
by Slick Dash


“Darlin’ could you come in here for a minute?” Called the southern accent of Applejack from within the newly refurbished office. A young colt -who had been sitting on the rug in the hallway playing with a small toy car- jumped to his hooves and obeyed his mother’s request.

“Yeah mom?” Asked the small copper coloured child. He looked at the new desk that stood before him; behind it sat his mother, her Stetson hat was resting on a small prop that stood on the corner of the table. Before her lay a thousand different forms and graphs. The orange mare sighed with tiredness and looked up with bleary eyes. She reached up and rubbed her temples with her hooves to try and stop the fast approaching head ache that was beginning to flare up in her skull.

“Sugar cube, could you be a darlin’ and head down to Rainbow’s place for me. There’s a big storm headed this way, and we’re behind schedule on the harvest. Once that sucker passes through, we ain’t gonna have much but bare branches to work with. So could you ask her to possibly delay it by a couple o’ days?” Applejack’s son’s eyes lit up. Finally! He was allowed to help! He stammered in excitement at his chance, his tongue tripped over itself in a rush to say...
“Yeah! S-sure! I’ll go right now!”

He turned tail, and ran from the room. From behind, he heard Applejack cry out in alarm. “Hey! No canterin’ in the house!” the young colt smiled at his mother’s worries, it wasn’t like he was gonna get hurt on his way to the front doo-

His hoof snagged on a crease in the rug that covered the floor of the hall. He stumbled for a moment, his legs flailing wildly to stay upright. This proceeded for a good five seconds before his right foreleg caught his left and sent him toppling to the floor. “OW!” he muttered, glancing over his shoulder to make sure his mother hadn’t seen, she’d just look at him with that smug “I told you so” smile of hers.

He bounced back up to his hooves, and trotted (Far more carefully) Out of the front door and into the warm sun of another fine Equestrian day.


Apple Cube was a reasonably average colt of his age. Only recently he had discovered his love for tending to the apple trees on his families orchard, and now an image of a pale silver watering can sprinkling three droplets of water glistened on his flank for all to see.

His mother was the legendary Applejack, the most popular pony in all Ponyville, and the owner of Sweet Apple Acres! A few years ago granny Smith passed away and left the entire farm to Apple Cube’s mother and uncle Macintosh. However, his uncle decided he’d rather tend to the farm rather than run it, so he left Applejack to do all the managerial work.

Cube thought back, his mother did seem a lot more tired these days, then again it must be hard running such a huge amount of land. Maybe he’d drop by Mrs. Pinkie Pie’s bakery and buy his mother a nice sweet treat. But first, the job!

Apple Cube made his way through the many crowded streets of Ponyville, with the weather as wonderful as it was today, the market was open, so everypony in town seemed to be out shopping. He was jostled slightly as he made his way through the town, he tried his best not to trod on anypony’s hooves, but he failed. No one minded however, it was bound to happen on such a crowded day.

Suddenly out of the blue, his vision was blocked by a huge mass of purple scales, the young colt bumped into the wall of scaly flesh and landed unceremoniously on his haunches. “Oh! Jeez I’m sorry little guy!” Said a deep growling voice, though strangely filled with kindness and concern. Apple Cube looked up to see the smiling face of Mr. Spike the dragon. Apple Cube bounced up with joy at the sight of the interesting creature.

“No worries sir! I’m fine, how are you?”
“Oh it’s you Apple Cube! I’m good thanks, how’s it going little guy?” asked the friendly dragon. Cube was half hoping to get one of the dragon’s famous piggyback rides, being the tallest creature in Ponnyville, he towered over everypony, making him extremely popular with the younger filly’s and colts.

Before the little country colt could ask however, a new pony appeared to the dragon’s side. “Spike dear, what’s keeping you sweetheart?” The mare stopped when she saw the little colt standing with the dragon. “OH! Apple Cube, how nice to see you dear, how’s your mother?” Asked the stunning Rarity.
“She’s fine ma’am.” The colt responded robotically. As she smiled, Cube noticed a little bundle wrapped over the unicorns shoulder, which in turn made him smile.

Just peeping out of the many folds of the bundle were two stunningly green eyes. As they spotted him, a mouth filled with surprisingly developed teeth -for one so young- smiled and gurgled up at him. At the sound of the noise, Rarity grinned warmly and slowly trotted over to the copper colt to allow the green eyes to see him better.

Cube reached up and tickled the small babe under the chin. “Heya Precious!” He cooed to the little hybrid. Now she was closer, Rarity and Spike’s child’s face was in full view. She had fur like her mother, white and pure, but the tips of each strand were tinged with the purple of her father’s scales. Her teeth were slightly sharper than the average pony baby, and more importantly had seemed to come out far faster than usual.

“You remember Apple Cube don’t you sweaty?” Smiled he platinum pony. The small baby filly let out another pleased gurgle in response, smiling broadly as Cube retracted his hoof.
“Not to interrupt this tender moment,” Said Spike sarcastically rolling his eyes melodramatically. He winked at the colt who smirked back at him. “Twilight’s been looking for you little guy, she sais she’s found a book on...irrigation?”
“REALLY?! Sweet!” His face then fell, “But my mom asked me to go and speak to Miss. Rainbow Dash.” He thought for a moment, right time to get going. Finish mom’s job then go get the book!

The young colt bolted off towards the library which overlooked the clearing now filled with stalls and shops without so much as a goodbye to the happy couple and their child.
“Always in a rush that one.” Laughed Rarity.
“Just like his mother.” Agreed Spike, and the two continued their shopping with the happy little Precious clung to her mother’s chest.

He tore his way through the crowds, jumping, ducking and weaving his way around legs and carts. He could do this, and yet he couldn’t run down a hall without falling?! Suddenly the forest of legs vanished as Cube pierced the perimeter of the crowd. He was on the other side of the town centre, only a short distance from his destination.

After a few turns in the road, and a few of his signature shortcuts, Cube reached that last stretch. The house wasn’t too big, it had been built by his mother, uncle Macintosh and a friend of theirs quite a while back. This is where Rainbow Dash and her husband lived. Just parked outside the house was the most amazing thing Cube had ever seen.

The cars! One was vibrant yellow, it stood out like a flower against the green of the grass it rested on, it’s door was terribly mangled and the planes of glass that must have once filled each gap in the doors now covered only the back opening and the driver’s door. The other was a far less elegant looking black one that lay almost out of sight, left to gather dust. These beautiful machines were two of the most famous vehicles in Equestria. Apple Cube’s mother had told him they both came from another world, along with Rainbow’s husband, but he still wasn’t sure if that was true or not. Sure, he looked kind of weird, but that didn’t mean he came ‘from another world.’ he was just really smart, so he made these cars to show that to everypony.

Cube now approached the door; he glanced over the front garden where he had been playing only a day ago with his best friend. He could still see the scuffs in the dirt where they had decided to wrestle, Cube swelled with pride, he had won of course! Then his swagger faded as he realised how narrowly he had succeeded in the showdown.


He reached up and knocked on the door lightly, and for a moment nothing happened. Then a faint voice called out from within the house. “Yeah, it’s open! C’mon in!” Cube proceeded, unperturbed by the usual greeting from the inhabitants of the house, none of them really minded friends just coming in.

The living room was spacious, a small coffee table lay to the right of the room, flanked by two sofa’s. The only thing atop the table was a small framed picture. Pictures were everywhere! Some were on the walls, others were on shelves or tables, frames of different colours sizes and shapes surrounded the room. Some depicted Rainbow Dash with her friends, Apple Cube’s mother could be seen smiling out to him from many of the little windows of memory. Miss. Rarity was in many of them as well, along with a far smaller childish looking version of Mr. Spike.

But besides Apple Cube and the many pictures, the room was empty. “Ummm... Hello?” The young colt called out. He heard movement from the kitchen which was connected to the living room through an archway and a sharp turn. He heard a plate being put in a sink and a small splash following it. An unseen voice called out, it was loud and strong, but just like Mr. Spike, it was warm and kind as well.

“One second! Nearly finished these darn dishes!” shouted the proud voice, followed by a wide array of clanging and chinking. The roar finally died down and Cube heard movement getting closer from the unseen room. The mystery dish cleaner now came into view.

Rainbow’s husband stood on only two legs; he wore clothes to cover his bare skin except for his hair covered head. Today he wore a ‘shirt’ it was tight to his body, and bore the blue and yellow stripes of the legendary flight team of Pegasy “The Wonderbolts!” The human had never been a Wonderbolt, he had simply been gifted the shirt by the kind and generous Miss. Rarity. He stood there, wringing his hands with a towel, smiling at the young visitor.

“Yoh Cube, how’s it going buddy?” He asked as he tossed the towel back into the kitchen and strode into the living room. The back of his right hand –now clear to see- bore an image, similar to any pony’s cutiemark: A wheel of one of his cars, followed by a trail of fire, set against a stunning rainbow.
“Hey Tom!” chirruped the young colt happily, yeah Tom was different, but he was cool! He was always nice, he was funny, and was able to do the most amazing things ever in those two vehicles outside! Everypony called him a ‘human’ which Cube understood, he obviously wasn’t a pony or any other kind of being from around these parts, so he needed to be called something.

Tom sank into one of the sofas joyfully. His head rolled back as he let out a long sigh of relaxation brought on by the soft cushions. Cube waited, this was the usual around this house. Either of the supposed ‘Adults’ who lived here would tend to do this exact thing nearly once a day... Each!

Tom’s head now rolled to one side to look at the colt who still stood reasonably close to the doorway. “Well, you can come in, I’m gonna bight.” He laughed, and so did Cube, who sauntered further into the room. He walked past a large open fire, its logs weren’t lit, but the smell suggested it had only been put out sometime in the past day or two. Tom began to speak as Apple Cube admired the many knickknacks that littered the mantle above.

“So, I’m guessing you want Thunder?” He asked, now rising to his feet.
“Uh-huhhh.” Cube confirmed absentmindedly, not realising what he was saying as he stared at the bottle on the mantle, ‘is that from our farm?’ He thought to himself.
“Ok hold on a second.” Tom walked over to a door closed to the rest of the house. He leant against it and wrapped hard. “Thunder! Get your butt outta bed Cube’s here for you!” It was then that Cube realised what he had done.

“Nononono! Wait! I’m sorry! I was sent here by my mom for Rainbow!” He rushed trying to fix what he had done. Tom raised an eyebrow at the colt, he then looked to the door he had just yelled through, and then back at the colt. “Hehehhh, Sorry?” The young pony laughed nervously. Tom’s eyebrow dropped and he smiled to show he was joking. He swaggered back over to his seat and slumped back down.

“He needed to get out of bed anyway.” He smiled as he fidgeted to get comfy on the seat. “Sorry kiddo, but Dash’s out at the moment, think she was helping Fluttershy with something. Why what’s your mum need?” His face grew stern and serious for a moment. “She knows it’s my day off right?” Cube laughed. Tom had worked at the farm longer than Cube had even been alive. His mother offered the human part ownership after helping for so long and hard. But just like uncle Macintosh, he was content with just working there.

“Yeah, she knows.” Chuckled the colt. Tom’s face settled back into relaxation as he winkled at the colt. He then lay back on the sofa again.
“So, it isn’t too vital is it?” Tom addressed to the ceiling.
“Nah,” The young colt waved his hoof aside. “Not this second. Mom just wants Rainbow to delay that big storm commin’, by a couple of days.”
“Aaaaahhhh.” The human said knowingly. “She won’t mind that, she loves storm control. She’ll be happy to do it! THUNDER! GET UP!” He suddenly shouted to the closed door again.

Apple Cube couldn’t help but laugh. Thunder was his best friend, and Tom and Rainbow’s adopted son. To say he was lazy would be the understatement of the millennia! That is, until he got up, then you could never stop him, he’d run, climb, fly, jump, wrestle, do pretty much anything if it took energy. He made no sense at all sometimes! Being so lazy, and yet so energetic, it... was unusual!

Finally the two in the living room heard movement from the room beyond. The door opened, and out stood Thunder. He was a Pegasus, with a jagged and vibrant aqua mane set against his burgundy coat. Though he had only been able to fly for the past year, he had already discovered his love for the sky, and his talent at weather manipulation. Because of that talent and passion, he now bore the image of a single storm cloud on his flank. It suited him, both his whole demeanour, and his name.

Thunder was adopted. Obviously his mother and father couldn’t really breed, one being a pony and the other being... well... that! So they had decided to adopt. Thunder had been left at birth. In fact, he had been born the same year as Apple Cube. He was only alone for the first three months of his life, before Rainbow Dash and Tom had come along. Since then, he had been their child, and they had been his parents.

Thunder knew he was adopted, his folks never thought it to be fare not to tell him when he got old enough. He didn’t mind in the slightest, to him there was nothing unusual about his parents coupling. He was just glad that they had decided to adopt, so that he could live in this wonderful home with parents who loved him.

Thunder yawned and rubbed his eyes dozily, still in the twilight realm of sleep and consciousness. He took in the room, his father lounging on the sofa, the same old pictures on the walls and... He noticed Apple Cube. Immediately, all tiredness seemed to evaporate from him. He lowered himself, ready to pounce giving an evil little smile. “Here for a rematch i see!” He chuckled. Cube smiled back, and assumed the same position as his friends, preparing his toned farm legs to propel him at his friend at the slightest bit of notice.

“I seem to remember that yesterday, I won.” The copper colt purred back at his friends challenge.
“Ehhh, lucky shot.” Said Thunder, waving the comment aside with ease, locking eyes with his best friend. “This time, I won’t hold back.” He finished. The two stared at each other for a moment, then the atmosphere was shattered, as Tom burst out laughing on the sofa.

The two colts stopped. They straightened up and watched the human with confusion. All elements of their tussle gone in a flash as they watched Thunder’s father as he chortled loudly in his seat. “You two!” He laughed. “You two are too much like your mothers!” he patted his knee repeatedly as his laughs died down. He shook his head in amused disbelief, at the unbelievable comparison from these colt’s and to the rivalry between Applejack and Rainbow Dash that spanned for so many years!

“Daaaad...” Moaned Thunder, in protest at the embarrassing comment. “We’re not... we’re just...”
“Foolin’ around.” Finished Apple Cube. Tom stood and walked behind his son.
“Yeah, yeah, I know. You just don’t realise how similar to your parents you actually are!” he laughed again as he planted a foot behind his sons rump and pushed him playfully towards the door. “Go on then, the two of you! Don’t go messing up the house...” He looked around to the messy surfaces, and the clothes occasionally scattered along the floor. “More than it already is I guess.” He finished bemusedly.

Thunder and Cube made their way to the door. Cube was now free to do whatever he wished, he’d done his job. Now the day was his. He smiled at his best friend. Ok, the day was theirs! The two colts opened the front door and tore off into the town, Apple Cube headed for the library and Thunder soon followed from above as she shot into the morning air.

From the open door to the house, Tom watched the two of them disappear into Ponnyville. A small smile spread across his face. It had been so many years now since he had come to Equestria, he now felt as though there was nowhere else he could possibly exist. He smiled at the sight of his son in the distance, floating above the tree that was the library in the town centre and turned to re-enter his house, when his eyes fell on the yellow car.

Slowly he made his way to it, his hands sinking into his pockets as he walked.

He remembered the day his friends pulled the blindfold off and showed him his newly restored car. That race with Rainbow, realising he loved her, all of it! All as though it were only a week ago.

He circled the car, taking in every detail of his baby.

So much had changed since that day.

He took his hand from his pocket and stroked the bonnet caringly. What felt like electricity surged through his body, as his magic communicated with the vehicle. The engine purred suddenly as it came to life. Tom smiled to himself, looking to the sky to see a small figure making its way back from Fluttershy’s cottage.

No. Nothing had changed. Everything was the same, it was exactly how it should be!