//------------------------------// // Twilight... (I'm gonna have fun with this one!) // Story: Twilight Doesn't Get... // by New Dawn //------------------------------// Twilight was, again, sitting in a public library, this time, with a encyclopedia about 'mythical' beasts. "Uh... yes, Do you... happen to have Twilight still on hold for me?" The shy voice of fluttershy rang out. "Did Fluttershy call my name?" Twilight asked herself. She got up and walked over to the shy girl. "Oh, Hello Twilight." She said, picking up the book that was placed before her. "Did you call me over?" Twilight asked. "Huh? N-no... I was.. Uh... Trying to get a book..." Flutters said shyly, hiding behind a strand of loose pink hair. "Oh which one?" Twilight asked curiously. "Uh... Twilight...." She said, barely audible. "Come again?" Twilight asked. "T-twilight.... It's a series about vampires and werewolves..." She said, quietly. "A book series...?" Twilight asked herself. "Uh... I think they might have multiple copies if you want to read it..." Fluttershy said, pointing over at the fiction section. "Well, ok." Twilight said, walking over. She flicked through the shelf until she found the same cover that Fluttershy had. "Well, I might as well give it a read..." She muttered. The next hour twilight was repeatedly going from the fiction section to the other series of twilight. "Uh... Twilight?" Fluttershy asked. Twilight didn't answer. "Uh.. do you want to go... get a smoothie with me and the other girls? You don't have to come if you don't want to..." She asked. "Huh? Oh sure..." Twilight said, stuck in the next book in the series. "You're already at New Moon? So... Are you Team Edward or Team Jacob?!" Fluttershy asked excitedly. "Well... What?" Twilight asked, confused. "W-well, the fans of the series who like Edward are called Team Edward and the fans of Jacob are called Team Jacob..." Fluttershy replied. "I'm personally a Team Jacob fan..." She added. "Uh.. In that case... Team Edward?" She said with a shaky smile. Fluttershy put on a shocked expression and ran out of the library crying. "... What did I do wrong?" Twilight asked herself.