//------------------------------// // Floating Timeline/The Unexpecting // Story: The Last worlds // by lucarioaaron //------------------------------// Returning to the base, Lucario gathered some food to eat before going, Haseo still apologized for killing everypony and got very remorseful, to repay him, Haseo gave Lucario a power necklace he used in his world since he is not worthed anymore to wear it, Lucario asked why he joined The Brigade in the first place, he respond that in his world they have pieces of a power puzzle that could be rejoin with the key of Twilight and the Twilight brigade was in charge of looking for that key, but Ovan lied that ponies stole it and they should capture all of them until find the thief, and now they really got shocked to find out that he actually was doing genocide and after knowing he was part of that monstrosity, Haseo would let Lucario kill him, then Lucario responds that Equestrians never had or even know about that key, Twilight hardly forgive them but Lucario didn't, but at least he was happy to send them back to their world and get them away from him, which he agrees. After eating, the group was going to see the dragons for the last time, in their lair Aether and Claw got bonded greatly, Lucario also promised Spiny to help the dragons populate further, then they spent the day until they return to build the portal. Once they build the portal, Twilight focuses hard to make it transdimensional and not kill herself, the group had to leave the lab to let her concentrate, Lucario told them to not think in anything because that could also distract her, she successfully connect it to the dimensions, and send Haseo and Sakisaka back to their world, Haseo thanks Lucario for not killing him and he would find a way to unmake his mistake, then now Lucario and Aether power the mirror to go to the past, the date is set to a week before Dialga attacks, but Lucario feels they aren't ready to fight him yet and wants to go to a week before he arrive to Equestria, Twilight insisted they are ready and they have a week to prepare everypony, and they can't go any further, therefor Lucario goes even he believes they aren't ready, the rest follow. The family arrive to 19 days before Dialga arrives, a mistake from Twilight, they rest in the room due the drowsiness of time travelling, but Lucario hears a guard coming, so he escape with Aether while Twilight distracts him, they fly to Twilight’s castle, Aether get glanced about how Equestria used to look like, then they arrive to ponyville into Twilight’s castle, there they see Spike, he get scared at them at first but they explain him they are Twilight’s wolves so he calmed, they spend little time in the castle tree. Twilight warn her wolves that the guard figured out what's happening and Luna sent a troop to arrest them, the two flee to everfree forest, Aether teaches his father how to cloak and forward Lucario teaches how to grow wings, but Aether can't fly yet and even they cloak, the mud leaves footprints, they run until arriving to Zecora's house, they ask her to hide them for the soldiers, so she offers them an old and mostly rotten shack close to her house, there they hide while waiting for Twilight. Later Twilight escape the palace to look for Lucario and Aether, but Lucario tell Twilight that instead go to her castle and order Spike to write to Celestia, she instantly get to her castle and tell Spike about the letter. they wait and later Twilight arrive, she planned to get to canterlot, yet Lucario feared to be arrested again, but they fly there anyway, while they go, pegasi and unicorn soldiers shoot lasers, arrows and spears at them, Twilight freeze the soldiers, then they get to the capital, Twilight put fake handcuffs to Lucario and Aether to fake the arrest having a chance to explain what really happened, then they get gathered inside the palace to the throne room with Celestia waiting, Twilight try to explain the truth, but turns out that she already know, then she kiss the 3 of them for taking care of the kingdom in the future, explaining that she and Luna could kill Dialga, but they would die and the planet with them, so she waited their return, also she dropped all of Lucario’s charges, Spike, Shining Armor and Cadence join the reunion finally meeting their siblings in law and they meet their nephew, Luna also appears but she is unamused with her grudge against Lucario, the rest try to explain the truth but she doesn't believe it, until Lucario shows his bracelet and the letter she wrote, also they see the video recordings of Twilight’s dagger. Now knowing the truth, Luna feels horrible about punishing Lucario unfairly and she would do anything to compensate him for that, at the same time Lucario asked Shining to get the best wizards for protection spells in every city, asked Cadence for the best medics that can cure the changelings and the soldiers in the battle, asked Celestia to warn the other species about Dialga and Twilight to bring the other mane 6, Luna still feels bad about what she did to Lucario, for that she would now admit her mistake to the masses and she now wrote a decree that pardons Lucario and orders the guards not to arrest him, Lucario comes out to see if he could gather the best scientists and engineers to help him make his weapons, but some guards still don't know about his pardoning and 2 pegasi police try to arrest him in public eye, then now everypony remember him as the monster, he even gave them Luna's letters and they still don't believe him, to prove it, he made a tiny moon above canterlot using his bracelet and levitating boulders to make it, that proven his innocence but not that he is a king or Twilight’s mate, Lucario clears his name of being Applejack's assassin but he is still shunned and mistreated by everyone, he decides to return to Twilight’s castle as he didn't wanted attention like that. They return shortly to the castle and spend the night there, they meet the rest of the mane 6, except Applejack as she is still in the dagger, the other girls are glanced at Lucario and Aether, and shocked to know they came from the future, they have seen the video that was shown to royals in canterlot, the girls would be willing to combat and help kill Dialga before history repeats, Fluttershy and Aether comes out to see the streets, but then they are still out very late, Lucario goes out to search them but a guard orders him to stay indoors due a curfew, even the guard knows he is the king, Lucario is told to be inside but the reason is confidential, but orders the guard to look for Aether and Fluttershy, he looks for them, he return to the castle surprised to know there is a curfew which even he can’t come out and suspects that somepony in the royalty is hiding something. Telepathically he asked Celestia to give him a permission avoid the curfew which she grants, she explains that the curfew is due some peacewalking missions against changelings, Aether and Fluttershy return to the castle and spend the night there, the next day, the ponymon family and Fluttershy, go to canterlot to make a planning on the strategy against Dialga, Lucario tells Twilight that he asked Luna to bring her parents to canterlot, which she is surprised and joyed to hear, arriving the main plaza, they get to Night Light and Twilight Velvet, the noble princess get excited to see her parents and them impressed to see their son in law and grandson, Lucario asked to see his siblings in law, but velvet tells him that they are busy with an emergency peacewalking mission, they have a short moment of reunion and later Lucario tell his son to be with his grandparents while they are busy with their grandaunts, Aether leaves with their grandparents. Later on, Twilight, Lucario and Fluttershy go to the palace hoping to see the princesses, they get present and Lucario shows an aural representation of one of Twilight’s visions, which it shows a riolu fighting Dialga, it could be Aether or Lucario who could be in that vision, as Shining Armor was absent, Lucario asked Luna to talk to the army's second in command, that pony is a bulky hardscrabble 450 years old mare named Bloodstone, she enters the room and rudely pass through Twilight and Lucario, then she take a secret talk with Celestia, but Luna, Lucario and Twilight cannot enter their meeting, Lucario start to suspect more about Celestia holding a secret that hardens everything, at the end of the meeting, Bloodstone leaves blasting the doors, but not without smashing and breaking Lucario’s foot, Fluttershy and Twilight get shocked of Lucario’s disfigured foot and he cannot walk, they ask what's going on but Celestia says is confidential, they asked more but she still cannot reveal anything to anypony nor Pokémon who is not in her battle position, Twilight was considering not wanting Bloodstone, and Fluttershy is too disgusted of Lucario’s foot to heal it, Lucario and Twilight rush to the hospital. At the hospital, Lucario pretended to be a regular dog, their turn was on, Twilight disliked hospitals as she didn't liked the howls and painful sounds of patients and animals, Twilight delivered Lucario to the vet doctor, saying is her dog and that he broke his foot, Lucario accidently spoke but the doctor didn't freaked out about him, the doctor examined Lucario’s foot, the good news is that it hasn't critical fractures and it can be fixed easily, but for that the prosthetics doctor, Dr. Lichtvenstein must cut his foot to prevent lethal infections, that completely scared Lucario, but if the infection could kill him, he should replace his foot until somepony else regenerate it, later they pass to Lichtvenstein’s operating room, he then proceed to cut Lucario’s foot but he can only replace it with a robotic prosthetic and cannot regenerate his foot, Lichtenstvein proceed to cut Lucario’s foot with strong painkillers, Lucario faints in the surgery, after the surgery, Lucario wakes up with a robotic prosthetic in his foot, he feels devastated of it, and dr Lichtvenstein can't regenerate it, Lucario leaves his office painfully and losing balance as he walks, Twilight is devastated as well seeing his hound like that, and worse, Lucario sees his aura and is blocked in the ending of the foot, that is bad as they get, Lucario doesn't know if he can use his powers in his foot or the rest of him, the couple contacted Luna to see if she can help them but she was busy comforting Celestia as she got sad about a secret she had, Lucario felt so devastated that he felt like a scared newborn, to cure his pain he wanted to take fresh milk, he hopped on Twilight and they went to look for a farm or a herd of cows. Twilight could find a herd of cows atop of Canterlot's mountain, there they fed Lucario to make him feel better, and Twilight told the cows that they are now the king and queen of Equestria, but they prefer to call Twilight "princess" because queen make her sound old, Lucario was relieved but not completely, he invited someone from the herd to be their milkmaid, a cow named Johanna hay accepted and she went with them. Later Twilight and Lucario went to reunite with their son and their parents, the family would return to ponyville to rest Lucario’s foot, then Night Light, Twilight velvet and Aether didn't noticed Lucario’s foot there, they go to the train station and ride the train to ponyville, while all passengers and citizens still stare at them. back home, they wait for Shining Armor and Cadence to return, when they returned they are shocked seeing Lucario’s missing foot, Twilight explains Bloodstone stomped it rudely as she thought they were lessers, Cadence tells that Bloodstone is like that because some bandits killed her parents 3 days after she was born and she was raised by creatures in the forest where they died, she was born with a scar and was called a freak, she joined the army and was the captain before Shining became captain, she was banished for 100 years because she killed 10 soldiers by forcing them to train and exercise until die of overwork, and she now do anything she can to prove herself in the hard way, Lucario thinks she does in the inappropriate way and she has no right to do what she did since he is the king and is 7 times older than her. Cadence regenerate Lucario’s foot but he still don't feel it and doesn't know if his powers would work there, Lucario feels better on his foot but disappointed they wasted the day in that nonsense because he wanted to regenerate with troops that day, the siblings that Celestia is really upset and she don't want to tell the reason, also that Lucario would be directing the troops in what he knows about combat and they will put time bubbles in every cities' armies to have more time-lapse training and get them ready for the battle, Cadence's medics would be working near the turret to receive the regenerated, also they say that the day isn't over and they can regenerate the deceased, Lucario remembers that he left his turret behind the magic mirror, so the siblings fly back to canterlot to the tower where the mirror and turret is, Lucario left it there because he was hiding with Aether behind as he feared they remember him as Applejack's killer, but Shining fixed the situation and nopony remembers that, so they fly back to canterlot and they find the turret in the tower and Lucario assembles it with all its weaponry, but it became too heavy to carry it by hoof, they carried it to the garden magically, there Cadence and Twilight made a big hole to put the turret underground, once it was hidden, Twilight puts her dagger inside the turret and they four make an hyper shield like the canterlot lockdown to keep the dagger even safer, Lucario programs the dagger to start regenerating, Tabby and Shino appeared that day but they were hiding since there are no humans in Equestria.