//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 // Story: That's Not Quite How It Works... // by Calm Wind //------------------------------// MLP: FiM That’s Not Quite How It Works… By: Calm Wind Chapter 4: Shining and Cadance walked down the path, doing their best to follow the direction Twilight had run in. She actually had gone in the opposite direction of the library, puzzling them both. Twilight’s safe haven was generally anywhere as long as she had her nose stuffed in a book. It didn’t take long though, before they came across a park, one that Twilight had often mentioned in letters as a place to go to get away from the library on rare occasions. It didn’t take them very long to find her. No more than a minute walk into the park, they spotted her beneath a tree atop a small hill. The tree was a good distance from the path, but it was easy to see a purple pony curled up beneath the green leaves and dark brown trunk. “There she is…” Shining said upon them catching sight of her. His ears flopped down. They weren’t very close, but they could clearly see her contorted and jittering slightly as she cried. Shining felt like he had completely let her down. He wanted to help her, but it only made things worse. He felt like the worst older brother ever. Without saying a word he started towards her. Cadance walked in pace behind him, but they barely got very far before she noticed something. She quickly reached out and hooked her arm over Shining’s back, holding him. “Cadance?” he looked back at her, confused. “Hold on!” Cadance said as she pointed. Shining blinked and followed the direction of her point. Shining tipped his head curiously as his eyes landed on a pony walking towards Twilight. He was a yellow unicorn with a well combed, dark blue mane. His cutie mark was a star with a trail curving behind it and he carried a small saddle bag. His face was wrought with curiosity and concern as he approached the crying princess. Art by: eveyannie “Huh? Who’s that?” Shining wondered out loud. “I don’t know,” Cadance shook her head. “But… let’s see what happens,” she said as she held tight to Shining. Shining picked up on what Cadance was suggesting. He really wanted to apologize and make things up to his sister, but maybe something else would cheer her up first. Twilight rested her face in her tail as she lay curled up on the soft grass beneath the tree. Tears were steadily falling from her eyes as the words ‘alone’ and ‘never loved’ ran through her head. It was ridiculous. She was neither of those things. She had so many great friends and a family who loved her dearly. She felt terrible for thinking such things when she had ponies like that in her life, but alas, she had no significant other. No stallion to bond with, share her dreams with, have no secrets with, and love with all her heart. No matter how great her friends and family were, that gap remained unfilled. Her brother didn’t understand. The love of his life fell right into his lap, and he expected the same to happen to her with all the idiotic stallions he sent her way? She didn’t care if he meant well, it only reminded her that she didn’t know any stallions she could really connect with. Plus, she was a princess… that alone was a barrier. She would forever be groveled at or seen as a prize rather than a love. She watched as her friends all found others who could love and appreciate them for who they are… well, except for Pinkie and Rarity, but at least Rarity knew how to talk and act around stallions and Pinkie had such an easy target if she ever wanted Braeburn. She just had to face the facts. Nopony would ever truly want to be with her. She was destined to be alo— “Princess Twilight?” Twilight’s ears perked up and her eyes widened as a male voice she had never heard before met her ears. She looked up quickly, tears dripping from her face as she looked into the concerned eyes of a stallion she had never met. He looked somewhat familiar. She had seen the body and mane color and mane style before. If he lived in Ponyville then she may have seen him at some point or another. He had an intense look of concern in his eyes, one that made her quickly feel safe instead of startled. Did he see her and come all the way off the path? “What’s wrong?” he asked, his voice echoing the concern upon his face. Twilight sniffled, not quite sure what to say or do… just like she had been with the other stallions. It looked like it was just another reminder. Her ears flopped down and she lay her chin right back down on her tail, looking away from him. “Nothing…” she squeaked quietly, assuming he would just leave. “I find that hard to believe. You’re out here all by your lonesome, curled up under a tree, and crying…” he stated the obvious. Twilight didn’t care. In fact, she just wanted him to go away. She was clearly doomed to be alone, why did another one have to come up and taunt her so? She decided to just not answer. That would make him go away. She didn’t hear the sound of hooves walking away though. He was still standing right behind her. She flinched lightly as he let out a sigh. “Okay Princess, I have no idea what’s wrong…” he began. Twilight’s ears picked up when she heard some shuffling. “But I can’t stand seeing our very own Ponyville princess crying all by herself.” Twilight looked up again to see the stallion reach back and grab the saddlebag in his mouth, hoisting it off his back and setting it against the tree. He turned and sat down beside her, giving her a glance as she stared up at him quizzically. “Nopony should cry alone,” he added before looking back out into the park and simply sitting there. Twilight just kept looking at him. Nopony should cry alone. How ironically put given how she felt. No words came to her, she just stared. He was doing this just because he saw her crying? He didn’t care what it was about? That was… touching. However, as she kept staring at him, he looked like he started to become a little, nervous? Twilight didn’t know why she couldn’t take her eyes off of him. Maybe she was trying to figure him out? After a few more moments he suddenly stood up, grimacing. “I’m sorry… that was too forward, you probably want to be alone, I didn’t mean to bother you…” he spoke very fast. Twilight’s eyes widened as he stood, and he barely grabbed his saddlebag before she reacted. “No! Wait!” she called out. He stopped completely, looking down at her again. “I mean… no… you aren’t bothering me… um… please don’t go… Twilight had no idea where the words came from, but his brief presence made her feel less isolated. Less… alone. Precisely the opposite of what she was crying over. She barely thought about speaking, her words poured forth the moment he stood up to leave. “Er… alright…” the stallion said sheepishly, blushing lightly as he sat back down. “Sorry… I get really worried that I bother other ponies a lot…” he admitted while rubbing the back of his head. Again, Twilight found herself at a loss. It was almost like she didn’t want to say anything at all, she just wanted him there. What was she thinking? She didn’t even know his name! But the way he approached her out of concern and initially planted himself there to be for her was… uplifting. She didn’t want the feeling to leave. “So… um… do you want to talk about it?” he asked. Twilight had said before that there was nothing wrong. Well… she lied that there was nothing wrong. Why did he ask again? Probably because she desperately asked him to stay. “I…” Twilight started, but got no further. She couldn’t think straight it seemed. She wanted to break down and figure out everything, but that seemed impossible. How was she supposed to operate if she couldn’t understand how she was even feeling? The facts of the situation: she was sad, she felt alone, she was miffed at her brother, and she’d never get a special somepony. The facts of the newcomer: He approached out of concern, was quick to offer his company, and he seemed a little shaky or nervous. Nervous, huh? Kind of like how she had been around the other stallions. He even tried escaping while apologizing. In terms of a first impression, nothing about him seemed bad. She was lonely, and crying. He was concerned and curious. The situation was favorable for her to get her woes off her chest. She didn’t care if he was a complete stranger. “I haven’t had a very good day,” she started. She guessed it was the best way to put it. She glanced up at him with her tear stained eyes and saw that he was simply sitting and listening while looking down at her. “I’ve been feeling down lately about… things.” she decided not to be too detailed. Some of it was private after all. “My brother tried to help fix it, but I think he only made it worse,” that detail she was willing to share. “I know he means well, but it really just pushed things over the edge. I ran away from him and now I’m here.” “I see…” the stallion nodded as he listened. Twilight found herself pondering the brief explanation to be… lacking. As she looked at the stallion and once again thought over how selfless he was being, she felt like he deserved more or else she’d be stiffing him. He looked like he wanted to ask. She was sure he wanted to ask, but he was holding it back. Was it out of courtesy and not wanting to pry? That was so polite of him. “I’ve been… feeling lonely lately…” Twilight said a little quieter. He quickly looked at her, his head tipped in confusion. “What? Lonely?” he repeated in disbelief. She kept her eyes locked on him as he blinked. “Princess… forgive me, but I’ve seen you and your friends around town, you have the best friends anypony could ask for!” he had raised his voice a little, but there was no sharpness to it, it felt to Twilight like it was more out of confusion than anything. “Plus… you are the princess of our town. And…” he suddenly stopped. Twilight perked up slightly as he did. His eyes widened a little as if he realized something. “Oh…” he said as his ears flopped down. “Forgive me… I’m going to assume you mean, something more than friendship, correct?” He was perceptive too. She didn’t even have to say it. He read her emotions and put two and two together, having seen her around with her friends. She gave a weak nod as she sniffled. “Oh, dear…” he gritted his teeth and rubbed the back of his head. “And I’m guessing your brother’s help was... less than appealing,” he added as he tried to figure it out. Twilight nodded again. “It’s hard,” Twilight surprised herself. She was speaking freely? Did she feel… comfortable? “As a princess, I’m worried I’m just a prize. Any stallion that shows interest only wants my status. Not… me.” “That’s not true!” the stallion quickly retorted while leaning towards her. He instantly backed off, blushing as he winced. “Sorry… a bit much,” he said while clearing his throat. “I mean… that’s not true at all, Princess. There’s somepony out there for everypony. Somepony out there, who will someday love and respect you for who you are, not what you are,” he assured her. A moment after, he gritted his teeth again. “Sorry, that was a bit too philosophical…” “No, that was… very lovely actually!” Twilight cut him off, visibly surprising him. More than once now, Twilight had heard something very well put from him. This stallion had a very good way with words, but he seemed a little too humble for his own skill. She then realized that her tears had stopped. Talking had made her feel better, and he had made her feel better. The relief was beyond compare and it happened so quickly. She was, by no means, suddenly all fine and peachy keen, but he had definitely helped her sadness of the moment subside. She felt a tremendous need to thank him… but she didn’t even know his name. He was currently blushing over her compliment it seemed. “Gee, I dunno, it just felt like the right thing to say,” he said, looking a little embarrassed. “Thank you,” Twilight quickly said. “Hm?” he looked back at her. She wiped her eyes and sniffled one more time. “Thanks for sitting with me and listening. I feel a lot better, um…” she paused and fidgeted, grabbing part of her mane and biting down on it as she contemplated the best way to ask. She was clearly overthinking it. How hard was it to ask for a pony’s name? “I’m sorry, it’s easy to know who I am because… well…” she mentally slapped herself for bumbling over her words and saying stupid things, but she sucked it up and just asked. “But… what’s your name?” she forced out, barely keeping herself calm. “Me?” the stallion pointed at himself. “I’m Comet Tail,” he smiled and nodded. Finally, a name. For some reason, knowing his name made Twilight feel very warm on the inside, as if she had learned the identity of a hero in the shadow who had come to her rescue… she had really been reading too many romance novels. “Well… thank you, Comet Tail,” she said, trying to smile, but barely managing a weak grin. What was wrong with her? He was being so nice and she was still all frowns. He didn’t seem to mind though, he seemed happy that he helped. They looked at each other for another moment before he turned and looked at his saddle bags. “I should get on home… lots of stuff to do,” he said as he flashed her another grin. “Alright,” Twilight acknowledged with a wayward sniffle, feeling a little… sad? She was already feeling sad, sure, but this felt different. Well, a pony she felt could be a friend had to take his leave, but it felt a little too strong. Perhaps she wanted him to stay a little longer? She didn’t want to be selfish though. He had a full pair of saddle bags with him and said he had things to do. But, still… Comet seemed so nice, so friendly. He was good with words, and… It made her feel so warm. It was a warmth that eased the tight feeling in her chest and comforted her as her dilemma still weighed upon her. She liked the feeling. He was being so helpful and she couldn’t even muster a smile in response… what was wrong with her? She glanced up to see him hoist the saddlebag onto his back. As soon as it was in place he looked down at her again. He blinked for a moment and sighed. “Hey now…” he knelt down to her. “Nopony wants to see a beautiful princess sad. Show me that bright smile that everypony in town loves,” he said before smiling himself. The words hit Twilight so hard she almost gasped. That… Again… how did he… Not only was it beautifully put, but nopony had ever said anything so… sweet to her before. Twilight’s face felt hot as she stared up at him with wide eyes. It looked like Comet once again felt he went too far because he winced again. Was she blushing? She was totally blushing, but how could a mare not blush when such words are said to her? Twilight observed his body language, he looked like he was ready to apologize again, so she made sure he never got the chance. Her ears flopped down as her face finally found the desire to smile. She simply couldn’t help it. “Thank you…” she spoke as her face continued to flush. Comet exhaled as if relieved, which she thought was adorable because he seemed to constantly think he went overboard even though he was saying all the right things. After he regained himself he flashed her another smile. “Always a pleasure to serve royalty,” he said with a playful smirk. For the first time since she became a princess, Twilight didn’t feel at all bothered by her status being mentioned. The way he said it was simply fun and she could appreciate that. She giggled and rolled her eyes as he chuckled with her. “I’ve gotta run,” he gave her a nod. “Be happy, okay?” “Okay…” Twilight nodded in response, wiping the last remnants of tears from her eyes. Comet turned and slowly began walking away, giving one look back at her after his first few steps. As she watched him leave, she grabbed a piece of her mane and bit down on it again as she blushed and began swaying slightly. She had never been so comforted by a stallion before, nor had anypony outside her friends ever made little jokes relating to her being a princess. She found herself wanting to know more about Comet Tail… what an incredible first impression that was. The best part of it all was how real he seemed. The way he would speak so passionately and then get nervous that he went too far, it was cute. She had seen him around in Ponyville, but had never approached him or talked to him. He lived in the same town… she’d have her chances. She suddenly felt a lot better… as if all the trouble with Shining and the train wreck of the blind dates had never happened. She hugged herself and released a quiet muffled squeal as she replayed everything Comet said to her in her head. She was so giddy and wanted to tell Cadance about Comet so badly that she didn’t even realize what had just happened. It all played out exactly as Cadance had told her. “Well, what do you know… look at her,” Cadance cooed while leaning her head against Shining’s neck. “I hate it when you’re always right,” he said jokingly, earning a giggle from his wife. He was a little miffed that some other random stallion managed to succeed in cheering up his sister where he failed, but Twilight looked so damn HAPPY as she bounced towards them that he accepted it. Who was that stallion anyway? “Hey! Shining! Cadance!” Twilight called cheerfully as she spotted them, clearly still thinking about the stallion she just encountered. “I have to tell you about this stallion I just met!” she exclaimed as she bounced up and down in front of them. The two gave each other a brief glance and a smile before looking back towards Twilight. It was weird to see Twilight in such a dreamy state, but it was such a wonderful sight compared to the broken, crying state she was in moments before. “Let’s go back to the library,” Cadance suggested. “You can tell us all about him there.” “Okay!” she bounced giddily before skipping along down the path ahead of them. “I unconditionally surrender and admit defeat,” Shining said as he chuckled at his sister. Cadance leaned against him as they began walking after her. “Like I said, dear. More often than not, love finds you,” she said lovingly. Shining glanced down at her and smirked. “It definitely found its way onto your shapely plo—OW!” ---The End---