Killer Rarity

by firefly_an_oc

Chapter 9

Rarity walked in greeting her long lost friend. "Hello Twilight, long time no see." Rarity said as she giggled insanely.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO CHEERLIE!!!" Twilight screamed, shaking in fear. "

Darling, clam down." Rarity said softly, fixing her hair.

"CLAM DOWN!!!! CLAM DOWN!!!!" Twilight yelled, turning insane.

"Twily, whats wrong? Are you scareeeeddd!!!" Pinkamena said, laughing insanely.

"Twilight, darling theres nothing you need to worry about. By a fact-"

"Rarity can i say it??" Pinkamena said, bugging Rarity.

"FINE!!!" Rarity yelled in Pinkamena's ear.

"Ow. Twily we need you to join us, murder ponies with us. So, whatca think?"

"I-I can't take it anymore!!!" Twilight said, twitching.