//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: Love is Laughing // by KingofBronies //------------------------------// Fluttershy yawned as she woke up. She had a full day today taking care of the animals unlike yesterday. She went down stairs thinking of how fun yesterday was. She at some flowers and granola for breakfast nothing special. Angel poked her hoof giving her that sort of demanding look he always gave the shy pegasus. "Oh, Angel you just want your carrot. Here you go." Fluttershy smiles as she hands him a carrot. Angel just eats it really quickly despite all the times Fluttershy had told him not to. She just sighed repeating her speech about him getting a tummy ache, but he just ignored her finishing his meal. A knock then came to her door. She went to the door opening it. It was Applejack. "Oh, hello Applejack. What brings you here?" the yellow pegasus asked. "Well I came her' to brin' ya some apples fer yer animals and such." The blonde earth pony smiled. She blinked having had forgot. "I almost forgot from hang around with Rainbow and Pinkie Pie." she blushed a bit embarrassed. "Oh ya, I remember Twi sayin' somthin' about that. I never figure ya for a prankin' pony." The orange pony chuckled. "It was a lot of fun. Do you mind staying hear for a while? It gets lonely here sometimes, but it's ok if you don't want to..." She ducked her head down slowly. "Nah it's fine I never was one to leave somepony out on their lonesome. I can't stay for long though, can't let Big Mcintosh do all the work." Applejack smiled dropping the apples next to the door. They went outside so Fluttershy could feed the animals. Applejack looked curious of how she started pranking so Fluttershy told her the story of how she felt lonely because she was always at home with noponyelse to be with or talk to. She also explained she had fun just being with her friends too. "Aww, I sure am sorry Fluttershy I wish I had more time to be with ya'll, but the farms got me workin' a lot more since it's Applebuck Season and all." The orange pony said a bit saddened. "Oh no its ok Applejack. I understand you need to help your family." The shy pony smiled. AJ put her hoof on her chin. "Tell ya what, I promise I'll make time for you this week." Fluttershy smiled. "Oh, that would be wonderful, but you don't have to if your too busy." "It's no problem Fluttershy." It was midday already Applejack need to go back to the farm. "Well Fluttershy I need to skedaddle! I'll see ya later!" Applejack dashed off back to the farm. Fluttershy had finished for the day at least for now. She went to lay down on the couch. She felt lonely again she just ate an apple and jumped at a knock on the door. She wonder who was here out of now. The opened the door and saw that it was Pinkie Pie with Gummy on her back. She was crying and her mane was straight. Fluttershy had only seen Pinkie's mane on one other occasion, on her birthday when they hid secrets from her to surprise her. Fluttershy felt like crying too. She hated seeing friends cry. "W-what happen Pinkie?" the shy pegasus asked. Pinkie cried harder saddening even more from remembering the event"Gummy was playing outside and got run over by a cart. I-I'm so scared. I got him hear as quick as I could." She laid Gummy on the couch. Gummy had a large bleeding gash on his back and was hardly breathing. The yellow pegasus rushed to the medicine cabinet and brought back a needle and a vial of alcohol. She poured the alcohol on a cotton ball cleaning out the wound and then sewing it up. "Pinkie get me the herbal remedy." "O-ok." the depressed pink pony gave her a bottle filled with a green mixture. Fluttershy smiles giving the drink to Gummy holding her like a baby in her hooves. "Their, their little guy you'll be better soon just rest a little bit." They heard snoring coming from Gummy knowing her was ok. The cut was severe, but it seemed like he had little to no broken bones. The yellow mare laid that small alligator down on the couch with a smile. The pink pony hugged Fluttershy happiness returning to her. "Oh Celestia thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Your the greatest Fluttershy!" Pinkie cheered as her hair poofed up to its normally messy state. The caring pegasus blushed from Pinkie's gratitude not use to being thanked with words for her treatment of animals. "U-umm..It's ok Pinkie. Anything to help a friend in need. Y-you might want to leave Gummy here for a few days encase he needs more treatment." Pinkie nodded and then thought. "In that case do you mind if I stay too? I don't want my Gummy here without me to keep him company." Fluttershy smiled softly. "Ok, it be wonderful to have you two over." The cotton candy maned pony jumped up happily. "This is going to be so much fun I just have to tell Mr. and Mrs. Cake, I'll be right back!" She galloped off the tell them so excited she forgot she had a phone. Fluttershy smiled, sat down on the couch, and thought to herself. She was so happy to have Pinkie Pie over. She felt so much happier when she was around. Like her joy just rubbed off on her. She felt strongly for her. Especially in the pass few days she had made such an effort to see her. Fluttershy blushed shying away that maybe her feelings were becoming deeper then just friendship. The yellow pegasus rubbed her red face trying to get rid of the blush. Pinkie Pie came back bouncing through the door. "I'm baaaaaack!" Pinkie smiled cheerfully looking at the blushing pony. "Why are you blushing Fluttershy?" "I-It's nothing, Pinkie" her blush slowly vanished but her heart started beating faster. "D-did the Cakes say it was ok?" "Yes! They said it was very responsible of me to help you look after Gummy and said it was ok." the pink pony bounced happily. "It's sad that Gummy got hurt so bad, but I'm really happy I get to stay with you. Thanks again." Fluttershy felt really nervous. She wasn't sure why completely. "I-I'm really glad you could stay too. I'm always happy to have a friend staying over." "Just think were going to together here for a few days! We can do all sorts of things like party, pillow fight, play rock, paper, scissors-" Pinkie began to ramble. Fluttershy stood their shyer then ever. Listening again happily to the pink pony rant on about whatever she wanted. She pleasantly smiled listened to her words. Sighing happily as she watched her not noticing she was making eye contact instead of avoiding it. "-and then we will swoop down out of the sky and vaporize the space pirates." Pinkie ended. "You really think we can tame a dodo to breath fire?" The yellow pony giggle playing along. Pinkie smiled at the question. "If anyone can it's you. Your just so awesome with animals!" The pony bounced. It was getting dark and they could no longer see the sun. "Pinkie we should get to bed it's a long day a head of us." "You go ahead, I want to stay here and sleep near Gummy." the pink pony smiled. The yellow pony stopped and looked back at the bouncy mare. "D-do you mind if I join you?" "Not at all, silly." She replied inviting her to sit next to her. They watched Gummy talking the night away. Fluttershy wasn't used to staying up so she feel in the pink mares hooves. Pinkie smiles holding her close before falling asleep on the couch next to Gummy.