The Prince of darkness.

by Winter Rosario

Ch 2. Fun with with the doctors.

Fun with the Doctors.

It has been one week since my arrival and I was surprised by how little questions I was asked. I can assume that being five, meant I was too confused to give any answers for 'them.' The week was messed up though. I swear they did, EVERY TEST IMAGINABLE! One word; needles. Thankfully I wasn't scared of them. The Doctor couldn't understand why I didn't respond to the; eighteen flew shots, twelve vitamin boosters, two protein regulators and eight long blood tests.

They were astonished of how well behaved I was. They thought I would run away after the first shot. Dr. True heart and my favorite nurse Mrs. Sweet heart had a priceless expression. Needle after needle, I just treated them like a rock, while they just stared, jaws dropped. At one point, I waved and smiled at them causing their helper, a mare I can't remember, broke into laughter. Good times.

When I wasn't being a tiny cute pincushion, I had a physical with Dr. Soft touch, where I had lots of fun with. She came to my room. She was a pink base, rose red mane in a ponytail, pegasus, with a stethoscope headlamp in a heart cutie mark. She smiled at me, I could care less.

"Hello young man, how are you today?" asked Soft touch.

"I am fine," I replied.

"Would you come with me please, it's time for another checkup," said the mare.

She led me to a different room from the usual place. It was a dark room with lights everywhere, but pointed at the table at the center. The doctor sat me on a cold metal table with lots of unnerving tools surrounding it. I snagged a scalpel and hid it in my wing. Looking around, I hear a loud snap. I turned to the noise and saw my kidnapper put on two blue gloves, which looked pointless, as did the face mask.

"Ok my little griffin, let’s get started," said Soft touch. She walked up to the table and grabbed a device.

"If you are getting uncomfortable please tell me. Ok?" she smiled through her face mask.

"Ok," I replied nervously.

Long story short. She touched, EVERYTHING! I have never felt so violated. The devil mare put things where they don't belong! 'When we are done, you will pay!' She went to get something in a cabinet. It was that little knee hammer. ‘This is how it begins.’ I plotted in my mind. She tapped my knee, the right arm went up. She did it again, left wing flexed out, thrice, I did an eye twitch.

After each hit, she became more frustrated, like a cat who could never catch the red dot. I couldn't hold back the rising laughter. I burst into giggles fits, and to make things worse the hammer was thrown out the window hitting a garbage can with a loud clank.

The doctor realized now that I was messing with her. She turned back to the cabinet and pulled out a sledgehammer. Coming back with a wicked grin, She tied me down and aimed the oversized block of iron at my now trembling leg stubs. Fearing for my ability to walk, I begged for forgiveness, but to no avail. Soft touch lifted the overkill item with her front hooves, standing on her hinds, and with a heavy slam she taped my knee, it popped up normally. Almost having a mini heart attack, doctor crazy let me go.

"There. It’s over," she growled pissed off to the moon, she was, scared to death, I am.

When we left the nightmare room behind, I was not happy with what happened. Walking down the hall to the elevator back to my room, I spot a group of ponies socializing. My next prank shall be with them! Just as we begin to pass I said this.

"Wow Dr. Soft touch, sex was really fun!" I jumped with evil glee. They stopped at what they were talking about and gasped. My molester stopped like a deer in headlights. She looked back at me then the group fumbling her words to what I just said. Just as I was about to make the scene even more screwed up, a black base, blond stallion unicorn in a suit called her out.

"Dr. Soft touch. Care to explain to what our little cub just said?" the stallion said not impressed. Freaking out, she couldn't do anything in this situation.

"No sir," she whispered bowing her head defeated. I can guess this guy was her boss, 'It's payback time!' I thought.

"Tell me young man, be honest, what did she do?" he asked looking down at me. I was happy to reply with honesty.
"Well, she put me on a table and started to touch me everywhere telling me to stop if I was uncomfortable. Then she turned me around and asked me to bend over, then she started to penetrate..." I was cut off by the suit.

"That is all, you don't have to say anymore," his voice hard. 'Pony logic?' I asked myself. He called over another pony to take me to my room while Dr. Soft touch was led somewhere else. Yay for pony logic!

That was my week. Get up, tests, eat, screw with whoever I did not like, ice cream, wonderful naps and I learned how to fly! Ok it was by accident. It was day five, I had nothing to do. So I figured I would parkour in my room. Do you remember the game, don't touch the ground? It was like that, except on very expensive medical equipment! I climbed on the plastic visitor’s chair. I aimed for my bed, a good six feet from the chair and jumped.

I was surprised I did not face plant on the ground, instead I was hovering. ‘Why was I hovering?’ I looked down and saw that I was one foot from the bed, and my tail was just touching the ground lazily. I didn't feel anything off. I looked at my flapping black wings, then the ground. The impact wasn't felt, till I leaned forward and shot at my bed, curbed stomping myself against the frame. My nurse screamed at a bloody faced cub jumping from my bed, windowsill, heart monitor, bedside table, bathroom door knob and back. The scream made me miss, thus smashing my face again.

It was a good week. Then to kick that week out of the bucket I had a visitor. A yellow base, orange and yellow mane flowed back, and a fireball phoenix cutie mark. She wore aviators, trailing her was Dr. True heart. She went over to the window while the doc came up to me.

"Hello Winter, staying out of trouble?" he asked. I nodded. I looked back to the mare, then I realized, it was Spitfire! 'OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH' screamed in my mind. It was my third favorite pony after Luna and Rainbow dash of course. RD number one. Luna two. The ponies in the room began to giggle at something. I looked around for what they were smiling about.

"What’s so funny?!" I squeaked.

"Oh just your wings," Spitfire pointed. I looked at them, they were fully erect and hard. 'Fuck.' I tried to put them down or hid them as best I could, but the sight of me chasing my wings around like a dog to his tail stopped me in the realization of how stupid I must have looked. Spitfire was cracking up on the floor, and my Doc was trying to be professional, but his giggle fits still burst out every time I looked at my wings. Embarrassed I hid under my over-sized pillow.

It took them awhile before their composure set back in.

"Hey, its ok, you were just excited, totally natural," Spitfire said trying to bring me out. I was too mortified to come back out.

"No! You’ll just make fun of me again!" I squeaked.

"No we won't Winter, we are sorry for laughing, it was not right for either of us to do so," said the Doctor.

Now I know this was not right of me to be acting this way, but If you were changed back to five from eighteen, you have no control over 'little boy syndrome', I tried. I poked my head out to the meanies giving a pouting expression.

"No more?" I asked. They both nodded in unison.

After that episode I learned why Spitfire was here.

"Sponsor?" I asked.

"Yep, I want you to go to flight school in Cloudsdale," replied Spitfire.

"Why me? I'm just a griffin," I said back. This was indeed odd. Why would she pick a random ass person to be sponsored? Plus I’m five!

"Well, to be truthful, it would give both the school and I good reputation," said the mare. I knew something was off! I was going to be used as advertisement! Well I will not have it.
"No," they both looked at me confused.

"Why not?" the doc said. Time for me to show how crazy smart I am.
"I will not be used as an advertisement, I want to do my own things, I may not have anybody to take care of me, but I will not be used in any which way that would help ponies I do not trust," I crossed my arms and turned away. The atmosphere in the room became awkward for Dr. True heart and Spitfire.

"Um… do you know what you just said?" asked Spit. I nodded. I knew what I was doing. I will not be held down by media.

"Well kid, this is an offer that does not come every day, are you sure?" said Spit.

"Yep," I smugly spat. They both left my room. I know, I just turned down the life outside the orphanage, but my agenda requires more of a stealthy approach. I planned out how I could get away from here without the doctors noticing. I had a clear view of the layout of the place. I only have till tomorrow to leave. That's when I get sent to the orphanage.

The doc came back.

"Winter, why would you turn down an offer like that?" asked True heart, still baffled.

"It was too good to be true, thus I thought all possible outcomes of yes, and they were not what I would have wanted," I explained.

"Oh? What is it that you want?" True asked more curios.

"Freedom," I replied.

It was evening, all the rooms were turning off for the night. My clock stuck midnight, and my plan set in motion. With a scalpel I stole from the molestation room the other day, hidden carefully in my wing as well as several bobby pins I nabbed from nurse Sweet heart. I glided softly down to the bathroom.

Without a sound, I opened the door and closed it behind me. It was pitch black in most of the room, but there was one faint light I noticed while playing hid and seek with the nurse that I knew led outside. It came from behind the ventilation ducts gate located over the bath tub. I flew up there and felt for the one flat head screw I didn't undo. With a claw, I make quick work of it. I caught the gate before it alerted my presence. Thankfully, it was not heavy as I thought. I lifted it back in place behind me and locked it by bending the tin from the shaft into a hook.

If the layout of the vents are as I expect, I just need to find the main one and go up. I was plenty small, and the light led me straight to the main shaft. I looked up to see a fan spinning and a star from the night sky. I placed one paw out, then a claw, then the others and started to shimmy up. It was, by all degree, 'hot'. My palms sweated like crazy, thankfully, the tin didn't burn my grip. Just like before I used my claw to undo the bolts, but two. Once done, I moved the fan, using the two bolts I did not take out as a pivot point. I cleanly got through. I pushed with all my little arms strength, on the bird trap. It was a hefty effort but I did it. I was free!

Canterlot at night. It was beautiful, the street lamps made the giant mountain side city, have fallen stars echo brightly through the streets. It was too bad I couldn't stay. I moved to the edge to get a better view on where to go next. I was near the face of the mountain. The train station was nine blocks away to the west of my position. I saw a train beginning to make its approach into the city. I was struck by a paper substance blinding me. I pulled it off of my face. It was a map of Equestria. Who throws out maps! Whatever, I surveyed the landscape on the map. To the east was the Zebra lands, West feline jungle. South Gem fido, the griffin dominion just beside that. North, the crystal empire, wait, where is it? I looked at the date of the map, nine hundred ninety nine. By the ware on the map it was brand new. I can give a good guess of how far I was from the show. I was one year before the events of Nightmare moon. At least I know now what year it is, though I could have asked. I looked at Gem fido. That shall be my next destination. I folded up the map and tucked it in my feathers.

I jumped off the roof and glided to the train station like Ezio! I landed on that roof. The cake decorated train pulled up. I flew into an empty car and hid. There was nothing in it to hide behind, so I latched on the vent on the roof. For what felt like hours, the train started to move again. I looked out the open door after a safe ten minutes of moving. The train was going down the mountain side. I see a bridge at the other side of the first tunnel. That is where I make my first jump just in case I was found out that I escaped the hospital. The boom of entering the tunnel was loud. The light at the other end traveled quickly. I began to time my jump. 3, My wings stretching, 2 a loud whistle came from behind, 1, the tunnel ended,0, I jumped.