The Incident

by gplane1749

Transmission 1: Stange Readings

Transmission 1

Strange Readings

To: Director Holt
Subject: The Elevator Case

there is something really weird going on at that elevator case. First thing that stuck out to me was that when the rubble was cleared not a single body was found. This wouldn't be all that strange except for he fact that the receptionist saw a man walk into the elevator before it fell. There were no traces of that man at the accident scene: no blood, clothing, and there was no way for the man to escape. At first we just thought that the receptionist was just mistaken but to double check we looked at the security footage and there he was. A man was in the elevator when it fell. The camera cuts out before we can see what happens to him though so it didn't help us much. That when we pulled out the new equipment and it just went crazy. We kept getting off the charts readings for some kind of electric field. I think we need to call in te "Unusual Requests" Division.

Ron Crate
Level 3 Tech.