Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Ending the Nighmare

Sorry Iron Clad, I kinda couldn't figure out how to do that plot idea, so I improvised.

Chapter 125

Frederic brought the swords down towards Richard. Richard held up his talons and caught the blades in his paws, causing a small amount of blood to drizzle down his arms.

He smirked and pulled the swords out of Frederic's grasp and tossed them to the side.

Frederic changed his tactics quickly and slammed his head forward, barely missing Richard's neck.

Richard laughed crazily as he dodged to the side and grabbed Frederic's neck. He pulled him backwards and dug his talons deep into Frederic's shoulder blade.

Frederic hissed in pain as he twisted around and slammed his metal covered hoof into his father's face. The force of the impact caught Richard off guard and caused his head to snap back.

Frederic used his magic to pull Richard's talons out of his shoulder and held him up in front of him, "I told you I would make you pay!"

He forced more magic onto Richard's arm, causing it to bent backwards. Seconds later, it snapped with a sickening crack.

Richard yelled out in pain and struck out with his one good arm.

His talons dug into the left side of Frederic's face, penetrating the metal and smashing through his flesh.

Frederic let out a small yelp of pain and forced magic into his horn, he then used that magic to blast Richard backwards, sending him crashing through a few trees.

Frederic brought a hoof up to his face and winced when he touched exposed muscle and bone. He felt something fall onto his hoof and when he pulls it back, he almost screams in horror.

Because, in his hoof was his left eye, completely destroyed.

Richard laughed hoarsely as he tried to stand back up, blood dripping out of his mouth.

Frederic glared at him with clear hatred and stumbled forward, blood pouring down his face at a steady pace.

Richard took a step forward, but a sudden flash of metal caught his eye as Frederic used his magic to launch one of the discarded swords towards him.

The blade embedded it's self in Richard's side, going through his right kidney.

Frederic then used his magic to pick up Richard and slammed him into the ground. He then brought the second sword up and held it against his father's throat.

Richard forced a smile through bloody teeth, "Yes, kill me! If you think you can."

Frederic snarled and lifted the sword, "Oh no, death is to good for you." Frederic's horn flared a bright red.

A second later, a large pool of molten steel appeared off to the side.

Richard looked at it with a horror stricken face, "You wouldn't?"

Frederic lifted him up and swung him over the boiling pool of molten steel, "Oh, I wouldn't dream of doing this to a person..." He then glared, "But, I don't consider you a person. YOU MONSTER!"

He then began to lower his father into the pit.

As his body began to enter the liquid metal, Richard smirked at his son, "Like father, like son."

Frederic only clenched his teeth and dropped his father, allowing him to sink in to the metal.

He waited a few seconds before pulling him out, now encased in a magical type of metal.

He dropped it onto the ground and turned. But, only took two steps before falling to the ground, exhausted.

"Who's the weak one now..." He muttered as his horn flared, trying to stop the bleeding on his face.


Giro flew in low as they neared the castle.

He could see Jun trotting around the court yard, talking to himself.

He landed a few meters from the base of the castle and dropped Twilight. When she hit the ground and stood up, he pointed at a window, "Listen Twilight, I want you to get inside through that window and find Lance. But, when you do, don't do anything! I mean it! I only want you to make a sort of distraction to make them leave the room he's in. I'll take care of them once I'm done with Jun."

Twilight frowned, but nodded her head before galloping off to the window.

Giro twisted in mid air and flew towards the courtyard, ready to take out the weakest of the group. His plan was simple: Take them out one at a time.

He landed behind a fallen stone pillar and watched as Jun continued to trot around, chatting to no one.

Giro raised an eye and jumped over the pillar and shot towards Jun.

Jun's ear's twitched as he heard the flap of wings, but before he could turn, Giro slammed into him.

Giro twisted around as they flew through the air and grabbed Jun by the neck. He then threw his hoof downward, causing Jun's face to drag against the cobblestone ground.

Up ahead, he saw a low stone wall.

He smiled and flapped his wings harder. Before he reached it, he threw Jun forward and caused him to slam face first into the stone wall, literally breaking through half of the large stone.

Giro forced himself to stop in mid flight and twisted around and flew back to Jun.

He landed next to him and winced at the sight.

Jun's snout was pressed back a little, bone sticking out the top of his snout. Many of his teeth were broken or split.

Jun was saying something, but Giro couldn't hear him.

He reached down and picked him up by the mane, "Damn, yo face messed up brotha!" Giro said in his best street voice.

He then drug Jun over to the cliff and just tossed him over it, removing him from the battle.

Giro let out a sigh and turned back to the castle and galloped towards it.

But, someone yelled out, stopping him dead in his tracks.

He turned and smiled, "Finally! Come on everyone! We have a castle to purge!"

Twilight pulled herself through the stone window and landed on the other side with a soft thud.

She stood up and rubbed her shoulder, which took the full blunt of the small fall. She shook it off and silently moved down the hallway, looking for any sign of Lance.

She looked in a few rooms, but all were empty.

She was getting annoyed till she heard voices up ahead.

After a few seconds of silent trotting, she came to the large open door and peered in.

Inside, she saw Nightmare and Val talking next to a shield. Inside the shield was... Lance! She resisted the urge to gallop into the room.

She surveyed the room and saw Violent Inferno standing off to the side, talking to a black serpent pony, or, it looked like he was trying to talk to it.

She looked back at Nightmare and Val, who were both laughing as Lance glared up at them angrily.

"Do it now Val! Give me his immortality!" Nightmare said in a booming voice.

Val smiled and pointed his horn at Lance's shield. "Yes sir!"

When Val's horn flared and shot a beam at the shield, Lance began to scream out in pain. His body tensed up and shook violently.

This was to much for Twilight to take, she couldn't stand back and watch as Lance suffered.

She gritted her teeth and stepped into the room, catching the eye of Violent Inferno, who instantly shot towards her.

She shot him a rage filled stare and her horn flared a bright white.

Inferno stopped in mid air and shot upward. His body slammed into the stone ceiling with a sickening thud. Before he could fall, she threw his body at the serpent pony, sending both of them tumbling.

She shifted her gaze back at Nightmare and Val, who had stopped the spell and was staring at her.

"I knew you'd be here sooner or later." Nightmare said in a smug tone.

Twilight growled and slammed her hoof against the ground, her face a light with rage.

Her horn flared again and she shot a beam out, which hit Nightmare and blew straight through his chest.

He winced slightly, but the wound quickly closed.

"Ah, thank you Lance for being so foolish and giving yourself up." Nightmare remarked as he smirked.

Before Twilight could react, Nightmare disappeared and reappeared in front of her.

She gasped and tried to cast a spell, but he reached down and grabbed her horn, cutting her magic off.

He laughed loudly as he lifted her up and brought her face a inch from his, "You stupid girl! Did you think you alone could face me?"

Twilight winced in pain as he jerked her to the side.

He smiled and shook his head, "What? Did you think the power of friendshipwould save you? Let me tell you this, you were lucky the first time! You may have forced me out of Luna's body, but nothing can stop me in my pure form!"

Twilight growled and put her hoof in his face, "If you so much as hurt Lance..."

"You'll what?" He said smugly.

Twilight glared at him, trying to come up with a plan.

Nightmare laughed, "Exactly!"

He then threw her to the ground and put his foot on her chest, forcing the air out of her lungs.

He began to laugh with a crazy tone.

Twilight's face turned red as her chest was forced down lower and lower.


A bright light filled the room, followed by the sound of a large explosion.

Nightmare turned his head to see Lance, standing straight up, his hooves and mane aflame. His eyes burned with intense hate and fire.

Val was laying next to him, holding his throat, coughing like crazy.

Nightmare stopped applying pressure to Twilight's chest and stared at Lance.



What's she doing here? She shouldn't be here!

[Damn, she took out Inferno and that black pony like it was nothing.]
{Yeah! But now Nightmare has her in his grip! We have to do something.}
[Oh, I've got something, but it's dangerous. I don't know how our body will react to it.]
<Do you mean...>
[Yes, Holy Breaking Dawn.]
{Do it! I don't care about myself, I will not allow him to hurt her.}
[One second!]

I watched as Nightmare said a few things to Twilight.

If he hurts her... He will die!

I was staying as calm as I could...

Till he threw her on the ground and slammed his foot onto her chest.

I instantly jumped to my hooves, ignoring that I had just slammed my head into the shield.

He. Will. DIE!

I began to breath heavily, eyes twitching crazily. I forgot about everything else, just focusing on my intense rage towards Nightmare.


I yelled out as I forced myself to change into my Holy Dawn, but this time, I felt Break slide into control also.

As soon as I was fully changed, a sudden shock wave shoot out from my body, completely destroying the shield around me.

Time seemed to slow down as Val's head turned towards me, eyes wide.

My hoof shot forward and slammed into his throat, breaking his wind pipe upon contact.

As he fell, I turned my attention back to Nightmare and stomped my hoof, causing a loud boom to be heard.

He turned, a look of shock on his face.

I began to breath in heavily and pointed at him, "Get off of her!"

He looked down at Twilight, who was struggling to breath and smirked, "How about this: You turn off that little power and..."


He suddenly flew off of her and slammed into the wall with a loud crack.

I looked down at Twilight and pointed to the door, "Get out of here!"

She wheezed and nodded.

I looked at Nightmare and waited for him to stand.

He looked at me and just smiled.


I spun around and slammed my hoof into the serpent's ponies face, instantly smashing through it's face. It stumbled back, head missing. It stopped and suddenly dissolved into a pile of sludge.

Violent Inferno flew towards me and slammed his right hoof into my face. I only growled and grabbed his hoof and twisted it backwards, breaking it in two places.

He yelped in pain as I twisted him around and wrapped his broken leg around his neck.

I looked over at Nightmare as I held Inferno, "I would never kill another person or pony. And as far as I'm concerned, I still haven't killed anyone." I pulled Inferno's leg to the side, breaking his neck.

I dropped him and turned to face Nightmare, "I don't see you guys as people. I see you as a plague. I feel no remorse in my actions here."

I took a step forward, "As an angel, it's my job to protect others from the plague that is evil. And, if killing all of you is the only way to do that. Then that's how it's going to be."

Nightmare laughed, a bit nervous, "You can't kill me, I have you're regeneration." He then smirked, "Besides..." He suddenly disappeared and reappeared holding Twilight, "I know you're weakness."

I growled in complete anger and shot forward with intense speed.

Nightmare tossed Twilight at me, laughing evilly.

I stopped in mid flight and caught her.

Bad move... very bad move.

Nightmare appeared behind me and slammed both of his hands into my head, causing me to drop Twilight.

"You would do anything to protect her, huh?" He said with a happy tone.

He then grabbed my right wing and picked me up, "Such a fool!"

He then put his other hand on the base of my wing and pushed down.

I screamed out in pain, trying to regain control of my actions.

"Lance!" Someone yelled out.

Before I could look up, a loud tearing sound echoed through the room as my wing was separated from my body.

I let out a loud scream of pain as I fell to the floor, a searing pain shooting through my body.

"You bastard!" Someone yelled out.

I looked up lazily to see Shadow Breeze shot over me and slam into Nightmare.

I turned my head and saw him slamming his hooves into Nightmare, breaking bone with each hit. But, thanks to my failure, Nightmare's body just healed the wounds as soon as they happened.

He laughed and grabbed Shadow by the torso and slammed his head into his. Shadow's body went limp as Nightmare tossed him to the side.

"SHADOW!" Fluttershy screamed out.

I quickly looked back to see Applejack holding back Fluttershy, who was trying to get to Shadow. I saw Twilight standing amount them.

Thank God! She was smart enough to get away from me and Nightmare.

<Come on Break! We have to get Lance back up!>
[I'm trying Dawn! It's hard! I'm trying to keep the pain from spreading!]

"Who's next?" Nightmare asked as he looked at my friends.

"Me!" I yelled out as a sudden surge of energy shot through my body.

I shot upwards and slammed my hoof into his jaw, sending him flying backwards.

I quickly turned to face the others, "Twilight! You have to use the elements on him!"

She gave a quick nod and turned to Rainbow Dash, "Where are the elements?"

Rainbow Dash's eyes widened as she looked around, "Oh buck! Where are they?"

"Over here." Nightmare said, holding up a box.

My eyes widened, he has the elements!

"Lance, follow me!" Giro yelled as he shot ahead and flew towards Nightmare.

I winced as I tried to flap my wings and felt the broken bone poke at my flesh. Instead, I just galloped towards Nightmare.

I could hear someone else running up behind me, but I focused on Nightmare.

Giro reached Nightmare first and made a grab for the box.

Nightmare pulled the box back swiftly and grabbed Giro with his free hand. He then used his claws to dig into his sides, drawing blood on each side.

Giro winced in pain and made another grab for the box.

Nightmare twisted Giro around and tossed him towards one of the windows.

Before he could turn back around, I slammed my hoof into his gut and grabbed the box out of his grasp. But, before I could turn and run, he grabbed my burning mane and slammed my head into his knee. I tossed the box to the side and pushed forward with my back legs, slamming into him again.

He grunted and reached down and grabbed my waist. He lifted me up and slammed me head first into the stone floor.

Stars filled my vision as he slammed my head into the floor again.

"Yo! Nightmare!" I heard someone who could only be Omnius yell out.

Nightmare and I looked towards the voice. Nightmare gasped in shock, while I wheezed in victory.

Omnius had grabbed the box after I had thrown it and taken it back to the girls, who were all wearing the elements.

I looked up at Nightmare and forced a smirk, "You're so fucked."

I then twisted, breaking out of his grasp and jumped towards him. But, instead of slamming into him, I swung around to his back and latched onto him.

"Do it Twi!" I yelled out, using all my energy to hold Nightmare in place.

I couldn't see them, but I could hear the elements coming to life. Seconds later, I heard them fire.

I looked up and saw the beam of rainbow magic hit the ceiling and arc straight for me and Nightmare.

Seconds before it hit, I jumped backwards and watched as the beam slammed into Nightmare and began to swirl around him.

He yelled out and tried to get out of it, but it closed in on him and forced him to stay put. A second later, they swirled upward into a mini tornado.

I watched as it slowly died down, and as it disappeared, I saw the stone form of Nightmare, a look of horror on his frozen face.

I smiled as I stood up and stumbled slightly towards Twilight and the others.

The girls were currently trying to stand up, exhausted from using the elements.

Omnius smiled at me as he quickly ran past me to help Shadow and Giro.

I stumbled over to Twilight and collapsed, finally allowed to rest.

I forced myself out of my angel slash Breaking Dawn form and began to pant loudly.

[We did it Dawn.]
<Yes, together.>
[Oh no, don't you get all hug happy on me.]
<Come on, I think this calls for it.>
[Fine, but a quick one!]
Break and Dawn quickly hugged each other and broke apart, acting natural.

Twilight sat up and looked me over, "Lance... your wing."

I closed my eyes and whimpered despite myself, "I know..."

She placed her horn to it and sent a small surge of energy through my body. I felt the pain recede as she stopped the bleeding and closed the wound.

"Thanks..." I muttered, tears still rolling down my face.

She put a hoof on my back and gently rubbed it, "Don't worry Lance, we'll get you a new wing."

I opened my eyes and smiled weakly, "Really?"

She nodded and leaned down and nuzzled my cheek, "Yep. I promise."

I forced myself to sit up and looked at the girls, who were all looking at the carnage of the previous battle.

"Hey Lance, where's Val?" Omnius yelled out.

I pointed to where he had fallen, but raised an eyebrow. He was no longer there.

What happened to him? I know for sure that I broke his windpipe, I'm sure you can't live after that.

"Strange." Omnius remarked as he lifted Shadow up and helped him walk over to Fluttershy.

I sighed and looked at Twilight, "Twi, can you do something for me?"

She smiled and gave a nod, "What is it?"

I smiled and forced myself to stand, only grunting a few times, "You have to allow me to take you on a real date tomorrow."

She giggled and put her nose to mine, "I can do that."

I smiled and rubbed my nose against hers, "Excellent."

"Hey, love birds. If ya'll are done, we have some work ta do." Applejack called out, causing me and Twilight to chuckle.

"We'll resume this later." I said as I turned to see what I can do to help.

"I'll hold that to you." Twilight remarked as she trotted past me.

I smiled, but frowned when I saw my dismembered wing a few feet away. I can't believe he ripped it off...

[It could have been worst, so much worst.]

I smiled sadly, {I know... I know...}

~Section added circa 25 A.B. After popular demand~

Hours after the battle, smoke still rose from what little remained of Ponyville. Every single living resident had been evacuated, thanks to the efforts of Lance and Frederic. Leaving only an empty town to smolder as the night wore on.

The heroes of the night, Lance and his friends, had left for Canterlot to rest after the night's events. Opting to spend time with their families. 

Yet, long after the last pony left the town, some rubble began to shift. With a grunt, a hoof breaks through debris, followed by a small filly pulling herself free. She was dirty and covered in bruises, but she was alive.

Exhausted, she looked around, expecting to see her family looking for her. However, all she saw was the rising smoke and the bodies of those who perished during the fighting. 

“Hello…?” She called out. “Mom…? Dad…? Spark…?”

No answer came her way as she lowered her head. After some time, she began the long and grueling walk to Canterlot, limping as she went. Refusing to believe she’d been forgotten about. 

Clearly they were still looking, they just took a break… right?