Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Unfair odds

Chapter 123

Grace gulped and looked back at me and Frederic, "Plan?"

I looked around at all our enemies and gulped, "I don't have one..."

[WHAT?! No plan?!]

Frederic looked around also, "I think I have one. Lance, you take Nightmare and Val. Grace, you can take on Jun. Peter, you get Violent Inferno. I'll get my father. And Greg... hold off the serpent pony."

... I have to fight two? I don't even know if I can fight one!

But... it's better than them ganging up on the others.

"That, I can do." Peter said, eyeing his opponent.

"I get to kick a Lance lookalikes ass? Sweet." Grace muttered as she changed into her alter ego, Killjoy.

Greg chuckled, "I'm fighting a snake? Strange, it's like I'm high all over again."

"Just don't die on us Greg." I warned as I changed my form over to my angel form.

Frederic changed his form over to Darksteel Edge and glared skyward, "Ready?"

"Ready!" We all yelled back as we all faced our opponent and leaned down into a fighting stance.

"Give em hell!" Frederic yelled out as he shot upward.

Play this!

I jumped forward, using my wings to propel me towards Nightmare and Val, who were now standing side by side, waiting.

They tensed up, ready for me to slam into them head on.

But, instead, I smiled and teleported from my current spot and appeared behind them.

I threw my right hoof forward, slamming it into Nightmare's back, causing a loud crack to be heard. I then spun around and gave him a hard buck, sending him upwards.

Val had just enough time to twist around to face me before I slammed my head into his chest.

He stumbled back a few yards before catching himself. He snarled and aimed his horn at me, "Pest!"

A beam of magic shot out, aimed for my forehead.

I swished to the side at the last moment, barely dodging the beam. He fired two more, and I easily dodged those.

[Above you!] Break yelled into my ear a little to late.

Something heavy landed on my back, forcing me to the ground.

Nightmare stood up and picked me up by the mane. He turned me to face him and smirked, "This was easier than expected."

He brought his claws up and brought them down fast, cutting a large gap in my throat.

He dropped me and gave me a hard kick in the side, which sent me flying for a few yards.

When I slammed into the ground, I let out a pained gasp. My HUD was flashing with warnings, but, they slowly began to go away as my body quickly closed the wounds.

After a second, I forced myself to my hooves, chest heaving from the effort.

"What? How are you still alive?!" Nightmare yelled out.

I smirked, and stood up tall, "I think you should know this..."

I disappeared and reappeared in front of his face, "I'm a angel." I then grabbed his head and slammed mine into his.

As he stumbled back, Val took the opportunity to fire another beam of magic at me.

I jerked my head back, watching as it flew past my head.

Nightmare suddenly shot up and slammed his claws into my gut, "You may not be able to die, but..." He pushed his arm forward and then forced me to the ground, "You've just given us more than we could ask for."

I spit a glob of blood in his face as he continued to twist his claws in my guy, "And what would that be?"

He smiled, "You've just given us all the Holy Energy we could ask for!"

I pulled my hind legs up and kicked him off of me. As he stumbled back, I lazily climbed to my hooves, "Oh? And how's that?"

He stopped stumbling and looked at Val with a smirk, "You're made of Holy Energy now!"

My eyes widened.

Before I could react, Val slammed into my side, his horn piercing my shoulder blade. He brought his head up, lifting me off the ground, and threw me towards Nightmare.

Nightmare caught me in mid air and laughed, "We no longer need to kill you for the energy. We'll get so much more if we leave you alive."

"Only in your wet dreams!" I yelled as I teleported out of his grasp and appeared behind Val, completely catching him off guard.

I wrapped my forelegs around his neck and used my wings to lift both of us off the ground. I forced myself to fly as high as I could before I stopped.

"Hey, Val, you got to check this out." I said smugly as I spun him around to face me.

He glared and tilted his head down, pointing his horn between my eyes.

"Oh no you don't!" I yelled as I pulled back my right hoof, holding him up with my left one. I smirked and yelled at the top of my lungs, "FALCON PUNCH!"

My right hoof shot forward and slammed into his face. Everything seemed to slow down as my hoof made contact with his face. I could see my hoof slowly slam into his face, causing the flesh to ripple, and I could see the shock wave coming off of the impact.


Time sped back up and Val shot straight down like a bullet, hitting the ground with a loud boom.

I shook my right hoof, "Damn, that stung!"

I then teleported a few from Nightmare and smiled smugly, "So, you still want to fight?"

He smiled back and closed his eyes.

What is he...




"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" I screamed as I felt him forcing his way into my mind and going through my memories.

[How is he doing this?!]
<AHHH! I can't focus!>

"Aha! This looks promising." He said as he pulled out of my mind.

"What the hell are you talking abo..." I began.

His body completely dissolved into the black smoke again. A second later, it began to take on another form. The black smoke was curling up and around its self, taking the form of something... oh no.

When he was fully transformed, I shuddered.

He was completely changed, no longer a werewolf. He looked more like a black demon with large black dragon wings. He had large claws on his hands, even larger than before. Six large horns stuck out of his head, and his mouth was lined with rolls of sharp teeth.

[Of course, he chooses the creature that our uncle used to scare us with when we were younger.]

"... How..." I stuttered.

He laughed happily, "Simple. I just picked one of the things you feared and took it as my own form."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, but I'm not scared of that thing anymore."

He shrugged, "Does it matter? I can still cause damage with it!"

He jumped forward and thrusted his claws forward.

I reared up just as his claws slammed down in front of me. I then began to throw my front hooves forward, hitting him in the face time after time.

He roared in pain and swished his left hand to the side, causing a large three lined gash to form on my underbelly.

I jumped back and gasped slightly.

Nightmare suddenly flew forward and punched me square in the face, sending me flying backwards.

I flew through the air for a few seconds before slamming into a building, breaking through the wall.

When I landed on the inside, a mare screamed.

I stood up shakily and looked to the side to see a mare and her two kids standing off to the side.

I blinked the stars from my vision and held up a hoof, "You all have to get out of here, it's not..."

Nightmare flew through the hole and slammed into me, causing me to slam into the wall. He pulled back his hand and slammed it into my gut, causing my body to be pushed into the wall.

I looked to the side and saw that the mare and the kids were gone. Good, she listened.

I took a quick breath before I jumped up and threw myself into Nightmare, causing him to stumbled back and fall through the hole in the wall.

I stumbled after him and jumped out of the house and landed on the street with a heavy thud. I looked around quickly, seeing that the entire town was being destroyed by the others and their own fights. I felt a new anger fill me. They were destroying the whole town! How dare they!

Nightmare coughed and stood up, "You have more fight in you then I thought."

I looked straight at him and grunted, "You'd be surprised."

He smiled, "I bet." He then sprung forward.

Peter, four minutes earlier

Peter sprung forward, propelling himself straight for Violent Inferno.

Inferno laughed loudly, "Yes! Come at me you fool!"

Peter slammed into him, throwing punches left and right, all of them connecting with Inferno's face.

He then twisted around and threw his back legs out as hard as he could, hitting Inferno right in the chest.

Instead of flying back, Inferno laughed and grabbed Peter by the back leg and pulled him downward, causing him to fall.

He then stepped over him and glared down at him, "Come on Pete, you should know you can't face me. I'm four times more powerful than you."

Peter glared and reached up and grabbed Inferno by the shoulders, "I can still try!" He brought his back legs up and kicked upward, sending Inferno over him and onto the ground. Peter held onto his shoulders and followed him in the turn. Peter then glared down at him before he began to repeatedly slam his right hoof into Inferno's unprotected face.

During this, Inferno only laughed. Taking all the blows willingly, laughing at every hit, "This, this is what you call fighting?"

Peter snarled and kept up his onslaught of punches. After a few seconds he jumped up and grabbed Inferno by the neck and threw him skyward.

He flew upward and caught him and yelled into his face, "I'll show you what I can do!"

"Do it." Inferno said with a yawn.

Peter growled at him and flew up higher, and higher, and higher.

He then punched Inferno in the face as hard as he could and spun his body around so his head face the ground.

He wrapped his forelegs around Inferno's back legs and wrapped his hind legs around Inferno's neck.

"Let's see you survive this!" Peter yelled out as he pulled his wings in and began to plummet towards the ground, Inferno's head held at the right angle so that it would take the full impact.

"AHHHH!" Peter yelled out in rage seconds before impact.


Dirt and stone went everywhere as the two slammed into the ground, causing a small crater to form.

Seconds later, Peter stumbled out of the dust, barely able to stand up.

"Uh, who's the strongest now?" He mumbled, trying to pull himself towards Grace, who was currently fighting Jun.

Suddenly, something slammed into Peter's back and lifted him up.

"Still me." Inferno said with a smirk, not a scratch on him.

Peter looked at him in disbelief, "What?! But, how?!"

He smirked and brought Peter to eye level, "I'm just better than you."

Peter spit in his eye.

Inferno wiped a hoof across his face and smiled, "No more games Pete, I'm itching to get into an actual fight." He then slammed Peter into the ground, causing him to gasp in pain.

"Nighty night Pete." Inferno said as he slammed his hoof into Peter's face, instantly knocking him out.

Inferno stood up and looked over at Grace and Jun, a large smiling playing across his face.

Frederic, two minutes earlier

Frederic flew straight up, prepared to face his father, again.

As Frederic neared, his father laughed, "Ah, it's good to see you again son."

Frederic stopped near him and gritted his teeth, "How did you get out?!"

Richard smirked as he shrugged, "You know, I don't know, and I don't care." He then rubbed his talons together, "You think you can take on your old man now?"

Frederic continued to glare at him, "I beat you before and I can do it again."

Richard held up a paw, "Oh no, not this time. You see, I have an ace in the hole this time."

Frederic raised an eyebrow slightly, "Like what?"

Richard laughed loudly, "For one, this!" He threw his front arms downward, sending two balls of magic downward, where they then slammed into two houses, blowing each one to pieces.

"I know you want to protect them, and wouldn't want to harm them." He said smugly.

Frederic gritted his teeth harder, "So what?"

Richard shifted his body, "You won't fight if you're putting them in danger!" He shot forward, surprising Frederic.

He slammed into him and grabbed him by the throat, "See you down there SON!" He yelled as he threw Frederic downward, soon following after him.

Frederic flew straight down, trying to open his wings and lighten the impact, but it was useless.

Seconds later, he slammed into a large building, blowing straight through the top floor and into the ground floor. The force of the impact caused the rest of the building to blow outward slightly.

Richard flew straight down and slammed his fist into Frederic's chest, the force from the high impact hit blew outward, knocking out one of the weak walls.

Frederic gasped and tried to force himself upward, but was punched back down by his father.

"You're weak!" He yelled as he picked Frederic up and threw him out of the house and onto the street.

Frederic hit the hard cobblestone road and rolled a few feet before coming to a stop. All around him, he could hear the frighten screams of the citizens of Ponyville.

He growled and forced himself to his hooves, ready to fight. He looked back at the house, but his father was no longer there.

"Up here Freddy!" His father called out.

Frederic looked up and snarled, "Come and fight me like a man!"

Richard shook his head, "Remember how I told you that you would want to protect the citizens of this town? Well, protect them from this!" He yelled at the top of his lungs as he pulled back his arms and began to throw balls of magic at the town.

Play this! It fits so perfectly!

Frederic's eyes widened in fear. He shot forward and grabbed a filly and her mother. As he rolled away, the spot they had been standing exploded as one of the balls of black magic slammed into it.

He put them down and yelled, "Run! Everypony get as far away as you can!"

The building across from him exploded, sending wood and stone in all directions. The ponies unlucky enough to be near it was sent flying.

Frederic yelled out in anger at the sight and looked up. He saw another ball of magic flying straight for another building. He looked at the building and saw a old stallion trying to move out of the way.

Frederic shot forward, flying for the ball of magic. He held out his hoof and covered it in his magic. When he was close to the ball of magic, he slammed his hoof into it, sending it flying in the opposite direction.

The old stallion quickly scurried away.

Frederic turned around to see another building be completely blown away, taking a young couple with it.

"STOP IT! THEY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO YOU!" Frederic screamed out, facing his father.

His father laughed and held a ball of magic in his talons, "Do you think I care? This is how I win."

Frederic screamed in rage and shot forward, aiming for his father.

"Uh oh." Richard said as he threw the ball of magic towards a crowd of ponies that was trying to get a few ponies out of a burning building.

Frederic changed his course and shot for the ball of magic. But, as he knocked it out of the way, another slammed into his side, sending him sprawling to the ground.

He slammed into it with a sickening thud. His father laughed crazily as he began to throw more magic at the devastated town.

Frederic was gasping for air as he tried to force himself up. But, when he pulled himself into a sitting position, he let out a cry of fear.

Buildings where being blown away, ponies where being hit with shrapnel and falling objects. A few getting caught in the blast of the building next to them.

Frederic felt tears flowing down his face as he stood and watched as a house was torn apart by an explosion. He looked up at his deranged father and growled through broken teeth, "You bastard! How could you?!"

His father didn't respond, only threw more balls of magic into the town.

Frederic screamed out in rage and shot upward. He was lucky enough to catch his father off guard as he slammed into him, wrapping his forelegs around his waist.

They fell from the sky and crashed through the roof of a half destroyed building. They slammed into a bookcase, sending books everywhere.

Frederic rebounded off and slide across the hard wood floor as his father slumped against the bookcase.

Frederic groaned in pain as he stood up again, looking around quickly. A small ping of quilt shot through him as he recognized the building as the towns library.

Richard coughed and stood up, "Why you little bitch!"

Frederic growled, "I will make you pay for hurting those ponies! They did nothing to deserve this!"

Richard got into a fighting stance, "Okay then, come at me."

Frederic yelled in rage as he flew forward.

Grace six minutes earlier

Grace flew forward, hoof raised.

Jun laughed loudly, "Bring it on girl!"

She threw her hoof forward, but gasped when he caught it,

"Oh, come on bitch, I though you were tough?" He said with a smirk.

He pulled her hoof to the side and punched her square in the face, leaving a burn mark on her face.

She recoiled slightly, but recovered enough to flare her wings and throw black flames into Jun's face.

Jun jumped back, not expecting the flames, "Ah, girly gots some tricks up her sleeve."

Grace struck a fighting pose and glared, "You better fucking believe it!"

Jun laughed and jumped forward, throwing a punch.

Grace easily caught it and smirked, "You fight just like Lance."

Jun smiled, "Oh? You mean I did fight like Lance. I'm so much more powerful now, thanks to Nightmare!"

His hoof flared red hot, causing Grace to pull her hoof back.

Jun smirked and punched her in the chest, hard. She stumbled back a foot before he reached out and grabbed her by the mane.

She winced slightly and threw her body forward, crashing into his.

He lost his grip on her and stumbled a bit.

Grace grabbed him back the neck and flew upward, "I'll show you what kind of tricks this girl has up her sleeve!"

She flew up till she was as high as the shield would allow and looked down. Her eyes widened as she saw the whole town being blown apart.


Jun smiled and took her moment of shock as an opportunity to strike. He broke her grasp and flew forward, slamming her into the black shield.

She out out a pain gasp as he pressed her harder and harder into the shield.

Jun pulled back slightly and began to hammer away at her mid section with his burning hooves.

Grace's vision wavered slightly, on the verge of passing out.

But, a sudden burst of energy from Kill and Joy caused her to grab Jun by the throat and slam her head into his.

Jun coughed as his air flow was cut off by Grace's tight grip.

"You... you bastard!" She screamed in his face as she flew towards the ground.

She began to pick up speed, but there wasn't enough time to perform a Necro Flare, so she just threw him into the ground and pulled up before she too hit the ground. She quickly looped around and flew back to him, wincing as a building off to the side exploded.

When she neared, she saw Jun trying to stand up. But she didn't give him the chance.

She slammed into him and began to show him a woman's touch. As in, she began to beat the living hell out of him. She slammed her hooves into every exposed part of his body, even the valuables. She didn't hold back, she was letting her anger take over.

A full thirty seconds later, she stopped and lifted him up to eye level, "Have you had enough you fucking piece of shit?"

Jun looked at her, then past her. A smile began to play on his face.

"What?!" She screamed into his face, "What is so..."


Grace's body was suddenly sent flying to the side from a sudden impact from Violent Inferno, who had just taken care of his opponent.

Grace slammed into a building and rebounded off, slamming into the ground with a loud crack, out cold.

Jun coughed up a large amount of blood and looked up at Inferno, "What took you so long?"

Inferno only looked at him, "I was having what you call fun. I see you had your share of fun."

Jun rolled his eyes and stood up, "Oh, haha, fuck you."


Greg began to run forward, but shrugged and trotted over to the black serpent pony.

When he reached it, he just stopped and looked at it.

It looked back at him, not moving.

Greg pulled out a blunt and lit it and put it in his mouth.

The black serpent pony hissed and moved forward, holding it's hoof out, ready to grab Greg by the neck.

As it's hoof neared him, Greg calmly pulled out his blunt and jammed the burning end into it's hoof, causing it to pull it back with a loud hiss of pain.

"No, bad snake!" Greg yelled, picking up a stick with his magic and hitting the pony on the head, "You do not touch me!"

The black serpent pony hissed in anger and stepped forward.


"What did I just say?!" Greg yelled, pull his hoof back, "Do you want another bitch slap? I didn't think so!"

The serpent pony stomped it's hoof and jumped forward, wrapping it's dark tail around Greg's throat.

Greg coughed as the air was cut off to his brain. Before he passed out, he smirked, "Huh, you're choking me with your dick? That's just nice."

Seconds later, the serpent pony dropped Greg's unconscious body. It then hissed and shook it's head.

Lance, present time

Now, play this

Nightmare grabbed me by the throat and pulled me up to face him, "Just give up! It's useless!"

I shook my head, "Oh, it's not useless, not yet!"

I brought my back legs up and gave him a sharp kick to the chest, causing him to drop me.

When I hit the ground, I swept my back legs under him, causing him to fall to the ground. I then sprang forward and began to stomp on his chest, making him grunt in pain each time.

Before I could begin to stomp on his head, he rolled to the side and grabbed my right foreleg as I came down.

He smiled at me and jumped to his feet, "Going up!" He then threw me straight up.

I began to open my wings, but a sudden forced brought me straight down... straight down on his horns.

I screamed out in pain as each horn penetrated my chest and came out the other side.

"How do you like that you son of a whore?!" Val yelled as he stumbled towards us, his horn still glowing.

Nightmare laughed evilly as he began to toss his head back and forth, causing me intense pain.

My vision began to swim as the pain became to much for me to handle.

[Hang on Lance, I got this.]

My eyes shot open in determination and I spread my wings, breaking Val's hold on me. I flapped them hard, sending me straight up.

I coughed and wheezed as the wounds began to slowly heal. It was a painful process, but worth it.

After a few seconds, I forced myself to land and face them, "Come on you two... give me your best."

Nightmare smiled and rubbed his chin, "Oh, this is interesting."

Before I could ask what he meant, Frederic's beaten body was tossed in front of me. It landed with a heavy thud, sending a chill down my back.

I looked up and saw a badly beaten Richard hovering in the air, "That boy had some fight in him. To bad I'm not allowed to kill him... yet."

I watched as he landed next the other two.

"You will pay for that!" I yelled as I took a step forward, but was stopped when Jun and Inferno flew up behind the others, each one holding an unconscious body on their back.

Inferno laughed as he dropped Peter in front of himself and looked at me with an amused face.

Jun dropped Grace and gave her a hard kick in the side. He then looked at me and smiled happily.

No.... how could they have beaten them... They will pay!

As I took a few steps forward, the serpent pony walked up, holding Greg above him with his tail.

He tossed him onto the ground and sighed.

I looked at all my friends beaten bodies, anger boiling up inside of me.

The group of six in front of me laughed at my angered expression.

"Okay Lance, time for a deal." Nightmare said with a smirk.

I glared at him, "I will not make a deal with you!"

He smiled and picked up Grace and held a claw to her throat, "Oh, I think you will."

I began to tremble, feeling fear for my friends, "Fine, what is this 'deal'?"

They all smiled as Nightmare began to speak.

"You come with us and we don't hurt your friends. But, if you refuse..." He drug his claw across Grace's throat slightly, drawing a small amount of blood, "We'll kill all of them."

Hot tears formed in my eyes as I weighed my options. I don't want to go with them... but, I don't want my friends to die...

I looked around at the burning remains of Ponyville and all the ponies laying around injured or trying to get to safety.

There really is only one thing I can do...

I hung my head and forced myself out of Holy Dawn, "Fine... I'll go with you... just leave them alone."

They all laughed victoriously.

"Excellent!" Val yelled out.

"Val, give him your most powerful knock out spell." Nightmare said as he dropped Grace.

"With pleasure!" He said, pointing his horn at me.

A beam of magic shot out and slammed into me. I was knocked backwards, falling to the ground.

Seconds later, my vision faltered and I passed out.


"Oh, this was too easy!" Jun yelled out happily.

Nightmare smiled and looked at Inferno, "Go get his body, I want to start working on him as soon as possible."

Inferno gave a nod and trotted off to retrieve Lance.

Nightmare looked over at Val, "Drop the shield when we're back at the castle. I don't want any of his friends getting in here till it's to late."

"Yes sir!" Val said as he did a small dance of victory.

Nightmare looked at the devastated town and smirked, "Lance, he's such a fool."