied back to her with a bark, just finishing up his breakfast that she had laid out for him. Spike was Twilight Sparkle's favorite companion and pet. She had adopted him when he was only a pup, and he had grown up with her, so it was natural for her to feel a connection with the dog.

"Oh now only if you could talk to me, then I could know what you were saying" Twilight laughed, as she pet him. "But a magical talking dog? Only ever in my dreams. Or is it? Maybe I could find out how to build you a contraption that would allow such a thing. No no, I'm being silly. That can't be possible because you don't even know how to speak. But then again, you wouldn't need to know how if you just had a translator!

Twilight continued to ramble on, and Spike barked again to remind her of the task at hand.

"Oh yes yes, sorry. I should be focusing on this" She said, adjusting her glasses and once again glancing at the board of information she had gathered.

Twilight started to pace back and forth, trying to conjure up any logical train of thought that might give her an idea of what in the world was going on. There has to be some reasonable explanation for all of this. It can't be magic, that's just crazy. But how could I even explain all of this? The rainbows, the seismic disturbances, those bright lights. Those just aren't natural!

Twilight was soon interrupted by a loud, and considerably annoying, noise. She must have stayed up the entire night, because her alarm clock beeped, signaling that it was time for her to get ready to go to her school. Crystal Prep was the name, and Twilight had just started attending it last fall because her sister-in-law was offered a job there as principal.

Cadance was replacing the old principal, who was apparently doing some pretty horrible things with the students. Twilight had heard rumors going around that he had called them his 'My Crystal Slaves'. It all seemed pretty scary, especially since his name was as dark as 'Sombra'. But now Cadance had taken over, and the school was back to normal.

It was kind of fun going to a new school, but also quite scary since she didn't know anyone and wasn't considered the most socially active. She preferred to stay inside by herself instead of going places with other students. But it was fine as long as she got to see Cadance every day, and most importantly, get a good education.

Unlike other students, Twilight loved school, loved classes, and loved to learn. It was another one of the things that separated her from the other kids. All except for a small group of girls she could sort of call her 'friends'.

While going over what her plans were for the school day, she had remembered something that had been mentioned earlier in the week by a few kids. The Friendship Games. She was rivaling some school, though she forgot the name. Twilight just remembered that her school had a winning streak against them and that it was very important to the students that they won again.

"Twilight dear, are you still down there? Breakfast is ready, so come up soon. You only have a few minutes before you should leave, so don't be late!" Called down her mom, Twilight Velvet - whom shared part of her name with her daughter.

Twilight walked up the stairs from the basement, only then realizing how hungry she was. I guess staying up the whole night has that effect on you. But whatever, it was worth it, she thought as she sat down at the kitchen table. A nice breakfast of eggs and bacon.

"Please don't tell me that you were up all night again?" Asked Twilight's mom, only to get a guilty nod from Twilight.

Her mom shook her head and sighed. "Now honey, I have to leave for work early this morning, and your dad has already left, " said Velvet as she started to get ready for work. "Have a good day at school Twilight, and remember to make some friends!"

"You have a good day too mom," said Twilight as she hugged her mom goodbye.

She finished her breakfast just as her mom's car pulled out of the driveway, though wincing at her mother's last comment. Velvet had always wanted Twilight to make friends, as she thought it was 'important to a young girl's life' to do so. Twilight well, not so much agreed with her mom. Yes, friends were nice to have, but they weren't important and Twilight didn't need them to succeed. She could live a just as good life without them. And besides, she still had those girls from her school whom could be considered her friends.

Mulling over her thoughts, Twilight washed her dishes and began to head out the door. It was nearing the start of May now. Twilight was glad that she no longer needed a coat to go outside, as she hated cold weather. And for some other kids, it was great because May brought perfect weather to play their sports.

"Goodbye Spike, I'll see you after school!" She said to her dog, who barked in reply. Locking the door behind her, Twilight started her trek to Crystal Prep. It was about a twenty-minute walk, which was a downside from going to the school.

About halfway on her walk to school, Twilight waited at an intersection for the crossing light to switch on. It was just then that all of a sudden she randomly remembered the rival school's name which had been concerning her thoughts before. In a moment of quick realization, she stopped dead in her tracks, and almost shouted "Canterlot High! No. Way.".