//------------------------------// // Well, I suppose I could try it // Story: It Would Work on Me // by sghsthsthjstjsthjs //------------------------------// Hmmm, no; that will never do... Rarity stood alone in the light of her inspiration room's lamp; she had a rather large order from Canterlot to finish with the Grand Galloping Gala coming up next month. No... not that either; it needs to be just perfect for this order. Working endlessly since she awoke the previous morning, the unicorn was trying to get every last detail perfect for the dresses that were in progress before she headed to bed. Eventually, after becoming half way satisfied with the results, she decided it was time to hit the hay (not literally, of course, that would be uncouth). I've worked all day long on this order, but I cannot seem to get it right. Rarity thought to herself, Perhaps it is time for a break from this; maybe it will be easier in after a nice sleep. Walking from her inspiration room, she decided a cup of tea was in order. Heading to the kitchen, allowing herself to daydream, she thought: This has all gotten so... drab. Perhaps I need something to give me inspiration for what these new dresses should look like. Maybe I should see if any of my friends have any ideas; Fluttershy could maybe help, since she's so good at making them. Oh, wouldn't it be nice if I could have somepony here to talk it over with; although, at this hour they'd probably have to live here... and well, probably be my special somepony to be willing to put up with me waking them now. And I know how well I do in the department of special somepoines... Walking into the kitchen, she was snapped away from her thoughts; momentarily forgetting why she was there, she then filled her tea kettle and turned the stove on. Settling down to wait for the water to boil, she resumed her thoughts. Thunderlane, gah; That was a disaster; we dated for less than two weeks and suddenly he thinks I'm “too controlling.” As if. Big Mac: Applejack wasn't too happy about that, but she wasn't mad for long; it can't be my fault if he just can't pick up after himself. I mean, honestly; it's as if he was raised on a... a... farm! Wait... oh, whatever. Then there's Blueblood... the thought made her shiver; and not in a good way. He was just... no words can describe him. Although, I guess one night can't really be considered dating, but after the way he treated me... I was just so angry with him; I would swear I had steam blowing from my ears... in fact, I think I can hear it. Coming back to reality, the seamstress realized her kettle was whistling. She hastily levitated it off the stove and poured it into a waiting teacup and put the teabag into the boiling water. Well lets see, what would I want in my ideal stallion? Well, for starters, he needs to respect me; unlike that Blueblood pri... ahem, ruffian. And, what else? Oh, he needs to be brave; ready to leap into action to help if I'm in trouble... Strong to actually be able to protect me when he leaps into action, of course. He should also be tidy... but I suppose I could possibly do without that as long as he's not a complete slob... at first, at least. Maybe... He should have aspirations to do something grand. He should probably stop at nothing to achieve that goal; then he would understand my dressmaking and how much work I put into it. So lets recap: brave, strong, hopefully tidy, ambitious... what else? Oh! He should always support me and be loyal... wait a second, I think I know somepony like this. Brave, strong, ambitious, loyal... just then, her eyes wondered to a picture of her with all of her friends and one friend in particular stood out; specifically, one with a rainbow mane and a cyan coat. As this happened, her heartbeat suddenly sped up and a somewhat familiar heat entered her cheeks. Rainbow Dash? Wait... oh no. Realizing what this meant, she spewed her tea all over her table. Nononono, that can't be right; Rainbow is a great friend, but I like stallions; I'm not sure if you noticed this, me, but Rainbow is a mare. I know I just love stallions; you know, the way they're always so messy and... and... how they like to try to sleep with me right after the first date. Also, the way they LEAVE ME after less than a month EVERY. SINGLE. TIME... hmm... that didn't sound right. Well, me, perhaps I have been looking in the wrong place... let no one say I'm not open minded, and I know when I have some sort of romantic feeling when I have them... I could try it. I mean it is with a friend, so it should be fine... I mean sure it'll be extremely awkward if we break up or shes not into mares and could possibly destroy our friendship and strain my friendships with everypony else. Nothings ever simple is it? I really need some sleep. Yawning, Rarity decided it was best to get some shuteye. Deciding that she would clean the kettle up in the morning after the late night revelation, she headed upstairs to sleep and figure out what she wanted after a good night sleep. Rarity's slumber was a peaceful one; she hadn't slept like that for the last couple weeks with the gala coming up. It was harshly interrupted early in the morning, though, by a very worried filly. “RARITY, WHAT HAPPENED?!? WHAT'S WRONG???” Sweetie Belle yelled, bursting through the doorway to Rarity's bedroom. “AHHH!!! WHO...? WHERE? Huh? Sweetie??” Disoriented, and still rather tired from Sweetie's rude awakening, Rarity took a second to regain her bearings. Lifting her sleep mask and seeing her little sister in a distressed state she quickly started to worry, “Sweetie Belle, what in Equestria is the matter?” “Rarity!! What happened?? I though you got ponynapped or something!” Rarity gave Sweetie Belle a confused look. “Well... it's just that the kitchen's a mess; there's a dirty tea kettle on the table! You always clean up when you're done.” “Sweetie, I was just tired; everything is fine,” Rarity groggily (although still elegantly, as always) replied. “Let me go back to sleep.” “Oh, heheh... sorry.” Between being awakened by Sweetie about to head to school and having gone to sleep way too late, Rarity estimated that she had only gotten about four hours of sleep; definitely not an amount that would qualify as beauty sleep. Determined to always get her beauty sleep, Rarity tried to fall back asleep; but after being reminded of the tea kettle and what she was thinking about while drinking it, sleep eluded her. Ugh... why must you do this Rainbow Dash? I am trying to sleep; of course I can hardly blame her for me not being able to sleep... although I bet I could sleep better with her holding me, if the feeling I get while thinking about that is any indication. So I guess yes, then, I absolutely can blame her. Realizing that falling asleep was a lost cause, Rarity decided to do something productive. Awakening and washing up, she was ready roughly three hours later and in her inspiration room to continue her work on the gala dresses. After a couple of tries she was beginning to get frustrated. Hmmm... this will never do. It's much too dull. I know! If I just add this color... and this one, too. Oh! And this color... maaaaybe just one more. Great, now it's a rainbow... if I remember right this pony has a pink coat and this would look terrible. Guess I have to find something else to do since everything seems to be a rainbow today. Everything she tried to do always somehow ended with rainbows; realizing she could think of nothing else but Rainbow Dash, she decided that that was what she would have to work on. Well Rainbow Dash, you win; now what can I do to get her to go out with me? Lets see... what do I usually do? Well, I generally just sort of walk by stallions and look really, really, really pretty. I am awfully good at that. But then again, I've done that a lot around her and she has not once said anything about me or come close to asking me out like most stallions would. Hmmm, well perhaps I need to be the one to take the initiative. OK. Errr, how do I do this? Maybe if I... go and tell her she's pretty? That's not all that suave, is it? Maybe if I say something like “Did you make a tornado? Cause you just blew me away.” ...Wow, I think I need help. Realizing that she was not used to having to be the one wooing the mare, Rarity decided to ask her friends for help. But who would give the most useful information? Making breakfast, she thought about which of her friends she could ask for the best information; and better yet, it was only about 9 am, Rainbow would still be sleeping for at least another 3 hours; probably more. That meant she wouldn't get suspicious of Rarity visiting all of their friends for seemingly no reason. Going to Twilight would be a strong option; she would know how to research the subject and could give good, objective advice. She has also spent quite a bit of time with her, what with Rainbow training her how to fly. Pinkie Pie is another good option, since she probably spends the most time with Rainbow, doing Celestia knows what for their pranks. I know! I could prank her romantically, that couldn't possibly fail! I'll ask Twilight about that one later. Applejack? Oh my, no. She wouldn't mean to, but the entire town would know of my secret crush on Rainbow within a day; I swear, I try to spread rumors and I still can't get them to spread as fast as she can. Fluttershy might be good, though; she's known Dash for the longest and might know of some things that she might like. Well, then, it's decided; I shall consult with my friends today to see what they think about this situation. Leaving her house and setting off for Twilight's castle, Rarity was in good spirits; she could gather information on how to woo Rainbow and then get help forming a foolproof plan to do so. Of course, though, nothing's ever simple, is it?