Where's The Fun in Making Sense?

by CreatureofTheNight

Where's The Fun in Making Sense?

This is cramped! Who knew getting turned to stone would let you still be able to hear everything around you? I guess that's the irony of the whole thing. I wonder what I can do now? Can't really use my powers to escape my stone prison, those little toys the Princesses were playing with made sure of that. I wonder, perhaps I can just...go into my own thoughts. Oh, but what sense does that make? Who am I kidding? What's the fun in making sense at all! Let's do it!

Hmm, I guess I can start with how it all started for me. The thing is...I don't really know. When your mind is all messed up you kinda forget things like, who you are, where you are from, and why you even exist? Sometimes I remember it as an old unicorn playing with his magic so much that he became a monster in his playing. A old fool who became me, by having one chaotic moment happen to him. Then again sometimes I remember me as being there always, being created to maintain balance. After all the Universe started with Chaos then Order came in and messed it all up with it's rules, and laws, and making sense. I mean how boring is that!? There's not fun there! Why in the universe's get rid of all the fun by creating such a wet blanket in Order? There is nothing FUN about order? Now where was I? Oh yes, entertaining myself. Why? Well because I can.

Like I said before, I don't really have a past, and if I did well quite frankly, I'd want it to be multiple choice! That seems familiar, anyways. If I had a past it would indeed be multiple choice! I mean think about it? Why in the universe wouldn't it be? Let them all think I was crotchety old unicorn who liked to experiment with Chaos magic so much that he became a monster in doing so? Let them all think I was created by the universe itself. Heck, I wouldn't mind them thinking I was created by a three headed donkey named Willus. Lovely girl, when I get out of this stone prison I can talk with her about tea or something like that. Maybe, than again I might be going mad from being in here for so long. I mean five minutes of this is just plain crazy!

Wait, did I hear them saying they were going to put me in that garden in that dusty old town Canterlot?! I'm gonna be a lawn ornament for all eternity! A lawn ornament... They are seriously going to just make me a Lawn Ornament!? Why? Where in their grand little order tainted minds did they come up with that? I mean, really that's just a waste. If you are going to use me, I would make a lovely statue in the pitiful excuse for a castle they have. I could see me now. Discord, the great chaos demon, demoted to statue in the Castle of the Two Sister's so they can always gloat to him that they beat him. It would be great! I wonder where they would put me though?

Well, I guess I can't complain when something that makes no sense happens. Often I got asked why I was doing the things that I do. Why? Why ask those questions? I only do those things because I can, and because it is more fun doing those things than being some sort of slave to this idea that is Order.

Order, is a joke. It always has been and all it always will be. Do this, do that, obey this, obey that, gag me with a spoon! That is so boring! It's just a terrible unfunny joke that Chaos always has to expose, and there is nothing worse than when something that is supposed to be fun isn't. Order will tell you that if you follow all the rules, than you will have fun in it's rules. To Order, chaos is pure anarchy. Chaos to Order, is pure savages beating against each other for no other reason that to do it. It's to hurt ponies and other creatures of the world because Chaos does not follow any rule. I mean really, that is to funny! I would look terrible in a loincloth and a spear, I don't have the hips for that.

Chaos is fun! Chaos is freedom! Chaos is just doing what you want because you can! That does make you a savage if you just want to enjoy life for what it is. Life is chaos, random events happening day to day that will play at the heartstrings or make the heart burst with so much joy, that the being is so happy he'll do something unexpected out of the joy he experiences. Chaos is, has been, and always will be my life! Does that make any sense? No of course not! That's the whole point!

Chaos is not about making sense! Chaos is about having the time of your life out there! Chaos is the weird, the strange, the macob, and the odd. It's a fun time that you will have, enjoying every second of the life you give back to the world. So what if it bother's sticks in the mud like the Two Sisters? I wasn't hurting any one! I was simply at best, livening up their lives in a sort of chaotic dance. Honestly, they should really get out more. Though I have a feeling that, the blue one will learn of Chaos's fun soon. I mean really, is her sister just blind or something!? What sort of idiot doesn't notice a jealous girl when she is like two feet from her? How the ponies of this land came to worship someone as boneheaded as Celestia? Honestly, she's the worst! Have you seen that girl?! She's so full of that, disgusting thing that is Order! It makes me vomit, and I can't even do that!

I wonder what if those two realize that I was going to kill their precious little tree they got their new toys from? They must think I'm some kind of stupid that I didn't think of a back up plan if they were going to use their new found toys to defeated me. The Elements of Harmony as they so eloquently called them. They are just shiny toys for the two Princesses can go around playing hero. I mean really, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that they are just playing a game. They'll come in and save the day! All hail the boring as mud Two Sisters, with their shiny glowing rock toys that they stole from a big glowing tree, and they called me a weirdo.

How long have I been on this whole thinking to myself thing anyways?

REALLY!? Only ten minutes of this thinking to myself stuff!?

I would face palm but I can't move my arms! Oh well, I guess I can just start over again.

Why? Well why not?

Does it make any sense?

Of course not, Chaos never makes any sense, and that's the fun of it all.