//------------------------------// // Chappie 5 // Story: Confession of a Soul Mage // by SoothingCoffee //------------------------------// Frustration.   It was of that word, as I sat under my work desk, gnawing on the hilt carving knife, staring at the long sword lying in front of me, described my mental state perfectly so.   Arrays of runes etched on the blade, glimmering under the dim yellow light, with every each of them granting the sword its own personality, power. And all of them stared mockingly back at me. Unfinished, and possibly, will stay so. It was maddening. All of the needed runes were there, but it couldn’t work. Like the last 20 swords, but at least this one wasn’t going to explode.   “I want a special blade,” the overly rich knight had smugly demanded, “I want a strong sword that could cut metal like butter, freeze water in touch and shock every flesh it met. Can you do that?”   I hesitated, tapping my work desk, before saying, “Alright, give me 10 days, and I’ll work it out.” The smug bastard nodded, leaving my shop/house a little smugger than before, before I followed out to the local blacksmith after a few minutes of consideration.   It was a ridiculous demand, to be honest, almost impossible. But it was a challenge, and like a woman in need of a scratch in her proverbial sensitive organ, I was in need of a good challenge. Yet now, as I stared at the mocking piece of blade in front of me, I pondered if I just made a mistake.   The problem was, wasn’t the runes, nor was it the blade itself. It was simple, yet complicated at the same time. They just couldn’t work together.   Because while in practice; wind, lightning, and ice work well, so does fire and ice, thus it was moot. I could, simply just etch the runes, but they won’t work together. They will override each other’s element, which in turn, will turn the wielder in a sad pile of flesh.   It’s like cooking, except you’re more prone to lose some important bits of your body.   I sighed, dropping my carving knife onto the table and lifting the mug of coffee beside the blade, sipping in the hot, sweet nectar of the gods. I let my eyes wander into my soft red velvet couch, sitting against the wall. On it was the all familiar black lump, sleeping fitfully, and oblivious of my current problem.   Not that I would blame her. After all, she’d done her job, in which moral supports was one of them, something which I sorely needed these past days, what with the guards breathing behind our- highborn mages alike- neck after the assassination of Duke Asmadeis of Morganna- City of Knowledge! City of Magic!- And his family, a tragedy the struck deeply to the hearts of fellow nobles and commoners alike.   If anyone would give a single fuck about them, that is. True, politics in-between families always got complicated, and dangerous, but never that it got this bloody. Or at least, not this publicly, thus accusations were thrown between families, while the nobles were looking for a chance, for what, I don’t know. Didn’t help that the captain of the guard was a prick, however loyal he is to the law and/or his job.   If I had to guess, he’ll die of an unfortunate ‘accident’ in field about a week or so.   A knock on the door interrupted my wandering thoughts. I closed my eyes, gently placing the mug onto the door and hoped, whoever it was in the other side of the door would take a hint and go away to their merry way.   No such luck, however, as the knocks grew more rapid. Tiredly, I glanced at the clock, 9 P.M. Groaning, I pushed myself from my chair, grabbing my magic staff- in case there would be some vengeful midgets- I walked to the front of the door, and with a click the door swung open.   There, in front of me stood, a girl probably still in her teens. Her chestnut hair-the same of mine- was tied in a ponytail and her peachy skin covered in the normal brown academy robe, ruffled in a few part. Lily. Before I could even say her name in surprise, her blue eyes-anxious, tired, joy- quickly fixed at mine, “Can I stay here tonight?”   I cocked an eyebrow at her, watching that adorable smile of hers, before shrugging. I sidestepped away from the threshold, “Come in.”   ()__()__()__()     Pain.   That morning I learned, that conversing with a being that could squish my soul through my head, then forced into a deeper slumber, coupled with my mental exhaustion, was not a good recipe for a good night sleep.   It was, however, the best cocktail that the abusive husband in my head ever drunk, as he and his midget friends pounded my not-so-virgin head repeatedly with a ten foot cock like a man about to sell his soul to some kind of a dark god.   Grimacing, I opened my eyes, unthankfully greeted by the optimist big ball of gas and fire as it shone brightly through the uncovered large window. I winced, closing my eyes immediately whilst my mouth let out an uncontrollable pained groan.   Soon enough, the pain slowly receded as the abusive husband’s slowly trickled away until it was only him, dry humping the wall in his own sad little loneliness. I cracked my eyes open; only this time, I was met with a pair of yellow concerned-looking eyes floating just few inches above my face.   “Are you okay?” Ruby spoke, her voice soft like a flaccid cock.   “I don’t think so…” I mumbled, which came out more like a gurgle, what with the head-ache.     She didn’t seem to understand either, before her eyes caught something by my right ear, and widened considerably, which was impressive, considering her already large eyes. She gasped, “You’re bleeding!” pointing with her small hoof to my apparently bleeding ear.   I dragged my hand to the bleeding ear, touching it with my index and middle finger, and then lifted it over my face. Looking at the red substance, confirming that yes, I was bleeding. “So that’s why…”   “Are you going to be okay?” asked the worried ghost.   “Yeah,” I waved off her concern, poking the still sleeping Nero on my belly. She must be really tired, the still not-dead part of me commented. “I’m still breathing and thinking, so that means I’m fine. Not going to die out of aneurysm anytime soon”- especially with the gods playing with me-”and I’d probably die in the most ironic way, anyway.” If rumors of the gods’ sick humor is to be trusted.   “Stop, I’m awake!” Nero hissed, batting my intrusive finger as golden eyes narrowing at me, before she did the cat equivalent of a gasp as she caught my ears.   “Red, orange, small,” I groaned, looking at the beige ceiling.   I could feel Nero nod, before she jumped from my belly onto the floor, ruffling through my bottomless bag before she hopped to the bed, two small vials clinking together on her teeth as she somehow managed to hold it, before offering it to me.   I gave a smile, before pulling both corks and drank both health potion and the painkiller.   Relief washed through me as the pain was numbed, and whatever damage by my ear was healed. I sighed in relief, “By the gods, I needed that. Thanks, Nero, Ruby.”   Her feline face hovered above me, her golden eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Why did that happen?”   I swung my legs to the side of the bed, giving her a crooked grin. “Nothing you need to know.”, before standing up from my bed, stretching myself, popping my tired bones.   Nero was not amused, though she didn’t question it anymore. At least she got the message. Ruby just looked at me curiously, before shrugging. I grabbed my bag, slinging it over my shoulder, heading to the bathroom-which was thankfully, not so different- and giving my ear a quick cleaning.   I popped my back out from the bathroom, “How about breakfast?”   Nero grumbled, hopping to my shoulder. I just chuckled, opening the door to the hall before heading downstairs, with Ruby floating beside me, frowning sadly, possibly because she couldn’t eat or taste food. Another idea added to my secret project.   The common room was empty when we entered. Well, not completely, if you count the blue innkeeper, but there weren’t any patrons in there. The innkeeper smiled as he spotted me, “Good mornin’, lad. How’s your sleep?”   I shrugged, sitting on the stool. “Good enough,” If you count the massive bitch of a headache that came after.   He nodded happily, “Good. Would be bad for my reputation if it’s not,”   I hummed idly. “What’s there for breakfast?” I asked.   “We got eggs, milk, cheese, fruits,” he shrugged, “well, that kind of stuff.”   “We?”   He looked at me flatly, “What, did you think I managed this place by my lone?” he shook his head, “’Course not, my brother helped me build the inn, though he’s usually the one who cooks.”   I shrugged, “Well, tell him that I’d like an egg sandwich, and two glasses of milk, then.”   He nodded, trotting to the backdoor, which I guessed was where the kitchen. As he left, I pulled the godsdamned guidebook out of my bag. Admiring its leather bound before opening the first page, and read it.   About time you’re reading this.   I sighed silently, massaging the bridge of my nose, before flipping to another page, as Ruby hovered around me and Nero sitting by her haunches on the desk, watching me silently, with an almost bored look in her golden eyes.   Soon enough, the sound of trotting soon came to a close. I lowered the, possibly the most helpful, book and watched the grinning blue stallion arrived from the backdoor. A tray with two plates, and three glasses balanced on his back.   He paused, looking at Nero strangely before shrugging as he used his magic- as the book informed me- to levitate a plate and two glasses in front of me and the other in front of him.   I closed the book, slipping it into my bag and went back to the food in front of me. I smirked as Nero stared at the sandwich longingly. Grabbing it, I carefully tore it into two, putting the other half to the plate as I bit down the other.   Nero bit into the sandwich, purring in delight at the prospect of real food. The strange look that the innkeeper gave went unnoticed except me. He shook his head, and continued eating his… flower sandwich?   “You know,” The innkeeper started after a while, taking another bite of the sandwich, “you never tell me your name, or your kind, even.”   I blinked. “Right, forgot about that. Just call me Psyche.”   “Right, I’m Warm Bed. My brother’s Soft Hay. Never heard of your kind before,”   I took a gulp of milk.”I’d be surprised”-and interrogate you-“if you had.” Then I took another gulp of the fresh white and warm, creamy thick milk. “I have to ask though. What is it with yesterday?”   He sighed. “Well, that pink pony you hit? Yeah, that’s Pinkie Pie. Everypony around here like her, and she’s also a national hero… and well…” he shrugged, looking uncomfortable like a man being touched in various places. “And besides, I thought she was going to get it sooner or later, anyway. Really, jumping on ponies’ face isn’t safe.”   Race lacks of common sense… like dwarves, only worse. I mentally sighed, while smiling on the outside. “Do you know where the boutique and library in this town?”   “You could go to Rarity’s Carrousel boutique just by the park, which really, is the only boutique in town. The library is near the center of town, just go right and straight, you’ll get there. The librarian’s name is Twilight Sparkle, young pretty unicorn.”   I tapped my chin, taking the last bite of the sandwich, a curious thought cross my mind. “Why do you ponies need a boutique anyway?”   “Well…” he shrugged, looking sheepish, “I honestly don’t understand myself. I think it has something to do with showing status or some ponyfeather about Canterlot’s tradition. Though sometimes, it’s for uniforms, like the Winter Wrap-up.”   “You could use it to improve sex.” I suggested, hiding my grin behind the glass of milk.   He sputtered. “That—no –I mean—!” scowling at me, he pushed the empty plate away, “now I’m losing my appetite.”   I chuckled. “But you’re already finished anyway.” I glanced at Nero, her plate clean and glass empty—somehow. And so is she. “Well, I’ve got to go now,” I stood up, walking to the door as the satisfied Nero followed. I paused as I neared the front door, “Also leave the bill on my tab. “, I called, before leaving the inn.   Straight into a white cobbled road, whence heads quickly darted at me like a gigantic cock in an orgy as my feet touched the road. The ponies quickly parted away, giving me a wide berth and murmuring with each other, as they stared at me cautiously, as if I was some child molester ready to pounce at foals and rape them in public. Which, considering they’re naked anyways, was pretty stupid.   Ruby was giving them the stink eyes, not really impressive considering she’s essentially unseen by the ponies. I quickly snatched her, complying with the sudden urge to hug her, not unlike a pre-teen girl would to a teddy bear; vaguely reminding me of Lily.   She let out a panicked “eep”, and upon realizing her predicament, struggling like a choking dog. It was a losing battle as she just let out a sigh and slumped, leaning the back of her head to my chest like the warmth addict she was.   Of course, suddenly hugging an invisible air didn’t bode well with the ponies watching me as they let out a gasp, one of them pointing his hoof to me like I was the avatar of a dark god. One of them, a brown stallion with a back-slicked black mane, narrowed his eyes at me. Curious.   Then they began whispering, not-so-silently, I might add. “He’s insane!” one of them hissed. “He’s going to kill us all!” another added. Or even, “He’s Nightmare incarnate!” then, “He’s going to violate us!”   Oh, how I love a close-knitted community, just like that one time whence I killed a corrupt mayor—upon request, of course—and the resident of the town would make their own stories once the news spread, from how it was a jealous mistress, to communing with dark gods.   There weren’t even any mention about the strange robed visitor.   Ruby bristled, attempting to escape my arms in order to, most likely, cutely snarl at them. Not that it would work mind you. In the end, she put up the most adorable scowl, which really, was more of a pout.   “They’re being a jerk,” she mumbled, “why are they being a jerk?”   I shrugged. “Well, for one, I just knocked one of Equestria’s, shockingly, national hero.” I snorted in disgust, “This country is seriously lacking in the Hero department. Heck, even the Imperials were much better.” Granted most of them were the, ‘we-will-kill-you-because-the-priest-said-so!’, ‘burn-all-heretics!’ or even, ‘bend-over-or-we’ll-force-you-to!’ kind of people. Not the sanest bunch, but then again Jack the Ripper wasn’t exactly sane either, and he got a special day made for him.   “I don’t think Equestria has a… Hero department,” she paused for a moment, “I think.”   I scoffed, turning left at a random turn. “Next thing I know, there’s no brothel in Equestria…”Where all the information lay.   Inwardly, I could feel Nero face-pawing on my shoulder, before shaking her head. “You’re insufferable.”   Ruby screwed her face cutely. “What’s a brothel?”   “Nothing you should know yet.”   She pouted.   I stopped walking as I found myself looking at a particular building. Absent mindedly, I noted that there weren’t any background ponies. The two-story building-more like a mini tower- were painted in fancy pink, blue and white, all in fancy design and a large sign on the front, appearing to be the pony equivalent of a mannequin and two large windows for the first story.   All in all, it looked like something that my-breeding tool of a- mother would like.   “20 gold coins that’s the Carousel boutique.”   ()__()__()__()   She slumped on the couch; a relieved smile marred her lips as she petted my familiar. A familiar long green creature slithered from her sleeve, curling around Nero’s midsection snuggly. Nagini, the snake that was my sister’s familiar.   She giggled at their act of familiarity. Before leaning back to the couch, letting out a relieved sigh, and looked at me. “What are you doing?” She inquired after a moment of silence.   I gave a crooked grin. “My job. My turn, why are you here?”   She gave a mock-hurt look, as she crossed her arms. “Can’t a sister visit her dearest brother?”   “Jaime?”   She deflated, scowling, as she probably thought of her hated brother. “Jaime.” She confirmed, distaste apparent by her voice. “He’s being a jerk, more than ever. He accused you for being a weakling, a sad excuse for a mage of Redfield, a failure just because you took runes instead of elementals,” and then, like a woman in PMS, her scowl turned into a wide grin. “And I slapped him for that.”   I shook my head, probably a tad more amused than I should. “Which is why you’re here.” she nodded, “Lily, as much as I would like to kill Jaime in cold blood,” she perked up at that, “ which I won’t,” she instantly deflated, “there’s a reason why I don't want to be a lord, and it helps that father favors Jaime more than me.”   More like he despised me enough to prefer Jaime to be my better. Granted, I did destroy his workshop which contained years of research and experiments, while he fucked my slutty mother silly- which may as well how Jaime came to be- and he would’ve disowned me if the act of doing so wouldn’t sully the Redfield’s name. Not that he didn't already sully the name himself.   She sighed. “You should still be a lord, you know. Lord Cain sounds better than Lord Jaime.” she spat his name with such venom, a strong resemblance of her familiar, before shaking her head. “What are you working on anyway?” she not so subtly changed the subject.   I sighed, staring at the accursed blade. “Working on an impossible request,” I said as I took my carving knife, tapping the flat edge onto the runes etched on the blade, “said he wanted a blade that could have three elements at once.”   She scrunched her face adorably, leaning back, “Can’t you just,” she twirled he hand in vague motion, “layer them?”   I blinked, staring at her curiously. “What do you mean?” I prodded inquisitively.   She clicked her mouth before sighing. “Sometimes I forget that you’re not an elementalist.” She shook her head, “I guess, I should explain it to you,” she took out her choice of focus- a wand, 9 inches of pure maple wood with fairy’s blood as a core, and heavily enchanted, courtesy of mine- and straightened herself like a professor on a lecturing podium. “Usually when an elementalist want to combine their elements, for example water, fire and lightning,” at this, she twirled her wand, muttering an incantation before 3 small orbs of energy began to form into existence, floating inches apart from each other with their respective color; blue, red and green.   “We don’t just simply mix them, see, that would result in various disasters, like self-decapitation. But we, how do I say it, stack them,” she said, face screwing in concentration as the 3 orbs began to move closer until it touched, and in a fluid-like movement, it fused into one orb, or more like a round container, and inside was the 3 previous elements, with their colors respectively. It’s…“Like how oil reacts with water, except we’re the one that make them, well… seperate.” She explained, dismissing the energy ball with her flick of wand, and tucking it back into her robe before leaning back on the couch.   I blinked, and then blinked again; opening my mouth before I closed them with a click, a grin made its way to my face. “You’re,” I breathed, staring at the goddess incarnate sitting on my couch. “You’re a bloody genius!” I exclaimed, and not-so-madly cackled. “By the gods, I could’ve just asked you, and I won’t be doing this shit!” I made a swiping gesture at the blade on the desk then to the pile of broken blades on the floor to my desk’s side.   She smiled proudly, puffing her chest. “Of course, I am. What do you take me for?”   I shook my head, smiling. “You’re a lifesaver, you know that?” I leaned back, groaning as I stretched my arms. “How should I repay you for this, huh? You just saved my reps from going bad, after all. I think that deserves something.”   She smiled, stroking her chin contemplatively before looking at me straight in the eyes. “Sleep with me.”   I blinked. “Lily,” I said slowly and carefully, like one would to a mad mage on the verge of doing public harassments. “I’m completely aware that there are rumors about me out there, but surely you don’t take them very seriously to prove them, right? And do you even know what incest means?”    “Of course I know,” she growled, glaring at me as if I just asked something asinine, though there were small red spots on her cheeks. “And when I said, ‘Sleep with me’, I mean I sleep on your lap, just like how I used to.” She added the last part half in nostalgia and half in embarrassment.   I blinked again, before smiling. “Ah. I thought you were going to force me to cross that dangerous line,” I ignored her glare, glancing at the clock, 11 P.M. “Sure, I’m tired anyway.” I said, before standing up from my chair.   She shooed our poor sleeping familiars, making Nero to roll her eyes as she jumped from the couch to the desk and to my padded chair, with poor Nagini still curled on her midsection. I chuckled, sitting on the spot that used to be our familiars’.   She untied her hair, letting it fall before she let her head fall onto my lap, swinging her legs sideways and for once, I was glad I bought a large couch. “I miss this, you know.” She sighed, snapping her fingers, causing the light to dim into nothingness.   I chuckled softly, stroking her hair softly— not far from how a caring mother would— as she closed her eyes, enjoying the rare show of affection. Mayhap that’s the reason why she wanted to do this, alternating her need of motherly affection into a brotherly one. After all, having a smiling brainless, idiot of a mother who prefer to stick up her ass to the air for the incoming train than caring her spawns would do that for you, it also didn’t help that her fifth birthday gift from mother was an honest to gods, purple dildo.   Again, there’s a reason why I thought my mother was less a mother and more of a breeding tool.   “You really should be a lord, you know. That way, I don’t need to visit you for this...” she murmured, before yawning. “Father couldn’t do anything about it, since he’s losing power. And you’re so much more smarter than that feather brained idiot, anyways.”   I shook my head ruefully, smiling wryly. “Well, I don’t want to die early because of politics. Jaime could do that for me.”   She giggled. "I suppose he could." There was a brief moment of silence, before she opened her eyes, and stared at me. "You've changed, you know," she started softly. "Ever since you returned from the Frontline... You seemed colder, more distant..." I raised an eyebrow. "Is that why you've been avoiding me?" "Y-Yes," she stammered, looking away from my eyes, and for some reason reminded me of Nero when I caught her from falling over a building. "I thought you would be different, you know? I was scared..." She smiled sadly. "I suppose I shouldn't." I shrugged, ruffling her hair softly. "Well, you can't blame yourself. You don't return from The Frontline without being unscatched," Not that she knew what entails with participating the Frontline. "But look at the bright side. At least I learned few things from there." "Like what?" She asked curiously. Assasination, killing, subterfuge, espionage, spying, torturing, brainwashing and many other inhuman things that she shouldn't, and will not know. There's no need in showing how much his brother had changed, and what kind of change it had done to me. "Fighting, and sleeping?" Her cheeks brightened furiously as she slapped my chest, before burying her head into said chest. "I hate you." She mumbled, no doubt pouting. I laughed, leaning down and kissed her head. "Well, you did ask," I pointed out, then a great idea popped into my mind. "How about we go shopping for tomorrow? It's a long time we haven't done that." She looked up from her new pillow. "Tomorrow's school." She stated dejectedly. "Bah," I scoffed, shaking my head. "Don't worry about it. I'll do something about it." She quirked an eyebrow, looking at me with her infamous curiousity. "How?" I winked. "Secret." She pouted, before digging her head back to my chest. "I'm going to sleep." She grumbily muttered. Carressing her hair softly, I closed my eyes, and let myself drift into the realm of the dark, where confusion revolves, nightmares laughed, and madness stared at you with its mad eyes. I smiled. "Good night." The scent of her hair, a sweet lavender, lingered in my nose as I fell to unconsciousness.   ­-()-=_=-()=-_-=()-=_=-()-   The bells atop of the entry clinked as I stepped into Carousel Boutique through its weird door, wherein it was divided into two. As if on cue, an alabaster unicorn with a carefully styled purple mane that probably took hours to set, and 3 diamonds as her cutie mark, stood in front of me, head held high, eyes closed, and smiling in a pleased manner.   “Welcome to Carousel Boutique,” she elegantly- as elegant as a multicolored midget pony could- greeted. “Where everything is chic and magnify-” it was at that moment that she- unfortunately- opened her eyes, froze as her eyes caught me, a tall biped twice her height with a black cat on his shoulder, whilst hugging an invisible air.   All in all, I looked like a deranged creature ready to hump the liquid out of the white unicorn as I stared right into the her blue eyes, which if I had to guess, belongs to Rarity. Not counting the possibility of a twin sister, and/or an impostor, that is.   We stared at each other in awkward silence, while the ethereal lump under my arms squirmed in discomfort.   Until she clicked her dirty gaping mouth shut, before clearing her throat daintily, smiling nervously at me. “So, you must be the visitor I heard from Pinkie Pie,” she paused, fidgeting nervously before gulping, “so, can I help you?”   I nodded. “Yes you can, I heard from the locals that you’re the seamstress in here,” and only. I paused, before cocking an eyebrow at her, “you do accept request right?”   She blinked, before smiling, all sign of nervousness gone. “Of course, I do.” She said, moving to the inside of the boutique, where she led me to a large podium. “What kind of clothes do you want, hmm?” she chewed her lips, observing me like an experiment object. “To be honest, I’ve never worked with a biped, before. This would be a good experience for me if I want to open my market to… other bipeds.”   I blinked at the sudden change of mood. Women, they’re always the same. Before shrugging and releasing Ruby from my capture. “Actually,” I began, digging to my bag, “I already know what I want; I just need you to measure my height and stuffs.” Finally I pulled a piece of neatly folded paper from bag, before offering it to her.   “Well, let me look at it first, darling,” she said, before the piece of paper in my hand floated to her in blue aura, opening itself as she looked at it. “This is…” she scrunched her face, before looking back at me, “are you sure you want this?”   I rolled my eyes.”Yes. Yes, I do.”   She sighed exaggeratedly, before shaking her head. “Oh well,” she smiled ruefully, as if remembering something, “got to be professional, yes?”   My right eye twitched ever so slowly at her veiled insult, whether it was on purpose or not. She levitated few measurement tapes to, duh, measure me. Now with the awkwardness gone, I could look around the boutique.   There were around five podiums -counting mines- and each of them was covered with curtains with three mirrors if it’s like mine. Mannequins littered the area; the wall was painted with pink, and various motifs and a stair on the back.   To be honest, it looked like a mini brothel minus the whores.   “You know,” Rarity idly commented, using a tape to measure my left arm. “You never introduced yourself, though it seems you already know mine. Quite unfair, don’t you think?”   “Just call me Psyche,” I answered, lifting my other arm to be measured. “Named after the goddess of souls of where I came from, Camelot.”    “Goddess?” she amusedly asked, before shaking her head. “Well, for decorum reasons, my name is Rarity, the owner of this beautiful boutique.”    I smiled wryly. “You don’t say?” I teased.   “I do say.” She returned, smiling as she did so before gently dropping the tape on a dresser, “Done.”   “So how long will it take?” I asked, stepping off from the podium.   She hummed, tapping her chin in thought. “Well, considering the surprisingly low demands this week, what with the Nightmare Night coming along, I would say just about two days.”    “That’s surprisingly quick.” I remarked, idly glancing at Nero who was talking to a white Persian cat.   “Yes, well, it’s not every day you get a non-pony customer.”   I hummed in agreement, remembering the time whence I almost got raped by a small village of demi-humans for being exotic. “Say, do you know where the library is?”   She blinked. “The library? Well, it’s in the centre of the town,” she paused, “Do say hello to Twilight from me if you’re going there, would you?”   “Eh, sure,” I shrugged, “friend of yours?”   She nodded proudly. “My best friend, in fact.” We stopped just as we reached the exit. “Well, then. I suppose I should say goodbye. To be honest, I wasn’t expecting you to be…” she trailed off, hesitation on her face.   “Civil?” She blushed slightly in shame, or maybe in embarrassment? Damn pony facials. “Don’t worry though, I get that a lot.” By inquisitors, executors, and bounty hunters or just people who want to kill me.   That said, I departed from the boutique and took a random right turn, not giving Rarity time to say anything. “Well, that went better than I thought.” I stated. Honestly expecting to see Guard Break-- or was it Break Guard?—to suddenly jump in and arrest me under a wrongful accusation.   “And that cat of hers is especially rude,” Nero commented in distaste. “Said I smelled like trash,” she sniffed haughtily, “the toms would strongly disagree compared to that waste of fat.”   I chuckled, before I stopped suddenly as I came in to a pitiful bout of realization. “Gods, we are both sex addicts,” Before shaking my head. “And there are only quadrupeds in this place.”   I sighed sadly, snatching Ruby back to my arms, unlike last time, she didn’t struggle. Also, unlike last time, I rubbed her head, and the back of her ears, eliciting sighs of bliss as she slumped backwards to my chest whilst Nero kept glancing at Ruby in jealousy.   _()_()_()_()_   A tree.   I stood there, frozen in amazement as I stared at the almost impossible entity in front of me, and doubtlessly not gaping. The Golden Oak-as per its sign- library, as it was, was not a normal library where stupid teenagers would usually hang out and do a silent orgy while the wrinkly librarian would secretly masturbate while reading a rather kinky erotica that involves horses, mud and piss. No, instead, the library was an honest to gods, tree.    And not a simple tree either, no, because that would just be too simple. It’s a fucking living and breathing tree, and a literal tree house to boot, complete with green leaves, bird nests, a balcony on the second floor and few windows.   Absently, I noted Ruby was staring at the tree, like a whore would to a particularly overly large cock, meaning the tree wasn’t anything normal in here either.   Magic, would be the common explanations for various mysterious happenings, which after several mysterious things, is true. But to say magic is responsible for every single mysterious thing would be like saying the Imperials’ mysterious, strange and deadly mini hand-cannon were created with the help of magic.   Which was as stupid as saying those jealous magic haters wouldn’t burn every mage they found on a stake after torturing and/or raped -depends on the captor’s preferences, really- them into a broken mindless flesh.   Briefly, I thanked Mr. Richard’s -bless his sick twisted soul- mad inventions for saving me times after times in that hellhole, otherwise known as Mages’ End and Kingdom of Purity respectively by mages and Imperials. I still consider it a miracle that I hadn’t lost a single fleshy part of me whilst in there.   Questions after questions crossed my mind, however only one was prominent: How is it still alive? Because, let’s be honest, the tree was furnished beyond its original self, yet it still stood strong. Were I be a druid (A.K.A. Tree fucker) I would’ve thought the tree was suffering.   But I digress. There’s only one viable way to find out. I held out my hand, touching the bark with my palm, and I looked. And there it was; a warm sensation-like-current familiar to the feeling of bathing in mutilated bodies of Executors and Inquisitors. Powerful, addicting, maddening, flowing, and did I already say addicting? It was a Ley line- no, Ley lines!   I blinked, pulling my hand from the addicting, and possibly, maddening source of power. “Oh,” I shook my head, “that was-”maddening, staggering, uncomfortable? “-a doozy.”   “Let’s,” Nero breathed, her eyes crossed before she shook her head. “Let’s never do that again.”   “Aye,” I agreed, “unless something, as it always will, force us to. Which I hope is never, which as hopeless as me singing The Song of Merlin in the shower, at least whatever it is won’t be inquisitors, executors or bounty hunters.” I blinked once more, shaking my head. “That was weird.”   “Uh,” Ruby said, looking at us-- mostly me-- in befuddlement. “What just happened?”   I moved back, separating us from the library. “Ruby, I just looked at pools of pure mana,” I told her, and upon her adorably confused look, I elaborated. “They’re called Ley lines, and what I just did is the equivalent of staring at the yellow big ball of energy there,” I pointed up at the sun, “for 24 hours. But instead of blindness, I could go mad.”    She gasped, eyes widening in shock. “But you’re not…”   I scoffed. “Of course not. If I am, I would be naked right now, dry humping every object I see, or choking the nearest living thing to me-“Nero”-to death while screaming about flying meat bicycle or some psycho bullshit,” I paused, sauntering to the library’s door. “Now, let’s stop talking about my inevitable fate and get some information about this place.”   “Wait, what do—“   I swung the door open, stepped in and closed it. Effectively cutting her.   I blinked, looking into the dark room, before I narrowed my eyes in suspicion. An ambush. I tensed my body as I readied a spell to throw at the first thing I see. A part of me made a small mental note to buy few daggers after this. There’s plenty of them, in here. Nero warily warned, eyes sharp as her claws held tightly to my shoulder. Then, suddenly, like a thunder striking down an unfortunate homeless person, the previously dark room was filled with light, that was soon followed ponies of various colors and sizes jumped from tables, chairs and boxes.   “SURPRISE!”   I threw a fireball at the first thing caught my sight.   It was pink.