//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 // Story: Sharpe's Equestria // by Teal //------------------------------// Chapter 4 Staring at Sharpe, Twilight kept her eyes locked on him as she examined the green unicorn for any falter in his expression. But the Sharpe kept a straight face, not changing his expression, as he stared back at the alicorn. The two were sitting once again, with all of Sharpe’s valuables lying on a nearby table. The coin, which was foreign to their world and held symbols unfamiliar to her, was still under her magic’s grasp, as she levitated it beside her. Sure, it could be fake, but that still doesn’t explain the weird contraption he had. Besides from a quick magical scan she made, the coin was made out of silver, which was very expensive in Equestria. If this was some kind of prank, then this is one expensive prank. A scan of Sharpe’s body also showed that he had high doses of magic all over him. This could have been the cause of his earlier state, knocking him out of consciousness. Twilight knew, from all her studies, that doses this high could only mean a high level spell. It was as if he was transported from one place to another. Or maybe, one dimension to another? Breaking away from her stare, she glanced towards the coin before looking back at Sharpe. “So you’re telling me that you were a human.” She asked, in an investigative tone. She wanted to make sure if he was really telling the truth or if this was just one elaborative prank. “Yup.” Sharpe said cooly. “From another world.” “She said, raising her eyebrow. Yes, mam.” He said, nodding. “Who somehow ended up in our world?” “Seems to be right.” Twilight’s face suddenly lit up, as she began to bombard him with questions. A human from another world! She had so much to ask him, so many questions she wanted answered. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!” She said, excitedly, making Sharpe feel uncomfortable. She was practically bouncing in excitement. “I got a real life creature from another world with me! There are so many questions I want to ask. What does your world look like? Do humans really walk on two legs? What do you humans eat? Who moves your sun and moon? How many species live in your world? Do you have a book about…” Twilight manage to speak in a speed that would make Pinkie proud. She said all of those questions so quickly that it started to make Sharpe feel dizzy. He could feel the pain from his headache return once more, as the torrent of questions continued. Putting a hoof on his forehead, he tried to ignore the pain but found it too hard. So caught up with the questions and possibilities that were ragging in her head, Twilight failed to notice his distress. Luckily for him, Applejack, who was sitting nearby, noticed this and decided to cease the bombardment of question. “Hey, uh, Sugar cube. I think you should lay down on the questions for a while. Our partner over here is still trying to recover, remember?” “Yes, I agree with Applejack, dear.” Rarity said, nodding. “Besides, you’re starting to sound like Lyra, with all this questions about humans.” “Hey!” She exclaimed. “I do not sound like Lyra!” She said it as if it was an insult. With Lyra’s theories about humans, most ponies in Ponyville thought that she was crazy. But with a human turned pony in front of them, Twilight started to think that they owed her an apology. “Really? Because the only thing that is coming out of your mouth is humans, humans, humans.” Rainbow Dash said, rolling her eyes. Twilight grunted and shook her head. Turning her head to face Sharp, she gave him an apologetic look. “Sorry about that, I guess I got carried away…” She said. “…do you want us to take you back to bed, so that you can get some rest?” “Yeah…” Shrape said, nodding slowly. “…my head feels like it was thrown in a canon and shot out of it.” He tried to rub the pain away, but found it hard with the use of hooves. “Did somepony say canon? Because I got a party canon right over here!” Pinkie exclaimed, pulling out her party canon. Sharpe was actually surprised when he saw this, wondering what kind of trickery was happening. How was she able to get that out of thin air? That was impossible! Then again…he was a pony in a world of magic. Pinkie was about to ignite the canon and let confetti fly out of its muzzle, but was stopped by Twilight. “Maybe another day, Pinkie.” She said. “Our guest here is in no shape for a party and needs his rest.” “Okie dokie.” Pinkie said grinning, as she nodded her head. “At least it will give me more time to plan for his ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party and his ‘Welcome to Equestria’ party.” With that, the pink pony bounced off, leaving the room to make her preparations. “I swear, that pony never gets tired of parties.” Applejack said, shaking her head as she watched Pinkie leave. “Well that’s Pinkie being Pinkie for you.” Twilight said, shrugging it off. “Now come on, let’s help Mr. Sharpe get back to his room, so he can get more rest.” “Please…” Sharpe said. “…just call me Sharpe.” *** Sharpe stood on the balcony, looking around the new landscape he was in. The town was peaceful at night and was a drastic change to the regular setting that he was accustomed to. Instead of a town filled with soldiers, trying to keep warm and safe, the village was quiet and calming, with its inhabitants safely within their wooden homes. The streets were almost empty at night, with no one but the cool breeze patrolling the area. It was such a strange and foreign sight to him, yet it was also relaxing and comforting. He had been in the army most of his life, spending another good portion at war. He has seen many horrors, fought many enemies, and survived every challenge and battle thrown at him. This made him tough and ready for anything that happens. His experience made him deadly in battle and weary of anything that looked out of place. But in a world as peaceful for this, he felt out of place. Everyone seemed so friendly and trusting. It was strange to have everyone so kind, but it was also welcoming at the same time. With all the troubles he has seen and all the battle he fought, to be able to rest in a place that is as peaceful as this was a gift from heaven. Although he knew that his place was back in the army, were scoundrel like him rot till their death, this new world was something that he always dreamed off. The army gave him his home and kept him alive, but it also tried to kill him and disgrace him. But no matter how much it tried, Sharpe continued to trek on, knowing that he had no choice. It was a fight for survival and it was one that he was growing tired off. Officers who bought their own rank, rubbing their wealth in front of him, while getting their men killed. It was outrageous! Time and time again, Sharpe found that most of his enemies came from those in the British side, instead of those in the French side. But that didn’t mean the French were his friend, as his country’s enemies also tried to kill him. Men like Loup, who use terror and deceit to fight his enemies, killing the innocent to scare anyone who gets in his way. These were the people he had to fight off, the ones he killed to keep others alive. But now, in this place of peace and talking ponies, they were nothing but a memory. They could not bother him here, nor touch him. They were not here, yet he was, in a place of peace. But once he returns, he would face the same old problem. The same old rotten life, with man killing man, greed controlling the weak minded, and stupidity leading to the death of thousands. He didn’t know if he could stand it again. Sighing, he shook his head. Even in another world, the terrors of war continue to haunt him. The sound of hooves attracted his attention, as he turned around to see Twilight behind him. With a small smile on her face, she moved up next to him. “Well it looks like somepony likes spending his time admiring the night.” She concluded. “Princess Luna would be happy to learn that.” “Princess Luna?” Sharpe asked, raising his eyebrows. “Oh, I forgot, I happened acquainted you with the Princesses.” She muttered. “Got to put a mental note for that one.” She then turned back to face Sharpe, only to see that troubled look on his face. “Hey what’s wrong?” She asked. Sharpe hesitated for a moment, not knowing if he should tell her. But the caring look on her face and the worried tone on her voice soon got to him. “It’s just…” He said. “…this place. It feels so peaceful and calm. It’s very different from where I came from.” He shook his head and sighed once more. This place was what he always wanted, away from war, yet he knew that he would have to go back in the end. “Let me guess, you’re homesick?” Twilight said, putting a wing on his back as she tried to comfort her guess. She could see the sad expression and was worried about this. “Not really…” He said, shaking his head. “…in fact, I actually feel more at home here, than from where I came from. You are all kind and accepting, despite the fact that I’m a complete stranger.” Back in the army, he was an officer, but despite his commission, most officers did not consider him as a gentleman and usually shunned him away. But his rank also meant that he was not an ordinary soldier anymore, creating a gap between his men and him. This basically put him out of place. A long time ago, he considered the army his home, but as the years passed, it started to become less and less like home, and more and more like prison, where they exhaust his skills. From what he has observed, the only time others were kind to him were during the moments before a great task. The army was using Sharpe, using his great feats and capabilities to do the job, knowing that he will accomplish it, no matter what, before burying him in the dirt in the end. They were just using him till he was dead. But ever since he got here, everyone seemed to be kind and polite to him. Helping him and taking care of him. For some reason, he felt accepted in this kind place. He felt a homely feeling that he hasn’t felt before. Having lived a terrible life, from the orphanage to the army, he had never seemed to find a place where he can be at peace. But here, despite the strangeness of the place, he felt at home. “Well…” Twilight said, thinking. “…you know what they always say, ‘Home is where the heart is’.” “What?” He asked, looking towards her. “Well you know…” She said, trying to explain it to him. “…home is a place where you want to be, not where you should be. If you feel welcomed in one, compared to any other place, then it means that you belong there, despite who you are.” Sharpe smiled nodding, as he understood what she was trying to tell him. Home was not just a place, it was somewhere were you feel you belong. Seeing his happy expression, Twilight smiled and removed her wing from his back. She then trotted back towards the castle and away from the balcony. “Now come on, you still need you’re rest. I don’t think you’re supposed to stay up this late.” “Yeah, coming, coming…” Sharpe said, shaking his head. Giving one last glance to the landscape before him, he went back inside. Whether they are able to get him back or not, Sharpe felt that this was his new home.