//------------------------------// // Barrage Luck // Story: The Last worlds // by lucarioaaron //------------------------------// Now that everything seem to be in calm, Lucario could relax and improve himself to return to past Equestria until he spied from the Cakes that something happened to Pound Cake, he talked to them pretending he don't know anything, after what they talked, Lucario figured out they left Pound in the bathroom, soon Lucario goes to investigate and finds Pound in a cocoon turned in a bug, then he informs Twilight about changelings, but then another bug attacked the Cakes and flew away, everypony in the castle alarmed and went to the scene, Lucario told it was the changelings, Twilight wanted to kill him thinking there is no way to turn him back, but Lucario still saw some pony essence on him an wanted to spare him and look for a cure, Applejack then sees Pound in the cocoon and intends to stab him to not infect the others but Lucario and Twilight insisted to not kill him and try to cure him, but Applejack could stab him, much to the horror of everypony, but Lucario sees that Pound can survive the stabbing, as he is changeling, he can survive extreme physical damage, Lucario decides to manage going to the hive and destroy it, but he would go alone to not risk the others of be found and capture everypony and the bugs wouldn't expect anyone like him, before leaving, he set rain on the forest because changelings can't fly with wet wings, then Lucario went alone to destroy the hive, while Applejack apologized for wanting to kill Pound, but she now sees that Lucario can still save him from his state, soon Lucario arrives the hive, he disguises as a changeling named Morgo and infiltrate to search for the egg sac and destroy it. At first he could fool the entrance guards to let him in, then he could blend in and be undetected, he met some changelings that were the closest thing to friendly they could be, he acted natural as a changeling would, he pretended to lay eggs stacking some in his costume and sliding them through it like laying eggs, and he went to the love bar and absorbed the pain of some ponies and creatures to make them believe he is consuming their love, there the encountered a rude barbug that treated "Morgo" and the other changeling very badly, the other changeling named Tyaarung informed him that he has to capture somepony to let him in the egg sac, and to do so he had to make some recognition and blessing from the queen, they went to Chrysalis' private chamber to it, Lucario could pass some tests to prove his fake identity, when he met the queen, he could tell his fake story and there was a more slight chance she find out he isn't a changeling, the goo from Pound's cocoon and the eggs covered his scent and his aura was covering his trace of magic, therefor not even Chrysalis can recognize aura so he would be safe, there he discussed with Chrysalis and he made up that he had a brother that knew the last whereabouts of Twilight and that she was dead, therefor she granted "Morgo" permission to go hunt, and he asked also permission to lay his egg on her, but she didn't allow it until he become a captain, so he went out to capture some ponies, he had to think how to do it without hurting anyone. As he goes thought the forest, Lucario finds a zebra, as he tried to reason what was his mission, the zebra was acting weird, she didn't spoken in rhymes and was taking and saying strange things about zebra families, finding out she was a changeling, he backed off and fought her intensely to gather information, the bite, punched, rolled, blasted, at an air dog fight Lucario made rain on her to fall from very high, they did headbutts, multiple punches, kicks, brags, Lucario took a knife and opened her belly to put a poison grenade inside, if she talked he wouldn't make it explode, then she teleported, that worried Lucario because she could blow his cover, however she appeared some yards close, he tried to ask her again where are the hostages, but she exploded herself to not answer anything, Lucario could use her corpse to fool the other changelings disguising her as a unicorn with hallucinogens that only work on changelings, once he could delivered the dead changeling, he went to the farming section where they captured many ponies for harvesting, Lucario could recognize Cheese Sandwich, Coco Pommel, Applebloom, Cherry Jubilee, Pipsqueak, Mrs. Peachbottom, Donut Joe, Upper crust, Fancy pants, Gallop j Fry, Thunderline, Doctor stable, Snails, Amira, Stellar Eclipse, Pina Colada, Maud pie, 25 unicorns, 27 earth ponies, 24 pegasi, then Lucario tried to seduce Chrysalis trying to convince her to let her in the sac but that didn't worked, Twilight contacts Lucario and she tell him that there is other entrance in the back of the cave and he can attack it there. Then, he sets to capture more ponies, telepathically, Twilight tells him that she sent Applejack, Rainbow, Split and icebolt to help him, but he wanted to go alone, reluctantly he accepted, they reunited and they set a plan to attack the hive, but Applejack is snatched by an unknown creature, she lost her front leg so they returned to the castle, then he continued alone but felt bad about letting Applejack losing her leg, then Lucario found a swarm of giant jewel wasps which are the changelings' natural predators, he manipulated them to help him rescue the cocooned hostages, then Twilight telepathically tells Lucario that Pound escaped and captured Bonbon and Lyra, so he went out to the other entrance of the egg sac without disguise, he impaled stealthily the captain guards and shot Chrysalis with a fire arrow, as the queen was burning, "Morgo" waved goodbye to his queen, the last thing she could do was bloating herself to destroy Lucario with her, but Lucario could jump to a river and shield the farming cave with the hostages inside, after hitting the water, Lucario and the wasps started to brawl on many sets with Lucario’s powers and weapons, he blasted, shot, frozen, soaked many flying enemies, then Lucario took a ride on a captain which he possessed to help him capture the transformed drones, he shot slime from the captain's horn making sure to capture all transformed changelings in cocoons, he could also recapture Pound, Lyra and Bonbon, at the same time he kept ripping the heads and wings from the born changelings, also using guns, cloud guns, bug spray and a swatter and katana. With the hive destroyed, the wasps made it their new home and thanked Lucario for that, finally they finished the born changelings and captured the transformed changelings in cocoons. Lucario tells Twilight to bring the dragons to haul the cocoons back to the castle, there Claw finally appears and Lucario tells him that he is dating Twilight making him part of his family, having proven his fierce and power, Claw gave Lucario a robot sword built in the most expertise laboratories in Equestria and is dna controlled, right then, they were hauling the cocoons back to the castle, Lucario freed the captured ponies and let them recovering in the basement laboratory while he does what he knows of medicine trying to cure the cocooned changelings, there he spent countless hours in his lab trying to figure out the right combination of plasmids, genomes, chromosomes, neurotransmitters, electro pulsations, blood transfusions, shapeshifting spells, drug formulas, chemotherapies, radiation therapies, Applejack got a prosthetic robot leg to replace the other one, Lucario used some experimental components he found in the university and cattle blood to reinforce their immune system and not let them escape from their cocoons, Lucario was still using all he knows of medicine but he failed many times making the cure that he gets frustrated, he got sealed that he feels bad he knew he had to go alone and allowing the other ponies in his mission costed Applejack's leg, suddenly a former changeling appears now turned into pony but Lucario distrust this pony because he treated him badly when he was in the hive, believing that the pony named Magnusson might want revenge for killing the queen but Magnusson is a doctor willing to help find the cure. Soon the captured ponies wake up, Lucario was worried those survivors would be shunning him too, Twilight and Applejack still believed he would be fine if they know him but Lucario still didn't felt ready to show himself to them, but he thought of a plan to tell them the truth, Lucario would burn film rolls on his computer about his old memories and Twilight shows them in the movie room, so then Twilight sent them to the movie room, Lucario levitated the film and Twilight pretended to levitate it, there they seen the movie about Lucario’s memories, he was right and at first they thought he was a monster until they kept going watching the movie, they see he was innocent about Applejack and he did more heroic acts in the present and the past, then they stop believing that Lucario ever was a monster and they want to join his army, they get excited when they meet the real Lucario in person, but he got bad news for the mares, that he could save them from becoming changelings but they got eggs inside them when they were in the cocoons, but he would use those eggs to make medicine for the transformed, the mares had to lay those eggs out of their bodies, then Magnusson and Lucario start working on the cure, which was hard at the beginning but later Pound, Lyra and Bonbon are now cured with magnusson's genes and some ingredients Lucario was scouting, in gratitude, Mr. Cake gave Lucario a badge of power that belonged to an ancestor of his. The army was doing great with Lucario’s instructions and Aether was learning much faster than his parents in magic and Pokémon powers and have practiced for any situation and magic attacks, if the gravity inverts, underwater training, hard weather training, swapped species training, random teleportations and more types, Lucario have traveled further in the train to more exotic places and met some species that survived Dialga's attack, meanwhile during the training, Applejack started to have feelings for Split and Rainbow started to be reluctant about the training, the reason is because she also had feelings for icebolt but he was dating Lyra, so Twilight convinced icebolt to date Rainbow, now everything was in balance, until Lucario went back to his lab to find a dead changeling and Magnusson was the culprit of the murder, whom then reveal that his real name is Haseo Kajimosa, a human assassin in disguise from a group called the Twilight brigade, he went to a mission of searching and capturing everypony he finds, Lucario gave a gun to Twilight and she shot him Although they killed that traitor, Twilight feels shame like Lucario for killing him and Lucario furious for what Haseo did, and mostly because he never trusted him and he still knew he was an enemy but he didn't listened to his instincts, that made him turn gray and feral like werewolf, everypony reasoned him back to normal, but Twilight sealed in her shame for killing him, but Lucario could unseal her by telling her it was right to kill him to protect everypony else, then she returns from the seal, but reveals that she had a vision of complete disaster and chaos, Lucario set everypony for when that happen, everything past, Lucario delivered the cocoon of the dead changeling and prayed for her in the broken tree of harmony, some Rainbow flowers bloomed with his prayers. Later after having to deal with Haseo, Lucario needed some time for himself so he wouldn't train the troops and do his hobbies to clear his head, Applejack got pregnant of Split and she had a fast pregnancy for staying in the time bubble, Lucario predicted that she would give birth in 5 days and that she has a filly pegasus, they got excited, Lucario goes to explore Equestria. 5 days later, Applejack start to have complications for having her foal, but Lucario use his aura waves to sooth her, then Applejack gave birth to a pegasus named Aegle, everypony is happy for her, then Lucario took a train ride again to appleloosa and zebrica, there he found a tribe of zebras with Zecora as guru witch.