//------------------------------// // Tinkering With Turquoise Doesn't End Well // Story: Sombra Dislikes Crystals // by The Apologetic Pony //------------------------------// Sombra’s heart danced as he realised what she was implying. He still hadn’t got over that buzz, so when he was the one approaching, it was really fucking fun. Even a little scary. It was slower this time, but didn't last as long as it seemed to. After a couple of seconds Luna let out a giggle. ‘You look drunk with that blush!’ ‘Well you’ve got a bit too.’ ‘Not as much as you.’ ‘Again?’ Luna stooped... ‘Good evening, sister, Sombra.’ They scrambled to get a respectable distance between each other (and to keep their tongues in their own mouths). ‘Hi, Tia!’ ‘Hello.’ ‘I didn’t mean to interrupt you lesson, I only felt like I could do with some company after talking about sun and the workforce for an hour.’ Lesson, huh? ‘No we hadn’t started, we were just about to.’ Sombra said. He did try to skirt the outskirts of honesty, honest. ‘What did they think of the daylight extension?’ ‘Oh you know, Luna, as we expected. Greg was the buffoon we knew he was going to be. But they were mostly happy with it, Sombra. I’ll still have to visit all the major cities in person to talk about it, of course. The vote’s two months away. I believe you could vote too, if you want, Sombra.’ ‘Haha yeah.’ ‘This is when my sister jokes about you offering sexual favours for extra votes or something equally lewd, right, Luna?’ Luna looked like she was having a mini heart attack. ‘I... yes. That would be like me.’ If Celestia noticed the odd, humourless response she didn’t say anything about it. Sombra was sure she did, though. ‘I’ll leave you two to your devices, have fun, and learn well. You might save us some day, Sombra.’ And she was gone. ‘Oh my god, Som-bra.’ Luna stood up and paced about the garden. ‘Not many times have I been as displeased as that for my sister to say hi.’ ‘You really looked like you were freaking out over there.’ ‘Hah! I’m usually good at lying too. So you want to do the lesson? It’s fun and all, but maybe we want to keep up appearances, eh?’ ‘If we even have them anymore.’ ‘Course we do, they’re just a lot more amorous.’ Sombra hadn’t heard that word before, pretty obvious what it means though. They didn’t have much time, so they only went over what he’d done before, and a little more. Luna asked him to try conjuring a purple pumpkin, and when he did, the shards seems just a little bit harder. They were still brittle though. ‘Oh, Luna there was something I wanted to ask you.’ ‘Hm?’ ‘Why does your mane smell a bit of apricots? I don’t dislike it, its kinda nice, but I was just wondering.’ ‘Mmm, I wonder. My last lover told me it smelled of oranges.’ Um... ‘I don’t really know. Maybe its the smell of the stars... Oh sorry, I shouldn’t have mentioned the oranges thing that’s going to make you feel awkward isn’t it?’ Her openness (or bluntness?) astounded him. She’s right but like whos so fucking casual about that kind of stuff haha? She’s great. ‘Haha that’s okay. Who was it, if you don’t mind me asking?’ Why am I asking? ‘Celestia.’ ‘...Huh?’ I didn’t just hear? ‘Celestia.’ It still didn’t register, it just couldn’t register. What the fucking- Luna cackled like witch. ‘Your face! I’m never seeing that again!’ Sombra gradually lulled himself out of shock. ‘I knew you had heart in you Som-bra, but not that much! Petrify a cockatrice with that!’ ‘Don’t kiss me again, today...’ She howled with laughter. On the carriage back home, the only thing he could do was marvel about at for how long she’d been planning the joke. His dreams were easier than what was coming the next day with a knock on the door. ‘I’ll get it.’ said Sombra. As he opened it, his snout got poked. ‘Oh sorry I was just about to knock again!’ Yeah? ‘Hey, Tinker, things okay?’ ‘Out for Coffee? My treat.’ ‘Sure, why not?’ The cafe wasn’t so busy in the afternoon. ‘So how are a things going with your lessons ‘n shit?’ ‘Good, really. They’re only kind of lessons anymore though.’ ‘What does that mean?’ Mmm, what does it mean? ‘Ummmm...’ ‘You look like you’re about to tell a lie.’ ‘Maybe I am.’ ‘As long as you’re happy. I’ve got a favour to ask you.’ Tinker took a drink. ‘I know this isn’t great, but I was hoping to get another kiss off you.’ ‘Tinker, come on. I’d tell you to ‘eff off if I was in a worse mood.’ ‘What’cha want me to do? I can’t drink, I can’t say fuck, I can’t talk to my father at all since, y’know.’ Tinker’s flamboyant tone was turning a few heads. Sombra really did despise how things changed so fast. ‘I dunno, get a coltfriend or something? This escapism thing you’ve got going on isn’t going to help you.’ ‘I’ll do anything you want, Sombra, and no more after this. Never have to see me again.’ ‘Would you not jump to extremes?’ ‘Anything.’ Sombra didn’t budge. ‘You must like her, mustn't you? That’s why they aren’t just fucking lessons huh? I knew it, just like you to pounce on the first mare you get to spend a bit of time with.’ Tinker Tailor, the lucky one who prods the right places. ‘Thanks for the coffee.’ Tinker tried to follow. ‘I think you’ve got somepony to pay, queer.’ Woah I didn’t mean to say that! ‘Fuck you.’ was the last thing he heard before the doors closed behind him.