Life In Equestria

by Minecraftzero1


I lived my life one day at a time. Having nobody to talk to at home, I only really communicated with my colleagues. I worked as a cashier at a grocery store, making a good pay to keep the house I had. I really didn’t have anything to do but play my videogames and watch My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. I spent most of my day sat on my couch doing the latter of the two, it was a lonely life and the cartoon was the only thing I had to make me happy; every day I would go to work with my Little Pony merchandise on, only to be mocked by the assholes who didn’t like it. Every time I got laughed at I felt like yelling profanities at them, calling them out, but I knew I needed the job and I kept all my retorts to myself. Living alone I was unable to afford a car and therefore resorted to walking home, It wasn’t so bad, taking about 30 minutes each way. As I’m walking I think about is getting to my couch to watch My Little Pony, impatiently awaiting the colorful land and the smiling faces of the ponies, if only my life could be as good as that, as good as the lives the ponies had; happy, carefree and fun. My life was pretty dull… Well, until that life changing event.
Electric shocks flew around my living room; Papers, Furniture and I were all being sucked into what looked like a small black hole. I tried to fight it, to hold on but the force was too strong and I gave up, letting go and giving into whatever fate awaited me. When I woke I opened my stinging, heavy eyes but I couldn’t believe what I saw, a lavender pony with a purple horn and matching eyes. I thought I was dreaming, but I wasn’t. I had awakened in a hospital.
"It’s waking up, quick somepony get some water it seems ill." I heard a voice, which sounded oddly familiar. Despite weak, aching arms, I managed to hold myself up.
"Hello." I heard the voice again; looking at the Purple pony with a purple horn I knew her name, but feigned naivety until I could be certain of the situation
"Are you ok?" She repeated.
"Hi, I’m fine. Where am I though?" I responded.
"Oh good, you’re ok, you’re in Equestria. Let me properly introduce myself, my name is Twilight Sparkle, What is yours?"
"My Name is Jake. How did I get here Twilight Spar..."
"Just call me Twilight" She interrupted with a warming smile.
"Well Twilight, how did I get here?"
"I was trying out a new magic spell and I thought I had marked the correct one but I was late and rushed so obviously managed to mark the wrong one” she explained before quickly continuing on another topic “We need to take you to Princess Celestia”
"Princess Who?" I responded still pretending I didn’t know who anybody was,
"Princess Celestia, she’s the ruler of Equestria, and I’m one of her students researching Magic and the power of friendship. Now we have to hurry."
The purple unicorn took me to the train station and by the time we got there her friends had joined us, all of them asking me what I was, though I never got the chance to tell them because Twilight was quick to interrupt, explaining that we would tell them later. When we were in the train we started discussing what had happened.
"So what is it?" I heard Rainbow Dash say to Twilight, but over hearing her I told her.
"A what?" Pinkie said
"A human" I repeated.
"How did you get here?" Rarity asked
"I’ll explain that when we see Princess Celestia." Twilight said
"Why?" Applejack asked
"Because it’s no point in telling it now, you'll hear it when I tell Princess Celestia."
"That does make sense." I responded.
It had taken 3 hours to get from the train station to Canterlot, paranoid, I whispered to Twilight "Why does every pony keep staring at me."
"No pony has ever seen a Human around these parts, you are the first anypony has seen. I brought you here by accident and I need to talk to Princess Celestia on what we can do to get you back to your world." She had responded
"Well honestly I would rather be here than my other world, my life back there is lonely and depressing whereas your world is colorful and happy, everypony is happy here and it’s something I’ve never seen." I had told her
"Well we can’t just leave you here, you don’t belong here, honestly hearing what your world is like I wish you could stay but I really don’t think we can keep you. Everything will be settled when we talk to the Princess."
"Ok, I do understand, but my world is full of hate. At least to me, all I see is people hating...on me. To be honest I have no friends in my world."
"I’m so sorry, you've made me want to keep you here but I have no control on if you can or not. It’s all up to Princess Celestia."
"I understand after all she is your land's ruler."
Our conversation was cut short when we reached the castle. "What the heck is that Twilight?" One of the guards at the door inquired, peering at me suspiciously before she explained the situation.
"Sure thing Twilight." The guard responded before sharply stepping to the side.
Twilight, and her friends and I entered the castle, walking quietly behind the Unicorn as she led us to the room in which Celestia was sat wherein Twilight, once again, explained the story of how I arrived in this world, her only response being “I've never seen a Human before" before looking at me with wide eyed curiosity.
"Neither had I but one of my spells went awry I accidentally brought him here from his own world, I was testing a new spell that was really interesting but when I had been in a hurry to meet my friends I had marked the wrong page In my haste.”
"I even saw bolts of lightning in my world, papers and furniture along with me started to be sucked into what looked like a black hole, and then all of a sudden I woke up in a hospital." I added.
"Well this is strange, why would he be teleported out of his world?"
"I don’t really know why he was teleported out of his world, but by the sounds of it his world is simply awful."
"What is it like?"
"I’ll tell her Twilight there is more I left out while we were walking here." I interrupted
"Ok then."
"My world is terrible, all day I simply laze around. It’s lonely, I have no friends there and most of the other humans and bitter and hateful, walking in public is grim, very few people are smiling when you see them unlike your world where it’s just full of color and smiling ponies. I do wish I could stay here with you but I understand you must probably bring me back to my world. It’s all your choice on what’s best for me, you are the ruler of this land I won’t have any hard feelings if you send me back."
She sat, pondering the situation for a minute before replying; "Well I don’t know what to do about this, it seems, from what you have said, quite awful where you live. I think though in the mean time you can stay at Twilight's while I think of how this will work. We don’t know what’s different in your body than everypony else but we do however have many ways to care for all sorts of living things. There is one thing you must understand, I want my faithful student Twilight to guide you and I would like you to do what she says. Do you understand?"
"Yes I understand" I replied
"Now Twilight do you think you can handle helping him?"
"Sure thing Princess." Twilight replied
"And one more thing, what is your name?"
"My name is Jake."
"Ok Jake, I hope you enjoy your time in Ponyville while I figure everything out." She said with a faint but warming smile “But before I send you back to Ponyville I first I must tell you how things work in Here."
I nodded in enthusiastic agreement.
“How does weather work in your world? Do clouds move by themself? Or are they controlled by an aerial team?"
"They move by themselves, why?
"Our weather must be exceptionally different from yours; we have a team of pegasi ponies controlling our clouds along with weather."
"Well yours is way different from my weather, clouds move by themselves and any kind of weather can happen. We do have weathermen to predict the weather for the day."
"Weather here in Equestria is controlled by the pegasi ponies, they are what makes it rain and snow. Like Twilights friend Rainbow Dash, she helps guide the ponies in Ponyville with the weather along with clearing the clouds."
"That’s pretty interesting." I replied with feigned shock, again acting like I don’t know anything about Equestria.
"The unicorn ponies as you can already tell can have strong power of their magic, in which you've already witnessed due to Twilight accidentally bringing you here."
"Yes very strong magic indeed."
"But as you can see since I am a princess I have the wings of a Pegasus and horn of a unicorn." She said, stretching her wings as though to demonstrate. "That is all you need to know about Equestria for now, any other questions I’m sure Twilight and her friends would be more than willing to help." She relaxed her wings once more, giving me a welcoming smile as she dismissed the group.
"Bye Princess Celestia" We said in unison as we left the room.