Bravery's ascension

by Stucks-24_6

Our lives are yours

After an hour of tiresome travelling out of the city of Las Pegaus, Bravery and Fortaancus reached the ruined suburbs as instructed.
Bravery stood a couple of metres from Fortaancus and then asked: "What do you think brings us here Fortaancus?" Fortaancus stared at the sky and then looked to Bravery in a blank way.
"To be honest Bravery, for the first time in my life, I have no idea." said Fortaancus keeping his voice quiet and shameless.
Bravery then diverted his gaze to the source of sudden flash above him. It was princess Luna. The indigo aura around her body was enough to grab Fortaancus' attention as well as Bravery's.
"Why do arrive outside Las Pegasus to hear that you have been excluded from the battle Pureblood?" Luna asked in a sort of compassionate tone. Bravery was too busy thinking of what to say to maintain eye contact with Luna, he turned to Fortaancus who slightly nodded to him in suggestion that he told the truth.
"Understand my princess, I did not mean for my team to be exposed, I never meant for them to be hurt...." Bravery explained before pausing for a few seconds. "...but he was going to die, defenceless and innocent." Bravery continued turning back to Fortaancus.

Fortaancus looked up a little bit more after Bravery had finished speaking in surprise. "I'm sorry my mistress, Bravery speaks the truth but he should not have been taken from this. I am to blame for this incident, I let my guard down when it was needed most."

Luna glared at the human behind the mask and armour and noticed a large scar on his back, she could tell he was telling the truth as well. She glanced at Bravery and Fortaancus for a few moments while she started to reconsider her words. These two were not all obedient for sure, but their wisdom and courage would prove useful in these times. Luna had seen Fortaancus past actions in protecting her subjects and approved of his noble actions. Also Bravery Pureblood had proved himself stronger than that of all the ponies she had seen in her immortal life, not to mention his selfless act to save Fortaancus. Together, Bravery and Fortaancus would be the solution to ending King Sombra's tyrannical rampage.

"Rise Bravery and Fortaancus!" Luna shouted in her royal Canterlot voice, "Your actions if not rebellious are the actions of true heroes, I feel that you are the key to Equestria's freedom." she continued slowly lifting herself off the ground with her wings.
"I will allow you two to return to battle as a favour, you both have given me and my sister hope of a brighter future for Equestria and look forward to seeing the flag of unity planted on top of this city's tallest monument." Luna said in her voice again this time with less of a volume.

Bravery and Fortaancus looks at eachother humbled and amazed at the same time. They bowed down before Luna in acceptance and Luna brought their heads up to look at her.

"No need for worship my friends, because as of now, the lives of all who inhabit Equestria are with you now. Our lives, are yours from today to tomorrow." Luna said.