To be Adored

by jidbrony

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

The Holiday season had finally rolled around the corner and the Dazzling’s were excited as ever. Normally the three sirens hated the holiday seasons, except Sonata she found them fun and always liked to trick the local passers by to give her presents and gifts. The other two found the whole season too cheery a happy for their taste. However that was before they all had a little baby boy to take care of.

“I’m so happy we’re finally getting into the holiday spirit girls.” Sonata said as she set up the tree and decorations. “I told you the holiday’s were fun.”

“No they’re not Sonata.” Aria groaned. “But the kid likes them, so at least this year they're tolerable.”

“Here he is.” Adagio cooed as she brought out Crescendo wearing a cheesy Christmas sweater. “Sonata get the camera.”

Sonata pulled out her phone and took a picture of Adagio and Crescendo in his sweeter. “Say Taco.”


“His first holidays with us.” Adagio said sounding all excited putting him in the play pen. “Now, we have important things to discuss.”

“What?” Sonata asked.

“What to get Crescendo for his first holidays.”

Aria groaned. “Really Adagio...We got pretty much every toy in existence, by the way, biggest waste of energy ever!”

“Oh, I suppose then you have a great idea of then of what to get him?” Adagio said, her mood darkening.

Aria froze. “Uh...Well...No.”

“Oh...Really...then...Shut it!” Adagio growled putting her back in her place. “Now! We need something perfect! A gift that will last forever! Not just a simple toy, but something...something grand! His first holiday with us must be something to remember.”

“Geez Adagio he’s just a baby, he’s not going to remember.” Aria said.

“No this is a crucial moment! We want him to love and adore us forever right, so we need to make it so this is the best holiday ever!” Adagio proclaimed.

Aria eyes narrowed. “So is this just a part of your scheme then.”

Adagio glared. “No! I want him to be happy! If it just so happens to benefit us, that’s an added bonus.”

Aria rolled her eyes, she wouldn’t deny she had grown to like the kid and did like the fact he adored them for them and not because of their magical musical abilities, still a part of her still couldn’t help but feel Adagio why perhaps her heart being in some what the right the place still let her siren instincts take hold. “Well then Adagio, where exactly do we find this...oh so perfect gift.”

“I...Have no idea.”


Sonata beamed as she had a idea.“Oh I know…

“Is it a giant Taco.”


“Agh.” Aria groaned. “Okay, so Sonata out of ideas, and again, we can’t just get him another toy. He’s already got enough, to sickening degrees.”

“I know, I know.” Adagio asked as she turned around to see baby Crescendo playing with his stuff sea horse. “Hmm...I got it! A portrait.”


“No...A picture, a family picture of the four of us to celebrate our first holiday with him.” Adagio said liking her idea more and more.
“Yay! Picture!” Sonata cheered. “I’ll got see what I should wear.”

“Dagi! Every picture place is booked solid.” Aria stated.

“No problem, I’m sure they’ll take us for a song.”

“Okay, even if we did, it still just a picture...even I know you’ll need something more interesting than that.” Aria suggested.

Adagio scowled, however she took a deep breath and sighed as she thought about it. “Ugh you're right.” Taking a deep breath she put on her hooded sweatshirt and headed out.

“Where are you going?”

“Going for a walk to get some ideas.” Adagio said closing the door behind her leaving Aria alone with the baby.

“Well kid looks like it’s just you and me again.”

“Aria! Can you see if this looks good.”

Aria sighed and shivered at the thought of what awaited her in the other room.“Siren of old help me.

Adagio walked alone in the cold snow, the entire town was covered with that and holiday cheer, to her it was all strange, she used to hate holiday cheer and the happiness of others, and she still did to some degree. But now, now she wanted the happiness of one that small baby she found in the middle of the streets all those months ago, it was a weird feeling, loathing others while loving one other than herself for a change. It was tingling feeling, it made her feel warm inside. But even while the months passed, the doubt in her mind ever lingered, would she make a good parent, was she a good parent, oh sure she fed him, put him to bed, and clothed him, but was that enough. A part of her knew that she kept him around for selfish reason, the purpose of being truly adored and she wanted to keep that feeling as long as possible, but what if not being a good parent meant she would lose that feeling.

“No don’t think these things Adagio, you are the greatest! You will achieve! You just need to find the right gift and it will lay the foundation of everlasting adoration.”

She kept saying that to herself as she continued to pass through several shops and restaurants looking through the windows trying to find the perfect place to find a item of perfection. Finally she stumbled upon a old looking antique store.

“This looks promising.” She entered it causing the little bell ringing as she opened the door. Inside was a place filled with collectible plates, jewels and other nick nacks. She looked at every object, none of them coming out right to her specifications until finally, she it.

“Impossible.” She picked up the object. It was a read pendant , much like her hers in fact exactly like her, a perfect match. She examined it closely, glaring at it through the limelight.

“Do you like it miss.” She turned around as an elderly looking man appeared in the back. He was an elderly looking man, and a bit funny looking to, he had a wild look in his eyes, one both of wisdom but also a bit of craziness. Something about him seem familiar to Adagio but she decided to ignore it.

“It is beautiful looking.” She replied.

“Found during one of my trips overseas.” The old man replied. “Along with a really cool hat.”

“Whatever? Um...What is it though?” She asked.

“Just a read ruby, nothing more.” He replied.

“Are you sure.” Adagio put the ruby close to her chest, she was unable to sense any magic or energy.


“Very well...How much.” Adagio asked.

“For you...On the house.”

Adagio seemed shocked as she started at the old man who merely just stroke his beard and smiled.


“I don’t know...I’m in the holiday mood. Plus I bet that’s for a loved one right?”

“Yes...My adopted son.” Adagio said, surprised she admitted that information.

“Really, you seem young to be a mother?” He said.

“I’m a lot older actually.” Adagio said. "I just look younger."

“Interesting. Well it’s good to see you have selflessly taken someone into your heart." Adagio face turned red after this statement.


“Being a parent is a difficult thing, making sacrifices, changing your very nature for the good of the child. It’s hard yes, but in the end so worth it. Especially once he’s grown and seeing him go out in the world.”

“Go out...As in longer...with me.” Adagio though. “Don’t be silly that’s years away plenty of time to change his mind should those thoughts arise.”

"Something wrong miss."

"What! No, no I just uh...really hope this gift goes well my little boy is only one."

"Well I'm sure he'll appreciate it when he's older. Matches his new mother doesn't it. It could be your special bond." The old man smiled.

Adagio smiled as well. "Yeah. He'll be one us. A real Dazzling."

"Or something more." The old man said with a smile. "As long as you raise him right."

Adagio scowled her mood souring. "Saying I can't."

"I'm not saying anything I don't know you. You might be you might not. All depends on where your heart lies."

"I think my heart lies above my chest where it belongs." Adagio groaned.

The old man merely smiled. "Well time will tell I guess."

"What are you implying." Adagio said raising an eyebrow.

"I'm just saying that being a parent requires being able to put aside your own needs and in some cases....repress certain impulses for the good of the child."

"And your saying I can't do that." Adagio replied getting angry.

"I don't know, can you?"

"Of course I can, I am Adagio Dazzle!"

"I don't know what that means miss."

Now Adagio was getting annoyed. "I can raise this child, and I'll have his love and adoration and he'll be happy."

Now the old man raised an eyebrow. "Adoration?" Are you seeking praise for good parenting."

Adagio froze and hesitated to answer. "Of course not, I'm not shallow or anything."

"Of course not." The old man replied. "Because that would be doing what you're doing for the wrong reasons."

Adagio was getting tired of this conversation "Yeah, yeah, you're giving me this for free or not."

"Of course." The old man said. "I never go back on my word."

"Good! So long."

"So long miss."

Adagio left the shop still weirded out by that old man. "That...was weird. But still how dare he question my intentions." She then looked at the pendant. "This is perfect, it looks exactly like mine and the girls...though, I'm sure a baby can wear a pendant. But I'll give it to him and it will look gorgeous on him when he's older." However moment of joy died down as one thought entered her mind. "To bad it doesn't have magic. Then he'd be a real siren."