The Prince of darkness.

by Winter Rosario

Ch 3. Plan A.

Plan A.

Let me tell you, jumping off a speeding train through an 'eye of the needle' situation. Was horrible. I nearly died! Now here I am; cold, it’s dark, wet, and best of all! I lost my map! I just got the thing! I was having a temper tantrum for my map. I was overly frustrated with myself. I made the jump, my external speed from the velocity of the train removed all balance. Being thrown like an oversized fluffy baseball at a mountain side.

I managed at the last second to open my wings, veering a hard left away from the bridge, plummeting to the river down below. With a splash, my little body was dragged down the current like a ragdoll. The water slapped me around, making it hard to catch a breath. For what it felt like forever of fighting to stay above the water’s surface, it calmed. With my last ounce of strength, I pulled my weak, little, trembling body on the shore.

It was a bad Idea to run away, but I wasn't about to be thrown into a care home. I wanted to be free, and I was. Something I saw landed in front of me on my fore claws. I picked it up. "It’s my map!" I gasped. I carefully folded the lucky bastard up and put it back in my slightly damp wing. It was still dark out. The moon was my light. I followed the now calm river. Every so often, the water would reflect the starry night sky perfectly.

I broke out of the mountains to a grassy plain walking for a good three hours. I liked the night, the calm sweet breeze from the grasslands, the stars, and moon. My ache from fighting the river was non-existent. I was still damp, but the warm summer breeze sped up the drying of fur and feathers. My content for being in this world was reinforced greatly. Even though I was not from this land, I gained a deeper respect for Princess Luna, I must thank her somehow for her lovely nights.

My little body was getting tired. I looked for a safe place to rest my head. There was nothing but grassland, tall grassland, lots of grass, tall grass. I yawned moving into the field. The grass was taller than me, a perfect place to hide for a few hours of rest. I walked until the grass hid me nicely, all while the blades tickled all around. After a good minute of walking into the field went by, I stopped, walked in three circles, laid down, tucking in my limbs, resting my head on the soft ground, and went to sleep.
It was a dreamless night. Then again, I always had them. Arching my back, stretching my joints giving little pops down my spine, which felt strangely nice. I give a yawn to the world. It was mid-day and I can hear birds chirping off their songs in the distance, signaling a good day. I walked back to the river, where I drank the crisp clean mountain water. I cleaned myself up and looked around, still never ending grass, but at least it’s daytime. The river slightly narrower, I continued to follow it hoping to find a decent landmark to go off of.

I was hungry, but not enough to start weighing me down. I was used to being hungry. In my old life, I somehow lived off of food bank food. Which was a horrible experience; dry old bread, expired milk, stale cereal, and rice. This was when I lived with my mother. If I wanted 'good' food, I would have to either mooch from my friends or steal it. I know how it’s like, to be in the position of a third world country. Whatever was given to me for sustenance, I ate all of it, no matter what. Even if it was a food I did not like.

Thankfully, I lived in the area where being hungry was common. I rarely went into places that would have been hazardous to my 'self-control' like the rich part of the city. When I moved in with my sister, I was a stick. I had no muscle despite being the most feared thing on school grounds. Maybe the grim reaper look helped with that? Within a week, I gained enough weight to put me just under the average for my height. It took another six months and working on construction sites to get the average.

I lived with her for almost two years. I learned a lot from my brother in law. He was ok, even though we were polar opposites. We got along just fine. We did have some spats, but they resolved themselves rather fast. He taught me plenty of skills, like; carpentry, plumbing, electrical, mechanics, milling, and welding. The trade skills. I took all of it in and mastered it as he had. If I was in any trouble with income, I had an amazing backup plan.

I stopped for a break. It was the afternoon, the cold water was amazing. I rested my sore legs, on the cool grass. Clouds were being moved by pegasi, I could see them clearly with my eagle vision. I paid no mind, they didn't care, but my stomach did. It became apparent that I needed food to keep going. To my luck, I see a very plump rabbit trotted for a drink. Also my lunch.

I was a good hunter. The only times I spent with my dad, we hunted. I learned how to track any animal, trap any animal. My first kill was a king buck, which is, by my definition, a leader of a herd of more than a thousand, he was huge! That was his body, you should have seen his rack! We had to cut off the head and put it in another truck box! I took him down by shooting him through the eye with a twenty-two four miles away, killing him instantly via brain scramble. It was my furthest kill. My father was very proud of me that day, and I was only seven! Though in order to be a good hunter you had to follow a code; One, be polite, two, give thanks, three, ask for forgiveness, four, no cheap shots, and last, hunt with compassion. It is a strange code to understand, but I still followed it, along with my teachings.

I used my wings sensitivity to find the direction of the wind, it was blowing toward me, 'good as long as I'm downwind, it won’t sent me out'. As I made my approach, I stayed out of its sight. Crouching low to the ground in the grass, I stalked my prey. I got closer, and closer. Within pouncing distance, I waited for its head to go down. The rabbit looked around one more time for its enemy’s, then took a drink from my river. I jumped on it, using my claws, I swiped it up in the air, caught it, and then broke its neck without a mess by wringing it like a rag. I gave thanks for the meal and asked for forgiveness from the beast.

I opened it up with my scalpel down from the throat to its nuts. I cleaned out the entrails and left them out for other animals. All that was left was the fur, meat, and bones. I brought it along with me to a new spot. Here I used dry grass for kindling on a patched of dirt I dug out, but I had nothing to light it with. I thought of how I could start a fire, then an idea came to mind. Magic, but I didn't know if griffins could even attempt it, I’ll try anyway. I understood how the Latin language came to be. It was the oldest and was believed to do special things in my old world.

The English words were derived mostly from Latin, knowing that I thought of how to ignite the kindling. "Ignite?" I wondered. I put my hand over the thing I wanted to light. "Alright if I just lessen the word to its base form, like igni, no somethings missing? Must be a letter. Ignis, I’ll try that," I spoke to myself. Trying to focus all my brain power through to my hand. I felt a strange sensation giving me the go ahead.
"Ignis," I said. Hoping for a reaction.
To my astonishment It lit! Only a little bit though, nothing to cause a torrent of flame, but it worked! "I can haz magic! All your magic’s are belong to me!" Giggling happily at my joke, I coaxed the fire bigger and started to cook my lunch. I poked the rabbit meat with a stick, like marshmallows over a fire, but more bloody. I cooked it till it was black around the edges. Taking a bite of the oh so wonderful MEAT! No more hospital food for me! After I ate vigorously filling my stomach. I skinned the rest of the rabbit for its fur. Walking back to the river, I cleaned my little blade so it wold not get dull. Then I went back to the camp site putting out the fire before it gets too big, grabbing the bones, and left them with the entrails.

Back on the road, or riverside, I had something to do. I thought of music, thinking that, I wondered if I could play without sounding like a squeaker. I thought about it, trying to work with Latin. It took me awhile to figure it out, but I came up with an idea. Musica ex magica. (music from magic) I said it out loud, thinking a song. Darkness & Magic. Because it was the first song that came to mind.
“This is DHT
And we'll take you
Into the world of darkness and magic...
I sang with it.
Come to me children and follow my way
Into the world of darkness and magic
With all my power I'll show you the way
To all your dreams, hopes and illusions.
Come to me children and follow my way
Into the world of darkness and magic
With all my power I'll show you the way
To all your dreams, hopes and illusions.
Come to me children and follow my way
Into the world of darkness and magic
With all my power I'll show you the way
To all your dreams, hopes and illusions”

It was awesome. It was loud, and it fit with me strangely, but doing that one spell tapped me out from doing anymore. 'I should get a journal to record my findings.' I thought.

It was evening again. I made it to my first land mark by walking. I was at an Inn with two diamond dogs in front on guard. Why would these mutts work for ponies? I was confused. Hiding from both vision, and nose just in case. Something was clearly wrong with this picture. I thought of a lot of possible spells, and their applications. The music spell was very easy to do without problem for a being of my strength. The best way to get better was to practice harder more taxing spells.

"How could I sneak in?" I whispered. Letting my curiosity take over. I have the size, but I need something else. Like I would have to be a shadow to really get in. Shadow? Umbra? It could work, but what use could I use it for? Maybe to walk in and out of other shadows? That might work, but it would be really hard. I waited in my spot for the sun to get lost, 'Luna forever' where I see a mare walk up to the inn. She said something, the dogs did to, but I couldn't hear it. One dog, a black lab by the looks of it, opened the door. The pony stepped in and collapsed. The black lab dragged the pony in closing the door behind him.

This put me on edge. That poor bastard, but I could not do anything, as I didn't know. And now I do. This was a warren for their pack, it was disguised as an inn so that any poor sod would become victims to them. I was no hero, though I did think about it, if I wasn't so small I could do it. Wait. I’m fucking stupid! I could use my small size! If I was big then it would have impossible. I could be mini snake! Giggling, I made my plan. "I might need a box."

Plan A; Get in without notice, if found, use brute force, my speed, scalpel for quick slits, and invisible cuts. Take out everybody that's a threat. Find the leader and take him out. He/she would have to be at the lowest point of the warren. An alpha, would be huge and well-armed. The alpha would be followed by some sort of groupies. If my memory from the show serves me right, they ate gems, thus, they had to have a storage of gems somewhere. It shall be mine.

I stalked right around to the back of the inn. Staying out of line of sight and smell. The inn was an old western style, two floors, the second had a deck with no one up there. I flew up to the deck landing as soft as I could. The doors where closed, thankfully there was no windows. The doors were locked. I grabbed my scalpel and a pin. I tried to pick the lock. It was as easy as Fallout three! The door now unlocked I opened it to a slit. Looking in I could see it was a bedroom for someone. I entered the dark room closing the door behind. To my right was the bed with someone sleeping? I went for a closer look.

I jumped up onto the night table without a sound, from my parkour skills. The person sleeping was a German shep diamond dog. I could guess it was the beta from where it is sleeping. I placed my knife against its wind pipe. I was no murderer, but I hate 'slavery' I could safely assume that from the show, and how their set up. I said sorry for what I was about to do. With a swipe, it woke up clenching its throat trying to get help. Its blood squirted all over the place. It splashed me staining my pure white fur. I didn't care. It went limp from the lack of air and red stuff. I stared at the now dead dog. I felt nothing for its miserable life. I turned to the door hearing loud sounds coming from the stairs. The smell of death, and sounds of struggle lured it in. I think it time to try that spell out.

"Umbra," I whispered. The shadows encasing me in darkness.

I flew over to the far corner of the room waiting for my next victim. The door opened up to a fully armored diamond dog. Its head was the only thing visible. It went over and loamed over the dead carcass of its friend. I walked upside down on the roof till I was on top of the dog. I released the spell. In my claw, I held my knife. I jumped on the diamond dog and slit its throat before it could react. It died just like the other. I did this to every diamond dog that came in. When no more came up, I had amassed fifteen dead diamond dogs. Satisfied, I left the room leaving back my hate.

Trotting down the hallway slightly drained from the spell. I was relieved it didn't tax me like last time, even though I used it multiple times. The hall was short plain, and no more rooms. Nothing was noticeable. Gliding down the stairs I got ready for another fight. To my disappointment, there was none. It was what as you'd expect of an inn. Round wooden tables with chairs, a bar, and a desk. No color except light brown and candle light. I am beginning to realize that diamond dogs have no sense of class. I walked around the room looking for where the pony went to. I jumped up onto the bar feeling thirsty, Looking at the empty bar to find a sink. I turned on the cold water hearing a strange sound from behind. "A secret underground passage, of course" I sighed at the cliché.

I walked into the lit tunnel. They're gems along the roof giving a faint light to guide my way. The tunnel was fairly big. I can estimate it was twelve feet up, rounded down till flattened, and eight feet wide. Looking back, I felt no remorse for what I just did. If I was caught as a grown up, It would have looked normal. I was a kid though, if I was caught like this, I would be have a first class ticket to the insane asylum.

I cleaned my blade with my blood drenched fur, put it away in my wing, leaving the entrance behind. Walking down the steep slope into the warren, I came to a fork. It was an old miners rule, by old, I mean 'Minecraft' right was down, left was up. It was a handy tip. I went right, the slope got steeper, just as I thought. It was too quiet. Maybe I alerted the hoard? I began to fly down deeper into the warren with needed speed.

I flew all the way to a gate. I didn't see diamond dogs on the way here. It was indeed strange, I muttered under my breath. The gate was heavily reinforced, it would take an army to take down by hand, or hoof? Or a magical griffin with a hate for these bitches. I inspected the Twelve by twelve foot iron door. I banged it with a claw checking how dense it was. To my surprise, it was by my guess only six inches thick. It would take a lot of magical power to break down the door of this size. I didn't have that sort of skill or magical strength, well not for a while without more practice.

I looked around the gem lit hall of stone. "The gems, how are they giving off light?" I asked out loud. I flew up to grab one. It was a sapphire the size of my head, and glowing immensely. It resonated a unique sensation. "Are you powered by a neutral magical charge?" I asked it. "If so I could use it." A crazy idea came to mind. Taking it off the ceiling I floated it down. I placed the stone against the door. I backed away to a safe distance. I pointed out with my hand and focused my magic at the crystal. Once the energy was ready I did my spell.

"CREPITUS," I yelled. In a split second a pure white light erupted out of the gem straight up blinding me. Then a defining sound, blasted through the cave, followed by a shockwave of pressurized air, sending me flying back down the hall. When the smoke cleared, and the pain from the blast stepped down, I checked my work. For one, the door was gone, for two, there was moon light. I walked up to where the door used to be not caring about the other side, there was no more door. I looked up, it was night time, I could see the stars and moon. I blasted a circular hole up through two miles of earth. "Note to self; don't do that unless it’s the end of the world". I said terrified.

I looked toward the other side of the door. Glaring at the diamond dogs, I walked toward them. I found where they have been hiding. Behind them was both the loot, and slaves. They were going to hold out behind that door till they could make off with what they stole. There was thirty of them of all breeds and sizes. A big one in over decorated armor standing tall in the middle. It was the alpha. The slaves were beaten up, starving. I see ten earths, five pegasi, and seventeen unicorns. I see the pony that was recently taken, the mare shaken. I was going to inject as much fear as possible into their souls. They were not afraid of me, they should be I was Grim reaper, I was the punisher. I am the prince of darkness. Giving a sadistic grin ear to ear It was time to play a song.

"Musica ex Magica," I said, thinking the song I wanted to play modifying it, by a little.
"This is your time to pay,
This is your judgement day,
I made a sacrifice,
And now I get to take your life." I bolted at them while singing, The hoard charged to intercept.
"I shoot without a gun,
I'll take on anyone,
It's really nothing new,
It's just a thing I like to do. "Using my small stature, I dodged all their ranged attach's.

"You better get ready to die," Killing the first dog with my scalpel, jumping off rolling under another one, got out of the roll losing my knife. I veered back, using my claws, I dug into its back moved it like a dummy to take a fatal blow.

"Your life is over now," I moved onto the next one slicing through its chest pulling out its heart. "When your time is at an end, then it's time to kill again," I squeezed out of the grips of four more taking count of how many I killed so far. Ten.

I lost my knife. I could see it, but it’s too far away. "I cut without a knife," Two more dead. "I live in black and white," I flew up to grab a gem lamp. "You’re just a parasite," I focused a spell into the crystal. I threw it downward. "Scalpere, aeris!" I yelled.

It turned the fifteen below me into guts and ribbons. Blood coating the walls crimson mist. "Now close your eyes and say good-night."

I landed in the river of blood, twenty five dead, five left. "You better get ready to die," I ran at them, while they stood in fear of the sight they just witnessed. I went into flight. Blood flying off my wings with each flap. "You better get ready to run, Cause here I come, You better get ready to die!" I cheered. The four and alpha charged hoping to scare me off. I didn't work. These guys were fully decked out in armor, I would have a hard time. I aimed back up to get another lamp to use a spell worthy of them. The alpha did not like that. Just as I expect. It jumped up thinking I would get caught midflight, but I had other plans.

I ducked under the alpha, doing a one eighty grabbing one of those vials and smashed it against its face mask hoping it would go through the eye holes. When he turned around, the alpha collapsed and didn't get back up. While he fell, I went back for a lamp, grabbed it I threw it down toward the remaining five, all in range. Focusing my magic at the crystal.

"Umbra, exedo," I said.

The alpha got back up just in time for black entrails to wrap around him and his buddies, They were muffled, while the darkness consumed them. No screams for mercy, no blood, no more diamond dog pack! I looked at them. My sadistic grin was replaced with an ice cold glare. Equestira was a place of peace and harmony. Not chains and brutality! They deserved to die, to burn in hell fire! I felt, 'wrong,' I don't act this way. I went straight for the kill, rather than my sneak in get out plan. Seeing their blood coat my body from head to paw filled me with joy, which is something I was never like! Was it the magic, or the world? I always felt off since I came here. I assumed it was my baby brain for how I acted. Now I realize it wasn't, it was the magic! It brought out my most powerful feelings, and subdued the lesser. My rage, bloodlust, and hate for the diamond dogs led me to swim in their fucking blood! Looking at the slaves, they were horrified. I could guess at what they just lived through.

A baby griffin, blew-up the iron door, came into the room, started to sing a demented song while slaughtering the last of the pack. I was a little fluffy ball from hell! My little legs trembled violently. I fell on my haunches lifting up my claws for inspection. I started to cry, I was afraid at what I'm capable of! Trying to wipe my tears, I got back up, my head lowered in shame. Walking up to the slaves they were too afraid to say anything. They didn't move thinking that If they stayed still they would be spared. I didn't blame them. I would be the same. I placed my hand over the shackles of each prisoner, using a spell. "recludam," which ment 'unlock', in Latin. Not surprising they were released.

Once all were free I slumped over to the loot, not caring for the others anymore. I lifted my head up. I spotted a backpack in my size, and two fairly new satchels not far away either. I grabbed the backpack and filled it up with thousands of bits, and hundreds of gems. When it became full, I zipped it back up and swung it onto my back tightening the straps so it wouldn't fall off. I grabbed one of the satchels putting it on my right shoulder, and the other on my left flank. Once they were tightened I put my map, somehow, not bloody, into the front satchel. I turned to face the crowed. I was confused. 'Why haven't they left yet?' I thought. All of them just looked at me for something, what? Oh I get it, they want to know if they are free. I cleared out my throat, and spoke to them.

"Why are you guys still here?" I asked loudly. They looked at each other, guessing who will speak up. One eventually did. It was the new mare. She was an earth pony, a brown base, dark brown mane with an axe and hacksaw cutie mark.

"I'm Hacksaw, we don't know the way out," she asked sheepishly. I sighed rolling my eyes.

"Fine, fallow me," I grunted. I was hoping they lead themselves out.

The ponies fallowed me without a word, I can tell they were too afraid to, even Hacksaw. When we got to the secret entrance. It opened up for us. When the door was fully opened I gawked at the diamond dogs, the ones in charge of the door in front. I face clawed, with a deep sigh of annoyance. I was too tired to fight any more. The ponies gasped in horror thinking 'almost there'. 'I am going to feel this in the morning.' The dogs looked at us equally surprised, unsure what to do. The black lab spoke up.

"How you get free?" he asked.

"Listen, I'm exhausted from killing your alpha, pack, and more. Get out of our way, and you won’t have to find out how they died, as for the rest, I freed them," I replied.

They gulped in unison, and moved aside.

"Thank you," I said with a nod while leading the ponies to the outside.

It was morning, the ponies cried at the sight of seeing the sunrise in its beautiful shades of pink. I see some hug others, the two diamond dogs beheld the seen with me. They knew it was fruitless to fight for revenge. I smiled weakly. I got back up turned south. With the sunrise as my compass, I flapped my wings into flight, leaving the overjoyed ponies behind. The diamond dogs ran in the opposite direction.

I managed to fly away a good distance before I fell unconscious, dropping out of the sky like a rock.