The Last worlds

by lucarioaaron

Eye of the hurricane

Later on, they come out and want to relax for all the troubles, they go to the castle spa, by now everypony now admire Lucario as the hero he always was and forgot about the bogus monster they thought he was, there they get a bath, massages and acupuncture, later night, they have a double date in the wind of petals restaurant, they talk of childhood experiences and go to sleep after dinner. The next morning, Lucario and Twilight wake up the next morning in canterlot palace, Lucario goes to the training hall and takes some arrows and bow and practice archery, Shining joins and they two make some combat training, Lucario also did it while riding Shining, then they come to see the guards and Lucario introduces himself to them, they are confused but they will cooperate, after the training, they have breakfast with the rest, but Celestia is still too upset to come, Lucario takes a private tour through the castle then he meets with the scientists and engineers he demanded, Dr Fermion Hall PhD MD, Zachariah, Dr Johnathan Colna, Dr Colt Brasston, Blaythe Staine and the only Dr Lichtvenstein, they'll be building his weapons and to studying the time space anomalies, the scientists would design the weapons and steel factory workers would build them with Lucario’s original designs, the team sets to build the weapons with the tested prototypes, after seeing the designers, Lucario orders a private to bring the mane 6, Aether and the apple family to canterlot, he goes to gather them.

Lucario waits for Shining, Cadence and Twilight to arrive and receive Applejack, Twilight rushes to Lucario telling that she lost Cadence on a peacewalking mission, changelings kidnapped her and they will harvest her for love, Lucario comes to rescue her but Twilight orders him to stay and open the hole to the caverns, but Lucario feels that Twilight could be harvested too if she goes, only Lucario can see a disguised changeling and Cadence would be harvested if he waits in the castle, so Lucario had to disobey Twilight and rise to the skies looking for her, Twilight upset goes after him, they were arguing as they chase each other, Lucario seeing a blue dot that could be Cadence's aura, the blue dot was inside the bag of a strange trader of an unknown species, Lucario tries to reason with it, but he didn't responded, then he tried to arrest him, but he fled with a smoke bomb, Lucario gathered the trader's bag and returned it to Shining, but the bag was filled with sticks and matches, Lucario is awed to see he was wrong.

And worse, Twilight is now missing too, he rushes to the skies again to look for her, he sees Twilight and try to call her to search Cadence together Twilight don't listen at first, but Lucario touch her and her face is disfigured, then she turn into sand, quickly Lucario finds out he is in an illusion, and the master is controlling his conscious, Lucario is immune to illusion due to other illusionary pokemons and knows that anything he does there affect the real world, he ignores the evil entity and still looks for Cadence and Twilight, the evil entity gave Lucario some clues of their whereabouts, but Lucario still was upset that Cadence and Twilight were missing, he thinks with logic and uses his sword to triangulate the signal of the real universe, then, he appeared in a large laboratory, but the evil creature made many holograms of himself, Lucario was slashing thought them to see who is the real one, but better he was receiving signals of the holocomputer, he went to the weakest spot of the signal and found the real one.

The creature is a catman named Naobi, he is from Haseo's world but he was rivals with the brigade and he targeted the princesses for his purposes as Ovan wanted Aether for his. Lucario fights Naobi but he is too fast and calculative for Lucario’s style, also he was mocking and taunting him so much Lucario started to rage, his wings felt and he turned again in werewolf, he was trying to keep up with Naobi, but he was still very formidable, Lucario then just started to destroy the lab until find Twilight, Naobi's computer started to derez Lucario at defragmentate him, Naobi orders him to tell him who is in charge of Equestria but his computer weaken him so much he was about to die from the defragmentation, Naobi healed him to have a fair fight then, this time with better health, he could keep up the fight even Naobi with power spells and an axe and Lucario with his bare claws, they were having a fiercely fight that almost ended, Naobi put a blind spell on Lucario, but Lucario use his aura vision to see.

A green aural creature appears but is not Naobi, the creature kills Naobi and unblinds Lucario, the creature is a purple alicorn that seems to be Twilight, Naobi was derezzing her too but instead of defrag her, it made Naobi possess her, Lucario then didn't wanted to fight because he could hurt real Twilight and couldn't talk as he turned into werewolf, and to add he was losing too much blood with Naobi's fight, the alicorn healed him, still wanting to get information from him, Lucario still didn't wanted to fight, but Naobi was menacing into taking Twilight’s body if he don't tell him who is in charge of Equestria or if he don't fight him, he still didn't wanted until he saw Twilight’s core shrinking, then he had no choice but to fight her/him, but not harming much Twilight, Lucario even gave him/her a health barrier to prevent her body to die, they fought hard like he was doing with Naobi, he really was cautious of not hurting Twilight but she was injured severely, finally Lucario gave Naobi power uppercuts, then Naobi leaves her body and dies. Now Twilight awakes with full pain, Lucario is relieved of saving her but sorry of dragging her to Naobi.

They escape the lab, but doubting if is real Equestria, Twilight assures is real Equestria, Lucario ask Luna for help but she is still comforting Celestia and she still doesn't tell her secret, she cannot leave, Lucario also tells that Cadence is missing and they are badly hurt, Luna have sent some troops to look for Cadence but she cannot send anypony else to pick them up because those soldiers could be killed if they go, that upset Lucario even more, then they went to everfree forest to Zecora's house for help, but she is busy helping other brothers and sisters in danger and cannot attend Twilight and she didn't had any medicine for her, suddenly Lucario and Twilight ride a manticore to get to Ponyville, there they ask for help, but the citizens cowered and were too scared of their injuries to help, their apathy and the rejection intensified Lucario’s rage, Twilight was nearly dying and not even that would make them get her to the hospital. Fluttershy passes by and notices both of them seriously hurt, there she takes Twilight to her house to heal her, then, Lucario continues on his own to save Cadence but seeing he had 8 days in a row of painful duties and tortures, getting punished unfairly, everypony treat him badly, them shunning him, ignoring him, hurting him and insulting him and his beloved ones, made him want to leave Equestria after they kill Dialga, Lucario heals himself a little with medical herbs he found in the road.

Lucario told Aether telepathically that he loves him a lot and his mother but he can't stand things anymore and wanted to leave Equestria, that made Aether get even more upset than Lucario there and Aether lost all hope on his father and don't want to speak to him there. Lucario now could feel Cadence's aura and continued, a gryphon came by to greet Lucario but he was in rock hard mood, the gryphon still wanted to make company but Lucario was still hard on him, the gryphon named Kather was empathic about Lucario in his quest and he informs him that he saw Cadence and the changelings, Lucario hopped on Kather's back and they were venturing to where Kather saw Cadence, they find changelings disguised as pegasi soldiers, Lucario and Kather battle them ripping their heads and gizzards but Cadence wasn't there, then Cadence contact Lucario and tell him she is in a dungeon in jackmaht, they take off there, Lucario tells Cadence to hold her breath because he will flood the dungeon since changelings can't fly with wet wings and cannot swim with holes in their hooves, he waterbends a river to flood the dungeon, there he and Kather maul and decapitate the changelings from the top, then Lucario break the levels of the dungeon to find Cadence, she was almost covered in a cocoon, Lucario impale the changelings guarding her and they swim to the surface but the changelings surround him like sharks and piranhas, they use their powers and absorption and Lucario use his elemental powers and aural plasma blasts and arrows, changelings presses Lucario’s pressure, but Cadence levitate Lucario to the surface, the changelings follow up, but Lucario shoot a lightning cloud using his weather powers, and he and Cadence freeze them in an ice prison.

Lucario and Cadence vomit large amounts of water, he saved her but feels stupid of his plan of flooding the dungeon as they almost drown and almost kill Cadence, now he hates himself, but Cadence thanks him for saving her and the changelings could have killed her before the water could, they headed to Fluttershy's house and Lucario ask Cadence to heal Twilight, as they arrive, Cadence heals Lucario a little since changelings ate part of her powers, later Lucario and Kather go back to Canterlot while they leave Cadence at Fluttershy's, he sees Applejack’s aura and starts digging to the mines, Kather sees Lucario opening his wounds as he digs so Kather took his place digging, more and more Lucario was getting upset, disappointed and hateful of everything, he started to believe he was named king to be a puppet and everypony else were pulling his strings, Kather tried to comfort him but he sealed himself in a shield to be alone, Kather left him alone. Back in Ponyville, Fluttershy could put Twilight’s bones in place and put bandages in her bruises and scabs, Cadence then could use her love power to heal her, she successfully heals Twilight and Fluttershy feed her to recover her strength, in Canterlot, Kather stays in the castle while Lucario recovers his mood, he then pass by aside Luna, Kather is pleased of meeting Luna and he informs her what's happening, Luna is relieved about recovering Cadence but now more worried about having Lucario upset, she goes to sleep hoping Celestia and Lucario recover their mood, but that made Lucario feel even more abandoned and he burned Luna's letters and to throw away the gifts he received in the future.

Now that Twilight recovered her consciousness, she was hasty about returning to Canterlot, Fluttershy told her to take it easy as she just recovered, but she still lifted to the skies reaching to Canterlot, Cadence stayed in Fluttershy's meanwhile. Lucario now fully enraged, combined his rage with his weather powers and made a storm on Canterlot, turning it into depression to tornado and hurricane, Twilight was rushing to the palace while avoiding the harsh winds and lightnings, she was now determined to find out what's going on with Celestia, Kather couldn't fly home with the storm so he had to stay, a butler offered him to stay in the castle while the storm passes, he accepts. Twilight lands in the garden and the servants receive her but she tell them to leave her, she heads to Celestia's room, a maid try to alert Celestia about Twilight’s arrival, but she still ignores her, when Twilight finally encounters her, Celestia finally responds cuddly wrapping her in her wings, then now Celestia has the courage to explain what happened, she comes out in a golden plated armor, she explains that Naobi cursed her before they arrived from the future with his evil spirits, and even she wanted to help, the curse corroded her will controlling her, until Lucario or Twilight killed him and free her from his curse

Before she could explain more, they notice Lucario’s rage which made him do a hurricane in the city that is destroying the trees, damaging the buildings, making a mudslide in the mountain side and weakening the city's support beams, he would destroy the city if they don't calm him down, they rushed to him, the servants are already there trying to calm him down but he don't want to listen, Twilight makes a sonic scream that pauses Lucario’s hurricane but breaks her voice that moment, Celestia try to talk to Lucario but he doesn't respond neither, a butler signs that Kather knows why Lucario is upset, Twilight rushes to see Kather, he tells her and Celestia that he is upset of the suffering and unfair struggles he had to do, mostly the apathy and rudeness that everypony shown to him, mostly that Twilight was dying and nopony wanted to save her and that Luna didn't comforted him when he was losing hope, Celestia then orders everypony to be inside the castle, she then carries a big gun and calls Lucario inside, there Celestia try to reason with Lucario but her statements were taken aggressive to Lucario and he was too stubborn to listen, he was still complaining of the situation and freezing the city, Celestia was about to shoot him to avoid more damage to Canterlot, Lucario was so depressed that he would take the shot, Celestia reluctantly was about to pull the trigger, but before getting shot, he wanted to talk to Twilight, Celestia then allowed him to, when he talked to Twilight, she could reason with Lucario telling him that villains destroy everything to get answers and a hero can find his goodness on his own, Lucario then stopped the storm but feels worse for making it in the first place.

The hurricane Lucario made was like their week being tortured with Ovan, Naobi and the demons, the rejections, the emergencies, the calmed moments were like the eye of the hurricane, but now the worse already happened almostly, Twilight and Kather tried to cheer Lucario to not make him more upset, then he and Celestia discussed some things, Lucario thinks that she should have told him about Naobi and he shouldn't and wouldn't destroyed the city, she agreed but she is mad at herself, she tells that when he killed Naobi, he freed her from his curse, Lucario also remarked that now all Equestria is in war against Dialga so peacewalkings are over and everypony must focus on destroy Dialga, Celestia also agreed, but as well she knew that Aether was so depressed that his father was leaving that he would take drastic actions, Lucario teleported to Aether's room to save him for killing himself, Aether was still mad at his father but Lucario now changed his mind about leaving him if he will suicide, also explained that he saved Twilight from a catman and nopony willed to help her when she was bleeding critically and Celestia and Luna ignored them too, that made Aether reflect why he wanted to leave and they reconciled a little, not completely but enough at the moment, but Lucario teleported while having a massive internal bleeding and that would kill him as usual, Aether called for help, Shino made a super powerful healing spell on him, saving him again.