Alpha Elysium

by ZeroCore


Hello there, and welcome to my little shop. You seem to be new in Canterlot, I can see it in your eyes, mostly the little details. Admittedly, I'm fairly new here myself; I just moved into this city recently after traveling across Equestria and other places most... well, that's a story for another day.

You seem weary, if I may say so. Oh, not to imply that you aren't well kept in your appearance, I merely meant you seem a bit... burnt out on the inside. Maybe it's something small, or maybe it's something, well, not so small. Either way, it seems like there's a trouble stirring somewhere in your mind.

I don't claim to have all the answers, or even a specific bit of help, and I apologize for that. I do, however, know of something that might take the sharp edge off of it for a while. Don't worry, it's not a drug, or a complicated lecture, no, far from it. It is a place to visit, perhaps here, perhaps later. It gets a slight bit confusing.

This place isn't here, nor there, nor anywhere you've been thus far. It's not part of Equestria, per say, but you might not a few similarities. It is a parallel plane of existence, somewhere far off yet not more than the width of a shadow away.

It is, in all seriousness, a world that is in peace, constantly, and for once that does not mean the peace of the grave, if you'll pardon a bit of ghoulish humor.

Heh, no. Please, if you'll allow me to escort you there, you might just like what you see. I'm sure that realm's natives might like you as well. You see, they... well, you'd really have to see the place to find out.

I can see you're a bit nervous, or is it skeptical? I couldn't really tell the difference between the two if one or the other managed to spring off the drawing table of the mind and hit me on the flank. Don't worry, I won't make you go if you don't wish to. You are free to go any time you wish.

If you do find yourself overwhelmed, just think that you wish to return, and it will be done, although personally I do think that returning before your visit is complete might not be in your best interests.

Ah, take no heed of it if you wish; t'was merely a suggestion. Think nothing more of it if that's what you want.

Given that you're still here, I take it that you wish to travel to this land I speak of.

Hold still a moment. The spell to travel there is quite bright and...

I'm terribly sorry if that was a bit much for you. It must have taken you a few minutes at least to get the spots out of your eyes.

Well, now that your senses are restored, perhaps you should take a look around. Trust me, it's quite the sight to behold.

Perhaps you've noticed the Aura Arcana in the sky above, that shimmering, glowing aurora in the sky? Maybe the sphere-tipped, needle-like structures grabbed your attention, the ones with those large rings in the middle? They rather look like giant sewing needles with golden baubles at their points, don't they? And what do you think of the wide-open fields, or the bubble plants constantly filling the air with floating bubbles of water? Maybe the ponies frolicking about in the fields caught your eye? Those are the inhabitants I spoke of.

And what is this place of wonders, you ask?

This, my friend, is Alpha Elysium, the realm of eternal balance and functional stasis.

Perhaps it's time for me to show you around. I'll just grab one of these bubbles here and...

Whoa! Ha ha! Oh, dear me, do forgive my lack of grace. I appear to have been—haha—stuck inside one!

Do try it though, it's great fun. Just tap on a water bubble drifting through the breeze. It'll grow bigger, pull you inside, and just like that you'll be drifting through the air! Don't worry about getting wet or breathing either; you'll be fine! Just trust in the magic of the realm, and it will trust in you in return!

That's it, you're a natural! Already inside a bubble before I could even finish, haha! Oh my, it looks like the wind is picking up! This is brilliant!

Heheh! Hang on! We're drifting over the fields now! Can you see them? The ponies in the fields below are all looking up at us. Well now, don't be rude; they're waving at you, so wave back, don't be shy. That's it, well done!

I see a bit of confusion on your face. Yes, your eyes are not deceiving you; there are all sorts of ponies down there. Some Earth, some Pegasus, Unicorns too, and even Alicorn ponies all mingling with one another in friendship and blissful jubilee. No need to worry about drab, droll things like politics barricading off individuals from one another. There's no such thing as any of that nonsense here.

Ah! Perfect!. It looks as though we're drifting towards the—ah!

Oof! Ah, that's what happens when—oh! Hold on, I've got you!


Safe and sound. Not as as if you needed me to catch you though, the magic of the land would have kept you safe, either that or one of the inhabitants would have. Bubbles, unfortunately, can pop here even still, well, unless one happened to get so attached to said bubble that they wanted it around forever. It has happened, but it isn't very likely what with all that there is to do.

Anyway, let's continue on. I see you've noticed the giant flora around this area; towering tree-like flowers and whatnot growing around this part of the landscape, as well as the thick, red nectar they spill out.

Well, there's a funny story about that you see...


Hm? Oh! Hello!

Don't be alarmed! I know what you're thinking; Changelings and all that.

Relax, relax! I promise this is no threat to you. You're not about to be captured, I promise. You see, the Changelings here are of no threat to anyone. They mostly use their shapeshifting abilities here to entertain others; ever try to play charades with a Changeling? Trust me, they're better at it than I.

They don't generally impersonate anyone here; they just farm and harvest these giant flowers for the love nectar they secrete. Instead of stealing love from ponies, these Changelings just drink the nectar. It works just as well as stolen love, and it does wonders for the appetite.

Ah, it looks like our Changeling acquaintance is willing to be generous. Don't be shy, take that cup of nectar from her. That's it.

What do you think? Tastes rather fizzy doesn't it? Kind of reminds me of seltzer water and fruit juice... strawberry perhaps?

Oh, she's waving goodbye! Farewell, Ms. Changeling!

I suppose we'd better be off too; there's so much here to explore after all!