//------------------------------// // The Interviews // Story: The Dragon and The Changeling // by SlowMoBrony //------------------------------// On the floor of the Canterlot Castle library lay the still body of Professor Plum Tart. His dark purple coat lived up to his name, shimmering lightly as the suns rays illuminated his body from the nearest window. His glasses lay askew upon his face, and his deep black mane ruffled slightly, a far cry from how he had looked only an hour before. One might have thought he'd passed out or decided on a peculiar place to have a quick nap. The sudden rush of ponies running in through the only entrance didn't wake him from his slumber – it only confirmed the account of the guard pony. Twilight Sparkle was first to get into the library, with Pinkie Pie close behind. A few seconds later, the guard pony and Daring Do arrived, and so did all the other guests of the party. Voices could be heard, hushed, not raised, almost as if gossiping behind somepony's back when they weren't looking. Twilight immediately made her way over to the body, examining every single detail closely. “Oh my...” Daring Do held a flabbergasted look upon her face and quickly joined Twilight at the body. “Bashed on the head.” Twilight explained in a hushed voice. “Most likely blunt. One of the arms of his glasses has broken, most likely when he fell. Time of death wasn't too long ago, probably just under an hour.” “Hey, Twi! There's a spade over here! That blunt enough?” Twilight looked up from the professor to see Pinkie pointing to a mud stained spade in the corner of the room, excitedly jumping as she did. She nodded in confirmation and turned her attention to the papers near the professor's body. She flicked through them, nothing jumping out if they could hold a clue to his murder. Daring Do moved to a bookcase, Twilight watching closely at her actions. She pawed at something on the floor, a few scraps of paper or something, Twilight wasn't sure. She quickly picked it up and hid the scraps in her dress, further catching the attention of the detective. “Nothing worth killing for in that lot. Dry as dust.” Twilight turned to the now growing crowd at the library entrance. “I must ask you all to leave the library at once and make your way to the large foyer, the entrance where Princess Luna greeted us all earlier today. I shall question each and every one of you myself.” “She's right. Come along, now. Leave the room undisturbed.” Daring Do helped usher the gaggle of ponies out of the room, closing the door behind them. From the other side of the wall, the two detectives could hear the sound of worried conversation die down as the crowd moved further and further away. “Um... shouldn't we get some professionals in? Like, maybe a few of the Royal Guards can help us out about here?” queried Pinkie Pie. “Pinkie, the last thing we need is for somepony uneducated to start rambling about the room and possibly destroying potential evidence. And besides, think how much work this could attract for us once we solve this mystery.” explained Twilight. “I've found something vital already, and that's without a cordon.” Following the pointed hoof, Pinkie looked towards the floor and saw a gooey liquid of some sorts, a light green in colour. “Ooo, what is that? Ectoplasm? Was the professor murdered by a vengeful spirit?” “No, Pinkie. As much as I appreciate your enthusiasm in this case, it was not the work of a ghost pony. No, this is morphic residue left behind when a creature changes its form in quick fashion. Judging from the colour, and because of previous encounters, my best guess is we are dealing with a single Changeling.” “The last time we faced Changelings was when the Secretariat Comet passed over Equestria, but as that lot are currently still locked away in that castle there, I can only think this one was left over from my brother's wedding with Princess Cadance. I just wish I knew what its motives for killing the professor are.” “Well.” piped up Pinkie Pie. “We're not gonna find out standing about here in mountains of books and dust, are we silly? Let's get to questioning.” Both of the detectives left the library in the care of the recently deceased, with the author Daring Do standing outside waiting for them. “Ah, Miss Do. Perhaps you would like to help me in questioning the party guests?” asked Twilight, a polite nod given in return. “Pinkie, if you could start searching the bedrooms. Perhaps we can find more clues there.” “Right on, Twi!” And with that, the pink pony left in a flash. “Right. Solving a murder mystery with Daring Do. Brilliant.” Twilight's inner fan was rearing its head again, now that the two ponies were alone. “How like a private detective to have fun in a time of danger.” said Daring Do. “I'll work with you, gladly. But for the sake of justice, not your own amusement.” “Right. Sorry.” Twilight swallowed the growing lump in her throat and followed the author down the corridor, making their way to the foyer. --- The sun was now low in the air, with the moon slowing taking its place in the sky. Even though she was far away, Princess Celestia still managed to maintain her duties in raising and lowering the sun. In the foyer, chairs and sofas were arranged on request of Twilight so that the party guests could get comfortable before the interviews could begin. As Twilight paced from chair to chair, suspect to suspect, Daring Do stood to the side, taking notes as the investigation formally began. “Now then, just to rule you out, where were you at the time of the professors death, Princess Cadance?” began Twilight. A few hushed gasps could be heard in the momentary silence. “Let me think. Why yes, I remember. I was in my room. I was unpacking for the night.” “No alibi then? You were alone?” “Now, Twilight, how can one be alone in Canterlot these days?” Twilight took a moment to contemplate the comment, but moved swiftly to Soarin, seated just a few feet away from the Princess. “And where were you?” The pegasus spoke in quick bursts. “Let me think. I was – oh, yes. I was taking a constitutional in the gardens. Just taking a stroll, that's all.” “Alone?” “Oh, yes, all alone. Totally alone. Absolutely alone. Completely. All of the time.” The sweat that dripped from his head did indicate he was nervous. Either he was the culprit or he was doing something else frowned upon at the time of the murder. “I wandered lonely as a proverbial cloud. There was no pony else with me. Not at all. Not ever.” Twilight left the pegasus in a cowering sprawl on the sofa. “Miss Ribbon Setter? You?” “At the time of the murder? I was in the bathroom, freshening up, preparing myself. Positively buzzing with excitement about the party and the super fun of meeting royalty for the first time.” “We've only got your word for it.” said Twilight. “That's your problem, not mine.” To Twilight, a snide remark like that usually placed anypony right to the top of the list of suspects. But as this case was different to usual murder mysteries, she couldn't just accuse anyone straight away of anything. “And where were you, sir?” Jet Set looked up, almost as if interrupted from a daze. “An hour ago? Dear me, let me think. Ah yes, I remember. I was in one of the castle's study rooms, reading some old fashion magazines. Fascinating stuff. Started reminiscing. Flares, you know. Terrible stuff.” “And you, ma'am?” Upper Crust looked towards Twilight, giving the same look she gave her when they first met. “Now, let me see. Yes, I remember. I was sitting in here in the foyer, taking my afternoon tea. It's a ritual of mine before attending such extravagant dos such as this. I needed to gather my strength. I then proceeded to the lawn, where I met you and your assistant.” “Yes, yes, you can stop now. I was there for that bit.” Twilight acknowledged. Another few minutes of questioning passed before Twilight drew the meeting to a close. Afterwards, once the party guests had left, Daring Do and herself compared notes. “No solid alibis.” said Twilight, pacing up and down the foyer quickly. “No solid alibis for any of them. Our secret adversary remains hidden. We must find the motive before too long.” “For such an experienced detective, you seem to have missed one important clue.” “Unless you're talking about that scrap of paper you swiped from the library, I have no idea what you're on about.” teased Twilight. A flabbergasted Daring Do looked on in awe. “You weren't looking.” “But I looked when you weren't looking towards me.” explained Twilight. “You crafty mare.” Daring Do revealed the scrap of paper from her dress, holding it in front of Twilight with her hoof. “This was about the only useful thing from the entire group.” From her point of view, Twilight could make out part of a single word. -aiden. “What is that, the first letter? N or M?” “M. Maiden.” “Maiden!” exclaimed Twilight, jumping up high like Pinkie Pie would have done. She soon calmed enough to realise she had no clue as to what it meant. “What does that mean?” “We're still no further forward. Our nemesis remains at large. Unless your assistant Miss Pie has found something.