Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Falling for distractions

Chapter 122

"Will this even work?"

"Oh, it'll work."

"But... this plan is flawed. The Princesses are there, and so is that one pony called the Traveler."

"Yes, I know. That's why you use a distraction."

"A distraction?"

"Yes, a distraction. This will get rid of the troublesome ones and leave us our main target."

"So, we just attack?"

"That's the plan. We'll catch them off guard completely. Plus, the shield I'm going to put up should keep them all inside."

*A few mummers*

"Lance Greenfield will be ours by the end of this! I promise you all that!"

*Excited cheers and yells*



I looked up at the stage and began to laugh.

Vinetion was holding Frederic upside down by using her vines to tie his legs together. He was suspend in front of her as she yelled at him about something.

[Hogtied! HAHAHA!]

Vinetion slapped Frederic across the face with one of her vines and yelled something else.

Celestia smirked and whispered something in Vinetion's ear, causing her to smile slyly.

She put a hoof on Frederic's face and gave him a hard push, causing him to spin around and around uncontrollably, still held in place by her vines.

"Dang, poor guy." I muttered to myself.

[.... Lance, I just noticed that you don't cuss anymore. In your mind or out loud. What gives?!]
{Huh, I'm an angel, duh.}
[So what? I still fucking cuss. Come on, just use mild ones, it gets annoying with you saying dang and darn all the time. It's like you've been turned into a pussy!]
{*Sigh* Fine, but only mild ones.}

I turned around from the scene on stage and trotted off. Oh sure, I would love to stay and watch Frederic's public humiliation, but... I see a food table!


I trotted over to it, licking my lips.

When I was in front of it, I began to look over all the tasty food.... Oh there's so much!

"No Trixie, I didn't eat the freaking pie!" Alexander yelled out as he and Trixie stood next to a empty pie tin.

I raised an eyebrow as I looked at their costumes.

What are they suppose to be?

"Hey, Alexander!" I yelled out.

He turned and smiled, "Hey Lance!"

"Come here for a sec."

He nodded and said something to Trixie before trotting over to me.

"What's up?"

I looked him over, "What are you suppose to be?"

He smiled and held out a foreleg, "I'm Simon from Gurren Lagann."

Never heard of it. "And what about the bitch?"

He sighed and shook his head, "That's my mare dude."

I shrugged, "Does it matter?"

"Yes! I love her man!" He snapped.

I held up a hoof, "Okay, sorry."

He sighed and looked back at her, "She's suppose to be Yoko, from the same show."

I chuckled, "I guess it fits her."

He looked back at me and smiled, "It sure does! We're going to..."

"Alexander, please come over here." Trixie yelled out, levitating the pie tin up again.

He smiled sheepishly, "I... I got to solve a problem."

I smirked and nodded, "Go for it."

As he trotted back to her, I snickered to myself.

[He's so screwed! HAHAHA!]

Two minutes later

"What the hell are you suppose to be?" I asked Grey Byte as he trotted past.

He stopped and shrugged, "I have no idea, I just liked it."

That's just creepy. It looks like a bony... thing... something.. type suit. Very, very creepy.

"And I'm an Shadow Bolt!" White Noise yelled out, striking a pose.

"Really? I couldn't tell." I said with a smirk.

He rolled his eyes and laughed.

"So, how's Colgate and Berry Punch doing?" I asked, looking back at Grey Byte.

He smiled, "They're doing great! Berry Punch just needs to hold back on her drinking, but meh, I still love her."

"Yeah, you should hear them at night... oh its so horrible!" White Noise said with a large smirk.

"You. Are. Dead!" Grey said, going down into a fighting pose.

"And... I'm out!" White Noise yelled as he shot down the street, followed by a laughing Grey Byte.

I shook my head with a smile and trotted down the street, talking to a few ponies.

Alone the way, I saw Aaron trying to climb a tree... dressed as a ninja.


I laughed a little and continued down the street, stopping at a few ponies to chat.

[Huh, that's shocking]
[Look at the stage.]
<That is shocking.>

I looked up at the stage and let out a small laugh.

Annabel and Discord were dancing together on the stage, both laughing and holding each other.

Yes... that is shocking.

And surprisingly, the crowd of ponies were laughing along with them, not running away as expected.

Discord tossed Annabel up into the air and caught her a second later, both of them striking a pose.

This caused the crowd of ponies to cheer and chant for more.

Annabel and Discord bowed and began another dance.

Before I could properly enjoy it though, somepony walked up behind me and blew into a sax, causing me to jump straight into the air... and let out a girlish scream.

When I landed, I turned to face the pony, prepared to give them a piece of my mind. But, I only laughed.

"Really Omnius?" I said with a large grin.

He nodded and floated his sax up in front of himself, "Yep, really."

"And what are you suppose to be?"

He smiled and waved the sax around, "A sax pony."

I rubbed my neck, "I could have guessed that."

He shrugged and smiled, "Have you seen David's costume? He's a pyro."

"And that's?"

He shrugged again, "I can't describe it, sorry. OH! Have you seen Shadow Breeze?"

I shook my head, "No, not yet."

"You should see him! He's dressed up as Superman, and Drax. This is priceless, he's dressed up as Trunks from Dragon Ball Z! You should see him!"

I began to laugh, as in real laughing. This was hilarious! I got to see them!

"One last thing, have you seen your brother?" He asked.

I shook my head, "No, I haven't seen him since I brought him back."

"I know... Do you want me to go fetch him?"

I shrugged, "Nah, it's fine. I'll look for him later."

"I'll help after the party. I want to talk to the guy." Omnius said while polishing his sax.

"Thanks, I'm thinking about asking him if he'll..."

"Lance!" Came a voice behind me.

I turned around to face the cloaked pony.

"Come with me."

I raised an eyebrow, "Why?"

I heard him sigh, "I have to tell you something very important."

I stared him down, already suspicious of his actions.

"Please, follow." He said, starting to back up.

I sighed and looked at Omnius, "I'll catch you after the party?"

He nodded, "Yeah, I'll be at the library after this."

I gave a nod and ran off to catch up to the cloaked pony.

The pony lead me down an alley and then to the backside of a building.

He turned to face me and hung his head.

I trotted up slowly, prepared for him to jump at me.

But, instead, he looked up at me, "Lance, there's an incredible force coming this way."

I cocked my head, "What?"

He sighed, "Listen, do you remember everyone you've fought?"

I thought for a second and nodded.

He gave a slight nod, "Good... because the one called Nightmare has grouped them all together... every one of them."

I rolled my eyes, "Uh-huh, of course he did. Listen buddy, that would be impossible. I killed Nightmare, Richard is stuck in the middle of the earth, and the others are either in prison or trapped somewhere."

"It is possible! And you didn't kill Nightmare! You can't kill him! Believe me, I've tried on many occasions!" He yelled out, becoming annoyed.

I sighed and looked him in the face... or cloaked face, "How would you even know this? I've never seen you before."

He gulped and pulled down the hood, "What I'm about to tell you doesn't leave this area. I've only told one other, and that's m... your wife, Twilight."

"Wait, you talked to Twilight?!" I yelled out.

He nodded, "I did, but I only told her who I was, nothing else."

I crossed my Forelegs and stared him down, "Oh? And who are you?"

He gulped slightly, "Before that, I will have to tell you about me." He then cleared his throat, "I... I am from an alternate universe. In this universe, this land, Equestria, is completely obliterated."

"By?" I said, rolling my hooves in front of me.

He sighed, "It was destroyed by all of m... your enemies."

I raised an eyebrow, "How? I think me and my friends can take on those guys."

He shook his head, "No, you couldn't, not all at once. That is what happened the last time. They easily overpowered everyone using the Holy Magic in your body. Remember, that magic is more powerful than the magic here, and if you can control it just right, then you can control almost everything else."

I held up a hoof, "You're saying that me and my friends can't hold them off? I call that bull shit, have you seen us fight those guys yet?"

He rubbed his face with his hoof, "I know you can't win, not if you don't listen to me."

I tapped my forehead, "And why should I listen to you?"

He looked me in the eye and said in a serious tone, "Because Lance... I'm you."

My eyes shot open and my back legs gave out, causing me to fall on my haunches, "Wha... how? You don't even look like me! You don't have strips! Only cuts! And your mane and tail are a different color and style from mine! And your eyes, they don't even look like mine!"

He smiled slightly, "I did say alternate universe, didn't I? I came here before, but I couldn't find you. It took me a while to figure out you would look different from me."

I shook my head, "Oh no! There's no way you're me!"

"I can prove it."

"Okay then..." I tapped my chin, "Aha! When I was six, what happened that made me scared of cars?"

He laughed, "You climbed into our aunts car and pulled the emergency break and went down the hill backwards in the car. That prove it?"

I laughed at the memory, but snapped back to seriousness, "No! What happened to my first pet!"

"You ran our dog Chummy over with a lawn mower by accident."

I shuddered at the memory, "Okay, last one: What did I do at my school dance that pissed off the girl of my dreams?"

He smirked, "You tried to do a back flip off of the stage and landed on her instead. And, to top it off, you threw up on her before she could stand up.... we probably shouldn't have drunk all those Monsters before attempting that."

I chuckled and looked him over, "So, you're me, or an alternate me? What should I call you?"

He nodded, "You can call me Giro... most do anyway."

"Okay, Giro, tell me what's about to happen." I said, looking him in the eyes.

He closed his eyes and rubbed his chest, "Okay, listen closely, everyone you've ever fought will be at Canterlot tonight. The Princesses will be notified and they'll take a few of you're friends with them, but, do not go with them."

"Why? I have to be there for my friends!"

He held up a hoof, "Listen, if you go, you'll only make things worst. When I went, all I did was get them all killed.... Listen Lance, they're planned out more this time. They'll throw a shield up around Canterlot and trap you inside, after that... They'll just slaughter everyone till you give yourself up and surrender to them. If you don't go, they'll have to postpone their plans."

I hung my head slightly, "I'll listen to you... Will you help me fight them? I could use you're help."

He shook his head, "I'm sorry, but I can not interfere, I only came back to tell you this and to watch it play out. I'll be going to Canterlot with the others, I'll just teleport there. I'll make sure they're safe, but that's all I can do."

I patted him on the shoulder, "Thank you... When will this happen."

He winced, "Five minutes... I think... Oh no..."

He then ran past me, pulling his hood back up, "Quickly!"

"What is it?" I yelled as I ran after him.

He looked back and yelled, "Listen, you have to make sure Twilight goes with them, and that she takes the kids. If she doesn't... just make sure she takes them with her!"

I nodded, "Got it!"

We rounded the corner to see the town's square. Everything was normal... except for that trio of Royal Guards quickly trotting toward Princess Celestia.

I just entered the crowd when the guards began to whisper into her ear.

When I reached the stage, her head snapped up and she began to whisper to Luna and Frederic.

I jumped up on the stage and half ran over to them.

When I reached them, Frederic looked at me, "Not good..."

I looked at Celestia, "What is it?"

She looked at me, a look of worry on her face, "Nightmare is in Canterlot..."

I tried to acted shocked, "He is?!"

She nodded.

"And are we going to fight him?" Frederic asked.

She shook her head, "No! That's to dangerous! We're going to do this the right way and use the elements of harmony."

I nodded once, "Yes! The elements!"

Luna looked around, "Shall I announce this to the crowd?"

"I'll do it." Celestia said, turning to face the crowd.

I looked out into the crowd and saw Twilight and Spark on the side. I really hope Giro knows what he's doing...

"Citizens of Ponyville." Celestia yelled, addressing the crowd, "There is an emergency in Canterlot, and we must depart to deal with it. I would like Twilight Sparkle and her friends to come with us."

I tapped her shoulder, "And take my friends, trust me on this."

She raised an eyebrow, but looked back at the crowd, "And, I also want Lance's friends to come with us. We must leave at once, so please, hurry." As the crowd began to panic, she added, "Don't fret everypony, this is nothing, just a minor thing. We'll have this solved within the hour, I promise."

This calmed the crowd slightly, but only slightly.

Celestia turned and began to quickly trot to her chariot, "Come, we must leave at once!"

I smiled sheepishly, "I'll stay here... just encase."

"Very well." She called back.

"Oh, and please tell Twilight to bring Spark. He’ll be safer with you."

She climbed off the stage, "If that's what you wish Lance."

Frederic watched Celestia and Luna leave before he looked at me, "I'm staying here with you. They won't need me."

I look at him and smile, "That's alright with me."

"Dude, what's going on?" Seth asked as he and Zorrow pulled themselves up onto the stage.

I looked at them quickly, "No time to explain! You have to follow the Princesses, hurry!"

Zorrow looked at me, "Huh... Okay?"

I sighed, I hate this.... I really hope Giro knows what he's doing...

Ten minutes later, Canterlot

Giro stood on top of one of the large buildings in Canterlot, looking out over the city. Waiting for it to begin.

"Come on, where are they?" He said to himself, looking up at the clear night sky.

This didn't make sense, they should have already attacked.

He looked around the city, scanning every detail with his Bionic eye. Everything looked normal, nothing out of place.

He sighed and looked towards Ponyville, "Could I have been wrong? Did I... Oh no, that's not good."

In the distance, where Ponyville was located, was huge black shield. In side he could see many explosions and flashes of light.

Five minutes earlier

I sat on the stage, rubbing my face, hoping my family and friends were okay. My costume was already off and laying next to me.

"I wonder what the emergency was." Grace said, taking off her costume.

"Beats me." Peter said as he also pulled his costume off.

"Probably a domestic problem... or my weed monster got out..." Greg said with a smirk, already stripped down.

I looked at the my remaining friends who had stayed behind and smiled. Gotta love those guys.

We were all just sitting around, watching the other ponies walk around and pick up the decorations. Apparently, no one wanted to party after the Princesses left, but meh, doesn't matter to me. I just want my friends to come back okay.

Frederic sat down next to me and smiled, "Don't worry Lance, they'll be okay, they're with the Princesses after all."

I smiled and looked at him, "Yeah, I know. Just a little worried that..." My eyes widened.

"What?" Frederic asked with a worried expression.

I pointed upward.

He looked up and gasped at what he saw.

A black shield was beginning to form over the town, just like the one that Shinning Armor used to protect Canterlot.

"What the hell..."


The building across the street suddenly blew apart, sending wood and stone everywhere.

Everypony began to panic, running in different directions.

Frederic and I jumped up as two more building's exploded.

"What's going on?!" Grace yelled out, covering her ears as more explosions rocked the town.

"No...." Frederic whispered as he looked straight up.

I looked up and felt a surge of fear. It was Richard... Richard! He was using what ever magic he had to actually destroy the town!

But... he's suppose to be... No.. no!

[What the fuck! What did we miss?!]
<What the hell! Whats happening?!>

"Oh shit..." Peter said as he began to back up towards us.

"Ah, Peter, so good to actually see you on the outside." Violent Inferno said with a smirk as he walked out of an alleyway and slowly stomped towards us.

"Oh Lance!" Called a all to familiar voice.

I looked to the right and saw Jun, already in Breaking Dawn mode... with the addition of black smoke...

<... This can't be happening...>

"Well, it's good to see my two favorite ponies again." Val said smugly as he appeared out of nowhere to our left.

I looked at him and felt another surge of worry. His horn was back...

"Ah, good to see you again Lance." Came a voice as a black cloud landed a few yards from us and began to change its form till it resembled Nightmare... in his Werewolf form...

I gulped, "But... you was suppose to attack Canterlot..."

He smiled smugly, "Oh? You actually fell for it? Well, you're more of a fool then I thought you were."


I turned to see a large... serpent like pony, completely black, stepping onto the stage.

"Ah, meet the leader of the Darkness." Nightmare said as we all stared in awe.

I turned back and gulped, I then looked at Frederic, "What now?"

He took a deep breath, "What else? We go down fighting."

I gave a weak nod.

I looked at the group of our enemies, all of them surrounding us.

Giro... was wrong... WE fell for the distraction...

[Dawn... I want you to do your best while you're controlling Lance.]
<*Gulp* I'll try Break... I'll try...>

"So..." Nightmare said evilly, causing all of us to tense up.

"Who's first?"