Bad Luck

by Skyler101

Chapter 5

'You're gambling with some ponies life, she not a toy you can take apart and put back together whenever you feel like it' nodding Jeta grin "That's a good girl" she said walking to door behind her desk opening it she called out "Come on out" a filly walk shivering in fear as Jeta closed the door "Here take her I know you won't disappoint me" the fillies cote was covered in dirt, leaves were tangle in her mane

"Can you walk?" Silver asked the filly who simply stared at her "Here get on" She needle on the floor as the filly climbed on her back

"Make sure Jinx is ready for next week and the girl is ready for tomorrow" Jeta said sitting down

"Yes ma'am" Silver said leaving the room

Jinx waited on the opposite side of the of the doors as the guards went back to patrol. Silver Hearth stepped out "Lets go Jinx" She said walking away as the cream mare followed after her

"Why is there a filly on your back?" Jinx asked try to keep up

"I'm training her" The gray mare answered honestly "We need to get back" She pressed the elevator button

"Training? for what?" Jinx asked as a ding could be heard

"I train ponies for battle, Jeta likes to have fun" She explained stepped inside

"Battle? what do you mean? are we at war? why are we bring children into this?" The cream mare asked question after question

"No were not at war, children like this little filly get picked up from the streets, trained and then put to fight" silence glumed over them "I didn't catch your name little one" Silver said over her shoulder

"Don't have one" She whispered

"Didn't you mom give you one" Jinx looked at her "Where are you from?"

"I don't know maybe somewhere north" She said more confidently as the elevator doors opened

"Why don't we continued this conversation in the cell" Silver walked through the jail cell as the brown filly, Jinx followed quietly. Eyes followed them walking past the cells some yelled others screamed in pain 'I wish things could be different' Silver thought a white stallion guard opened the door 'Looks like she's going to keep an eye on us' she glanced at guard.

"This is are stop little one" Silver needle on the ground letting the fillie hopped off "Why don't you talk to Jinx while I get a few things" She nodded as the gray mare walked away

"Why don't we get the leaves out of your mane" Jinx sat in front of her "How long have you been here?" she asked seeing Silver take a small box from under the bed taking a small bag out

"Six years I don't really remember any other place" She explained as Jinx mussel remove a leaf

"If it makes you feel better I don't remainder being here" She smiled at the filly as Silver talked to the guard "You really don't have a name? is there something everyone calls you?"

"No not a proper name the guard ponies called me 205 everyone got a number" She explained Jinx stopped staring at the young filly

"Girls i'll be back try not to cause any trouble" Silver walked out of jail cell as they both nodded

" about we give a real name what do you say" The cream mare notice a smile on the fillies face "I would like that"

"Okay how about Swift risk" The filly tilted her head "You're right its more of a Pegasus name how about ACE charm" She looked confused "No you have a glimmer of hope in you how about Stardust" Silver notice the fillies ears flicker as her tale mode back in forth "Stardust it is" Jinx petted her headed

"Hey i'm back" Silver saw them smiling "Did I miss anything" she walked in with a bag on her back

"Nothing much just found out her name" Jinx smiled

"Oh really, what's your name little one?" The gray mare asked placing the bag on ground

The filly looked at Jinx how nodded "Its Stardust"

"That's a nice name" Silver smiled "So how about we get you cleaned up seems like Jinx got most of the leave out of your mane" The unicorn guard brought in a washtub and water into the cell "Here you go" She placed three bits on his hoof

"Come here little star let's get you cleaned up" Stardust sat in front of her "The water is cold sorry about that"

"That's okay i'm just happy to get clean" Star smiled as Silver placed her in tub

"So Star has anyone thought how to fought?" She asked washing her mane

"No I was runt" She looked at her reflection

"Don't worry after this i'll teach you some basic to get you through tomorrow" Sliver smiled at her "Jinx can you get the cover from the bed" The mare nodded "Okay time to get you dry" Silver lifted her as a thin sheet cover her "Why don't you dry off before we begin practice" she walked away

"Okay" Stardust dried herself off revealing a dark red cote, her mane being a mix of light blue and navy blue

"Here I got you something" Silver said pulling a small blue hooded out of the bag "Make sure that you wear it outside of the match if you wear it opponents can use it against you" Stardust nodded taking in the information "Okay Jinx were going to practices stay here tomorrow you'll both practice together" She walked over to the bed pulling out a letter out of a wooden chest "Here its for you it will explain what's going on" Silver handed a letter nodding Jinx took it "Well see you in a little bit" Jinx looked at the envelope it had her name written in the front opening the envelope there were three letters

Dear Jinx,

If you are reading this the we lost are memory again and woke up with a stranger mare by your side. She's your wife don't worry if you can't remainder it will all come back in time by now you meet Jeta don't trust her she always has a plan against you and Silver. I wrote this letter a week after we arrived I don't know if anything has changed since then make sure to keep a log or note's of everyday occurrences. Here are some things you should know Matches (has she told you about this?) are Jeta's fun way of messing with her prisoner or pets as she likes to call us. Each individual pony gets three fights a week after each match you get a small a mouth of bits for food, water..etc. If everything goes to plan we will be out here soon

wish us luck


Dear Jinx

Its been a year since the last letter we have not lost are memory. Silver got injured in one of the fights and won't be able to fight for a while Jeta said she is only allowed to fight a single fight a week since her injures a permanent. Silver is int happy about this she been ordered to train new recruits I hope everything works out okay.

Wish us luck


Dear Jinx

Its been a two year since the last letter I have been declared champion were one step closer to leaving. Silver doesn't fight because of her injuries but she keeps training new ponies Jeta said its better for her. I've been losing sight of my surroundings and things seem a blur in my head theirs a chest under the bed a blue note book should be there inside are letters like this explaining thing around this place make sure to listen to Silver

Wish us luck


Jinx place the letters on top of the bed she bragged a small wooden chest out a single rose was carve on top. Opening the chest a blue note book sat on top looking through the book there was a picture of her and Silver a smiles on their faces. Flipping through the book she looked at the last entry there was blood on the page 'Fought Bowers weak points hind legs, he also has a small turning radius wish I knew this before i'm losing too much blood this is the last entry hope everything works out...'

"That was good practice Stardust" Silver said earning a smile from the young filly "I think your ready for tomorrow lets get some rest" The walked back noticing Jinx reading a blue note book as tears ran down her cheeks 'I hope everything's all right' the cream mare looked at them and ran to hug Silver Hearth "Hey everything is okay don't worry everything will work out" she nodded "Why don't you head off to bed with Stardust all sleep on the extra bed I got" in agreement the said their good nights as drifted of to sleep.