The Prince of darkness.

by Winter Rosario

Ch4. Life of a pirate.

Life of a pirate.

I was dreaming. How could I tell? Well, I don't usually dream at all for some strange reason, but when I do, it’s lucid, vivid and shows me a glimpse of the future with remarkable accuracy. I was covered in a black void as a griffin. The same body I came to Equis with. It was boring. I changed the scenery to something comfortable, like the first night out of the hospital. The void made way to the beautiful night by the river in the grasslands. I felt the same breeze flow through my fur. I laid down by the shore, looking up to see the bright moon. I rested my little head. The soft free flowing wind was pleasant. The view was awe-inspiring.

A new presence entered my dream. I looked around for my intruder, but she didn't bother to hide. My jaw dropped, at the sight of Princess Celestia. She was as amazing as Id thought. Her posture held deep nobility and pride. She walked over giving me a gentle smile. She was tall! Tia sat down on her haunches beside where I was laying while I looked outward. I tried not to stare at my behemoth visitor.

Well, Tia was the princess of the day, but it doesn't make sense for her to enter the dreams of others. I hope she can't see what I did, or am. That would be a major problem. I just remembered from the date on the map, how could I just forget so easily! Luna is not free yet, this was Tia's night. She laid down, tucking in her forelegs, still admiring the night sky. I curled my tail in alongside the length of my body. Tia gave me a curious look while I stared in awe.

"Hello little one, it is a wonderful night don't you think?" Tia asked softly.

"Yes, yes it is," I replied nervously.

"It’s alright Winter, you don't have to be anxious," said Tia.

"Sorry," I said.

"Do you know why I came here?" she asked.

"No," I lied. I knew why she came. To find me and have someone bring me back. I won’t let her.

"Well, you gave the Doctors quite a scare, they want to see you home, safe and sound," Tia said.
"I know," I knew they would worry for me, but if I go back the way I am now they would simply freak out.

"Tell me, why did you leave? It’s not safe for a young one like you to run around without someone for protection," she asked. Why did I leave? I could had a second chance for a better childhood, I could have made friends that weren't blazed out of their minds from weed, I could have had a life of safety and riches. Why did I leave? That I do not know.

"I don't know," I said looking down. I felt her gaze, on my little form. It had a small hint of pity.

"I think I could tell you why," she said. How would Celestia know why I ran away? I'm a very closed off person.

"Can you tell me?" I asked. I looked at her sadly, she nodded.

"You left because of fear, fear of living in someone else's shadow, you want to be yourself without being told how to act," she explained.

Fear of living in someone else's shadow, I know what's that's like. I lived in my little brother’s shadow. He got all the love, food, and attention from our family while I got thrown under the bus. I had a hard time trying to be an individual, to stay out of line and file. I wanted to be unique, to be a person that inspires others to do the same, but all the neglect put me down into a hole, filling it with sand, leaving me to die. All I could do was to live the life of others in my head. Pretending to be a hero with all the praise, and glory.

It was a good way to cope, after living in the real world with all the stress of being alone for so long, with nobody to relate. It was a sad life. Seeing all the other teens get new cars while I got a new pair of shoes after two years from Walmart. It made me bitter. I never would let my jealousy get the better of me though. I was happy with whatever I got. The one thing I'm truly thankful for was my humility. I was wise, kind, gentle, compassionate, understanding, honest, far-sighted, good willed, protective, caring, soft, and unbreakable. If I was to change my life, I wouldn't. Sure getting those traits required being shunned all my life, but it was still worth it. But this new body and world would begin to change that, I could feel it happening already, from the warren. What I hated most was Noah, my brother.

"Yes, that would make sense, I worked hard and faced the world to gain my experience, thus it would make me complacent if I stayed," I said with a sad smile.

"An interesting answer. Tell me, what did you do up until now?" she asked warmly a slight purr in her voice, I felt bad for taking it away from her. I would tell the truth to give her reason not to find me.

"I killed a pack of diamond dogs," I said coldly. She looked at me in horror. I've seen that coming.

"My hatred, was fueled by witnessing a mare get foal napped in broad daylight," I spat.

"My little body, was weak to the magical influence of the bloodlust, I didn't stop till I swam in a river of their blood," I said looking into Tia's horrified eyes with more venom in my voice than usual. Our gaze was locked, within seconds I got her trembling. I know my stare could kill if I was angry enough it took down those I couldn't fight with fists. My stare came with the loneliness. I broke off giving her the point that if I went back. There were going to be dead ponies. I cannot control the bloodlust, my body was too weak to fight it, and all I could do was watch.

"I was wrong about you," she said while getting up.

"I am the princess of Equestria, but you are the prince of darkness," she scorned.

"I bet your older brother would be very disappointed with you," she said. I got up confused.

"Brother?" I asked. Tail twitching.

"Storm wing? Your older brother," she asked angered. I knew that name. It was the OC name that my little brother used back on earth. Wait, he's here, and older!? He must have got here the same way I did! But how?! If he's older than it’s by looks. Great the one person I loathed all my existence is here. And fucking taller! I’ll ask Tia to send him a message.

"Oh, him, tell that no good son of a bitch that if I ever met him again, Ill rip off his face and ware it like MASK!" I shouted.
Her ears went back while she turned around to leave. I sat down on my haunches. I was pissed! "That little shit came into my dream world, and started fucking around in CANTERLOT!" I continued. My heart raced, I wanted that cunt D.E.A.D DEAD!

"First he steals everything I liked, now he is in my second chance, talking to the royalty like no body's business! Oh, well played you crazy fuck! Thanks for the hate fuel!" I yelled. I was raving, that asshole of a god put the one thing I wanted to get away from with me! I flexed my claws in and out of the dirt trying to calm down. Where I was poked with a stick.

"What?" I looked around, nothing. I was almost calmed, then another poke. My eye twitched. It was from outside. Well I guess I’ll wake up now, see where I landed, and pimp slap the person who's poking me.

Storm POV.
It was an awesome day! I woke up in the Canterlot guest room It was super fancy, I was on a tall frilly bed with that lacy roof thing holding bed curtains! I stretched like a cat in my new cobalt blue, under white griffin body. I had pink eyes, which was weird, but I didn’t care. Last night I talked with Princess Celestia about who I am, but not what I was. I wanted to stay and if she found out that I was a human I would get sent home. I clumsily walked to the window. Looing out It was a bright sunny day. I smiled. I turned around to the sound of a guard pony in golden armor. He gave a salute, and I him.

"Storm wing, her highness wishes to speak with you, please follow me," the pony said.

"Yes sir," I replied and followed him to the throne room.

A pair of guard ponies opened the huge double doors into the throne room were inside the princess was waiting. I walked down the long spacious isle till I was stopped by a guard pony. I sat in place looking up at the princess.

"Storm wing, I apologize for the early wake up call, but I need to tell you something, it’s about your brother," she was more cross than normal.

"Its ok I was already up, did you find him?" I asked overjoyed.
"He has made it clear that he doesn't want to be found," there was even more spite.

"Why, doesn't he miss me?" I asked.

"No, but he gave a rather disturbing message for you, I don't recommend it though," she said.

"If it’s from him, want did he say?" I asked wondering why he does not miss me.

"Very well, he called you rather, horrible names, and told me that if he sees you again he'll rip off your face and ware it like a mask," Tia said. Why did he not like me? We are brothers, and why would he try to hurt me? He would never hurt a fly!

I looked up at her confused. Trying to figure out the 'whys'.

"Can you take me to him?" I asked.

“I can but, you won’t like what you'll find," she said.

"I don't care, He my brother," I stated.

Back to Winter POVSION.

"Hey, he’s waking up!" a female shouted. I shuffled around feeling where I was.

"Look the shrimp’s getting up," said an older male.

"Aww he so cute!" said an older female.

I was still angered from the visit in my dream, and yelling did not help. I could feel that I was on a blanket of some-kind, but it was on grass. I couldn't feel a breeze. I heard fire nearby though. I opened my tired eyes giving a much needed kitten stretch. Once done, I sat on my haunches, lifting up claws to clear my eyes. What I see wasn't I was expecting. They're three griffins, one a cub like me, but older by two years. She was white and a dark gold, amber eyes, and a tuff of fur covering half her face. The other girl, was fully grown. She was a white and pink, pink eyes, pink slash of fur flowing back down her neck curling inward under her beak on her left side. And the big guy, he was a heavily built white, and dark gold, amber eyes no head fur, but three big scars slashed down his face vertical to the right from left. He was much older, but the way he held himself states he's not the father. Older brother? All were taller than me, the guy was over six feet tall!

"Um, Hi?" I asked.

"Hi there cutie pie," said the pink one.

"What's your name?" asked the other girl.

"Girls, let him be, I’ll talk to the little one, so get," scar said.

"Aww," said both girls in unison. They left after scar gave them a stern look. Out of the tent.

"Hello little one, my name is Hawk stipe, don't mind Leaf the pink one and squirrel the little one," Hawk said giggling.

"I'm Winter," I replied.

"I found you laying in a puddle of blood in the ditch, you were practically bathed in it! What happened?" he gave me a worried expression. I couldn't help but look down, I gasped, I was bathed clean, but my pure black fur gained a dark red tint, while my white, thankfully stayed pure.

"I’d rather not say," I said shaking my head.

"I understand, I'm the one who cleaned you up by the way," He said while walking to the other side of the tent grabbing my things.

"I believe these are yours, don't worry I did not look inside, but I did find a bunch of bobby pins in your wings. I put them in the empty satchel," he said while putting the bags beside me. I got a good look at them for once. The backpack was made from a heavy grade fabric, all of it was black, It had only one zipper though. The satchels were of the same quality and color, but they also only had one pocket, and instead of a zipper, it was a belt strap.

"Thanks," I smiled. Lifting the more heavy bags off to the side. 'I thought they were lighter?'

"Are you hungry?" he asked. The sound of my tummy grumbling replied. I blushed a bit. ‘Damn little boy syndrome'.

We left the tent to a clearing beside the river, they're was four tents in total, All were huge!, they were at least Six feet tall and wide to nine feet, all made from dark green tarp and were placed around a fire, Leaf and Squirrel were sitting on the shore looking into the river. I took a seat by the warm fire. It was early morning. The camp was located within a small tree line. The wonderful sounds of nature finally helped chill my rage, Hawk gave me a pot filled with bacon and eggs! I looked at him with wide eyes, he could tell what I meant.

"Yep kiddo its real bacon, eat up, it’s yours," he smiled.

That morning I savored the best food ever. I thought I would never have bacon again! Each bite shed a tear of absolute joy! I bet I looked like I didn't have a real meal before now, but I didn't care. I gave thanks to Hawk while handing back the pot. He smiled happily putting the pot in a tent. The girls came back and sat beside me. I would have welcomed it, but they would not stop talking! After five minutes, I found my ear holes and blocked them from all sound. This led to two things, One it got quiet, Two, It told hawk that I was being heavily annoyed. He shut them up, where I opened up to peace and quiet. Till more questions came up.

"So Winter, where you headed?" asked leaf.

"Leaf, he just met us, we can’t ask him that yet," said squirrel to leaf.

"Our sister is right," hawk confirmed.

"I’ll tell him out story first, if that's ok" hawk said. I nodded, giving my approval.

"Well, these are my sisters, we used to live in a comfortable settlement just outside the border to the Dominion. It was a nice place where griffins were welcomed with opened arms, but then a dragon attached. It incinerated the entire town. I, leaf, and squirrel managed to escape without harm by hiding in a well.

We traveled around the empire looking for a new home, but ended up going nomadic, we live on the road still looking for a home to go to. It was hard to adjust, we went without food for days at a time, but we got by. It’s a decent life, you get to see the land and eat whatever you catch." he smiled at the last point of his story.

"How long have you been living like this?" I asked.

"Six years," he answered. I felt sorry for him and his siblings. They were living on the road for a long time and no one came. I stopped myself there. His 'story' was too empty. He didn't mention parents, family friends, or the fact my backpack was filled with rocks. Which I figured out while eating. They lied right to my face. At least they fed me without poison, they stole my shit and now are trying to get rid of me with some sort of plan. Six years? Really!? These guys were pirates! Screw them, I'm leaving.

"I'm sorry, but work on your stories more retard, by the way, I’ll h

"How did ya figure it out runt?" asked leaf.

"Simple, One I'm your worst nightmare, Two I can read people like a book, Three, There was no emotion in the story," I explained. They were going to try and kidnap me if they get close ill knock them out.

"Oh we were that easy huh? I guess we'll have to dispose this insect," spat squirrel. 'Great they want to kill me.'

"Well get rid of him," ordered Hawk. Why the hell would they want me dead? I did nothing wrong to them. Leaf, and squirrel circled around me. I was going to knock them out, I’ll have to do it before I wanted 'blood'. I focused my magic into my fist. Leaf lunged at me. I stood up aimed my fist at her oncoming face and punched while saying. "vi impulsus punch" (force push punch)

The blow reinforced by my spell sent leaf flying back, over the river, through a tree, and into a bush. The upper half of the tree fell into the river. The other two stopped and stared. 'I just did a falcon punch!' I smiling with glee I recharge it again for another hit. Hawk did not like the fact that I just took down his sister. Squirrel went after leaf leaving me and him. I smirked at hawk flexing my wings, and claws.

"Where is my shit Stephan hawking!" I asked angered.

"It’s my shit now you little fuck!" he yelled. He jumped at me, this time not for the instant kill. I vaulted under him in mid-flight, my spell recharged in hand I punched forward against his belly. "vi impulsus punch" I yelled. The spell sent him flying up into the clouds. Squirrel returned with her unconscious sister. Thankfully the spell did what I wanted it to do, it forced the person away rather than hurting them, but her wings were busted from the tree though.

She was bleeding down her back. I could smell it. Squirrel looked at me staring towards the sky wondering when hawk would come down. While doing so I tried to fight the urge to draw more blood. I heard a sound behind a tent. I looked at the sound. It was a pissed off looking chicken. I wondered how his blood would taste. 'Wait no, don't think like that!'

His eyes were narrow slits, fur ruffled, and tail twitching wildly. I was planning on subduing them peacefully but if he doesn't stop he is going to die, or worse. He had a feral snarl going.

"That was a good trick, but now Ima gonna cook me up Winter stew!" hawk raged. I could not hold back no more. The adrenaline pumped through my veins, caused me to lose my self-control. I snapped. I wanted his blood in my hands! While he charged the sadistic grin grew on my face. My eyes became pinpricks. I pulsed my claws in and out of the dirt. I charged at him. I met him head on. I jumped into his attach directly, causing him to miss. I wrapped around his head from his right side. With a slash of my claw, and with him pulling me off from my tail I slit his throat like all the others, while being thrown away. I landed on all fours. I laughed hysterically as the griffin choked of his own blood. It took a minute before he went limp all while doing a stupid dance. I looked at his sisters. One a sleep, the other frozen in horror. I walked up to the pair, giving more giggle fits.

"I wonder how you'll taste." I laughed looking at them. Squirrel began to cry. I frowned for a moment then back to giggling.

"Here let me end your suffering," I said.

I jumped onto her, she screamed for help. I slashed her relentlessly till I was coated. Squirrel went limp, and died. I looked over at leaf. She was lucky, I slit her throat cleanly. I waited for a pool of blood to grow to a sizeable puddle. I stepped in, spun around three times and took a nap. Life of a pirate, is a dead pirate.