I'm going to assume that simply saying that I've decided to discontinue this story isn't going to be enough.
To everyone who was interested in this story and wanted to see what was going to happen next, I owe you a massive apology. I'm no longer interested in continuing this story and I have other stories that I'm thinking about writing about. This was a hard decision for me but if this story hasn't gotten anywhere in the past 4 months, it probably won't get anywhere, ever.
4 months ago, I thought this story was a great idea and I wanted to share it with everyone else on fimfiction. Now I feel like I wrote a piece of crap. I understand that you are trying to help me with your criticisms but now, this is how I feel. I'm drained of all inspiration. I can't continue writing this story. I'm sorry but I just can't. This story doesn't feel like it's worth continuing.
I'm sorry everyone, but I feel that this is the best decision for me. I don't want to be stuck trying to write more about this story; I want to move on to my other ideas