A Body for Two

by Daxn

A School Day.

As Tiara opens up the book with our left hoof, I remain silent for think about what just happened, because it was just... mean. Or, at least, I think it was, since I don't know what "clinical folders" exactly are. I guess they are folders containing each doctor's visit date and schedule, but I don't get how they were important for Diamond Tiara for her picking on Scootaloo, nor why they said Scootaloo couldn't fly. Maybe it was more like a diary for the doctor, but that would mean Diamond Tara stole it, which doesn't strike me as something she would do.

Anyways, I'm watching the lessons go by in front of my eyes. Because the lessons are boring, and because I have nothing to do, I wish to snooze, but Diamond Tiara wakees me up saying "Don't you dare to ruin my mark in Behaviour like this!"

"Oh, come on, I can't do anything, at least let me take a nap!" I snap back annoyed, while she opens the book with our right hoof.

"If you sleep, I also sleep, and I can't allow myself to do that!" She said, as she kept looking forward to the blackboard where Cheerliee was writing some dates up.

"Why not?"

"Because I am not stupid, I care about the subject, and, either way, I don't feel sleepy right now." She says after groaning, as she takes a pencil in our mouth, and underlines some words on the book. I sigh and sit back, trying to relax.

This is going to be long and boring.

Minutes pass, and Cheerliee is still talking about the history of Mexican ancient tribes. Okay, actually Mexicoltian, but whatever. Diamond Tiara is still writing notes with our mouth and we don't get disturbed or the chance to chat with somebody.

The next hour is, to much of my and Tiara's annoyance, Math. The teacher asks us to close down our History books and take the Math ones while she wipes the blackboard clean with her right hoof. Diamond Tiara used our left hoof to take out her Math exercise book, a light pink one, and the book proper, which lacks of the cover, unlike all others.

"Why is it without a cover?" I ask as Tiara opesn the book at a certain page.

"Because it was ugly and hurting my sense of aesthetic. If I have to do something, at least make it look decent." She says with a grunt.

"What's aesthetics?" I ask. Just how many big words she uses every day?

"Philosophical branch looking for the definition of 'beauty.' Popularly used for define something that looks nice." She says dryly "Now, if I may ask, help me out in doing whatever the teacher will throw at me."

I feel the need to smile awkwardly and shrug, but, because I don't have a body, I say meekly. "I'm bad at math..."

She groans and takes a pen in her mouth, before looking up at the blackboard, where Cheerliee was writing down the operations to complete. Namely, some two-digits divisions and several additions with hundreds.

"Fifty divided by twenty-five;" She murmurs behind the pen while writing "Sixty-six divided by twenty-two; One hundred and twenty-one divided by one hundreds; two hundreds and seventy-two divided by twenty."

Once she fishes to write these down, she spits out the pen and says with a needy tone. "Try to solve these, while I write the additions down."

I sigh. I hate divisions, especially the oen with two digits, I don't like Diamond Tiara, and I don't like how she gave me the order. However, that's all I can do, so... I will do them.

The math lesson stretchs out for another, painful, hour, hour where I do nothing but mathematical operations.

"C'mon, can't you turn around just for a bit? I wanna talk with somebody!" I complain, after I had told her that the solution to fifty plus one hundred and ninety-seven is two hundreds and seven.

"Once again, I can't, because it would..." she murmured behind the pen while she wrote.

"Ruin your reputation in front of the teacher and friends..." I say in a whiny tone mocking hers, causing her to groan annoyed for the nth time today.

"Ugh... sometimes I hate my life..." She murmurs, before looking up at the blackboard and tell me. "Seventy-six plus four?"

I'm going to say "EIghty," but, as I move my lips, the bell rings and drowns my words under its sweet trill, trill that is soon followed by the teacher saying.

"Okay class, write down those operations on the blackboard as homework, then you will be able to go outside." She says, as I can hear some going back to their positions.

Diamond Tiara suddenly jerked her and my head up, before quickly writing the rest of the exercises on the exercise book, creating unreadable scribbles akin to geroghlyps, in place of the numbers.

"Are you sure you can read them at home?" I ask. The question gets no answer because, as soon as she was done, she jumped on a side of the desk, took a paper bag in our mouth, then galloped down the alley along with the few of her classmates that had already did what Cheerliee asked, leaving the rest behind.

Once I am galloped out of the alley into the grassy yard, I see some things that I had missed at first, when I and Tiara got into school. For example, swings in the center, a ball-on-pole not too far from the swings, a small volleyball (I think) field in a far-off corner of the yard, well-kept bushes, and, well, benches around the whole place.

Feeling the need to try out the first two things, I ask to Tiara in a very fast and excited tone. "Can I go to the swings? Can I? CanI?"

"Please, use 'we,' because you aren't alone. Also, no," she says, as she reaches a bench just under a stone statue of a pony carrying a flag while standing on his (her?) hind hooves "I do not like the idea."

"What?" I exclaim "Why you don't like it? It's fun!"

"I could turn the question around, and ask why do you consider swings to be fun, but it would be wasted breath," she said as she opened the paper bag "but, if you really insist in getting an answer, it's because I don't feel in the mood today, not that usually I am."

I feel offended by Tiara's statement and I answer back while she unwraps a sandwich with our left hoof.

"It's not wasted breath, I can perfectly understand!" I say, while she moved the food near to our mouth, drool running down my and her maw and crumbles getting sprayed everywhere bite after bite. She answers me only when she gulps the mouthful of food.

"Then I've already asked you the question, so answer me."

I'm left puzzled. Why did she had to be so complicated in what she talks about?

"What do you mean?"

"Ugh, sometimes you remind me of my dumb serf third-grade cousin. My question was 'why do you like swings?' Since oyu asked me why I didn't like them."

Yeah. that is an hard question actually, but I don't give up and say. "Because they make you feel like flying, and they make you feel speed up, and they...." I paused for a few seconds "uummm... require more than one to be used?"

"Why the last would be even worthy to be listed?" She complained after gulping another bite.

"I dunno."

"See?" She says, finishing up the food before saying this "you can't, it is almost innate. So, stop bothering me about it."

I sigh. there was simply no way to talk with Tiara. Then again, what did I expect? She IS the bully of the school, surely I shouldn't have expected to talk to her like how I talked to my mom's friends.

I remain silent for ten long minutes, as Diamond tiara walks around grumbling, and causes some of the ponies to bow and greet her with bowings, getting a dry "Hello" in return. I seriously don't get why, but that's how it goes, apparently.

Once Tiara made our body walk around ten times on the perimeter of the yard, the bell rang and, with a collective "Aaawww," everyone walked back to the school. Diamond Tiara, like if she was doing it for stand out at all costs, seemingly cheered up by the bell ring, walked faster to the door and back into the classroom to her desk, while the rest of the class came in after her slowly.

When Cheerliee is back behind the desk, the next lesson, namely English (here called "Equish" for some reasons) begins. Diamond Tiara takes out the book, opens it to page sixty-one, then she murmurs what's written on the book, namely, a poem about a pomegranate tree and somebody tending a hoof towards one of the branches, and how said tree renewed itself in spring, with mention of begin udner the "cold earth, under the black earth."

I'm going to aks Tiara, but, seeing she's concentrated in reading it, probably for learn it to memory for then repeat it to the teacher, and considering my track record with her so far, I leave her alone with the book. Meanwhile, I let myself wander free in thoughts.

As I think to various things, one of my thoughts catches my interest: y family.

Yeah... my family and my parents in particular. Do they know where am I? Probably not, but, hey, I woke up in My Little Pony's world, so anything is possible. But, assuming that my body is not there anymore or that nobody has it, are they looking for me?

I already imagine my mom looking under the bed and my dad shouting "Luisa!" in the streets, and the image makes me somewhat giggle. If only I could get back there and reassure them... now, I do wonder, if I could go there, would I be a ghost? That would be cool. I mean, pass through things and all. But maybe I would want to return to my own body, since begin Diamond Tiara's guest spirit is no fun.

Well... maybe I could make it more fun, if I just stopped obeying? Well, maybe, but I'm not in the mood for try that out right now.

Finally, after another hour in school, the bell rang, and Cheerliee closes the registry with a loud slam, saying "As for your homework, do exercise one, four and elven at page sixty-nine; and exercise ten at page twenty-six. That said, you can leave now. See oyu tomorrow!"

The sudden happening of this and Diamond Tiara's jerking move for take pencil and diary for write homeworks make me a little dizzy, and wonder for how long I have been lost in thought and ignoring everything that was going on around me in the class.

But, before I can fully recover, Tiara has already used both our hooves for sweep the books and the pencil case into the rucksack, and, in very short order, Diamond Tiara manages to sprint our body outide the classroom and towards the outside with me still dazzled all the way.

"Woah!" Is all I can shout while my and her body keeps moving fast to Tiara's mansion "How did you manage to do that?"

"Practice." she simply said, as she kept make our body run for what I think were kilometers and kilometers, until we were at her mansion's gate, where she stopped for pull the bell's string, causing a ringing sound and making the gardener working on the marsh open the gate for Tiara.

"Good day miss Tiara" the gardener said, and tiara answered only with "Good day Woodcutter," before running away on the stone path to the entrance, which had its door open, for some reasons. It was only at this point that Tiara slowed down, and starts to pant like a bellow, and, for some reasons, transmitting the tiredness to me.

"Okay, time to rest," she said, moving us slowly to the nearest living room, one covered in dim light "This will do. Oh, if it will do."

"Yeah." I simply say, as she drops my nadh er body on the couch, and as she closes her eyes, bringing me to close them too shortly afterwards.

I hear a tang. A delicate one, to be more precise. As I open my eyes, I hear a song in the same language Filiberto spoke sometimes, and I see a shining figure giving the shoudlers to me. Said figure seems ot wear a gem-covered rob, and has a golden sword at his side.

Curious, I ask "Who are you?"

The answer, for some reasons, shocks me.

"I am Filiberto Arjani, oh my dearest cousin, and I have been sent by Ahura Madza, the Enlightening Wisdom, Protector of the World, Most Straight, Most Just, and thusly yazat, for communicate with you."