//------------------------------// // The Party // Story: The Dragon and The Changeling // by SlowMoBrony //------------------------------// “Get the professor's baggage. Look lively.” Professor Plum Tart relieved his magical grasp on his bag, passing it to the unicorn bell hop. With an open smile, he greeted Princess Luna at the front gates of Canterlot Castle with a long flowing bow. “Your grace.” “ Hello Professor, old man.” A cute smile etched itself on her face, the two ponies welcoming each other as old friends and laughing before they could stop one another. “Ah, Princess Cadance! Got the invitation, I see?” The young alicorn trotted up from the left of the pair, a small smile greeting them. “Lovely day, isn't it? Princess Celestia has made such an effort, all looks right with the world.” “Indeed. My sister has requested that guests make their way to their rooms. The young bell hop here will take any and all bags you have in due course. She requests you make yourselves comfortable before the gathering later tonight. I have been told refreshments will be made available in the Royal Gardens before the evening begins.” “Thank you, Luna, but I must make a quick stop the library first.” “Oh, Professor,” chuckled Princess Luna. “All this work will be the death of you. It's supposed to be a party, a gathering.” “I understand, but if Princess Cadance and yourself would excuse me, I must check a few things. This is important to my research.” “Very well. I'll let my sister know that you'll be in the library for the moment. Although I can't stay for the festivities, I'm sure you'll have fun.” And with that, Plum Tart made his way quickly to the library. Having been a close friend to Princess Luna, the professor was familiar with the layout of the castle and finding the Royal Library was an easy feat. Finding the books he needed weren't so easy, on the other hoof. A few bookcases later, and he was no where nearer to the book he needed. Where's a guard or librarian when you need one? He thought to himself. Suddenly, his face lit up – he'd found what he was looking for. Almost immediately, he began flicking through the pages, the light blue of his magic working overtime. “I was right. Kept secret all these years. It's unbelievable. But why didn't they ask me? By Celestia...” His excitement was unbound, as he failed to notice he wasn't alone in the library. A small hoofstep echoed against the stony floor, bringing the professor back to reality. He swung round, trying his best to hide the book behind himself. “Oh, it's you. I was just doing some research, no need to worry anypony. I say, what are you doing with that shovel?” His curiosity soon turned to a look of fear as a loud buzzing noise soon filled the room. If the professor wasn't sweating from the sudden intrusion beforehand, he certainly was now. “But that's impossible! NO!” --- “Smell that air! That sweet, sweet lemonade! And the mint!” Once again, Pinkie Pie was bouncing enthusiastically all over the party scene, with Twilight Sparkle struggling to contain her partner's enthusiasm. The Royal Gardens were full of sophistication in comparison. “Pinkie, please!” pleaded Twilight. “We've been invited to this party as guests of Princess Celestia. We rarely get invited to these types of events and when we do get invited, you usually put off any potential clients we may meet!” It was true. For years now, both Twilight Sparkle & Pinkie Pie had been the go-to ponies for all things a hired Canterlot detective could not do, ever since the duo solved Pinkie's own mystery aboard the Friendship Express and saved the Cakes famous entry for the baking competition that year. Together, they had captured disappearing ponies avoiding capture and solved mysteries of all shapes and sizes to find lost items or killers that weren't on the run. “But Twi... frosting!” Pinkie pulled off the largest pair of puppy dog eyes she could. Even after all these years together, she still held her uniquely childish charm. Twilight let out a sigh, and said “Fine, but don't do anything I wouldn't do.” And with that, a pink outline was left where her assistant once stood, a pink blur over by the buffet table. With a roll of her eyes, Twilight made to mingle with the other guests of the party. As this was a high-standing party, all of the guests knew the host Princess Celestia in one way or another – the upper crust of Canterlot society was awash with such ponies. The sunlight shone brightly, keeping the air clear and fresh. There wasn't a cloud in the sky either. The Canterlot weather pegasi must be on special orders to keep the sky clear for the Princess, mused Twilight. Her attention soon turned to the other party guests in her near vicinity. Ponies of various professions all stood about chatting to one another. Here and there, one could see the occasional pegasus or earth pony but the majority were unicorns, as was common in Canterlot. Almost every unicorn, much like Twilight, were levitating a small champagne glass full to the brim with the bubbly drink. The sunlight glinted off the smooth shiny surface every so often. If a pegasus were to look down on them, they would probably think they were looking at a small lake in the middle of the Royal Gardens. A Royal Guard stood at the entrance, announcing the guests that had made their way down from the rooms. As Pinkie Pie was too busy stuffing her face, Twilight thought best to introduce herself to any pony that came through the entrance to the gardens. “ May I announce Lady Upper Crust.” said the guard. In the wake of his announcement, a yellow unicorn with flowing greying hair walked in, the air around her living up to her name. Twilight made her way over to the high society pony. “Lady Crust” Twilight a hoof to shake, but Upper Crust did not accept. “Forgive me, but who exactly might you be, and what are you doing here?” “I'm Twilight Sparkle, & with my assistant & close friend Pinkie Pie, we -” “Good afternoon, my lady. Had a go at the scones yet?” Pinkie had appeared out of nowhere, almost as if by command of mention of her own name and was speaking in an atrociously posh accent. Before she could continue her tirade, a purple hoof was stuffed into her mouth followed by a short exclamation of “no” by Twilight. Once Pinkie had calmed sufficiently, Twilight continued her introductions. “As I was saying, my assistant and I are detectives, and we are friends to Princess Celestia. I'm actually a pupil of hers. But we are here on official business.” Almost immediately, the tone of Upper Crust's voice changed to something more friendly. “Oh, of course!” she exclaimed. “Detective Sparkle, how could I forget you? The friend of the host! But one must be careful with the Dragon on the loose.” “A dragon? Cool! Where?” shouted an excited Pinkie Pie. Upper Crust was forgiven for giving her a few confusing looks, as did Twilight to Upper Crust. Lady Crust saw the lack of recognition on her face and elaborated. “The Dragon. The jewel thief? Nopony knows who he is. He's just struck again. Snatched Lady Fleur Dis Lee's pearl necklace from right under her muzzle.” This piqued Twilight's interest. A jewel thief stealing from well known ponies in Canterlot? How had she not heard of this in the past few weeks? Such a high profile criminal would have the subject of many a rumour or conversation during her travels over Equestria. Before she could ask any more further questions, Upper Crust was well on her way to meeting somepony else, and the guard pony was busy announcing the next guest. “May I announce Jet Set, and his guest for the evening, Colonel Soarin of the Wonderbolts.” Again on cue, the pair walked in, with the noticeable exception of Jet Set, who wheeled himself in. It was odd to see a pony in a wheelchair, let alone see one outside of a hospital. Upper Crust quickly left her current conversation to make way to her husband. “Forgive me for not rising,” said Jet Set. “Never been the same since my accident a few months back.” “My word, you are a super lady.” commented Soarin to Upper Crust. “Oh, I like the cut of his jib.” said Pinkie. “Hello. I'm Detective Twilight Sparkle, & this is my assistant, Pinkie Pie.” The two shook hooves, nodding heads slightly in greeting. “Well, I trust?” Twilight nodded. A waiter came up to Soarin, an earth pony offering a small drink on a platter. “Your usual, sir?” “Ah, thank you. Just the way I like it.” Soarin took the drink in his hoof & moved over to join Jet Set in conversation with his wife. “Ribbon Setter,” said the guard. A thin unicorn with a pearly white coat & flowing blonde mane sauntered in, her light blue eyes landing their gaze on every pair of eyes in the room. “Ah, the hit of the social scene! Miss Setter.” Upper Crust greeted the young unicorn with an almost envious glint in her eyes. “Glad to meet you at last, Lady Crust. What super fun.” “Her highness, Princess Cadance.” came another announcement. Cadance? Twilight's brain went into overload at the prospect of catching up with her old foalsitter again, to find out what she has been doing all these years and if -. No. She was a professional. She must keep her cool at such a high profile event. “Princess Cadance.” Upper Crust was quick to greet her first. “How are you? I heard about your residence last night. Those ruffians breaking in.” “You apprehended them, I hear.” Soarin made his move into the conversation now, leaving Jet Set on his own nearby. “As my aunt has taught me, we must forgive those who lose their way. Quite literally.” she calmly replied. “Some of these young rapscallions should be taught a lesson, a decent thrashing.” snorted Jet Set. “Couldn't agree more.” said Soarin. “Now, what's this special guest you were on about?” “Why, she's here. Our friend needs no introduction.” Upper Crust once again pounced to the next guest to enter the gardens, but she wasn't the only one to get closer to the entrance now that the special guest had turned up. Daring Do wasn't wearing her trademark outfit but a flattering red dress that contrasted sharply with her brown coat and grey mane. Nevertheless, she made a brilliant impression just by walking in. “No, no, please, don't. Thank you, Lady Crust, but there's no need.” Twilight was at a loss for words when Daring Do came over to greet her. “Daring Do.” The author outstretched a hoof, a charming smile coming along for the ride. Twilight struggled to find words before she out-rightly accepted the gesture. “Yes. Daring Do. I was just talking about you the other day to my friend Rainbow. I said, I bet she's brilliant. I'm Twilight. This is Pinkie Pie. Oh, I love your stuff.” Twilight's inner fan-girl had broken free and had broken her own code of conduct. “What a mind. You fool me every time. Well, almost every time. Well, once or twice. Well, once. But it was a good once.” “You two make an odd pairing.” said Daring Do. “Oh, we're not -” “We're partners, all right!” shouted Pinkie Pie, cutting off Twilight's reply. “Well, of course. The famous detective & her eccentric assistant. Who doesn't know you?” “Oh. Oh, you don't miss a trick, do you Miss Do?” asked Twilight. “Keep together. The thrill is in the chase, not the capture.” She smiled towards the detectives once last time before returning her attention back to Upper Crust. “Miss Do, I'm so glad you made it. Why, I knew I must come to this party if you were going to make an appearance. I'm one of your biggest followers, I've read all six of your current series of novels. I must ask though – why have you moved from adventure stories to mysteries?” “What's wrong with that?” She asked in return. “Can't a mare make her own way in the world?” “Don't give my wife ideas.” said Jet Set. Rapturous laughter broke out amongst the group. But something was niggling in Twilight's mind. Why hadn't she heard of this so-called “Dragon” before tonight? “Whatcha thinking there, Twi?” Pinkie Pie broke Twilight from her slumber. “Sorry Pinkie. It's just that I can't recall ever hearing anything about this Dragon before.” Twilight explained. “I say, where in Equestria is that professor?” asked Soarin. “He would love to meet Miss Do.” “I believe he said was off to the library.” said Princess Cadance. “Guard, would you mind collecting him? He is the last guest to arrive after all.” “At once, milady.” And with that, the guard left his post by the entrance and moved to the wing of the castle where the library sat. “Never mind the Dragon, Twilight.” said Pinkie Pie. “What about the mystery of the missing Princess? As a party pony, I think it rude the host wouldn't be here for her own party!” “Pinkie, I explained this to you before. While the Princess may be the host, and invited us to indulge in the activities, she is away on official business to the Griffon Kingdom. As much as I think a bit of time off would do her some good, distracting herself with the problems of organising a party isn't in the best interests at the moment. Besides, Princess Luna is here in her place, so I wouldn't worry too much.” It was on the train to Canterlot that Twilight had received the message explaining why Princess Celestia couldn't make it to the party that had been organised at the castle. But Twilight wasn't too bothered by that. She still didn't know why she had never heard of the Dragon before tonight and racked her brains trying to find one snippet of information that might help her understand the situation. All of a sudden, the guard returned, breathing quickly as if he had been running. “Professor! The library! Murder! Murder!”