The Definition Of Happiness

by Pwincess

Open My Lilac Eyes

Celestia thrusted her beautifully decorated blanket of her body and allowed a crown and collar to levitate in a sphere of golden light. She smiled as she stepped towards the mirror, her usual self grinning back at her. Still, her heart felt heavy with sorrow and grief. Flapping her large and wide wings, she landed gently and gracefully on the balcony, of which her horn was enveloped with a shimmering aura. The sun slowly lifted until it finally lay in the centre of the now blue sky. "I am a lucky pony. There's nothing else to say. I am the luckiest pony in Equestria-" a bright light interrupted her. She found herself slowly shrinking, her muscles and bones twisting and turning until they finally stopped, fixed in their new positions.

Desperately, she rotated herself in an effort to find a mirror. When she did find one, her reflection left her in awe.
She was greeted by an unfamiliar pale-yellow coated, pink maned Pegasus.

"Oh. My. Me." She muttered in disbelief.

"Mama! Mama! What's for dinner?" Yelled a unicorn filly with a purple mane.

"Yeah Mama! It's been a long day of school!" Added a Pegasus colt with a blue mane. They stopped eagerly and waited, staring at her every move.

Turning to them, she dropped to the clean, shimmering floor. Then, her jaw opened to create a passage for sound to leave, and with he his she let out the most immature, unprincessly and high-pitched scream. The colt and filly simply huddled in the corner. Finally, darkness grabbed her by the eyes, and she fell unconscious.

"Mama..." "Mama..." "Mama!"

"What? Mama? Huh?"

"Mama?" A colt looked at her in utmost confusion.

"Dinner! We cooked dinner!" The filly grinned, placing the bowl onto the table.

"I...uh... Cookies? Uh- Yay... Best Food..."

"Really? You say they aren't good dinner?" Said the colt.

"We'll use it for... Dessert. I'll cook a meal..."

"What? Mama, don't let us die of famine!"

Say something... Anything? Ugh, think Celestia... What did Luna die for when she was a filly... Ah ha!

"Spaghetti Bolognese!" in response to that, both foals threw their hooves in the air, celebrating.

When was the last time I cooked Spaghetti Bolognese? Wait a second... When was the last time I even cooked?

Celestia stepped towards the stove, concentrating on the pans. Finally, when she remembered she didn't have her horn, she facehoofed herself as she walked over and picked it up. "Here goes nothing..."

"Dinner Is Served!" She smiled, throwing the plates on the table.

"Uh, mama. Why does this taste like manure?"


"Why does this taste like a dead pony corpse?"

"..." Her blush of embarrassment spread over her muzzle as she turned away from the children. "Mama is a little tired... Sorry, dears." And she walked away.

What. In. Equestria. Am. I. Doing. I'm not their mama? I'm not even a Pegasus! I need to fix this!"

She quickly ran out and left the house, flapping her wings. Nothing happened. In a desperate effort to get airborne, she collapsed. Tears streaming down her eyes as she continued to try.
