Diary of the Night

by CalebH

The Unexpected Journey - Chapter 167

That mare could give Granny Smith a run for her bits with a stubborn streak like that. I don’t know what gets into a mare’s head that she won’t let herself be helped. She went and got her leg half bit off defending crown and country from Faust knows what the least I could do is carry for a ways, but the way she tells it you’d think I’d spat in her face.

Course AJ’s the same way. She falls in a cellar she’s digging herself out. Don’t matter if I’m standing there yelling that the stairs are right behind her, she’s gonna do it the hard way just to show everypony she can.

Damn stubborn mares ain’t got a lick of sense. One of them dragons spots us and comes calling I reckon they’ll be saying the same about me. I may look a tough customer with that old sledge but the liveliest thing I ever used it on was a wobbly fence post.
