The Element of Kindness

by Hoshii Niisan

In Which Fluttershy Gets Out of "Home"

A week later, Fluttershy mustered all her strength to stand. It was painful. Extremely painful. She was covered in scabs and still bleeding scratches. Her main task was to get out. Now.

She grabbed a blanket, and inserted her most precious belongings, which included Chirpy, some scrap bits, a few books, and a candle. She couldn't think of much else to bring.

Her next obstacle was the window. She could hear noises from daddy. Snoring. They were sound asleep. She quickly broke the window and lept out.

Mommy and daddy heard the noise. "Was that a burglar?"

"I don't know, darlin'. I'll go check." He grabbed a bat and checked the house, excluding Fluttershy's room. Good riddance if he kills her, he thought. "Maybe something fell," he said dismissively on his way back to bed. "Let's just go back to sleep."


Fluttershy was lost for hours until she saw the sun rise in the morning. School.

She rushed over to Ms. Petal, and explained everything. Quickly, she flew as fast as her wings would allow and fled Cloudsdale. Rainbow Dash tried following her, but it was no use. The adrenaline filled Fluttershy was swift to land on the ground, next to a tree. She remembered the huge, bushy tree from her fall in which the butterflies saved her. She found the tree was like a house, and she settled there to rest. A whole bunch of animals lived there, however, and Fluttershy made close friends with them over the next few months.


One morning, about five years later, Fluttershy was gathering some birds to practice their song that all of Equestria would know.

That's where she met Twilight Sparkle.