The Last worlds

by lucarioaaron

Full metal Jackal Wolf

Lucario started to teach the soldiers how to use the aura weapons and get the hang of them, he told them that those aren't toys, Lucario summoned clones to let the soldiers practice, the soldiers combine their attacks to multiply the attack force, Lucario then put them to shoot at moving targets and they shoot them efficiently, Lucario asked Shining if he would also train like that but he was more comfortable with his sword and his magic shots, but Lucario recalled the times Twilight had to save him and Lucario thought that his magic may not be enough, so Shining would reconsider it, later Lucario told the troops to do earthbending, the soldiers put on their horseshoes, the soldiers had doubts about doing so, but they get a bit the hang of it, they make rock shields, mesas, hills, rock projectiles, earthquakes, quicksand, shoot pebbles from the ground, then they take the cloud devices and make weather manipulation with the controls of them, they make rain, snow, breeze, hail, cloud forms and use the lightning minigun. Shining came to Lucario telling him that Bloodstone wants to talk to him, he reluctantly attends.

There Bloodstone tells him that she have some private matters, she tells that she got jealous of Shining's skills and bravery and she had a fight with him, but she lost but not only the fight, Shining blasted half of her face ripping her eye and ear, and not just that, Celestia have now demoted her for her brutality against Shining and Lucario, she feels worse than nothing and now she is suspended to clean the weapons and cannot lead the soldiers for the moment, Lucario replied she was lucky she just got demoted and that Shining didn't killed her, also that she must put her pride and envy aside for the better, but she then revealed that she called him to kill Shining, she would pay him an empire's ransom if he do it and if he don't she will kill the two of them, Lucario used part of his telepathy to record his conversation with Bloodstone, he said that Twilight would kill him if he does it, Bloodstone dismissed him. later, Lucario contacted Twilight and warned her that Bloodstone wants Shining dead, he warned her that if Shining die she would be the main suspect and be arrested or banished but Lucario doesn't know if she really mean it or she lied to trick him into incriminate him, or she said that for her madness, Twilight suspected she wants to use Lucario’s stress issues in her favor, Lucario ordered her to not make him upset again.

Lucario returned with Shining, the soldiers were still doing well, Lucario insisted Shining to use his guns and weapons but Shining still refused to use them, Lucario pretended that nothing happened to not panic Shining and make him lose his focus, Lucario would give the kung Fu lessons after seeing the scientists, but Shining thought that kung Fu was unnecessary since they are too buffed to do those moves, but Lucario thought otherwise and that they must work on their versatility, besides in the future he trained everyone including the bulls, cows, dragons and buffaloes in kung Fu and they did well, Lucario felt they must work on versatility because Dialga is even more random than discord, adapting to the unfamiliar was a key thing, Shining saw his point, before leaving he tried to tell Shining what he heard without being watched by Bloodstone, he contacted Twilight but she is too sick to come, so Lucario tried to whisper what Bloodstone told him while pretending to strangle him, knowing that, Shining teleported away and Lucario followed him, Shining is now paranoid of if Lucario or Bloodstone were going to kill him, Lucario said that he wasn't going to kill him, but he had to pretend strangling to make it look real and then expose Bloodstone as a traitor, but Shining now wanted to hunt her down, Lucario told him that if they kill her without proofs she will be a martyr and they will be incriminated, what he must do is not being alone at all times since she wouldn't kill him in front of witnesses, and act natural and pretend he don't know anything.

Lucario contacted Celestia and told her what's going on, she was now worried of demoting her but she can't arrest her neither without proofs, Lucario told her proposal could be a trick to make them look bad, Celestia advised him to not do anything until have proofs against Bloodstone, also Shining agreed with Lucario about staying with witnesses but he would finish her if she pulls on something, then he teleported back to the base and Lucario went to see the scientists. in the lab Lucario sees the scientists and he propose them to make vampiric injectors, tiny syringe attachments to the melee weapons to steal the mitochondria of an enemy and heal with the damage dealt, but Dr Lichtvenstein said that wouldn't be possible because of the blood incompatibility, but he could make the syringes to adapt to an enemy's biomolecules to make a temporary resistance, other project is a phantom phaser, a function Lucario discovered from his sword which passes through solids, with those soldiers can avoid friendly fire and they can be set to pass through the dna of the soldiers and civilians, to prove it Lucario attempted to cut his arm and the blade passed through it, Lichtenstein thinks he could apply that to the melee and some ranged weapons, he would use a steel-to-screen computer to analyze Lucario’s sword and reverse engineer its processes, the third upgrade are metalbending horseshoes, which the earthbending horseshoes are made with a superconductive material that harness the dirt but the other metals are too rigid to mold and they could make a way to be more bendable.

The metalbending horseshoes could be too heavy, but Lucario thought that the soldiers can use metalbending in the front legs and earthbending in the back legs to get used to it, the final upgrade is ricochet shield, the other researchers though of a bullet shield, but Lucario explained that a regular shield stops bullets, a ricochet shield bounce them back to an enemy, the last one would be easy for the scientists, as they get to work on that, Lucario thanked them and went back with Shining. Shining feels better, Bloodstone left and maybe she won't return, they don't know if she knows that Lucario told on her, Shining says that after Lucario told Celestia about Bloodstone's desire, she talked off Bloodstone and pointed out about wanting to kill Shining Armor, about breaking Lucario’s foot and making him upset, then she ran away, but it is also Celestia who feels bad about ignoring him and Twilight when they needed her, by the moment they won't worry about Bloodstone, then Lucario was ready to lead the kung Fu lesson, the soldiers were also reluctant about learning kung Fu but they would take the lesson for anything that could happen in the war against Dialga, they learned the fighting stances, the animal forms, the punches, kicks, summersaults, twists, weapons, vaults, Lucario and Shining decreased the gravity to make it easier for them do it, also they made taichi and meditation to focus their minds, they practiced with staffs, meteor hammers, maces, hookswords, sabers, nunchakus, sai, spears, archery, crossbows, 3 section staffs.

The sword alarmed again and this time it was Split coming, the royal family was coming, Luna called Lucario telling that Celestia has something to say, Shining and Lucario went to the hole, Lucario mentioned to Shining that he made memory pills for the soldiers to remember every lesson, Applejack is rushed to see her cutie pie, the others as well, Shino, Tabby, Aether, Luna and Cadence also came, Twilight was too sleepy and sick to come, Celestia also came and wanted to speak to Lucario, Lucario guessed she may be lecturing him about his issues, but actually Celestia apologizes for ignoring him and Twilight, not telling him about Naobi and aiming him with her big gun, Lucario doesn't feel like she need to, but she still feel guilty for not helping him when they needed her but Naobi's curse made her lose her own will, she then replies that if he had known about Naobi he would have killed him earlier and got rid of their curse and he did right of going to save Cadence instead of waiting in the garden, If he had stayed, she and Twilight could still be cursed and corrupted and he couldn't have saved Cadence in time, Lucario feels his instincts betrayed him because he dragged Twilight to Naobi and was wrong when he though he got Cadence back, but she tells that his instincts were the key of saving the 3 princesses, she also feels bad of the times he get injured, so she enchanted the dagger she gave him in the future with her immortality gene, that will heal him when he get critically damaged, and she made a law that makes illegal to harm him and Aether as they are the last Lucarios in the multiverse, to avoid their extinction, Lucario thought that was the reason Bloodstone left, Celestia mentioned that in part was for breaking his foot, but mostly for wanting to kill Shining and her ruthlessness, Lucario actually didn't wanted her to leave just to not be brutal, as he felt sad of her hard life, Celestia saw that Lucario still felt compassion for her, Celestia had asked the scientists to make an improved bionic eye and bionic ear for her before leaving.

The group now went down to receive Split next to the turret, Applejack was still glanced of seeing him being born again, after he regenerated, Split was flying full speed and startled to Applejack being blind for a moment, he then opened his eyes to Applejack, Lucario told him he is in the past, Split couldn't believe he revived from the turret and Aether has grown up, and the original mane 6 were there with the grand princesses and mostly that Lucario became a king, he was happy to be back to life and in the past in front of the royal family, they got to lunch after getting out of the hole, Lucario went back to the training hall but the guards were still resting, then Lucario went too for lunch, they all sat in the table and Lucario still had some questions for Celestia, of why Shining and Twilight have the harmony star, she replied because they were chosen by the tree to represent the war and peace of the Equestrian race, Lucario also noted that he got disappointed that he was wrong about following his instincts when he wanted to save Cadence, but he was wrong when he thought he got her, Celestia said that he had to prioritize when to listen to himself and his loved ones, but he still regret having to disobey Twilight and almost kill her and Cadence, but Celestia remarked that it was necessary to save them and her, but she got surprised of the way he beaten her to beat Naobi out of her, Lucario questions why Naobi didn't killed him when he could, Celestia guessed because of fighting with honor, but Lucario knows that enemies like him have no honor and guessed instead that he needed them alive to take their regal power, as he fought many cheating enemies that never give up, but Lucario wanted to forget about him, after lunch he would make a monster attack simulation.

He finished eating and went to the base and set every soldier to simulate a giant monster attack, with his aura he made a giant monster of his imagination and he made clones to simulate civilians, the entire city went to refugees to be safe in the simulation, they started the simulation and the monster was making every movement Lucario was doing, while the soldiers were fighting it with everything they know, Lucario was still attacking them and giving them tips of how to make it weaker for when Dialga comes, the soldiers applied their techniques with the weapons Lucario made, they were clever and attacked the head, arms, tail and belly, they applied spells and dodged the attack until subdue the beast, they did the part of surviving the attack but failed a bit in the part of protecting the clones, the soldiers kept a reminder of securing the civilians when they make a rescue. after the monster attack simulation, Lucario shown them the wing blades, he grown wings and wears on himself, he went up in the sky and the dropped bombs on the clones used for the simulation, the pegasi got impressed, Lucario also sliced aerial targets and used the blades as twin swords, the pegasi got excited of wearing them, a volunteer was wearing them and the rest got impressed too, after the session, the soldiers rested and practiced the techniques.

Lucario returned to his room, Twilight and her parents were there, her parents told him he could call them mom and dad, Twilight was still drowsy about not sleeping well from her nightmares in the future, but she was getting better with her parents and she would be back in the training the next day, Lucario felt better at hearing that, but he was rubbing her chest unaware, then he left the room and gone to Aether's room, they talked and Aether tells him what Twilight told him, that suicide isn't worthed because he not only kill himself, he also kill emotionally the rest of the loved ones with the hole they leave behind, and they talked more about why were all their problems, Lucario invited Aether and Tabby to train the next day and they could make some melee perfectioning, there Aether will learn magic and Pokémon powers, they accepted and Tabby also wanted to fight with a beast like the one he made, he accepted and left them into having their love, Lucario spent some time for himself to remove more his stress, and then he returned to the base. Lucario deployed more blades for he pegasi, the non pegasi were practicing the previous lessons, Lucario was teaching pretty well the blades and they were learning fast to slice and hack the enemies, but the new blades were loaded of flour as they aren't ready to drop bombs yet, they learn how to drop the flour bombs and to use the twin swords, they still felt weird of using them but they liked them.