//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: Sharpe's Equestria // by Teal //------------------------------// Chapter 2 Twilight looked down at the table where a weird looking contraption lay on top. From what she observed, the contraption was made out of a long metal barrel that was placed on top of a wooden frame. On the end of one side of the barrel was some kind of mechanism that Twilight couldn’t understand. Even with the knowledge she had and all the books she used as references, the contraption in front of her looked unfamiliar and foreign. None of her books had anything written about it, it was as is if the contraption wasn’t supposed to exist. But it did and it was on top of her table, along with the other objects the found beside the unconscious pony. “Well…” Her friend Applejack said, moving next to her, as she looked down at the table. “…what do you reckon it is?” “I’m sorry Applejack, but I just don’t know what it is.” She said, shaking her head. “Well, maybe we should ask that pony what it is.” Pinkie suggested, as she bounced around the room. “Then we can throw him a ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party and show him around the town and then we can introduce him to everypony. Do you think he likes cakes? Because I think he likes cakes. Oh, it would be so fun…” The pink pony continued to ramble on, as she bounced around the room as if she just consumed an entire cup of sugar. “Yeah, I guess you right, Pinkie.” Twilight said nodding. “This is his stuff in the first place.” She said gesturing to all the objects pilled on the table. Earlier that day, Twilight and the rest of her friends gathered at Fluttershy’s cottage, when she flew to them, asking for help. When they arrived, they found an unconscious green unicorn, lying on the ground, near the Everfree forest. Twilight had never seen this pony in Ponyville before and concluded that he must have been from out of town. But why would somepony, out of town or not, even go near the Everfree forest? Surely he must have known that the place was littered with creatures that could pose a great threat to a pony who was exploring it on his own. Whatever he was planning, it was cut short when he was knocked out of consciousness. Twilight didn’t know what could have caused it, but whatever it was, it sure did a harmless job, seeing that there were no injuries on the pony. It was like he just fell down, for no reason at all. Good thing Fluttershy found him, when she was feeding her animals, or he would have spent the night on the cold ground, with the chance of being attacked by Timberwolves or creatures far worst. Along with the poor pony was a strange assortment of objects, which was lying on the ground beside him. They composed of a black cap (With a weird symbol in the middle), some sort of horn, a worn out green jacket (Which was slightly darker than his fur), two weird looking saddle bags, a heavy steel sword, and finally, the weird contraption that she was trying to study. With no injuries on his body, it seemed that the pony didn’t need medical treatment. Other than the fact that he was unconscious, the pony seemed to be fine. So she and her friends decided to bring him to her newly received castle, which replaced her library home, where they can treat him. So they gave him room and left him to rest, hoping that he would be fine for the time being. With no visible injuries on him, Twilight decided that a couple hours of rest would do him good. “Maybe he’s a member of the Royal Guard? Rainbow Dash said, hovering above the table. “Aren’t members of the Royal Guard issued swords like this?” “Well, that would explain the sword…” Twilight said, nodding. “…but I don’t think the Royal Guard issues uniforms like this.” She said gesturing to the cap and jacket. “My brother used to be the Captain of the Royal Guard before he went to the Crystal Empire and I don't remember him mentioning any unit in the Guard with uniform like this.” “Well it’s probably because it’s a fashion disaster.” Rarity exclaimed, eyeing the torn jacket as if it were a rug. She then levitated the jacket, surrounding it with her magical aura, and brought it in front of her. “Just look at it, this thing has more holes than a sponge!” “Oh, Rarity, you think everything is a fashion disaster.” Rainbow Dash said, grabbing the jacket and looking at it. “Besides, maybe those holes are scars of battle.” She said excitedly. “Who knows, maybe he fought during the Changeling invasion or maybe he took on a fully grown dragon and those rips on his jacket were caused by its claws. Think of all the awesome stories he could tell us!” “Rainbow Dash!” Twilight said, grabbing the jacket with her magic and putting it back on the table. “You and I bought know that he is in no condition on telling us stories. He’ll probably be too tired to entertain you, he needs his rest.” “Oh, come now, Twilight.” Rarity said in a softer tone. “Are you sure he’s in now condition on telling us stories? I’m sure that a well-toned stallion like him has plenty of stories to tell. Do you think he would be interested at a mare like me?” She said, grinning. Twilight stared at her friend in disbelief. “Rarity! You barely even know him, heck; you haven’t even talked to him, none of us have. Besides, last time I checked, you were complaining about his jacket.” “So?” Rarity asked. “It doesn’t mean I don’t know a hunky stallion when I see one.” She said, making Twilight blush. “Besides, I was only complaining about the jacket, not the stallion. Like have you seen him? He’s quite the looker, if you know what I mean. Other than that awful scar on his right cheek, he is one handsome stallion.” “Rarity!” Twilight exclaimed, hoping to stop her friend. “What, it’s not my fault that he looks too handsome.” Rarity stated. “Besides, don’t act like you weren’t checking him out. I saw you staring at him and admiring his muscles when we were levitating him back to your castle.” “Rarity!” Twilight exclaimed once more, now blushing scarlet red. All this talk about the mysterious stallion was making her flustered as she tried to hide her embarrassment from her friends. Although it was true that she was staring at the stallion earlier, she was doing it to check him from any injuries. Sure, those muscles were quite distracting, and she had to admit that the stallion did look handsome, but whatever she did, she was not, ‘checking him out’! Embarrassed and red as a tomato, Twilight stood up and stomped her way out of the room. She had enough of Rarity’s malicious intents for one day and didn’t want any more thrown at her. “Hey, Twilight, where are you going?” Rarity asked, watching her leave the room. “I’m going to check up on him…” Twilight called, still a little annoyed at her. “…he could have woken up by now.” “Well, be sure to say hi for me.” Rarity said, as Twilight groaned in frustration as she trotted towards the kitchen, deciding to give the pony a meal so that he wouldn’t have an empty stomach once he woke up.