The Last worlds

by lucarioaaron

Box of chocolates

Now reconciled, Lucario and Aether went to pick up Applejack, before the hurricane, Lucario frozen the mines to not flood them with the storm and drown Applejack and to avoid the city's support beams to break with the water weight and corrosion, Applejack could see the upper light from the hole, Lucario was still too weak to lift her, so Aether lifted her, she got surprised Aether already grown up. but a huge crowd came to the palace wanting an explanation about the storm, then Lucario Aether and Applejack cloaked and hide in a secret dungeon while Celestia and Twilight explain everything, there they explain to Applejack what happened while she was dead, after she get informed of the events in the week, they come out of the dungeon, the crowd has calmed and they returned to their homes, Twilight and Celestia explained the hard times they had and Lucario’s rage wasn't his fault, Shining and Bloodstone come by also wanting to know what happened, Lucario tells, then Bloodstone nags and belittles Lucario even more for that, but Twilight in defense blames her for breaking his foot which made him upset to make the storm, then Bloodstone said that Shining was disappointed at him for leaving him while getting Applejack and risking his wife and sister for doing his instincts, and even more for being enraged and destroying the city risking many others, Lucario then wanted to be alone to clear his mind.

After going to the mountain to be himself, Lucario returned more calmed but yet unhappy, Twilight told Bloodstone and all the other elite ponies that he isn't bad but sometimes has a temper, also tells Lucario that Shining wanted to see him and discuss some things, he went to Shining's room and they talked about Lucario’s mess, he just made low damage to the buildings and nopony got hurt, Shining was still a little upset for what he did, but Lucario explained about Naobi and the changelings and that nopony wanted to help Twilight when she was bleeding critically, and he feels worse that when he saved the girls, he also almost kill them, and his bad mood was since they were prisoners in the brigade and TAN, they wanted to use Twilight and Aether as weapons to destroy the place, they spared Tabby and Shino, and Twilight brought Ovan's arm even Lucario hates it, then Shining understood why he did the storm and he approved Twilight to bring the cannon, but he would let Lucario destroy the cryogenic chamber, Shining forgives Lucario for almost destroy the city and he apologizes too for being mad at him and he would be happy to lead the soldiers the next day with him, Lucario leaves his room and plays a windigo song in the piano, Cadence hears his song and likes it, she thanks him again for saving her from the changelings.

He tells her that Shino healed him but he still don't feel good, Cadence inspected him but he isn't injured, just depressed of the things that happened, and Shino reinforced Lucario’s bones like they were of steel and put a shield in his heart to not be cut, she also tell him that Twilight and Celestia are no longer cursed since Naobi is dead, but they were sad about he wanted to leave, Lucario is still homesick of kanto but he won't abandon his family, also he is still confused about figuring out how to be a king, Cadence informs him that it was Chrysalis who kidnapped her far from the entrance of the city, but Cadence killed her and the drones still took her away, he rescued her in time before the bugs harvested her, also he tell her that all the changelings were captured and the peacewalkings are over, she is happy the worst is over and they reconcile too, then Lucario returns to the garden where he left his gifts, Twilight tells him that Aether is happier and he turned his knife in a necklace to remember that suicide is never worthed, that relieves Lucario, Twilight tells him that his gifts represent his good deeds and he wears them again to now be covered in good vibes and let go the bad ones.

He sees the rest of the mane 7 and the apples coming to the palace and they meet with Applejack, Lucario is still nervous the apples remember him as Applejack’s killer, he cloaked and climbed to Shining's office and wrote a note, then he turned the note into a paper plane and sent it to the group, the plane says "to Applejack" in the wings, the letter says that Applejack must read it only for herself, and Lucario want to see her in the throne room when she tell the rest what really happened the day she met him until today, she goes and sees him, she tells him that her family don't remember him at all and don't know about Aegle and Split, Aegle would revive in 5 hours, the rest of the apples come to the throne and see Lucario but they don't believe he was real, Applejack explains who is Lucario, and Lucario explains that Big Mac and Applebloom were in the future and who are Aegle and Split, which is a great surprise for them. The rest of the girls come in and Lucario explain them how bad the future will become if they fail in killing Dialga, the facts shock them and motivate them to participate once more in saving their homes, Lucario return to Twilight’s room and she says that she is worried about Aether growing too fast, he is now interested in Tabby and she fears they discover the wild magic, but Lucario has a good feeling about it because their love would replace his painful memories of the brigade, and he isn't worried about Aether getting wild because he already explained how it works and Aether didn't liked it, Twilight was still having a bad feeling about that, but Lucario wasn't worried at all, they cuddled in the bed and later, Lucario departed to see the scientists.

The professors have completed their task of making enough weapons for everyone, they made even more than enough and the leftover weapons could be distributed to ally kingdoms, Lucario stated about upgrading Applejack’s robot leg, with her current leg she can walk, run slow, make a shield and shoot flares, Lucario remembered the foot that dr Lichtvenstein made for him and it was better than Applejack’s leg, other upgrade he wanted them to work on were experiments Lucario didn't finished in the future, vampiric syringe catchers, ricochet shields, Taser horseshoes, phantom phasers, mimickers, metalbending horseshoes and upgrades for the turret, as Lucario seen they worked hard, he offered them to take the night off, they still got excited about making the weapons, Lucario then crawled to the hole where he left the turret and he met Cadence's medics there, Dr Dial Ysis, Dr Calcium Osmeo, Dr Adenin Glandson, Dr Stable and Dr Curacion, but they didn't believed he was the king nor Twilight’s date nor he built the turret nor being related to Cadence, there Lucario fixed some twitches from the turret and checked for upgrades, he also told the medics to look for a cure for changeling transformation, they have been working on that for years but every patient dies when they tried, Lucario explains that he cured Pound Cake, Lyra and Bonbon in the future, but Magnusson betrayed him before telling him the right formula, but when they regenerate they can extract their blood and analyze the sample to look for the cure, also Lucario still have his and magnusson's notes, with those they can look for a cure, he asked if they had the same healing powers as Cadence, but the doctors slightly can do it like her, he also suggested to let Fluttershy in their team but they refused as they thought she isn't expert like them, Lucario returned to the surface and called the rest to come to the hole.

Twilight was too sleepy, Granny Smith didn't like going underground and Celestia is apologizing to everypony for ignoring them, especially Luna; the girls, Spike, the Apples, Cadence, Shining, Aether, Tabby and Shino would come, they crawl down the hole in the garden and they find the turret, there Lucario explains how it works and also he mentions some upgrades he will put in the turret like lasers, crossbows, ice generators, poison sprays, and others, the others think that would be more than safekeeping, Lucario then explains his plan to defeat Dialga and they are on to it, then they see Aegle's 100% regeneration, the turret opens the regeneration panel and makes a womb like sac with amniotic fluid, Applejack was nervous but she waited for her daughter to appear, the machine started to make Aegle's tissues, bones, muscles organs, brain, hooves, wings, head, plot, tail and other parts, then she came out of the turret like coming out of her mother, Lucario gave Aegle back to Applejack and she was very touched of that, Aegle is healthy and unaware of her death.

They return to the palace's living room and Granny Smith was pleased about seeing her great daughter, granny thought Lucario was her father, but Applejack explains Split is her father, she used to love Lucario but she died and he felt in love with Twilight but she found love with Split, there they cuddled and had a reunion in the living room, Lucario returned to his room, Twilight finally had a rest for all the troubles they had, and she disconnected the cryochamber from Ovan's arm for Lucario to destroy it since she don't need that part and she knows how much Lucario hates it from the traumas of having their cub inside the chamber, Lucario was happy she remove it so he can destroy it all he wants, he took the chamber and went to a construction site asking an architect for some tools, he took them to the garden saying everypony else he was doing gardening, he drilled, cut, hit, smashed, shot, burned, frozen and hack slashed the chamber until become a pile of junk, Twilight was happy as Lucario he broke that thing.

Twilight was worried more about the romance of Aether and Tabby, and feared more about they mating, as Twilight was getting sad her cub was growing too fast, Lucario still was thinking of let the nature continue their course, Cadence have told Aether how that love works but he already knows and he didn't needed any lesson, Aether may be a biological teenager now but he may still be a child at heart mentally and psychologically, he is sleeping in the same room with Tabby and Shino is living in the house of a pony she met named raindrops, later on they would turn her into a pony, she then felt better of herself, Lucario and Twilight did other wild thing to rise their mood, then they went to the spa to be pampered and to have acupuncture, there he asked a guard to go to ponyville and bring Johanna and Twilight’s parents to the palace, Twilight also tells Lucario that she was once sucked in a comic book and was a supermare, she tells that he is a real live superhero already.

The next day Lucario went to the training hall and practice his powers there, he finally was going to lead the troops for the battle, he goes for breakfast and he meets Mrs. Cake there, Celestia hired her while the main chef was absent, Mrs. Cake makes Lucario’s breakfast while he tells her what happened in the future, she got disturbed to know her husband became a sniper and her son became a changeling, horrified to know she and the others died and worried she will unite with her future self and they need Pound's blood to make a cure, but she controlled herself and kept cooking, he tells her that he wants all his food that has dairy was made with Johanna's milk, Mrs. Cake tells him that the guards already bringed her to canterlot, Twilight’s parents too, Johanna goes to the kitchen and cooks with Mrs. Cake, Lucario fed Johanna with strawberries and chocolates to add flavor to her milk, the rest of the royals to breakfast and Lucario discuss some things with his aunts

Celestia and Luna regained their mood, Lucario wanted to ask some things he didn't asked in the future, like if the tree of beginning is connected to the tree of harmony, but Celestia doesn't know, Lucario suspected those trees are the branches of a bigger dimensional tree, also if she knows who was the changeling killed by Haseo, the changeling was a unicorn named lift style, a mane stylist but she still don't know about her future because she could feel hunted, also if Lucario was a king for his merits or just because Celestia has named him like that, Celestia said it was for his merits, also that the Rainbow flowers that bloomed with his prayer were made by her, as she was seeing he was sad for the death of that changeling, also if the tree of harmony was attracted to him by his merits or just for the alicorn genes that Twilight patched on him, it was his merits, also Lucario mentioned that he promised Claw to rise the dragon population, Celestia was going to help the dragons but they still aren't allowed in the cities because they are still to uncivilized, Luna and Celestia got impressed with the skills Lucario learned in the future and of the stuff he made for their survival and his weapons, as Lucario knows that she and Luna used to work with Starswirl with his inventions too, also Lucario wondered how would it be if he was Celestia's pupil but she said that he would not need to be her student as he is now a king, he would have graduated with honors, finally he apologizes for making the storm, and Celestia kisses him apologizing for almost shooting him.