Ponies, Pirates and Peculiar Psychopaths

by Dropbear

Keep Rocking On

Gold Standard peered out of the dome and into the snow, a lone figure approaching through the blizzard. The crystal stallion tightened his golden hoof around his spear, pointing the metal tip towards the oncoming pony.

“Who goes there!” he yelled out to be heard through the blizzard. He received no answer, and he stepped back as the lone stallion stepped through the shimmering dome and collapsed onto the perfect grass. Hesitantly, he considered going for reinforcements, deciding the watch the newcomer carefully. With a start, he realised that the pony’s coat wasn’t neat and shining like all crystal ponies, instead it was dull and haggled.

A hacking cough came from the stallion, a snow-covered head looking up with orange eyes.

“Where am… where am I?”

“You are at the Crystal City, sir,” Gold answered, tilting his head. “Who are you, and where are you from?”

The Stallion drew in some deep breaths, a bag of books spilling out worn tomes onto the grass while his ragged cloth-covered back heaved with exhaustion.
“I’m Sombra,” he began, looking past Gold and towards the city in awe. “King Sombra, and I come from a country named Equestria.”

“King?” Gold almost laughed, before he recognised the glint of a golden crown underneath the stallion’s dirty hood.

“I have been unjustly ousted from my throne by two demons,” Sombra explained. “I have been walking for months to seek aid in restoring peace to my people. Gold listened to his words, sensing no sign of deceit. Standing up tall and nodding, he offered his armoured hoof to the pony. While there was the small chance that it was a lie, he couldn’t find a reason as to why the stallion would make something like that up. Also, if Sombra turned out to truly be a king and Gold didn’t tell anyone, it could get him into a lot of hot water.

“I understand, quickly, I will take you to the King and Queen immediately. I’m sure they’ll be willing to help you out.”

“Thank you,” Sombra acknowledged, taking the hoof and standing up. “I’m sure they’ll be very helpful indeed.”

Reflection looked up as a tall pony mare entered the isolated cave. The white coated and blond-maned pony stepped around the worn mattresses serving as bedding, a hollow look on her face.

“Chrysalis,” Reflection greeted, standing up moving to meet her while the others watched. “You’ve been gone for the entire day.”

“I know,” Chrysalis replied, her disguise dropping before she sat on the cave floor. A coin purse was tossed against the wall, a small number of bits jingling inside of it. “I’m sorry for leaving you all alone for so long, but I’ve brought you all some dinner.”

At her words they all rushed towards her, crowding around to receive their share. Reflection sighed and hugged her mother, Chrysalis returning the gesture with a token effort. A small stream of love made its way to her, and she sighed. She could remember a year ago, when the food was plentiful and filling. The type of love that Chrysalis was bringing home tasted… different, and soured somewhat.

Still, Reflection couldn’t fault her for it. She’d offered to help Chrysalis feed them all, from wherever she was getting the love, but for some reason Chrysalis had forbidden her from mentioning it at all. Instead she merely sat and waited with her tired matriarch continued to provide the much needed meal.

“You came back with more money,” Buzz observed, Reflection glancing towards him. He’d grown, now he was up to Chrysalis’ chest when they were standing. All of them had, Chrysalis always telling them that Nigel would be so happy with the way they had grown up. The memory of the kind creature caused her to lower her head, Reflection almost able to feel the pleasing feeling of fingers scratching her ears.

“I did,” Chrysalis told him with a flat tone. “Almost enough to buy another mattress, then you and Cupid won’t have to share anymore.”

“Oh…” he tapped his forehooves together, a light blush on his face. “I don’t… I don’t really mind sharing with her. Maybe one of the others wants one of their own?”

Ignoring the obvious feelings that Buzz was trying to hide, Reflection glanced over at the mattresses before looking at the back corner where Chrysalis usually slept. “Maybe you could buy one for yourself.”

“No,” Chrysalis quickly replied. “I’m fine.”

Reflection frowned at the dull hair and the scratched chitin. “You don’t look fine.”


She drew back at the shout, everyone retreating to the back of the cave in fear. Lately, Chrysalis had possessed a short-temper, and none wished to test her patience.
Reflection watched Chrysalis with wide eyes, the adult changeling lying down with her head in her hooves. She was mumbling to herself, Reflection looking towards the other nymphs before edging forwards. Upon getting closer, she could hear what Chrysalis was saying. “I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry…”

“Chrysalis?” Reflection inquired, placing a hoof upon the sobbing changeling’s back. She could guess at what the problem was. “Look, I know that you didn’t mean to yell, we’re just worried about you.”

The sobs died out, but Chrysalis gave no reply. Slowly, the rest of the changelings crowded round once more. This time it wasn’t about food, but they were merely seeking to comfort Chrysalis.

Reflection laid down next to Swissy and Keith, her hoof still over Chrysalis’ back. Slowly, they all started to drift off into sleep as a group with their mattresses forgotten. Her eyes closing, Reflection curled up against Chrysalis and turned her head away. A single tear fell from her eye, Reflection holding back a sniffle.

‘I miss you, Dad.’

“Chalmers, you daft maniac.”

Morning finished her mumbled words with a shake of her head, staring out at the sunset. Her thoughts went to Chrysalis and the nymphs, even though she had spent the year searching for them there were no signs across all of the lands. She’d been to the Griffon lands, plundered towns in the Minotaur isles, and even parlayed with Zebra priestesses. One would think that eleven insectoid equines wouldn’t be hard to locate, not with all of the power and influence she had built up with Chalmers’ final gift.
There was, of course, the other possibility.

She didn’t believe that it was possible though, surely Chrysalis and the children made it out of the town in time. They were probably hiding in a town back in Equestria, Morning vowing to head back and find them for her former Captain.

Sighing, she turned away and retreated to her command room for the night. Maybe Spyglass would be able to make her feel better, but she knew that she wouldn’t feel truly content until she knew the fate of Chrysalis.

Passing the treasure room, laden down with gold and jewels thanks to another successful voyage, she realised that she would trade it all for the chance to hear him unveil another evil and cheesy plan.

The thoughts were fruitless, none of the treasure in the world could bring him back from the dead.

“Delicious! I love-love-love them.”

Chrysalis tried hard to not cry, the apple fritter sour in her mouth. Eating the treat made her feel sick, memories from a time long since gone rising to the fore as she chewed. Struggling to swallow the bite, she grinned at the pony named Applejack.

“Aw, shucks. Why don't you take a few to go?”

A paper bag of the same hated products was offered, Chrysalis quickly accepting it and carrying it with her mouth. She trotted towards the kitchen exit, leaving the ponies behind.

“I know how you brides can be. So busy, you forget to get a little somethin' in your belly.”

Chrysalis restrained herself, trying to remind herself that Applejack couldn’t possibly know just how much the words hurt. She paused, before tossing the bag into the bin and hurrying out. The doors slammed behind her, Chrysalis hoping that none of the ponies would notice the fresh tears falling from her eyes.

Wiping them with her hooves, she stared up at the castle that would be hosting her wedding.

“It’s been nine-hundred and thirty-eight years,” she mumbled to herself. Her eyes narrowed in anger, her teeth clenching. “I will have my revenge, and then you’ll all know what it’s like to have your love stolen from you.”

Hedge Trim wiped his brow with his grey foreleg, standing back and admiring his work.

‘Done and dusted, everything is perfect for the wedding.’

The flower beds were perfect, the roses especially. Granted, this was only the rear gardens and were unlikely to even be a part of the festivities, but he felt good knowing that he had done the best job that he could have done. Glancing towards the old tool shed, he considered storing his shovel in there for the night instead of walking around to the main storage warehouse.

Considering the plan, he remembered what had lurked at the back of the small structure. It had apparently been there for hundreds of years if the previous castle gardener had been telling the truth, Trim remembering the elderly stallion spinning a tale about how it was a mystical beast that had fallen due to its own ego.
A shiver went down his spine as he recalled the blank stare that it gave everyone, and he made up his mind.

“I don’t think so,” Trim muttered to himself, turning around and beginning the long trip to the other side of the gardens. “That old statue is far too creepy for this old stallion.”

“Mares and Gentlecolts, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Shining Armour.”

Chrysalis maintained a genuine grin, however it had nothing to do with the ceremony or the stallion standing beside her. Finally, she was on the cusp of attaining her true desire.

Today, Canterlot would fall, and tomorrow it would be Equestria.

The utter fool leading the ceremony didn’t even know who she was, Celestia smiling at her warmly. She couldn’t wait until the chance to explain it all to Celestia, preferably while the beaten alicorn was quivering in fear at her hooves. After that, Luna would be dragged before her to join her sister on the floor. Then, she would return upon the pair what they had done to her, and it would feel so good.

The rest of Celestia’s rambling flew past her, Chrysalis going over her plan in her head. With the shield soon to be shattered, her children would swarm into the city and drink their fill of wonderful emotions. Equestria’s long years of peace would be over in a heartbeat, a most fitting end to such a rotten country.

“Princess Cadance and Shining Armor,” Chrysalis looked up, Celestia having finally reached the highlight of the ceremony.

‘Good, I was wondering when this would end.’

“It is my great pleasure to pronounce you-“


Chrysalis’ fangs nearly broke through her disguise, the purple thorn in her side busting through the doors once again.

‘This little tick,’ she fumed, grinding her teeth together. ’Can’t she just play her part like every other pony? I’ll have to resort to some desperate measures.’

“Ugh! Why does she have to be so possessive of her brother?” She began to cry without tears, hiding her face while she sobbed. “Why does she have to ruin my special day?” It almost worked, ponies giving her sympathetic gazes.

That was, of course, before the real Princess Cadence entered through the same door.


“Because it's not your special day! It's mine!” The crowd gasped, looking between them like the stupid equines they were. The dishevelled Cadence glared at her, Chrysalis narrowing her own eyes.

“What? But how did you escape my bridesmaids?” That’s what she got for using ‘hired’ help, why didn’t she listen to her generals when they told her to bring a few infiltrators?

“I don’t understand,” Applejack spoke up, the Element Bearer looking utterly clueless. “There’s two of them?”

Cadence stepped closer, Chrysalis snarling at the irritation before her. She should have killed her while she had the chance, but that point was far past.

“She’s a changeling, she takes the form of somepony you love and gains power by feeding off their emotion.” Cadence was staring right at her with a hate the Chrysalis hadn’t seen for centuries. Gasps filled the air, Chrysalis inwardly sighing before silently laughing to herself.

A flash of green revealed her true form, ponies screaming while her silent laughter became audible.

“Right you are, Princess. And as queen of the changelings, it is up to me to find food for my subjects.” She laughed again, thinking of the destruction that her fed subjects would bring down upon the city. “Equestria has more love than any place I've ever encountered.” She almost paused saying it, her old memories playing up again. Dismissing them, she continued with her speech. “My fellow changelings will be able to devour so much of it that we will gain more power than we have ever dreamed of!”

Another cackle finished it off, Chrysalis glowing with glee. With such power, they could do anything. Trotting out, she enjoyed the moment.

“They'll never get the chance! Shining Armour’s protection spell will keep them from ever even reaching us!”

Shaking her head at Cadence’s stupidity, Chrysalis couldn’t resist glancing back at Shining Armour. She laughed, another burst of love siphoning from him as she watched Cadence shake with fury. “Oh, I doubt that. Isn't that right, dear?”

“Mm-hmm,” Shining mumbled, remaining still and compliant thanks to her magic. Cadence charged, but Chrysalis knew that the weakling was powerless.

“Ah, ah, ah.” Cadence halted, Chrysalis charging her horn with wicked intent. “Don't want to go back to the caves, now do you?” She received a glare but nothing else, the meddling Twilight Sparkle moving to stand beside Cadence. “Ever since I took your place, I've been feeding off Shining Armour’s love for you,” she flew back to admire the fruits of her plan, Shining still staring off into space. “Every moment he grows weaker and so does his spell. Even now, my minions are chipping away at it.”

She laughed again, using a hoof to turn Shining’s lifeless eyes towards her. “He may not be my husband,” ‘He’ll never come close to… him. “But he is under my total control now.” Once again the ponies all gasped, Cadence jolting in shock. Chrysalis took a second to savour her anguish. “And I'm sorry to say, unable to perform his duties as captain of the Royal Guard.”

“No! Not my Shining Armour!” Cadence’s eyes widened, Chrysalis smirking at the helplessness. She moved to stand in front of the unresponsive Captain, a grin on her face as she faced Cadence.

“Soon, my changeling army will break through. First, we take Canterlot. And then,” she beat her wings and flew up for dramatic effect. “All of Equestria!”


‘Finally, what took you so long?’

She turned to face Celestia, landing as the Princess finally decided to emerge from the sidelines. Celestia’s eyes were narrowed, the normally kind pony radiating power. “You won’t. You may have made it impossible for Shining Armour to perform his spell, but now that you have so foolishly revealed your true self,” Celestia dashed forwards. Chrysalis locked horns with the alicorn, both showing their anger openly. “I can protect my subjects from you!”

‘Just try it.’

Quick as a flash, Celestia flew up and shot a beam of magic from her horn. Unprepared for such a smoothly-cast spell, Chrysalis responded with her own. The beams met in the middle, green fighting against gold while the crowd continued to watch in awe. She gritted her teeth and grunted with the strain, her confidence wavering under Celestia’s impressive magical might.

It was not to be for the Sun Princess, however. Having supped on the bountiful love that Shining held for Cadence, Chrysalis was brimming with power.

Opening one eye, she was surprised to see her beam gaining ground against the other. Judging from the open mouth that Celestia possessed, the feeling was mutual.

A boom and a flash rang out, Chrysalis shielding her eyes momentarily before looking back. Celestia was falling, the tip of her horn burnt black. The alicorn hit the ground with a thud, her golden tiara clattering down beside her. Ponies broke out of their shock and ran to their Princess, Chrysalis recovering before looking to Cadence in awe.

“Shining Armour’s love for you is even stronger than I thought! Consuming it has made me even more powerful than Celestia!” She buzzed with glee at the end, taking flight and throwing out her hooves. A ruined plan had turned into an absolute boon, now nothing could stop her.

“The Elements of Harmony.” What was this? Celestia was still conscious? “You must get to them and use their power to defeat the Queen.” Chrysalis couldn’t help but stare as five of the element bearers threw off their dresses without hesitation, galloping through the parted crowd towards the main doors. The last one, the dressmaker, was trying to gather up the discarded clothing before following after their calls.

‘Should I be worried?’ she thought, before grinning. ‘No, I can feel its weakness.’

Cackling, she watched the six ponies hurry away to gather their useless trinkets. “You can run, but you can't hide!” She could feel her subjects laugh with her, the sentiment travelling over their hive mind. As a group, the horde of changelings dived towards the barrier one final time.

With a shatter, the shield protecting the entire city crumbled into nothingness.

Watching for a moment while her subjects rained down upon the now-defenceless city, she chuckled and flew back into the throne room.
Now, nothing could go wrong, and her revenge would soon be complete.

It was, indeed, a wonderful day.