//------------------------------// // Chapter XIX No mans wharf and Lost Bastille // Story: Sir Alonne // by Lady Maria //------------------------------// For the next 30 minutes or so we defeated The Dragon Rider, talked to some girl that is obsessed with miracles, and walked down a large hole and killed a bunch more of those old knights. It was nothing too exciting but we finally reached No mans wharf. As we lit the bonfire I saw a woman in the corner at first I was a little suspicious but then I decided to talk to her. "Hello?" I asked as the woman looked up slightly. "What is it? I don't know you and, you don't know me things are better that way." The woman said as she sighed "Madam may I ask what your name is and can you assist us in our quest?" I asked as she looked up again. "My name is Lucatiel of Mirrah. Why is it do you need my assistance you seem to have plenty of..." Lucatiel went silent as she saw the ponies in armor and holding weapons as they were battle ready: "What in the name of the gods are those things?!" Lucatiel said as she pointed at the ponies. "Hey we are not things woman!" One of the guards ponies snapped at her. Lucatiel jumped back in surprise and drew her sword and put both her hands on it: "I don't know what hole you beasts crawled out of but I will shove you back down it and, make sure you don't ever come out!" Lucatiel snarled as she raised her sword. The ponies and, Lucatiel were about to butt heads before I stepped in and holared: "Stop it right now or I swear to the gods all of you will know what true pain is!" As I said this they all stopped and, looked at me. Lucatiel sighed then walked up to me, "I am awfully sorry uhhh... May I ask what your name is?" Lucatiel asked as I nodded. "My name is Sir Alonne" I say as she nodded and conrinued talking. "Like I said I am awfully sorry for my out burst Sir Alonne and to answer your question from earlier yes I will join you in your quest." Lucatiel said as she then cocked her eyebrow then asked, "What is the quest you are on anyways?" "We are collecting the four great one's souls to take on a being known as Manus and stop him from spreading the undead curse and his darkness to their world." Aracnoth said as he gestured to the ponies. "Yes that would explain why I've never seen or heard of them before." Lucatiel said as she nodded her head, "Well we shouldn't waste too much time here we need to get going." Lucatiel finished as we all nodded and walked into No mans wharf. I directed half of us go one way and the other half go the other way. As we crossed the bridges Aracnoth and myself slayed 2 hollows. We started to raid the area killing hollow after hollow. Eventually we got to a high point of the area and we ran into these humanoid like things. They were a bit tougher then the other enemies but they were killable we eventually came to the top of the area and rung the bell. The ship in the water lit up and came towards the docks backwards. How the fuck that works I will never know. We boarded the ship and slaughtered all the other hollows. I then came face to face with a red invader spirit and we fought one on one. He lasted about a good 10 seconds before I sliced him to pieces. We went down into the hull and came across the fog wall of the area. We entered the fog wall 1 by 1 and prepared to fight. The Fluxile Sentury I charged the thing and sliced its sides a few timed before jumping back and avoiding one of its smash attacks with its iron club covered in spikes. As this happened Aracnoth and several others did a tag team strategy where one by one they thrusted their weapons into the beast so I could attack. I dashed forward and used my bewitched ability from my blade and, Impaled him. My blade started to glow red as I flung him off my blade. Lucatiel ran forward and slashed several times as the Fluxile Sentury fell over. All at once we attack shoving all our blades into its stomach overkilling him. The Fluxile Sentury turned to ash then disappeared as he was blown away. Aracnoth went into the front hull as we all went to the surface of the ship and watched as we sailed off into the mist. The Lost Bastille As we arrived I commanded everyone to get off the ship in a single file. As we got off there was a small elevator so I had 5 ponies go in at a time as Lucatiel, Aracnoth, and myself went last. As we arrived we walked towards a set of gates and I had Aracnoth open them. As they opened we all walked through but not without having to deal with several rat like dogs and one big mummified like man thing with a slipshod like halberd. As we got rid of them we had to deal with 2 more of them and 3 other dog/rats. After that we walked over a ruined like stone path and into a building. As I walked inside I was assaulted by 5 soldiers with greatswords. I sighed and with one great and swift slash beheaded them all. We walked down the stairs and came to a latter. I had to throw the ponies up one by one then go up myself. As I finally got up there I saw 4 ponies fighting other soldiers and, kill them. As they finished killing the soldiers I walked over to the fog wall and walked through it. The Ruin Sentinels As the others followed me I was hit in the gut but a hammer like halberd. As I got up I dashed forward and Picked the Sentinel up and threw it to the ground below. I then jumped off the platform and plunged my sword into its chest. The Sentinel instantly died as it turned to ash and vanished in a nonexistent breeze. The other 2 Sentinels came down as everyone finally got into the room they then all jumped down to join the fight. As we destroyed them by hitting them and staggering them time and, time again. I went up behind one and Back stabbed it ripping its stomach open. Killing that Sentinel we all turned to the last one who clearly knew he was fucked. The Sentinel did as sweep attack knocking the guys in the front row back. I decided to rush forwards sense he left himself wide open for attack. I rammed into him and stuck my katana in his gut and slowly tore him in half. As I split the Sentinel in half he instantly turned to ash and disappeared. I sighed as I ushered the ponies up the stairs and to the bonfire. Aracnoth went first and killed the explosive hollow then led us through to the bonfire...