The Prince of darkness.

by Winter Rosario

Ch1. I just wanted pop.

I just wanted pop!

"I'm heading to the store sis!" I called leaving her house. I live with my older sister, it was the only place I could go to after I moved out, or rather kicked out. I didn't do anything wrong but living under the same roof with a mother that didn't give two shits about you would do that to a person. She only cared about my little brother, spending all our money on cigarettes and gambling. That was my home for sixteen years.

Living below the poverty line will do things to you. I was a bad kid coming into my teen years. I would go steal for whatever I wanted. I got good at it to the point of being able to nab video games from behind the fence. 'Sorry that's my secret,' and even a sixty-inch flat screen. 'Another secret'. Pretty much, anything I owned was either stolen or from the ‘Stone Age,’ and my parent could care less.

But one day I was caught. My luck ran out just for a day. It was just an average run. Get in, take off magnet tags, and leave without alarm. I was with some friends showing them the ropes. Today was a good day though, we managed to steal fourteen video games, a ps3 and a shopping cart full of munchies, but on the last run I missed a tag and we were caught.

Sitting in that tight round room was lame. I didn't feel ashamed of what I did. Could I? No, not after the neglect from most of my childhood set in. My luck, fortunately, returned when I got home. When I went to court I was pardoned so quickly, it was like the judge was having a blowjob right in the courtroom.

School was ok, nobody messed with me, but if I see something I didn't agree with, you pray for your life that I didn't make you a target. I was the grim reaper of bullies. Pick on a black kid, a lead pipe to the knee. Pick on a girl, first class ticket to the 'Intensive care unit.' To be honest, I wasn't intimidating. I looked like an adorable puppy, but my bark would make you tremble and my bite was poisonous.
The downside of it all was due to my passiveness. It was hard to make me angry. The only time I had no control was when I was seven. One fifteen-year-old and his friends thought it would be a good idea to pick on my only friend at the time. He was an African-Canadian. His name was Tristan. He and I had a lot in common. The bullies waited for school to end and for us to pass by the park. Halfway past the park, they appeared. All three of them making racial comments and pushing us around. Like their playthings.

"Hey Negro, how is your whore mom!?" said the leader of the group with a sadistic grin on his face.

"I know! She smoking some white cock!" the second said. All three laughed in unison thinking it was the best joke ever.

"Oh look. It's the black shits friend! I bet you own this fucking slave," said the third. At that point, Tristan started to cry. I tensed all my muscles. The rage filled my little heart. That's when the cold feeling made its way in.

I spotted a knife in the second's belt. I bolted at him in a frenzy. He moved to the right, I grabbed his knife just as he moved out of the way, turned around and stabbed him under his kneecap causing him to fall. The others looked at me in horror. They looked at their screaming heap of a friend, then back at me. They tried to run away like chickens. I didn't let them. I stabbed the third in the back, and while he fell I slit the main tendon at the base of the foot used for walking, on the first.

A cop was at the scene just as the first fell to bawling cries for mercy. If it weren't for the cop’s sudden arrival they would have been dead. After that, I took racists with a grain of blood.

Some days I couldn’t believe how insanely lucky I was. There were times where, I couldn't believe I wasn't dead, or locked up in a maximum-security prison. ‘Have you ever been hit by a car going sixty miles an hour? I have.’ I was coming home from school. The school at the time was located across the main inner city highway. The light was green for crossing. About half way, a yellow, mid-sized coupe came out of nowhere.

It really needed a friend, to be my friend. It struck me like I was its new bitch. I went through the windshield, smacked the driver, had coffee, and out the other side giving a big kiss to the pavement. The speeding banana skidded into the dividers causing it to flip on its left side making more friends to oncoming traffic. I got up like nothing happened and went home. It was badass, and only a fucking bruise. I didn't care about whatever happened next. Though I should have gone to the hospital afterward.

Aside from cheating death multiple times, there was never a dull moment. Now here I am, in a stable house, more money than I ever had and bored out of my mind! I moved to a small town, about two hundred people. Everybody knows everybody. The only thing for excitement is partying, but I HATE PARTYS! I'd rather kill myself by watching paint dry then go to that loud, overly social, moron filled, douche fest called fun. Not going kicked me out of all the groups. Even the nerds. Apparently even the nerds hanged with the cool kids. This was an ass backward town.

I was alone most of the time from not going to parties, not that I cared. I was born alone, I was different. In this day and age, being abnormal will throw you down the fast lane to becoming.A living ghost. Plus, I liked all the things that would get you killed. Thankfully, I learned to hide it fairly well. One of the things was, my little pony friendship is magic. I found this show while living in the hood. I was taking fencing, judo, and anatomy. It was fencing where, from my sparring partner I became interested. When we were done with sparring we were watching pony videos, like Portals with ponies or rip offs of other shows that were also pony fide. I took up the nerve to do background, and after the first episode I was hooked.

It was nice, a good story, well-written characters, and nobody was alone. All the ponies smiling, laughing, having a good time learning about each other. The life I never had. I quickly became a brony after the first season. I read fanfiction, listen to the music, seeing the art, and talked through the forms. The show helped fill in the hole from years’ worth of solitude.

I arrived at the store. Surfing through the isles minding my own business, a stranger with a black suit and matching fedora kept real close to me. he was slightly taller than my six four stature. He gave an overly happy smile and looked at everything I touched. This guy is weird, 'just ignore him and he'll go away'.

Going into isle after isle in a small town store with a creep constantly smiling at you. Which was very annoying. His jet black hair, grey eyes filled with unnatural curiosity, young face that could seduce a succubus, just watched me go about finding the pop section. If he is gay, I'm not interested, I like my girls, and if he was a she, she better be without a dick.

I found the isle, even though it took me forever, because they like to change them around every damn week. I grab a two litre bottle of the elixir of the heavens. Coke Cola. 'Hey it’s the best! They make it out of the same stuff as cocaine!' With my loot in hand, and a possible gay stocker I made my purchase.

"Is that everything today sir?" said the shopkeeper.

"Yep," I replied looking over my shoulder to see my creeper smiling absentmindedly.

I paid the amount taking my spoils in hand. Just out of the door he asked me an odd question.

"Do you want to play a game?" said the creeper with a very girly voice. Now when a stranger spying on you for the past ten minutes asks to 'play a game' like the jigsaw serial killer. Do you say yes and die? Or run like hell? I chose the first option like an idiot.

"Sure," half annoyed. I could take him in a fight. I spot a crowbar in a truck parked outside the door, just in case things got ugly.

"Okie, dokie, the game is called chess! I am the player and you're the pawn," he raved while throwing his arms in the air. Just as he did the gesture the town went quiet, the wind stopped, the sun turned black, and the people disappeared. This freak of nature barely holding back his laughter.

He couldn't hold it though. The hysterical over the top crazy was too much for me. I dropped my loot and bailed, but I couldn't move. He stopped, giving a pouty frown.

"Aww don't leave," said the man crossing his arms.

"I haven't explained the rules yet," giving a duck face. This guy is, CRAZY! What did he do super clue where I would stand! I searched frantically, trying to find a way to get away from this nut job!

"You better listen up," he pointed.

"If you don't follow the rules we will both get in trouble." We? He has friends! Great, just [i[fine. I need to buy some time for my escape route.

"What do you want from me? Money, info?" giving a bad poker face.

"Oh ho! Yes my friend!" he clasped his hands together.

"I want you,” he pointed. To go and do whatever you want, no strings attached," smiling again in his overly happy mood.

"Where?" I asked moving my foot lose from my shoe.

"EQUESTRIA!" he said while twirling around, stopping, and did a quick carremelldancen. I stared at what he just said. Equestria, he wants me to go to Equestria. Even if it were possible, and this nut job could in fact do it, would I go? Sure my life is getting better, I'm getting the things I want without the risk of jail. If I was to vanish would my family care? Hardly. I stopped my attempt of freedom to see if he wasn't playing. ‘Like an idiot.’

"Ok, but as a griffin," I said trying to go along with him.

"What age?" he replied, now doing the gangnam style. What age? I think I’ll amuse him further.

"Five, oh and put me in Canterlot," I smiled as he went from gangnam to Barbie girl.

"Right oh! And one last thing, don't forget you towel," with a snap of his fingers a pink fog wrapped around me, and the last thing I see was a crazy man doing the worm.

I woke up feeling...different. I opened my eyes and what I saw was messed up. I was in a white, sterile, hospital room. Without looking, I could feel an IV in my arm, and the beeping of a monitor gave the room a very annoying sound. I looked down the length of my bed, only to realize what happened. I notice my 'paws,' black and stubby. I lifted my 'claws,' to see if the little paws were mine. I grabbed the middle nub. It was mine! I felt it! These were my claws!

I screeched a high pitched squeak alerting everyone to my presence. A nurse ran in. She had a white base coat with a pink mane. She was a pony with a tattoo on her ass! Freaking out, I tried to run away. I got up on all fours, jumped of the bed only to be caught be the mare in mid-flight for the window.

"Let me go!" I squeaked frantically trying to squirm out of the death grip of the mare.

"It is ok sweetie, you're safe now," she calmly spoke with such tenderness, pulling me into an embrace. I calmed strangely with each stoke over my hair.

"What is your name little Griffin?" the mare tucking me back in the bed. Looking back at her still shaking from the unnatural fright. I looked at the white mare, her pink mane and eyes. A smiling sun lollipop cutie mark and a soft motherly smile that adorned her face. I was a child to her. I looked like one. I was a griffin.

"Where am I?" I asked my eyes beginning the tear up. The nurse looked at me with worried concern.

"You are in Canterlot General Hospital sweetheart," she said bending down beside me, placing a hoof on my trembling form. I was in Equestria, a place I thought impossible to go too. That crazy bastard did it! I was here! She rubbed my head again. I swipe my tears away. What would be my name? What meaning should it have? I thought hard for a moment until I was happy with what I got. My name is Winter, a season of wonder, Christmas, Valentine’s day, love and individuality. If I was going to be in this world I shall keep that name. I smiled weakly, lightening up the nurse’s mood.

"Do you have a name?" she asks again. I look at her happily.

"My name is Winter."

Just as I say it to her, the doctor came in. A dark dirty yellow base, a blond two tone mane, lab coat with a check board, and a needle cross cutie mark. It was a ‘he,’ due to the muzzle shape. He saw me notice his presence and spoke up.

"My my, our little griffin friend has finally woke up," he spoke in a deep tone, clear and practiced. He gave me a smile. Using his magic, he flipped through the papers on his check board before looking back at me.

"Hello, I'm Doctor True Heart, I see you have met your nurse Mrs. Sweet heart," he smiled putting down the papers giving me a good look making sure I was alright. I pieced together their names guessing they are brother and sister. I am not going to tell these ponies where I from, in fear of being put in mental health care unit.

"I'm Winter, are you two brother and sister?" I asked innocently. True heart smiled as did Sweet heart.

"Yes we are," they said in unison. Sweet heart left us to go get something, leaving me and True heart.

"Well, I know you are wondering where you are. You are in Canterlot General Hospital," he explained.

"We found you outside the emergency admission, but no parents," he frowned. "Do you know where your parents are?" I thought about it, I never did have parents. My mother didn't care about me, father died, so I spoke honestly.

"No, my parents left me," I replied.

Saying that hurt a lot more than it should. I hung my head in abandonment. The younger unhardened child body that is my new form pushed out the emotions I hid from everyone, out again. I started to cry, that was something I haven't done since my dad died. My sisters were too old, they left the house when I was two. My brother? I loathed his existence. I was the only child. I was cared for, LOVED! UNTILL HE WAS BORN! I was cast aside like a used old mule. All my family was never there long enough for me, to become attached.

While I bawled my eyes out, nurse Sweet heart was back into the room. The Doctor filled her in of what I said. Her gasp was very noticeable. She rushed back to give me a much needed hug.

I was an eighteen-year old turned five. I was a Griffin, my new body was different. I was in Equestria, brought by a strange man to play a game of chess. The chess game of the gods.