//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 // Story: To be Adored // by jidbrony //------------------------------// Chapter 5 “I can’t believe I’m doing this.” “You can’t believe... I can’t believe it either. But we have no choice.” “I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE! MAKE IT STOP!” “Okay girls….Here, we go….One...Two...Three...DIRTY DIAPER DIRTY DIAPER! Aria!” Adagio took off Crescendos dirty stained diapoer and gave ti Aria “EW EW EW SONATA!” “AAAHHH!” Sonata ran the diaper to the garbage and tossed it in the garbage can, turned on the sink and started washing her hands muttering all the while. “Still not clean, still not clean.” “Move it dipstick!” Aria shoved and started washing her hands. “Out of the way!” Sonata shoved back, now washing her hands. “Oh, come down girls.” Adagio said as he was busy powdering Crescendos bottom, finishing by putting on the newly fresh diaper on it. “There, nice and fresh.” She turned to see Aria and Sonata still washing their hands, as she put Crescendo in his playpen, three months had passed since the fair incident and life had been going smoothly. “Oh come on we used to get our hands dirty all the time.” Aria scowled. “Yeah, with the blood of our enemies...not..ugh!” Adagio rolled her eyes as she sat on the couch to watch T.V. She turned on cartoon’s which immediately got Sonata’s attention. “Oh I love this one.” “It’s a about a Sponge that lives in a pineapple.” “Oh yeah, it’s awesome...Well the classic one’s...the new one’s not so much.” Sonata picked up Crescendo as sat him on her lap as the two of them watched, Adagio and Aria seemed bored. But this was one of the sacrifices of having a baby, having to watch silly cartoons. Adagio got up to go check the fridge only to find it half empty. “Ugh! Were running out food. Well time for a trip to the store.” “Again!” Aria groaned. “I hate that place.” “Fine...You weren’t invited anyway. Sonata, you and I are goign to the store...Aria, you're in charge of Crescendo while I’m gone.” “What! Me!...” Aria shouted. “Why?” “Because I don’t trust Sonata, but I do trust you...When Sonata’s not around that is.” Adagio rebuttled. “But! But!...” “No buts! We need food...diapers...wipes… “AND TACOS! WE NEED TACOS!” Sonata shouted realizing her stash of Taco’s was gone. “COME ON!” Sonata grabbed Adagio dragging her out the door. “By Crescendo mommy loves you!” The Door shut leaving Aria and Crescendo alone in the house. Aria looked down at the baby who just had a smile on his face. “I’m not falling for it kid.” Crescendo made random baby noises. “You just sit in the pen until you're crazy mom and idiot Aunt get home. Got it!” Aria groaned as she changed the channel to what she wanted to watch. "Stupid cartoons." She turned the channel to her favorite show. Monster Truck Destruction "Ah yeah, this is where it's at, not some stupid sponge under the sea. Not that even depict the ocean life correctly. There weren't any sponges living in pineapples back in my day. Ot great castles and warrior sea ponies to devour and subjugate and..." Aria looked down to see Crescendo biting on his teething ring. "Stupid kid. You don't understand a word I'm saying aren't you." Crescendo looked at Aria and made a noise as a reply. "Still don't know what Adagio sees in you. Yeah you're cute and all but your just another human.” Ari just sits down and continues to watch monster truck destroy each other. “Huh...That’s nothing compared what I used to do ponies back in the glory days. Then old Swirly came and...” Aria scowled and closed her eyes not wanting to remember. She changed the channel to an undersea documentary. And here we see the jellyfish in it’s natural habitat “See kid this is the real ocean, not that stupid cartoon you and Sonata love.” Aria groaned. The baby groaned as he reached his little arms up obviously wanting out. “You want on the couch kid, wait for Mommy, or do it yourself.” Aria groaned she got up from the couch and into the kitchen. “I’m getting a soda….Great look at me talking to a baby.” Digging through the fridge for soda’s Aria grumbled to herself constantly. “Stupid baby, stupid Adagio. Stupid...What!” Aria returned to see Crescendo now sitting on the couch. “How! Why! What?” Baby Crescendo was giggling. “Why you stupid!” Aria picked him up and put him in his playpen. “Stay! I'm forced to sit with a baby all day named Sonata, I don’t need you too.” With that Aria got back down to sit on the couch and finally relax with he Soda in between her legs. DIG DONG! “Oh come on!” Aria got up put her Soda away and answered the door with her usual greeting of, “GO AWAY!” “Excuse me ma’am I’m selling…” Aria slammed the door before he could finish his pitch. “Good riddance to ...Oh come on!” Baby Crescendo was back on the couch and he had the remote. “Why you!...” Aria took the remote and once again put Crescendo back in his playpen. “It starting to be official, you are worse than Sonata.” Finally she relaxed again, only to then feel something on her leg looking down, baby Crescendo was sitting right next to her. “HOW DID YOU!...BUT YOU WERE!....AND I WAS...AND...UGH! Forget it. Sit here. I don’t care! I’m watching my shows.” She changed the change the channel to heavy metal music month on MTV. She scowled still looking at the baby. “You think your so big don’t you kid, just because you have Dagi wrapped around that tiny baby thumb of yours, well not me! Nuh uh!” Crescendo just looked up at Aria with big baby eyes of his intent on listing. Aria continued to scowl. “You know Mommy Adagio thinks she a good singer and all but to be fair i’m the best of the entire group.” I’m tough, I’m hot, I’m in the need To have people do, what I heed. I need to feed. Yeah. Dagi’s a fool, Sonata a dolt! But Aria, she’s...a lighting bolt. Crescendo seemed to be at awe by Aria’s song. She took notice and gave a smirk. “Like that huh...Okay then! You may be smarter than you appear. Okay...I’m little rusty but i think I can pull off a solo.” I’m on my game, I’m always on top. I’ve seen heads as their were about to pop. They adored me. Never ignored me. Those two morons think they are better When they both couldn’t perform a tenner. I’m tough, I’m hot. Everyone else is not! People think I’m just a grump instead they are all but stumped. I’m Aria! The best! Better than all the rest! They’ll do what I heed.” For I...Need….To...Feed!” The song was done, Aria looked around for the green smoke of energy that normally happened after a song however their was not to be found. “Hey! What the heck!” She looked up only to see Crescendo smiling and making baby noises. She scowled. “Well that was pointless. She sat back down on the couch only to find something touching her leg. She looked down to see Crescendo hugging her. “Hey kid...no...uh…” Aria face turned red as he fell asleep. “Uh….Wow...I guess Adagio does have a bit of a point. This uh….this does feel nice.” Aria then started scratching her chin thinking. “ He did enjoy my song, first time anyone listen to me go solo...NO! What are you saying he’s just a stupid baby. Still...’ Crescendo yawned on Aria’s leg, he looked comfy. Aria smiled as she huffed. “Stupid kid.” A hour passed as Adagio and Sonata arrive with food and Taco’s in hand. “Were home!” Sonata called causing Aria to wake up from her nap. “What..Ugh...How long was out.” “Dawww...Look Dagi.” Sonata pointed to show Crescendo napping on Aria’s leg. Adagio looked annoyed. “Aria!” She jumped up. “What!” “I told you to watch him...How did he get you!” “What...Oh...Kids clever! He got out like five different times or something.” Aria protested. “I just gave up.” “Your lucky he didn’t get hurt.” Adagio picked him up and held him for a few moments. He was still asleep but slowly opening his eyes and waking up. He saw Aria and smiled. “Uh… “Daw, he likes you too Ari.” Sonata said as she sat down on the couch. “Yeah...Whatever.” “Then why are you smiling.” “Ugh...You really are the worse Sonata.”