//------------------------------// // 5. Sparkle-Cola RAD, Shaken Not Stirred // Story: Fallout Equestria: Audio Log's of an Equestrian Traitor // by NuclearCupcake //------------------------------// [BEGIN MESSAGE #18] *inhaling* 3-2-1… *KATHUNK* Oi, it’s time to move you to your new home. Follow me and if I don’t want to hear a single peep out of you, understand? Yes, yes, I’m coming. WOAH! *CRASH* Get. Up. NOW. [END MESSAGE] [BEGIN MESSAGE #19] Well at least it’s bigger and so is the cot. That walk here did a number on my hooves AND my head, a left here and right there, straight down here, five more corridors and go down the stairs, it just went on and on. Well with nothing more to talk about really I might as well describe my new home, I think it’s about fifteen hooves long and six wide. *sounds of slow clopping hooves* Yep, definitely fifteen and six. The cot’s actually got a pillow this time and there is a washing basin, I can’t remember the last time I cleaned myself let alone had a shower. I probably look and smell like a stallion who’s crawled through a sewage pipe. No visits from Doctor Red Bow yet but it has been about ten minutes since I got here so it’s understandable. If anything I could really do with some Luna-damned food, I’m starving. [END MESSAGE] [BEGIN MESSAGE #20] Nothing new food-wise, just a bigger helping of ‘Mysterious Porridge’. Small blessing I guess. The cot’s comfortable; the pillow just makes it so much more homely…ughh, I have no idea what to talk about. Give me a few minutes and I’ll get back to you. [END MESSAGE] [BEGIN MESSAGE #21] I’ve got it, the best contract I ever did. And if you think I find it enjoyable killing ponies then that’s your opinion but this is probably the only one I ever had a genuinely fun time. There are a whole variety of methods to kill a pony, it’s an acquired art but this contract took the cake. Never in my life had I had to play dress-up as the opposite sex. While I can’t go into explicit detail about the contract, what with confidentiality, I’ll start with the fact that to change into the opposite sex I had to take a potion that changes the body of the imbiber to whomever they want for up to a week depending on its strength. Apparently it’s derived from Changeling essence, and with how rare it was to find a Changeling I knew straight away that this hit had gone up a notch. Anyway I had to change into this mare and the purpose was to take out the husband while incriminating the wife, who I became. Definitely the weirdest experience I’d ever had, I mean I spent three days as a MARE. So on the third day when I had planned to carry out the hit, we were at this fancy party in Fillydelphia, and these two stallions walked up to the bar as I was ordering myself drink. I caught them eyeing me up which felt kinda weird…and satisfying to say the least. The potion really screws up your perceptions but I humoured them and gave them a wink along with a subtle shake of my flank and when they came over I gave them a right hoof to the fa- *SCREECH* . Ermm, yes Doctor? Ah, sorry, I see you’ve settled in nicely Mr. Luck. How do you find your new abode? It’s uhh, quite nice thank you. Excellent. Now if you have any requests you need only ask me now and it shall be done. Hmm…would I be able to have a couple of Sparkle Cola RAD’s by any chance? An odd request but I don’t see why not. That’ll be sorted out straight away. *Shuffle of hooves* Sooo…? Ah yes sorry about that, my mind does wonder often. You’ll be called up for an examination in two hours. You won’t be late Mr. Luck and good-day. *SCREECH* A strange doctor zoning in and out while staring at me is probably not the greatest thing I’ve ever experienced but disregarding that, I haven’t had a bottle of RAD since my imprisonment and I miss the sweet radish taste. [END MESSAGE] [BEGIN MESSAGE #22] Ahh, nothing like an ice-cold Sparkle Cola RAD to wet the whistle. *Drinking Noises* I’ve thought about the examination he mentioned and I hope that it’s a physical performance one; I never have felt comfortable during the ones that are touchy-feely, they just make me cringe all over. Hey who knows, maybe I’ll even meet any of the other volunteers. If there are any others that is, it would be nice to somepony who I can properly talk too. I think I’m beginning to feel lonely…weird. *SCREECH* It’s time Mr. Luck, come with me. Alright, lemme just put this bottle over in the corner. *sound of hooves* [END MESSAGE] [BEGIN MESSAGE #23] *SCREECH* *Panting* Whew, that was...That was exhausting, hold on….let me just….ah there we go….nice comfy cot. I didn’t think it was possible…to do that many physical tests in a couple hours, but…colt was I wrong. Met a bunch of lab assistants, called me ‘two-five-nine’…I guess the name of my overalls were a bit of an indicator that might be my volunteer number. There were a lot of galloping/weight/etc machines, even a few of the Fluttershy bio-phys monitor devices. I can’t help it now….I’m drifting off, ughh night. . . . . . [FFW MESSAGE ??hrs] *SCREECH* He’s definitely out Doctor, those tests really took a lot outta them. Of course they did, all candidates Must be carefully chosen, while physical endurance is a tertiary consideration due to the more precise needs, it is still important. Not everypony is cut out for the Project. Pass me the needle would you? Here you go Doctor. Thank you, now quietly does it… *Light clopping of hooves* *Hooves get quieter as they retreat* There we go. Please take this blood sample to the lab as tests need to be performed with haste. I have other business to take care of, Trueblood doesn’t like mistakes. *SCREECH* . . . [FFW ??hrs] *THUNK* Ouch…how in Luna’s mane did I fall out of a bigger cot? What the? It’s still recording, damn thing must be on the fritz. [END MESSAGE]