It was a beautiful day in Ponyville. The weather team had cleared the sky, revealing the warm glow of a spring sun, courtesy of Princess Celestia. All was well and calm, until a shriek pierced the air, causing birds to scatter.
"NOOOO!" The un-ladylike scream came from the element of Generosity, Rarity. "No! No no no NO! Not my nice expensive silk!" She stood her ground, doing an epic battle pose while snorting. "Give. It. BACK!"
A small filly stood in the other corner of the room, her green aura lifting the precious fabric. Her dual colored mane, normally curled into her signature manestyle was now frazzled into an epic imitation of a certain blue and white DJ unicorn. "But sis, I might get my cutie mark from this! The girls and I really need -" She was abruptly cut off by her older sister.
"No, Sweetie Belle, I need this fabric more. I have a huge client who needs me to make her the most beautiful dress using that silk!" Rarity sighed. "You can use my less expensive fabric, but not this!"
Sweetie Belle decided to take out her ammunition. The white filly but on her best 'pleading puppy-dog' expression, which she only used for special occasions.
Rarity sighed, knowing she couldn't resist that. But, wait! "Sweetie Belle?" She smiled slyly. "If you give me back my fabric, and are good and out of my mane for the rest of the week, I will treat you, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo out to Sugarcube Corner for some milkshakes and ice cream, once I've done this order." Rarity smiled at her sister's expression.
"Really?" Sweetie squeaked, the silk fabric forgotten. She galloped over to where her sister was, and hugged Rarity ferociously.. "Oh, thank you sis! You're the best!"
"Ah wonder what's taking Sweetie Belle so long." The yellow coated filly sighed, her sunset colored eyes downcast. "It's not like her to take this length of time."
"Dunno." The pegasus filly responded, nonchalantly. "Anyway, let's think of some crusading ideas!"
Apple Bloom arched an eyebrow, in a direct imitation of her sister. "We've pretty much done everything."
"Well... I'm sure there's stuff we haven't done!" Scootaloo replied, defensively.
"Like what?" Apple Bloom challenged Scootaloo, with a smirk.
"Uhhh..." The pegasus started sweating.
"Hey guys!" The cheerful voice of Sweetie Belle cut in, as said pony dashed into the clubhouse.
"Great! Did you get the fabric?" Scootaloo quickly asked, dodging the challenge.
"No... But she did say she'd take us to Sugarcube Corner for milkshakes and ice cream!" Sweetie Belle brightened up at the last part, and smiled hopefully at the other two CMC.
"That's not a bad deal.." Scootaloo admitted. "But that was our only idea on how to get our cutie marks..."
Sweetie Belle frowned. "I have an idea, but......" The other two crusaders gaped at her.
"Well, spit it out then!" Apple Bloom urged.
Sweetie Belle shook her head. "No... It's way to big of an idea. I've had it for a while, and we couldn't do it.."
Apple Bloom frowned. "Tell us anyway! Pleeeeease!"
Sweetie Belle took a deep breath. "Do you remember how we asked our sisters and their friends how they got their cute marks?" She paused, and looked at her friends who nodded. "Well, what if we did that on a larger scale, cataloging everypony's cutie mark and the backstory to it and putting it in a book called the Cutie Mark Chronicles! We could have us cataloging it this year, then we'd update it every 5 or 10 years with help from the Royal Canterlot Archives!" She finished (with her voice rising to a squeak), and looked at her friends for reassurance.
"That's.... Not a bad idea at all!" Apple Bloom grinned.
"Ugh.. Too eggheady." Scootaloo groaned.
"You could interview the Wonderbolts, and we could tour all of Equestria!" Sweetie Belle smiled.
"Hmm. That does sound 20% cooler when you put it that way." Scootaloo grinned, buzzing her wings excitedly. "Yeah, I'm in!"
"We'd have to speak to Twi - Ah mean Princess Twilight first. We could get the royal seal of approval!" Apple Bloom frowned. "Ah hope.."
Once they had told Twilight of their plan, she grinned, and said it was a great idea. She told Spike to send a letter to Princess Celestia, detailing the idea.
Poof! The scroll landed right in front of Princess Celestia. "Hm, that's strange." She mused thoughtfully.
"Sister? What is it thou find strange?" A dark alicorn appeared, her mane of stars billowing in the non-existing breeze.
The white mare lifted the scroll gently with her magic, and smiled. "Twilight does not send letters to me often anymore..." Celestia remembered all of the times they had spent together. The stormy nights with hot Cocoa spent pouring over books, tucking a filly Twilight into bed, the joy of Twilight getting her Cutie Mark... A tear formed at the old mare's eye. She missed her student.. Her friend. A dark wing wrapped around her. Having a student brought good memories, but it was hard to let go.
"Shh, sister. Let us see what thine former student has written." Gently, Luna rubbed a hoof near Celestia's eye as she sat down next to her older sister. Celestia nodded, smiling thankfully.
"Dear Princess Celestia and Luna,
You may recall three fillies that form the club, 'CMC'. Yes, the ones who set Discord free... And used a love potion...
But anyway, they have a new idea, which I think the Canterlot Royal Archives could help in. While it is costly, I think it may be useful for Equestrian society! They want to catalog everypony's cutie marks and the backstories to them in Equestria. Of course, this is a big undertaking, so they wanted, and I quote, "The Royal seal of Approval,".
They suggest taking a year off from their schoolwork to do this, but we have yet to find a tutor to teach them while traveling. They are a bit of a hoof-full...
Your former student,
Twilight Sparkle"
The alicorn of the sun glanced at the moon, smiling. "Sister... Do you remember when you said you wanted a student once?"
Luna frowned. "Nay, sister." Her eyes widened. "No.. Thou aren't serious?"
Celestia grinned. "Oh, yes."
"-And Princess Luna will be your tutor and guide while you travel across Equestria." Twilight concluded her lecture, smiling. Princess Luna stood next to her, but her expression was slightly different. The weary alicorn had dark rings under her eyes, and her mane frazzled a little bit. Her eyelids were half closed, and she gave an un-regal yawn. The trip over from Canterlot had been a long one, and the constant pestering of the Crusaders had nearly sent her over the edge.
"So, when are we leaving?" Apple Bloom smiled. She bounced up and down in excitement, at the prospect of adventure.
Twilight Sparkle grinned, cowlicks popping up in her mane. "Right now! There is a wagon waiting outside, with all the supplies you'll need."
"CMC Cutie Mark Crusader Interviewers, YAY!" The three fillies leapt up and high-fived their hooves.
"Yay.." Luna grimaced. This was going to be a looong road trip.