//------------------------------// // Home // Story: Locks key // by Locks key //------------------------------// How is Loxy going to react to this!!!! I thought flopping down in my bed. His love for me is strong. Just like her love for him. "Ughhhhhhh!!!!" I screamed throwing my pillow at the door. "Moth!!!!! You almost hit me. You need to be more careful." Loxy scolded coming into the room. "Heh heh . . . . . . " "You must be hungry. I'll go get mum. Then we can go to the hive!" She squealed jumping in excitement. "Oh for pete's sake. Lets go." I grumbled. "Don't be so mad. You'll at least be able to see Bumble." She said smugly. "Who's he?" I asked sticking out my tounge. "Never mind. Let's go already!!!" Loxy squealed. "Mom. Can we go to the hive?" Loxy asked. "Sure. Momma's gotta stretch out these old wings." Chrsanthamum said. "Yay!!!!!!" Loxy cheered. "Wooohooo." I said bluntly following my mom and sister out the door. The hive was the last place I wanted to be in a million years.